Forked from
atlas / athena
21138 commits behind the upstream repository.
Increase eta range for track selection Previously had a hardcoded limit of |eta|<3.0 for the track selection. This is widened to allow analyses for the ITk. In addition, the decription of a previously undocumented command line option for the TrigInDetValidation jobs has been addewd
Increase eta range for track selection Previously had a hardcoded limit of |eta|<3.0 for the track selection. This is widened to allow analyses for the ITk. In addition, the decription of a previously undocumented command line option for the TrigInDetValidation jobs has been addewd
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AnalysisConfigMT_Ntuple.cxx 34.90 KiB
** @file AnalysisConfigMT_Ntuple.cxx
** @author mark sutton
** Copyright (C) 2002-2023 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
#include "TrigInDetAnalysisExample/AnalysisConfigMT_Ntuple.h"
#include "xAODTruth/TruthParticleContainer.h"
#include "xAODTruth/TruthVertexContainer.h"
#include "xAODEventInfo/EventInfo.h"
#include "TrigDecisionTool/FeatureRequestDescriptor.h"
#include "TrigInDetAnalysis/Filter_AcceptAll.h"
#include "TrigInDetAnalysisUtils/Filter_etaPT.h"
#include "TrigInDetAnalysisUtils/Filter_RoiSelector.h"
#include "TrigInDetAnalysisUtils/Filters.h"
#include "TrigInDetAnalysisUtils/TIDAVertexBuilder.h"
#include "TrigInDetAnalysis/TIDDirectory.h"
#include "TrigInDetAnalysisUtils/TIDARoiDescriptorBuilder.h"
std::string date();
//function to find true taus
HepMC::ConstGenParticlePtr fromParent( int pdg_id, HepMC::ConstGenParticlePtr p, bool printout=false );
template<class T>
void remove_duplicates(std::vector<T>& vec) {
std::sort(vec.begin(), vec.end());
vec.erase(std::unique(vec.begin(), vec.end()), vec.end());
std::set<std::string> AnalysisConfigMT_Ntuple::get_configured_chains() {
std::set<std::string> chains;
const std::vector<std::string> configuredChains = (*m_tdt)->getListOfTriggers("L2_.*, EF_.*, HLT_.*");
if (m_provider->msg().level() <= MSG::VERBOSE) {
m_provider->msg(MSG::VERBOSE) << "[91;1m" << configuredChains.size() << " Configured Chains" << "[m" << endmsg;
for ( unsigned i=0 ; i<configuredChains.size() ; i++ ) {
if (m_provider->msg().level() <= MSG::VERBOSE) {
m_provider->msg(MSG::VERBOSE) << "[91;1m" << "Chain " << configuredChains[i] << " (ACN)[m" << endmsg;
chains.insert( configuredChains[i] );
std::vector<ChainString> chainNames;
std::vector<ChainString>::iterator chainitr = m_chainNames.begin();
/// handle wildcard chain selection - but only the first time
while ( chainitr!=m_chainNames.end() ) {
/// get chain
ChainString& chainName = (*chainitr);
/// get matching chains
std::vector<std::string> selectChains;
if ( chainitr->head()=="" ) selectChains.push_back("");
else selectChains = (*m_tdt)->getListOfTriggers( chainName.head() );
for ( unsigned iselected=0 ; iselected<selectChains.size() ; iselected++ ) {
selectChains[iselected] = chainName.subs( selectChains[iselected] );
/// replace wildcard with actual matching chains ...
chainNames.push_back( ChainString(selectChains[iselected]) );
m_provider->msg(MSG::INFO) << "[91;1m" << "Matching chain " << selectChains[iselected] << "[m" << endmsg;
/// if this has a cosmic chain, set the fiducial radius to be very large to
/// allow the production vertex of the cosmic to be included
if ( selectChains[iselected].find("cosmic")!=std::string::npos ) m_fiducial_radius = 1e10;
m_chainNames = chainNames;
return chains;
void AnalysisConfigMT_Ntuple::loop() {
m_provider->msg(MSG::DEBUG) << "[91;1m" << "AnalysisConfigMT_Ntuple::loop() for " << m_analysisInstanceName
<< " compiled " << __DATE__ << " " << __TIME__ << "\t: " << date() << "[m" << endmsg;
bool foundOffline = false;
// get (offline) beam position
double xbeam = 0;
double ybeam = 0;
double zbeam = 0;
std::vector<double> beamline;
// get (online) beam position
double xbeam_online = 0;
double ybeam_online = 0;
double zbeam_online = 0;
std::vector<double> beamline_online;
// m_provider->msg(MSG::INFO) << " offline beam position\tx=" << xbeam << "\ty=" << ybeam << "\tz=" << zbeam << endmsg;
// m_provider->msg(MSG::INFO) << " online beam position\tx=" << xbeam_online << "\ty=" << ybeam_online << "\tz=" << zbeam_online << endmsg;
/// list the configured chains once
static const std::set<std::string> configuredHLTChains = get_configured_chains();
Filter_AcceptAll filter;
/// FIXME: should really have hardcoded limits encoded as
/// const variables
Filter_etaPT filterRef(5,500);
/// use wide |eta|<5 range to allow for ITk studies also
Filter_etaPT filter_etaPT(5.0,m_ptmin);
Filter_pdgIdpTeta filter_pdgIdpTeta(m_TruthPdgId,5.0,m_ptmin); // |eta|<5, pt>m_ptmin
TrackFilter* truthFilter = &filter_etaPT;
TrigTrackSelector selectorTruth( truthFilter, m_fiducial_radius, m_TruthPdgId, m_parentTruthPdgId);
TrigTrackSelector selectorRef( &filter_etaPT );
TrigTrackSelector selectorTest( &filter );
TIDAVertexBuilder vertexBuilder;
if ( xbeam!=0 || ybeam!=0 ) {
selectorTruth.setBeamline( xbeam, ybeam, zbeam );
selectorRef.setBeamline( xbeam, ybeam, zbeam );
if ( xbeam_online!=0 || ybeam_online!=0 ) {
selectorTest.setBeamline( xbeam_online, ybeam_online, zbeam_online );
selectorTruth.correctTracks( true );
selectorRef.correctTracks( true );
selectorTest.correctTracks( true );
// clear the ntuple TIDA::Event class
const xAOD::EventInfo* pEventInfo = 0;
unsigned run_number = 0;
unsigned long long event_number = 0;
unsigned lumi_block = 0;
unsigned bunch_crossing_id = 0;
unsigned time_stamp = 0;
double mu_val = 0;
if ( retrieve(pEventInfo, "EventInfo").isFailure() ) {
m_provider->msg(MSG::DEBUG) << "Failed to get EventInfo " << endmsg;
else {
run_number = pEventInfo->runNumber();
event_number = pEventInfo->eventNumber();
lumi_block = pEventInfo->lumiBlock();
time_stamp = pEventInfo->timeStamp();
bunch_crossing_id = pEventInfo->bcid();
mu_val = pEventInfo->averageInteractionsPerCrossing();
m_provider->msg(MSG::DEBUG) << "run " << run_number
<< "\tevent " << event_number
<< "\tlb " << lumi_block << endmsg;
// build a chain group on the fly and use the reference
const Trig::ChainGroup* L2chain=(*m_tdt)->getChainGroup("L2_.*");
const Trig::ChainGroup* EFchain=(*m_tdt)->getChainGroup("EF_.*");
const Trig::ChainGroup* HLTchain=(*m_tdt)->getChainGroup("HLT_.*");
m_provider->msg(MSG::DEBUG) << "[91;1m"
<< "L2 pass " << L2chain->isPassed() << "\t"
<< "EF pass " << EFchain->isPassed() << "\t"
<< "HLT pass " << HLTchain->isPassed() << "[m"
<< endmsg;
/// check whether the chains have actually run, otherwise there's no point
/// doing anything
bool analyse = false;
unsigned decisiontype = TrigDefs::Physics;
/// bomb out if no chains passed and not told to keep all events
int passed_chains = 0;
m_provider->msg(MSG::DEBUG) << "Checking " << m_chainNames.size() << " chains" << endmsg;
if ( m_chainNames.empty() ) {
m_provider->msg(MSG::WARNING) << "No chains to check" << endmsg;
for ( unsigned ichain=0 ; ichain<m_chainNames.size() ; ichain++ ) {
std::string chainName = m_chainNames[ichain].head();
// Only for trigger chains
if (chainName.find("L2") == std::string::npos &&
chainName.find("EF") == std::string::npos &&
chainName.find("HLT") == std::string::npos ) continue;
if ( configuredHLTChains.find(chainName)==configuredHLTChains.end() ) {
m_provider->msg(MSG::WARNING) << "[91;1m" << "Chain " << chainName
<< " is not configured for this event" << "[m"
<< endmsg;
if ( m_chainNames[ichain].passed() ) decisiontype = TrigDefs::Physics;
else decisiontype = TrigDefs::includeFailedDecisions;
std::string roistring = "";
if ( m_chainNames[ichain].roi()!="" ) roistring += "\troi " + m_chainNames[ichain].roi();
bool passPhysics = (*m_tdt)->isPassed(chainName);
m_provider->msg(MSG::DEBUG) << "Chain " << chainName << "\troi " << roistring
<< "\tpres " << (*m_tdt)->getPrescale(chainName)
<< ( passPhysics ? "[91;1m" : "" ) << "\tpass physics " << passPhysics << ( passPhysics ? "[m" : "" )
<< "\t: ( pass " << (*m_tdt)->isPassed(chainName, decisiontype ) << "\tdec type " << decisiontype << " ) " << endmsg;
if ( (*m_tdt)->isPassed(chainName, decisiontype ) || !m_chainNames[ichain].passed() ) {
analyse = true;
} /// finished loop over chains
/// bomb out if no chains passed and not told to keep all events and found no
/// offline objects
if ( !analyse && !m_keepAllEvents && !foundOffline ) {
m_provider->msg(MSG::DEBUG) << "No chains passed unprescaled - not processing this event: " << run_number << " " << event_number << " " << lumi_block << endmsg;
m_provider->msg(MSG::DEBUG) << "Chains passed " << passed_chains << endmsg;
/// for Monte Carlo get the truth particles if requested to do so
// const TruthParticleContainer* mcpartTES = 0;
m_provider->msg(MSG::DEBUG) << "MC Truth flag " << m_mcTruth << endmsg;
const TrigInDetTrackTruthMap* truthMap = 0;
if ( m_mcTruth) {
m_provider->msg(MSG::DEBUG) << "getting Truth" << endmsg;
if ( retrieve(truthMap, "TrigInDetTrackTruthMap").isFailure()) {
m_hasTruthMap = false;
else {
m_hasTruthMap = true;
if (m_provider->evtStore()->contains<TruthParticleContainer>("INav4MomTruthEvent")) {
selectTracks<TruthParticleContainer>( &selectorTruth, "INav4MomTruthEvent" );
else if (m_provider->evtStore()->contains<TruthParticleContainer>("SpclMC")) {
/// AOD
selectTracks<TruthParticleContainer>( &selectorTruth, "SpclMC");
else if (m_provider->evtStore()->contains<TruthParticleContainer>("")) {
/// anything else?
selectTracks<TruthParticleContainer>( &selectorTruth, "");
else if (m_provider->evtStore()->contains<xAOD::TruthParticleContainer>("TruthParticles")) {
/// anything else?
selectTracks<xAOD::TruthParticleContainer>( &selectorTruth, "TruthParticles" );
else if (m_provider->evtStore()->contains<xAOD::TruthParticleContainer>("")) {
/// anything else?
selectTracks<xAOD::TruthParticleContainer>( &selectorTruth, "" );
else {
m_provider->msg(MSG::WARNING) << "Truth not found - none whatsoever!" << endmsg;
// clear the ntuple TIDA::Event class
/// get (offline) reference tracks
/// get offline tracks
m_provider->msg(MSG::DEBUG) << " Offline tracks " << endmsg;
if (m_provider->evtStore()->contains<xAOD::TrackParticleContainer>("InDetTrackParticles")) {
selectTracks<xAOD::TrackParticleContainer>( &selectorRef, "InDetTrackParticles" );
else if (m_provider->evtStore()->contains<Rec::TrackParticleContainer>("TrackParticleCandidate")) {
selectTracks<Rec::TrackParticleContainer>( &selectorRef, "TrackParticleCandidate" );
else {
m_provider->msg(MSG::WARNING) << " Offline tracks not found " << endmsg;
/// get the offline vertices into our structure
for ( size_t iv=0; iv<m_vertexType.size(); iv++ ) {
std::vector<TIDA::Vertex> vertices;
std::string vertexType = "PrimaryVertices";
std::string vertexChainname = "Vertex";
if ( m_vertexType[iv]!="" ) {
vertexType = m_vertexType[iv];
vertexChainname += ":" + vertexType;
m_provider->msg(MSG::VERBOSE) << "fetching offline AOD vertex container with key " << vertexType << endmsg;
const xAOD::VertexContainer* xaodVtxCollection = 0;
if ( retrieve( xaodVtxCollection, vertexType ).isFailure()) {
if (m_provider->msg().level() <= MSG::WARNING) m_provider->msg(MSG::WARNING) << "xAOD vertex container not found with key " << vertexType << endmsg;
if ( xaodVtxCollection!=0 ) {
m_provider->msg(MSG::DEBUG) << "xAOD vertex container " << vertexType << " found with " << xaodVtxCollection->size() << " entries" << endmsg;
// Vertex types in some secondary vertex collections are not properly set and are all 0,
// allow these vertices if primary vertices are not used
if ( vertexType.find("SecVtx") != std::string::npos ) {
vertices = xaodVtxCollection, &selectorRef.tracks(), true );
else {
vertices = xaodVtxCollection, &selectorRef.tracks() );
// now add the offline vertices
if ( m_doOffline || m_doVertices ) {
m_event->addChain( vertexChainname );
m_event->back().back().addVertices( vertices );
/// add offline Vertices to the Offline chain
/// add the truth particles if needed
if ( m_mcTruth ) {
m_event->addChain( "Truth" );
#if 0
/// don't add them to the event - since now we store them in the Vertex chain ...
for ( unsigned i=0 ; i<vertices.size() ; i++ ) {
m_provider->msg(MSG::DEBUG) << "vertex " << i << " " << vertices[i] << endmsg;
/// offline object counters // std::vector<TrackTrigObject> tidaVertexTracks;
int Noff = 0;
int Nmu = 0;
int Nel = 0;
int Ntau = 0;
/// now add the offline tracks
if ( m_doOffline ) {
m_event->addChain( "Offline" );
if ( selectorRef.getBeamX()!=0 || selectorRef.getBeamY()!=0 || selectorRef.getBeamZ()!=0 ) {
std::vector<double> beamline_;
beamline_.push_back( selectorRef.getBeamX() );
beamline_.push_back( selectorRef.getBeamY() );
beamline_.push_back( selectorRef.getBeamZ() );
Noff = selectorRef.tracks().size();
m_provider->msg(MSG::DEBUG) << "ref tracks.size() " << selectorRef.tracks().size() << endmsg;
for ( int ii=selectorRef.tracks().size() ; ii-- ; ) m_provider->msg(MSG::DEBUG) << " ref track " << ii << " " << *selectorRef.tracks()[ii] << endmsg;
/// navigate through the requested storegate TEST chains
for ( unsigned ichain=0 ; ichain<m_chainNames.size() ; ichain++ ) {
/// keep this printout here, but commented for usefull debug purposes ...
// m_provider->msg(MSG::INFO)<< "chain:\t" << m_chainNames[ichain] << endmsg;
/// get the chain, collection and TE names and track index
std::string chainname = m_chainNames[ichain].head();
std::string collectionname = m_chainNames[ichain].tail();
std::string vtx_name = m_chainNames[ichain].vtx();
if ( chainname!="" ) continue;
if ( collectionname=="" ) continue;
chainname = collectionname;
if ( vtx_name!="" ) chainname += ":" + vtx_name;
// useful debug information - leave this here
/// here we *only* want collections with no specified chain
/// name, then we look in storegate for the collections directly
bool found = false;
std::string collection_test = collectionname;
size_t pos = collectionname.find("/");
if ( pos!=std::string::npos ) collection_test = collectionname.substr( pos+1, collectionname.size()-pos );
if (m_provider->evtStore()->contains<Rec::TrackParticleContainer>(collection_test)) {
found = selectTracks<Rec::TrackParticleContainer>( &selectorTest, collectionname );
else if (m_provider->evtStore()->contains<xAOD::TrackParticleContainer>(collection_test)) {
found = selectTracks<xAOD::TrackParticleContainer>( &selectorTest, collectionname );
else if (m_provider->evtStore()->contains<TrigInDetTrackCollection>(collection_test)) {
found = selectTracks<TrigInDetTrackCollection>( &selectorTest, collectionname );
else if (m_provider->evtStore()->contains<TrackCollection>(collection_test)) {
found = selectTracks<TrackCollection>( &selectorTest, collectionname );
else {
m_provider->msg(MSG::WARNING) << "\tcollection " << collectionname << " not found" << endmsg;
/// now retrieve any verttices for the analysis
std::vector<TIDA::Vertex> tidavertices;
m_provider->msg(MSG::DEBUG) << "\tFetch xAOD::VertexContainer with key " << vtx_name << endmsg;
if ( vtx_name!="" ) {
m_provider->msg(MSG::DEBUG) << "\tFetch xAOD::VertexContainer with key " << vtx_name << endmsg;
/// MT Vertex access
const xAOD::VertexContainer* xaodVtxCollection = 0;
if ( retrieve( xaodVtxCollection, vtx_name ).isFailure() ) {
if (m_provider->msg().level() <= MSG::WARNING) m_provider->msg(MSG::WARNING) << "xAOD vertex container not found with key " << vtx_name << endmsg;
if ( xaodVtxCollection!=0 ) {
m_provider->msg(MSG::DEBUG) << "\txAOD::VertexContainer found with size " << xaodVtxCollection->size()
<< "\t" << vtx_name << endmsg;
// Vertex types in some secondary vertex collections are not properly set and are all 0,
// allow these vertices if primary vertices are not used
if ( vtx_name.find("SecVtx") != std::string::npos ) {
tidavertices = xaodVtxCollection, 0, true );
else {
tidavertices = xaodVtxCollection );
if ( found ) {
m_event->addChain( chainname );
if ( vtx_name!="" ) m_event->back().back().addVertices( tidavertices );
if ( selectorTest.getBeamX()!=0 || selectorTest.getBeamY()!=0 || selectorTest.getBeamZ()!=0 ) {
std::vector<double> beamline_;
beamline_.push_back( selectorTest.getBeamX() );
beamline_.push_back( selectorTest.getBeamY() );
beamline_.push_back( selectorTest.getBeamZ() );
int Ntest = selectorTest.tracks().size();
m_provider->msg(MSG::DEBUG) << "collection " << collectionname << "\ttest tracks.size() " << Ntest << endmsg;
for ( int ii=Ntest ; ii-- ; ) m_provider->msg(MSG::DEBUG) << " test track " << ii << " " << *selectorTest.tracks()[ii] << endmsg;
std::string ElectronRef[7] = {
"TightCB", "MediumCB", "LooseCB",
"TightLH", "MediumLH", "LooseLH" };
/// new electron selection
for ( size_t ielec=0 ; ielec<m_electronType.size() ; ielec++ ) {
/// hmm, if we stored the types as a map it would be more
/// straightforward than having to stick all this in a loop
int itype = -1;
for ( int it=0 ; it<7 ; it++ ) if ( m_electronType[ielec]==ElectronRef[it] ) itype = it;
if ( itype<0 ) continue;
std::vector<TrackTrigObject> elevec;
std::string echain = std::string("Electrons");
if (m_electronIsLRT[ielec]) echain = std::string("LRTElectrons");
int Nel_ = processElectrons( selectorRef, &elevec, itype, ( m_rawElectrons[ielec]=="raw" ? true : false ), 0.0, echain );
if ( Nel_ < 1 ) continue;
Nel += Nel_;
if ( m_electronType[ielec]!="" ) echain += "_" + m_electronType[ielec];
if ( m_rawElectrons[ielec]=="raw" ) echain += "_raw";
m_event->addChain( echain );
m_event->back().back().addObjects( elevec );
if ( selectorRef.getBeamX()!=0 || selectorRef.getBeamY()!=0 || selectorRef.getBeamZ()!=0 ) {
std::vector<double> beamline_;
beamline_.push_back( selectorRef.getBeamX() );
beamline_.push_back( selectorRef.getBeamY() );
beamline_.push_back( selectorRef.getBeamZ() );
std::string MuonRef[5] = { "", "Tight", "Medium", "Loose", "VeryLoose" };
/// get muons
for ( size_t imuon=0 ; imuon<m_muonType.size() ; imuon++ ) {
m_provider->msg(MSG::DEBUG) << "fetching offline muons " << endmsg;
int muonType = -1;
for ( int it=0 ; it<5 ; it++ ) if ( m_muonType[imuon] == MuonRef[it] ) muonType=it;
if ( muonType<0 ) continue;
std::string mchain = "Muons";
if (m_muonIsLRT[imuon]) mchain = "MuonsLRT";
int Nmu_ = processMuons( selectorRef, muonType, 0, mchain );
if ( Nmu_ < 1 ) continue;
Nmu += Nmu_;
m_provider->msg(MSG::DEBUG) << "found " << Nmu << " offline muons " << endmsg;
if ( m_muonType[imuon]!="" ) mchain += "_" + m_muonType[imuon];
if ( selectorRef.getBeamX()!=0 || selectorRef.getBeamY()!=0 || selectorRef.getBeamZ()!=0 ) {
std::vector<double> beamline_;
beamline_.push_back( selectorRef.getBeamX() );
beamline_.push_back( selectorRef.getBeamY() );
beamline_.push_back( selectorRef.getBeamZ() );
m_provider->msg(MSG::DEBUG) << "ref muon tracks.size() " << selectorRef.tracks().size() << endmsg;
for ( int ii=selectorRef.tracks().size() ; ii-- ; ) m_provider->msg(MSG::DEBUG) << " ref muon track " << ii << " " << *selectorRef.tracks()[ii] << endmsg;
/// get muons
if ( m_doMuonsSP ) {
m_provider->msg(MSG::DEBUG) << "fetching offline muons " << endmsg;
int muonType = 0;
Nmu += processMuons( selectorRef, muonType );
m_provider->msg(MSG::DEBUG) << "found " << Nmu << " offline muons " << endmsg;
m_provider->msg(MSG::DEBUG) << "ref muon tracks.size() " << selectorRef.tracks().size() << endmsg;
for ( int ii=selectorRef.tracks().size() ; ii-- ; ) m_provider->msg(MSG::DEBUG) << " ref muon track " << ii << " " << *selectorRef.tracks()[ii] << endmsg;
/// new tau selection
std::string TauRef[4] = { "", "Tight", "Medium", "Loose" };
for ( size_t itau=0 ; itau<m_tauType.size() ; itau++ ) {
/// hmm, if we stored the types as a map it would be more
/// straightforward than having to stick all this in a loop
int itype = -1;
for ( int it=0 ; it<4 ; it++ ) if ( m_tauType[itau]==TauRef[it] ) itype = it;
if ( itype<0 ) continue;
/// use same threshold for 1 and 3 prong ??
int requireNtracks = 0;
if ( m_tauProngs[itau]=="3Prong" ) requireNtracks = 3;
if ( m_tauProngs[itau]=="1Prong" ) requireNtracks = 1;
std::vector<TrackTrigObject> tauvec;
int Ntau_ = processTaus( selectorRef, &tauvec, itype, requireNtracks, 20000 );
Ntau += Ntau_;
if ( Ntau_ > 0 ) {
/// only add a tau collection if there are actually the
/// relevant tausCH
std::string tchain = std::string("Taus");
if ( m_tauType[itau] != "" ) tchain += "_" + m_tauType[itau];
if ( m_tauProngs[itau] != "" ) tchain += "_" + m_tauProngs[itau];
m_event->addChain( tchain );
m_event->back().back().addObjects( tauvec ) ;
if ( selectorRef.getBeamX()!=0 || selectorRef.getBeamY()!=0 || selectorRef.getBeamZ()!=0 ) {
std::vector<double> beamline_;
beamline_.push_back( selectorRef.getBeamX() );
beamline_.push_back( selectorRef.getBeamY() );
beamline_.push_back( selectorRef.getBeamZ() );
if ( Nmu==0 && Noff==0 && Nel==0 && Ntau==0 ) m_provider->msg(MSG::DEBUG) << "No offline objects found " << endmsg;
else foundOffline = true;
// now loop over all relevant chains to get the trigger tracks...
for ( unsigned ichain=0 ; ichain<m_chainNames.size() ; ichain++ ) {
// create chains for ntpl
/// get the chain name
const std::string& chainName = m_chainNames[ichain].head();
/// and the name of the collection (if any)
const std::string& collectionName = m_chainNames[ichain].tail();
if( chainName.find("L2_")==std::string::npos &&
chainName.find("EF_")==std::string::npos &&
chainName.find("HLT_")==std::string::npos ) continue;
if ( m_chainNames[ichain].passed() ) decisiontype = TrigDefs::Physics;
else decisiontype = TrigDefs::includeFailedDecisions;
m_provider->msg(MSG::DEBUG) << "chain " << chainName
<< "\tprescale " << (*m_tdt)->getPrescale(chainName)
<< "\tpass " << (*m_tdt)->isPassed(chainName) << " physics "
<< " (req dec " << (*m_tdt)->isPassed(chainName, decisiontype ) << " dec type " << decisiontype << ")"
<< endmsg;
/// now decide whether we want all the TEs for this chain, or just those
/// that are still active
/// if the chain did not pass, skip this chain completely
if ( !(*m_tdt)->isPassed( chainName, decisiontype ) ) continue;
/// new MT TDT feature access
std::string roi_key = m_chainNames[ichain].roi();
std::string vtx_name = m_chainNames[ichain].vtx();
#if 0
/// this code needs to be here to be eventually replaced when
/// the TDT combination feature retrieval has been implemented
/// at that point it can be replaced by the appropriate
/// code using the new TDT feature access
if ( roi_name!="" ) {
std::string roi_name_tmp = roi_name;
std::string roi_tename = "";
if ( roi_name.find("/")!=std::string::npos ) {
roi_name_tmp = roi_name.substr( roi_name.find("/")+1, roi_name.size()-roi_name.find("/") );
roi_tename = roi_name.substr( 0, roi_name.find("/") );
roist = comb->get<TrigRoiDescriptor>( roi_name_tmp, decisiontype, roi_tename );
if ( roist.size()>0 ) {
for ( unsigned ir=0 ; ir<roist.size() ; ir++ ) m_provider->msg(MSG::DEBUG) << "\t\tRetrieved roi " << roi_name << "\t" << *roist[ir].cptr() << endmsg;
else {
m_provider->msg(MSG::WARNING) << "\t\tRequested roi " << roi_name << " not found" << endmsg;
else {
roist = comb->get<TrigRoiDescriptor>("forID1");
if ( roist.empty() ) roist = comb->get<TrigRoiDescriptor>("forID");
if ( roist.empty() ) roist = comb->get<TrigRoiDescriptor>("");
if ( roist.empty() ) roist = comb->get<TrigRoiDescriptor>("initialRoI");
unsigned feature_type = TrigDefs::lastFeatureOfType;
if ( roi_key!="" ) feature_type = TrigDefs::allFeaturesOfType;
int leg = -1;
if ( m_chainNames[ichain].element()!="" ) {
leg = std::atoi(m_chainNames[ichain].element().c_str());
std::string rgex = roi_key;
std::vector< TrigCompositeUtils::LinkInfo<TrigRoiDescriptorCollection> > rois =
(*m_tdt)->template features<TrigRoiDescriptorCollection>( Trig::FeatureRequestDescriptor( chainName,
leg ) );
/// a hack to fetch back the Rois with "_probe" in the name if the standard named
/// RoiDescriptors are not actually present for this chain ...
if ( rois.empty() ) {
if ( !rgex.empty() ) {
rgex += "_probe";
rois = (*m_tdt)->template features<TrigRoiDescriptorCollection>( Trig::FeatureRequestDescriptor( chainName,
leg ) );
int iroi = 0; /// count of how many rois processed so far
/// if no rois for this chain then move along
if ( rois.size()==0 ) continue;
/// create the analysis chain
m_event->addChain( m_chainNames[ichain] );
TIDA::Chain& chain = m_event->back();
/// I really, *really* hate range based loops ...
for ( const TrigCompositeUtils::LinkInfo<TrigRoiDescriptorCollection>& roi_info : rois ) {
/// don't extract any additional rois if a superRoi is requested:
/// In this case, the superRoi would be shared between the different
/// chains
if ( roi_key=="SuperRoi" && iroi>1 ) continue;
if ( roi_key.find("JetSuper")!=std::string::npos && iroi>1 ) continue;
const ElementLink<TrigRoiDescriptorCollection> roi_link =;
/// check this is not a spurious TDT match
if ( roi_key!="" && roi_link.dataID()!=rgex ) continue;
const TrigRoiDescriptor* const* roiptr = roi_link.cptr();
if ( roiptr == 0 ) {
// std::cerr << "\treadback link is null DAMMIT !!!" << std::endl;
if (m_provider->msg().level() <= MSG::VERBOSE) {
m_provider->msg(MSG::VERBOSE) << " RoI descriptor for seeded chain " << chainName << " " << **roiptr << endmsg;
TIDARoiDescriptor* roi_tmp = new TIDARoiDescriptor( TIDARoiDescriptorBuilder(**roiptr) );
/// get the tracks
/// useful diagnostic - leave in place ...
/// m_provider->msg(MSG::INFO) << "TIDARoi " << *roi_tmp << "\tcollectionName: " << collectionName << endmsg;
/// this should *never* be the case, and we should only run this
/// bit of code once the first time round the loop anyhow
if ( chainName.find("HLT_")!=std::string::npos ) {
if ( selectTracks<xAOD::TrackParticleContainer>( &selectorTest, roi_link, collectionName ) );
else {
if (m_provider->msg().level() <= MSG::DEBUG) {
m_provider->msg(MSG::WARNING) << "\tNo track collection " << collectionName << " found" << endmsg;
/// fetch vertices if available ...
std::vector<TIDA::Vertex> tidavertices;
if ( vtx_name!="" ) {
m_provider->msg(MSG::DEBUG) << "\tFetch xAOD::VertexContainer for chain " << chainName << " with key " << vtx_name << endmsg;
/// MT Vertex access
std::pair< xAOD::VertexContainer::const_iterator,
xAOD::VertexContainer::const_iterator > vtx_itrpair = getCollection<xAOD::VertexContainer>( roi_link, vtx_name );
if ( vtx_itrpair.first == vtx_itrpair.second ) {
if ( m_provider->msg().level() <= MSG::DEBUG ) {
m_provider->msg(MSG::WARNING) << "\tNo xAOD::Vertex for chain " << chainName << " for key " << vtx_name << endmsg;
else {
m_provider->msg(MSG::DEBUG) << "\txAOD::VertexContainer found with size " << (vtx_itrpair.second - vtx_itrpair.first)
<< "\t" << vtx_name << endmsg;
// Vertex types in some secondary vertex collections are not properly set and are all 0,
// allow these vertices if primary vertices are not used
if ( vtx_name.find("SecVtx") != std::string::npos ) {
tidavertices = vtx_itrpair.first, vtx_itrpair.second, &selectorRef.tracks(), true );
else {
tidavertices = vtx_itrpair.first, vtx_itrpair.second, &selectorTest.tracks() );
#if 0
//// not yet ready to get the jet yet - this can come once everything else is working
// now get the jets if they are present
std::vector<TrackTrigObject> jets;
if ( chainName.find("HLT_j")!=std::string::npos ) {
if ( get_jets( comb, jets ) == 0 ) m_provider->msg(MSG::WARNING) << "\tjets could not be retrieved " << endmsg;
const std::vector<TIDA::Track*>& testTracks = selectorTest.tracks();
m_provider->msg(MSG::DEBUG) << "\ttest tracks.size() " << testTracks.size() << endmsg;
for (unsigned int ii=0; ii < testTracks.size(); ii++) {
m_provider->msg(MSG::DEBUG) << " test track " << ii << "for chain " << chainName + ":" + collectionName << " " << *testTracks[ii] << endmsg;
// only add chain if there are any rois - also add beamline position for postprocessing
if ( roi_tmp == 0 ) {
if ( testTracks.size()>0 ) m_provider->msg(MSG::WARNING) << "\ttest tracks.size() " << testTracks.size() << "found but no roi!!!" << endmsg;
roi_tmp = new TIDARoiDescriptor(true);
chain.addRoi( *roi_tmp );
#if 0
/// jets can't be added yet
if ( chainName.find("HLT_j")!=std::string::npos ) chain.back().addObjects( jets );
if ( selectorTest.getBeamX()!=0 || selectorTest.getBeamY()!=0 || selectorTest.getBeamZ()!=0 ) {
std::vector<double> beamline_;
beamline_.push_back( selectorTest.getBeamX() );
beamline_.push_back( selectorTest.getBeamY() );
beamline_.push_back( selectorTest.getBeamZ() );
delete roi_tmp;
roi_tmp = 0;
#if 0
/// don't include this code yet - it is still being validated ...
/// strip out the offline tracks not in any Roi ...
if ( filterOnRoi() || m_ptmin>0 ) {
TIDA::Chain* offline = 0;
std::vector<std::string> chainnames = m_event->chainnames();
/// get the offline chain
for ( size_t ic=chainnames.size() ; ic-- ; ) {
if ( chainnames[ic] == "Offline" ) {
offline = &(m_event->chains()[ic]);
if ( offline ) {
std::vector<TIDA::Chain>& chains = m_event->chains();
std::vector<TIDA::Chain>::iterator citr = chains.begin();
std::vector<std::pair<double,double> > philims;
for ( ; citr!=chains.end() ; ++citr ) {
if ( citr->name().find("HLT_")!=std::string::npos ) {
for ( size_t ir=0 ; ir<citr->size() ; ir++ ) {
TIDARoiDescriptor& roi = citr->rois()[ir].roi();
if ( roi.composite() ) {
for ( size_t isub=0 ; isub<roi.size() ; isub++ ) {
philims.push_back( std::pair<double,double>( roi[isub]->phiMinus(), roi[isub]->phiPlus() ) );
else philims.push_back( std::pair<double,double>( roi.phiMinus(), roi.phiPlus() ) );
remove_duplicates( philims );
for ( size_t iroi=0 ; iroi<offline->size() ; iroi++ ) {
std::vector<TIDA::Track>& tracks = offline->rois()[iroi].tracks();
/// may well put the reporting back in, so leaving this
/// this in place
// size_t Noffline = tracks.size();
for ( std::vector<TIDA::Track>::iterator it=tracks.begin() ; it<tracks.end() ; ) {
bool inc = true;
if ( m_ptmin>0 ) {
if ( std::fabs(it->pT())<m_ptmin ) { inc=false; tracks.erase( it ); }
if ( inc && filterOnRoi() ) {
bool remove_track = true;
for ( size_t isub=0 ; isub<philims.size() ; isub++ ) {
if ( philims[isub].first < philims[isub].second ) {
if ( it->phi()>=philims[isub].first && it->phi()<=philims[isub].second ) {
remove_track = false;
else {
if ( it->phi()>=philims[isub].first || it->phi()<=philims[isub].second ) {
remove_track = false;
if ( remove_track ) { inc=false; tracks.erase( it ); }
if ( inc ) ++it;
/// may well put the reporting back in, so leaving this
/// this in place
// m_provider->msg(MSG::DEBUG) << "TIDA::Roi offline track reduction: " << Noffline << " -> " << tracks.size() << endmsg;
if ( m_Tree ) m_Tree->Fill();