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21138 commits behind the upstream repository.
  • Mark Sutton's avatar
    Increase eta range for track selection · 8ac6aa24
    Mark Sutton authored and Melissa Yexley's avatar Melissa Yexley committed
    Increase eta range for track selection
    Previously had a hardcoded limit of |eta|<3.0 for the track selection. This is widened
    to allow analyses for the ITk. In addition, the decription of a previously undocumented
    command line option for the TrigInDetValidation jobs has been addewd
    Increase eta range for track selection
    Mark Sutton authored and Melissa Yexley's avatar Melissa Yexley committed
    Increase eta range for track selection
    Previously had a hardcoded limit of |eta|<3.0 for the track selection. This is widened
    to allow analyses for the ITk. In addition, the decription of a previously undocumented
    command line option for the TrigInDetValidation jobs has been addewd
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AnalysisConfigMT_Ntuple.cxx 34.90 KiB
 **     @file    AnalysisConfigMT_Ntuple.cxx
 **     @author  mark sutton
 **     Copyright (C) 2002-2023 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration

#include "TrigInDetAnalysisExample/AnalysisConfigMT_Ntuple.h"

#include "xAODTruth/TruthParticleContainer.h"
#include "xAODTruth/TruthVertexContainer.h"

#include "xAODEventInfo/EventInfo.h"

#include "TrigDecisionTool/FeatureRequestDescriptor.h"

#include "TrigInDetAnalysis/Filter_AcceptAll.h"
#include "TrigInDetAnalysisUtils/Filter_etaPT.h"
#include "TrigInDetAnalysisUtils/Filter_RoiSelector.h"
#include "TrigInDetAnalysisUtils/Filters.h"
#include "TrigInDetAnalysisUtils/TIDAVertexBuilder.h"

#include "TrigInDetAnalysis/TIDDirectory.h"
#include "TrigInDetAnalysisUtils/TIDARoiDescriptorBuilder.h"

std::string date();

//function to find true taus
HepMC::ConstGenParticlePtr fromParent( int pdg_id, HepMC::ConstGenParticlePtr p, bool printout=false );

template<class T>
void remove_duplicates(std::vector<T>& vec) {
  std::sort(vec.begin(), vec.end());
  vec.erase(std::unique(vec.begin(), vec.end()), vec.end());

std::set<std::string> AnalysisConfigMT_Ntuple::get_configured_chains() {
  std::set<std::string> chains;
  const std::vector<std::string> configuredChains = (*m_tdt)->getListOfTriggers("L2_.*, EF_.*, HLT_.*");

  if (m_provider->msg().level() <= MSG::VERBOSE) {
    m_provider->msg(MSG::VERBOSE) << "" << configuredChains.size() << " Configured Chains" << "" << endmsg;

  for ( unsigned i=0 ; i<configuredChains.size() ; i++ ) {
    if (m_provider->msg().level() <= MSG::VERBOSE) {
      m_provider->msg(MSG::VERBOSE) << "" << "Chain " << configuredChains[i] << "   (ACN)" << endmsg;
    chains.insert( configuredChains[i] );

  std::vector<ChainString> chainNames;
  std::vector<ChainString>::iterator chainitr = m_chainNames.begin();

  /// handle wildcard chain selection - but only the first time
  while ( chainitr!=m_chainNames.end() ) {

    /// get chain
    ChainString& chainName = (*chainitr);

    /// get matching chains

    std::vector<std::string> selectChains;
    if ( chainitr->head()=="" ) selectChains.push_back("");
    else                        selectChains = (*m_tdt)->getListOfTriggers( chainName.head() );

    for ( unsigned iselected=0 ; iselected<selectChains.size() ; iselected++ ) {

      selectChains[iselected] = chainName.subs( selectChains[iselected] );

      /// replace wildcard with actual matching chains ...
      chainNames.push_back( ChainString(selectChains[iselected]) );

      m_provider->msg(MSG::INFO) << "" << "Matching chain " << selectChains[iselected] << "" << endmsg;

      /// if this has a cosmic chain, set the fiducial radius to be very large to
      /// allow the production vertex of the cosmic to be included
      if ( selectChains[iselected].find("cosmic")!=std::string::npos ) m_fiducial_radius = 1e10;



  m_chainNames = chainNames;
  return chains;

void AnalysisConfigMT_Ntuple::loop() {

        m_provider->msg(MSG::DEBUG) << "" << "AnalysisConfigMT_Ntuple::loop() for " << m_analysisInstanceName 
				   << " compiled " << __DATE__ << " " << __TIME__ << "\t: " << date() << "" << endmsg;

	bool foundOffline = false;

	// get (offline) beam position
	double xbeam = 0;
	double ybeam = 0;
	double zbeam = 0;
	std::vector<double> beamline;

	// get (online) beam position
	double xbeam_online = 0;
	double ybeam_online = 0;
	double zbeam_online = 0;

	std::vector<double> beamline_online;

	//	m_provider->msg(MSG::INFO) << " offline beam position\tx=" << xbeam        << "\ty=" << ybeam        << "\tz=" << zbeam        << endmsg; 
	//	m_provider->msg(MSG::INFO) << " online  beam position\tx=" << xbeam_online << "\ty=" << ybeam_online << "\tz=" << zbeam_online << endmsg; 

	/// list the configured chains once
	static const std::set<std::string> configuredHLTChains = get_configured_chains();

	Filter_AcceptAll filter;
	/// FIXME: should really have hardcoded limits encoded as 
	///        const variables 
	Filter_etaPT       filterRef(5,500);   
	/// use wide |eta|<5 range to allow for ITk studies also
	Filter_etaPT       filter_etaPT(5.0,m_ptmin);
	Filter_pdgIdpTeta  filter_pdgIdpTeta(m_TruthPdgId,5.0,m_ptmin); // |eta|<5, pt>m_ptmin 

	TrackFilter*        truthFilter = &filter_etaPT;

	TrigTrackSelector selectorTruth( truthFilter, m_fiducial_radius, m_TruthPdgId, m_parentTruthPdgId); 

	TrigTrackSelector selectorRef( &filter_etaPT ); 
	TrigTrackSelector selectorTest( &filter ); 

	TIDAVertexBuilder vertexBuilder;

	if ( xbeam!=0 || ybeam!=0 ) { 
	  selectorTruth.setBeamline( xbeam, ybeam, zbeam ); 
	  selectorRef.setBeamline( xbeam, ybeam, zbeam );

	if ( xbeam_online!=0 || ybeam_online!=0 ) { 
	    selectorTest.setBeamline( xbeam_online, ybeam_online, zbeam_online ); 

	selectorTruth.correctTracks( true );
	selectorRef.correctTracks( true );
	selectorTest.correctTracks( true );

	// clear the ntuple TIDA::Event class

	const xAOD::EventInfo* pEventInfo = 0;

	unsigned           run_number         = 0;
	unsigned long long event_number       = 0;
	unsigned           lumi_block         = 0;
	unsigned           bunch_crossing_id  = 0;
	unsigned           time_stamp         = 0;
	double             mu_val             = 0;

	if ( retrieve(pEventInfo, "EventInfo").isFailure() ) {
		m_provider->msg(MSG::DEBUG) << "Failed to get EventInfo " << endmsg;
	else {
		run_number        = pEventInfo->runNumber();
		event_number      = pEventInfo->eventNumber();
		lumi_block        = pEventInfo->lumiBlock();
		time_stamp        = pEventInfo->timeStamp();
		bunch_crossing_id = pEventInfo->bcid();
		mu_val            = pEventInfo->averageInteractionsPerCrossing();

	m_provider->msg(MSG::DEBUG) << "run "     << run_number 
				    << "\tevent " << event_number 
				    << "\tlb "    << lumi_block << endmsg;


	// build a chain group on the fly and use the reference
	const Trig::ChainGroup* L2chain=(*m_tdt)->getChainGroup("L2_.*");
	const Trig::ChainGroup* EFchain=(*m_tdt)->getChainGroup("EF_.*");
	const Trig::ChainGroup* HLTchain=(*m_tdt)->getChainGroup("HLT_.*");

	m_provider->msg(MSG::DEBUG) << "" 
		<< "L2 pass " << L2chain->isPassed()  << "\t" 
		<< "EF pass " << EFchain->isPassed()  << "\t" 
		<< "HLT pass " << HLTchain->isPassed() << ""
		<< endmsg;
	/// check whether the chains have actually run, otherwise there's no point
	/// doing anything

	bool analyse = false;

	unsigned decisiontype = TrigDefs::Physics;
	/// bomb out if no chains passed and not told to keep all events  
	int passed_chains = 0;

	m_provider->msg(MSG::DEBUG) << "Checking " << m_chainNames.size() << " chains" << endmsg;
	if ( m_chainNames.empty() ) {
	  m_provider->msg(MSG::WARNING) << "No chains to check" << endmsg;

	for ( unsigned ichain=0 ; ichain<m_chainNames.size() ; ichain++ ) {
		std::string chainName = m_chainNames[ichain].head();

		// Only for trigger chains

		if (chainName.find("L2")  == std::string::npos && 
		    chainName.find("EF")  == std::string::npos && 
		    chainName.find("HLT") == std::string::npos ) continue;

		if ( configuredHLTChains.find(chainName)==configuredHLTChains.end() ) {
			m_provider->msg(MSG::WARNING) << "" << "Chain " << chainName 
				<< " is not configured for this event" << ""
				<< endmsg;
		if ( m_chainNames[ichain].passed() ) decisiontype = TrigDefs::Physics;
		else                                 decisiontype = TrigDefs::includeFailedDecisions;
		std::string roistring = "";
		if ( m_chainNames[ichain].roi()!=""  ) roistring += "\troi " + m_chainNames[ichain].roi();  

		bool passPhysics = (*m_tdt)->isPassed(chainName); 

		m_provider->msg(MSG::DEBUG) << "Chain "  << chainName << "\troi " << roistring 
					   << "\tpres " << (*m_tdt)->getPrescale(chainName)
					   << ( passPhysics ? "" : "" ) << "\tpass physics  " <<  passPhysics << ( passPhysics ? "" : "" ) 
					   << "\t: ( pass " << (*m_tdt)->isPassed(chainName, decisiontype ) << "\tdec type " << decisiontype << " ) " << endmsg;

		if ( (*m_tdt)->isPassed(chainName, decisiontype ) ||  !m_chainNames[ichain].passed() ) { 
		  analyse = true;

	} /// finished loop over chains

	/// bomb out if no chains passed and not told to keep all events and found no 
	/// offline objects 
	if ( !analyse && !m_keepAllEvents && !foundOffline ) { 
	  m_provider->msg(MSG::DEBUG) << "No chains passed unprescaled - not processing this event: " << run_number << " " << event_number << " " << lumi_block << endmsg; 

	m_provider->msg(MSG::DEBUG) << "Chains passed " << passed_chains << endmsg;

	/// for Monte Carlo get the truth particles if requested to do so

	//  const TruthParticleContainer*  mcpartTES = 0;


	m_provider->msg(MSG::DEBUG) << "MC Truth flag " << m_mcTruth << endmsg; 
	const TrigInDetTrackTruthMap* truthMap = 0;

	if ( m_mcTruth) { 
		m_provider->msg(MSG::DEBUG) << "getting Truth" << endmsg; 
		if ( retrieve(truthMap, "TrigInDetTrackTruthMap").isFailure()) {
		        m_hasTruthMap = false;
		else {
		        m_hasTruthMap = true;
		if (m_provider->evtStore()->contains<TruthParticleContainer>("INav4MomTruthEvent")) {
			selectTracks<TruthParticleContainer>( &selectorTruth, "INav4MomTruthEvent" );
		else if (m_provider->evtStore()->contains<TruthParticleContainer>("SpclMC")) {
			/// AOD
			selectTracks<TruthParticleContainer>( &selectorTruth, "SpclMC");
		else if (m_provider->evtStore()->contains<TruthParticleContainer>("")) {
			/// anything else?
			selectTracks<TruthParticleContainer>( &selectorTruth, "");
		else if (m_provider->evtStore()->contains<xAOD::TruthParticleContainer>("TruthParticles")) {
			/// anything else?
		        selectTracks<xAOD::TruthParticleContainer>( &selectorTruth, "TruthParticles" );
		else if (m_provider->evtStore()->contains<xAOD::TruthParticleContainer>("")) {
			/// anything else?
		        selectTracks<xAOD::TruthParticleContainer>( &selectorTruth, "" );
		else { 
			m_provider->msg(MSG::WARNING) << "Truth not found - none whatsoever!" << endmsg; 

	// clear the ntuple TIDA::Event class

	/// get (offline) reference tracks 

	/// get offline tracks

	m_provider->msg(MSG::DEBUG) << " Offline tracks " << endmsg;


	if      (m_provider->evtStore()->contains<xAOD::TrackParticleContainer>("InDetTrackParticles")) {
	  selectTracks<xAOD::TrackParticleContainer>( &selectorRef, "InDetTrackParticles" );
	else if (m_provider->evtStore()->contains<Rec::TrackParticleContainer>("TrackParticleCandidate")) {
	  selectTracks<Rec::TrackParticleContainer>( &selectorRef, "TrackParticleCandidate" );
	else { 
	  m_provider->msg(MSG::WARNING) << " Offline tracks not found " << endmsg;

	/// get the offline vertices into our structure
	for ( size_t iv=0; iv<m_vertexType.size(); iv++ ) {

		std::vector<TIDA::Vertex> vertices;
		std::string vertexType = "PrimaryVertices";
		std::string vertexChainname = "Vertex";
		if ( m_vertexType[iv]!="" ) { 
			vertexType = m_vertexType[iv];
			vertexChainname += ":" + vertexType;

		m_provider->msg(MSG::VERBOSE) << "fetching offline AOD vertex container with key " << vertexType << endmsg;

		const xAOD::VertexContainer* xaodVtxCollection = 0;
		if ( retrieve( xaodVtxCollection, vertexType ).isFailure()) {
		  if (m_provider->msg().level() <= MSG::WARNING) m_provider->msg(MSG::WARNING) << "xAOD vertex container not found with key " << vertexType <<  endmsg;
		if ( xaodVtxCollection!=0 ) { 
			m_provider->msg(MSG::DEBUG) << "xAOD vertex container " << vertexType << " found with " << xaodVtxCollection->size() <<  " entries" << endmsg;
			// Vertex types in some secondary vertex collections are not properly set and are all 0, 
			// allow these vertices if primary vertices are not used
			if ( vertexType.find("SecVtx") != std::string::npos ) {
				vertices = xaodVtxCollection, &selectorRef.tracks(), true );
			else {
				vertices = xaodVtxCollection, &selectorRef.tracks() );

		// now add the offline vertices
		if ( m_doOffline || m_doVertices ) { 
			m_event->addChain( vertexChainname );
			m_event->back().back().addVertices( vertices );

	/// add offline Vertices to the Offline chain

	/// add the truth particles if needed
	if ( m_mcTruth ) {
	  m_event->addChain( "Truth" ); 

#if 0
	/// don't add them to the event - since now we store them in the Vertex chain ...
	for ( unsigned i=0 ; i<vertices.size() ; i++ )  { 
	  m_provider->msg(MSG::DEBUG) << "vertex " << i << " " << vertices[i] << endmsg;

	/// offline object counters 		//   std::vector<TrackTrigObject> tidaVertexTracks;

	int Noff  = 0;
	int Nmu   = 0;
	int Nel   = 0;
	int Ntau  = 0;

	/// now add the offline tracks

	if ( m_doOffline ) { 
	  m_event->addChain( "Offline" );
	  if ( selectorRef.getBeamX()!=0 || selectorRef.getBeamY()!=0 || selectorRef.getBeamZ()!=0 ) { 
	    std::vector<double> beamline_;
	    beamline_.push_back( selectorRef.getBeamX() );
	    beamline_.push_back( selectorRef.getBeamY() );
	    beamline_.push_back( selectorRef.getBeamZ() );

	  Noff = selectorRef.tracks().size();
	  m_provider->msg(MSG::DEBUG) << "ref tracks.size() " << selectorRef.tracks().size() << endmsg; 
	  for ( int ii=selectorRef.tracks().size() ; ii-- ; ) m_provider->msg(MSG::DEBUG) << "  ref track " << ii << " " << *selectorRef.tracks()[ii] << endmsg;  

	/// navigate through the requested storegate TEST chains
	for ( unsigned ichain=0 ; ichain<m_chainNames.size() ; ichain++ ) {  
	  /// keep this printout here, but commented for usefull debug purposes ...
	  //	  m_provider->msg(MSG::INFO)<< "chain:\t" << m_chainNames[ichain] << endmsg;

	  /// get the chain, collection and TE names and track index
  	  std::string chainname      = m_chainNames[ichain].head();
	  std::string collectionname = m_chainNames[ichain].tail();
	  std::string vtx_name       = m_chainNames[ichain].vtx();

	  if ( chainname!="" )      continue;
	  if ( collectionname=="" ) continue;

	  chainname = collectionname;
	  if ( vtx_name!="" ) chainname += ":" + vtx_name; 
	  // useful debug information - leave this here

	  /// here we *only* want collections with no specified chain
	  /// name, then we look in storegate for the collections directly


	  bool found = false;
	  std::string collection_test = collectionname;
	  size_t pos = collectionname.find("/");
	  if ( pos!=std::string::npos ) collection_test = collectionname.substr( pos+1, collectionname.size()-pos );

	  if (m_provider->evtStore()->contains<Rec::TrackParticleContainer>(collection_test)) {
	    found = selectTracks<Rec::TrackParticleContainer>( &selectorTest, collectionname );
	  else if (m_provider->evtStore()->contains<xAOD::TrackParticleContainer>(collection_test)) {
	    found = selectTracks<xAOD::TrackParticleContainer>( &selectorTest, collectionname );
	  else if (m_provider->evtStore()->contains<TrigInDetTrackCollection>(collection_test)) {
	    found = selectTracks<TrigInDetTrackCollection>( &selectorTest, collectionname );
	  else if (m_provider->evtStore()->contains<TrackCollection>(collection_test)) {
	    found = selectTracks<TrackCollection>( &selectorTest, collectionname );
	  else { 
	    m_provider->msg(MSG::WARNING) << "\tcollection " << collectionname << " not found" << endmsg;

	  /// now retrieve any verttices for the analysis

	  std::vector<TIDA::Vertex> tidavertices;

	  m_provider->msg(MSG::DEBUG) << "\tFetch xAOD::VertexContainer with key " << vtx_name << endmsg;
	  if ( vtx_name!="" ) { 
	    m_provider->msg(MSG::DEBUG) << "\tFetch xAOD::VertexContainer with key " << vtx_name << endmsg;
	    /// MT Vertex access
	    const xAOD::VertexContainer* xaodVtxCollection = 0;
	    if ( retrieve( xaodVtxCollection, vtx_name ).isFailure() ) {
	      if (m_provider->msg().level() <= MSG::WARNING) m_provider->msg(MSG::WARNING) << "xAOD vertex container not found with key " << vtx_name <<  endmsg;
	    if ( xaodVtxCollection!=0 ) { 
	      m_provider->msg(MSG::DEBUG) << "\txAOD::VertexContainer found with size  " << xaodVtxCollection->size()
					  << "\t" << vtx_name << endmsg;

		  // Vertex types in some secondary vertex collections are not properly set and are all 0, 
	      // allow these vertices if primary vertices are not used
		  if ( vtx_name.find("SecVtx") != std::string::npos ) {
		    tidavertices = xaodVtxCollection, 0, true );
		  else {
		    tidavertices = xaodVtxCollection );


	  if ( found ) { 
	    m_event->addChain( chainname );
	    if ( vtx_name!="" ) m_event->back().back().addVertices( tidavertices );

	    if ( selectorTest.getBeamX()!=0 || selectorTest.getBeamY()!=0 || selectorTest.getBeamZ()!=0 ) { 
	      std::vector<double> beamline_;
	      beamline_.push_back( selectorTest.getBeamX() );
	      beamline_.push_back( selectorTest.getBeamY() );
	      beamline_.push_back( selectorTest.getBeamZ() );
	    int Ntest = selectorTest.tracks().size();
	    m_provider->msg(MSG::DEBUG) << "collection " << collectionname << "\ttest tracks.size() " << Ntest << endmsg; 
	    for ( int ii=Ntest ; ii-- ; ) m_provider->msg(MSG::DEBUG) << "  test track " << ii << " " << *selectorTest.tracks()[ii] << endmsg;

	std::string ElectronRef[7] =  { 
	  "TightCB", "MediumCB", "LooseCB",
	  "TightLH", "MediumLH", "LooseLH" };

	/// new electron selection 

	for ( size_t ielec=0 ; ielec<m_electronType.size() ; ielec++ ) {
	  /// hmm, if we stored the types as a map it would be more 
	  /// straightforward than having to stick all this in a loop

	  int itype = -1;
	  for ( int it=0 ; it<7 ; it++ ) if ( m_electronType[ielec]==ElectronRef[it] ) itype = it; 
	  if ( itype<0 ) continue;

	  std::vector<TrackTrigObject> elevec;
	  std::string echain = std::string("Electrons");
	  if (m_electronIsLRT[ielec]) echain = std::string("LRTElectrons");

	  int Nel_ = processElectrons( selectorRef, &elevec, itype, ( m_rawElectrons[ielec]=="raw" ? true : false ), 0.0, echain );
      if ( Nel_ < 1 ) continue;
      Nel += Nel_;	

      if ( m_electronType[ielec]!="" )    echain += "_" + m_electronType[ielec];
	  if ( m_rawElectrons[ielec]=="raw" ) echain += "_raw";
	  m_event->addChain( echain );
	  m_event->back().back().addObjects( elevec );

	  if ( selectorRef.getBeamX()!=0 || selectorRef.getBeamY()!=0 || selectorRef.getBeamZ()!=0 ) { 
	    std::vector<double> beamline_;
	    beamline_.push_back( selectorRef.getBeamX() );
	    beamline_.push_back( selectorRef.getBeamY() );
	    beamline_.push_back( selectorRef.getBeamZ() );


	std::string MuonRef[5] =  { "", "Tight", "Medium", "Loose", "VeryLoose" };

	/// get muons 
	for ( size_t imuon=0 ; imuon<m_muonType.size() ; imuon++ ) {
	  m_provider->msg(MSG::DEBUG) << "fetching offline muons " << endmsg; 

          int muonType = -1;
          for ( int it=0 ; it<5 ; it++ ) if ( m_muonType[imuon] == MuonRef[it] ) muonType=it; 
          if ( muonType<0 ) continue; 

      	std::string mchain = "Muons";
	  	if (m_muonIsLRT[imuon]) mchain = "MuonsLRT";

	  	int Nmu_ = processMuons( selectorRef, muonType, 0, mchain );

          if ( Nmu_ < 1 ) continue;

          Nmu += Nmu_;

	  m_provider->msg(MSG::DEBUG) << "found " << Nmu << " offline muons " << endmsg; 

          if ( m_muonType[imuon]!="" )  mchain += "_" + m_muonType[imuon];


	  if ( selectorRef.getBeamX()!=0 || selectorRef.getBeamY()!=0 || selectorRef.getBeamZ()!=0 ) { 
	      std::vector<double> beamline_;
	      beamline_.push_back( selectorRef.getBeamX() );
	      beamline_.push_back( selectorRef.getBeamY() );
	      beamline_.push_back( selectorRef.getBeamZ() );

	  m_provider->msg(MSG::DEBUG) << "ref muon tracks.size() " << selectorRef.tracks().size() << endmsg; 
	  for ( int ii=selectorRef.tracks().size() ; ii-- ; ) m_provider->msg(MSG::DEBUG) << "  ref muon track " << ii << " " << *selectorRef.tracks()[ii] << endmsg;  

	/// get muons 
	if ( m_doMuonsSP ) { 
	  m_provider->msg(MSG::DEBUG) << "fetching offline muons " << endmsg; 

          int muonType = 0;

	  Nmu += processMuons( selectorRef, muonType );

	  m_provider->msg(MSG::DEBUG) << "found " << Nmu << " offline muons " << endmsg; 

	  m_provider->msg(MSG::DEBUG) << "ref muon tracks.size() " << selectorRef.tracks().size() << endmsg; 
	  for ( int ii=selectorRef.tracks().size() ; ii-- ; ) m_provider->msg(MSG::DEBUG) << "  ref muon track " << ii << " " << *selectorRef.tracks()[ii] << endmsg;  

	/// new tau selection 
	std::string TauRef[4] = { "", "Tight", "Medium", "Loose" };

	for ( size_t itau=0 ; itau<m_tauType.size() ; itau++ ) {
	  /// hmm, if we stored the types as a map it would be more 
	  /// straightforward than having to stick all this in a loop

	  int itype = -1;
	  for ( int it=0 ; it<4 ; it++ ) if ( m_tauType[itau]==TauRef[it] ) itype = it; 
	  if ( itype<0 ) continue;

	  /// use same threshold for 1 and 3 prong ??
	  int requireNtracks = 0;
	  if  ( m_tauProngs[itau]=="3Prong" ) requireNtracks = 3;	
	  if  ( m_tauProngs[itau]=="1Prong" ) requireNtracks = 1;

	  std::vector<TrackTrigObject> tauvec; 

	  int Ntau_ = processTaus( selectorRef, &tauvec, itype, requireNtracks, 20000 ); 

	  Ntau += Ntau_;

	  if ( Ntau_ > 0 ) { 
	    /// only add a tau collection if there are actually the 
	    /// relevant tausCH

	    std::string tchain = std::string("Taus");
	    if (   m_tauType[itau] != "" ) tchain += "_" + m_tauType[itau];
	    if ( m_tauProngs[itau] != "" ) tchain += "_" + m_tauProngs[itau];
	    m_event->addChain( tchain );
	    m_event->back().back().addObjects( tauvec ) ; 

	    if ( selectorRef.getBeamX()!=0 || selectorRef.getBeamY()!=0 || selectorRef.getBeamZ()!=0 ) { 
	      std::vector<double> beamline_;
	      beamline_.push_back( selectorRef.getBeamX() );
	      beamline_.push_back( selectorRef.getBeamY() );
	      beamline_.push_back( selectorRef.getBeamZ() );

	if ( Nmu==0 && Noff==0 && Nel==0 && Ntau==0 ) m_provider->msg(MSG::DEBUG) << "No offline objects found " << endmsg;
	else foundOffline = true;

	// now loop over all relevant chains to get the trigger tracks...

	for ( unsigned ichain=0 ; ichain<m_chainNames.size() ; ichain++ ) {  

		// create chains for ntpl

		/// get the chain name
		const std::string&  chainName = m_chainNames[ichain].head();
		/// and the name of the collection (if any)    
		const std::string& collectionName = m_chainNames[ichain].tail();

		if( chainName.find("L2_")==std::string::npos && 
		    chainName.find("EF_")==std::string::npos && 
		    chainName.find("HLT_")==std::string::npos ) continue;

		if ( m_chainNames[ichain].passed() ) decisiontype = TrigDefs::Physics;
		else                                 decisiontype = TrigDefs::includeFailedDecisions;

		m_provider->msg(MSG::DEBUG) << "chain " << chainName 
					    << "\tprescale " << (*m_tdt)->getPrescale(chainName)
					    << "\tpass "     << (*m_tdt)->isPassed(chainName) << " physics " 
					    << "  (req dec " << (*m_tdt)->isPassed(chainName, decisiontype ) << " dec type " << decisiontype << ")"
					    << endmsg;
		/// now decide whether we want all the TEs for this chain, or just those 
		/// that are still active

		/// if the chain did not pass, skip this chain completely 
		if ( !(*m_tdt)->isPassed( chainName, decisiontype ) ) continue;

		/// new MT TDT feature access  

		std::string roi_key  = m_chainNames[ichain].roi();
		std::string vtx_name = m_chainNames[ichain].vtx();

#if 0
		/// this code needs to be here to be eventually replaced when 
		/// the TDT combination feature retrieval has been implemented
		/// at that point it can be replaced by the appropriate 
		/// code using the new TDT feature access

		if ( roi_name!="" ) { 

		  std::string roi_name_tmp = roi_name;
		  std::string roi_tename   = "";
		  if ( roi_name.find("/")!=std::string::npos ) { 
		    roi_name_tmp = roi_name.substr( roi_name.find("/")+1, roi_name.size()-roi_name.find("/") );
		    roi_tename   = roi_name.substr( 0, roi_name.find("/") );
		  roist = comb->get<TrigRoiDescriptor>( roi_name_tmp, decisiontype, roi_tename );
		  if ( roist.size()>0 ) { 
		    for ( unsigned ir=0 ; ir<roist.size() ; ir++ ) m_provider->msg(MSG::DEBUG) << "\t\tRetrieved roi  " << roi_name << "\t" << *roist[ir].cptr() << endmsg; 
		  else { 
		    m_provider->msg(MSG::WARNING) << "\t\tRequested roi  " << roi_name << " not found" << endmsg; 
		else { 
		  roist = comb->get<TrigRoiDescriptor>("forID1"); 
		  if ( roist.empty() ) roist = comb->get<TrigRoiDescriptor>("forID"); 
		  if ( roist.empty() ) roist = comb->get<TrigRoiDescriptor>(""); 
		  if ( roist.empty() ) roist = comb->get<TrigRoiDescriptor>("initialRoI"); 

		unsigned feature_type = TrigDefs::lastFeatureOfType;

		if ( roi_key!="" ) feature_type = TrigDefs::allFeaturesOfType;
		int leg = -1;

		if ( m_chainNames[ichain].element()!="" ) { 
		  leg = std::atoi(m_chainNames[ichain].element().c_str());

		std::string rgex = roi_key;

		std::vector< TrigCompositeUtils::LinkInfo<TrigRoiDescriptorCollection> > rois = 
		  (*m_tdt)->template features<TrigRoiDescriptorCollection>( Trig::FeatureRequestDescriptor( chainName,  
													    leg ) );

		/// a hack to fetch back the Rois with "_probe" in the name if the standard named 
		/// RoiDescriptors are not actually present for this chain ...  
		if ( rois.empty() ) {
		  if ( !rgex.empty() ) {
		    rgex += "_probe";
		    rois = (*m_tdt)->template features<TrigRoiDescriptorCollection>( Trig::FeatureRequestDescriptor( chainName,  
														     leg ) );

		int iroi = 0; /// count of how many rois processed so far

		/// if no rois for this chain then move along

		if ( rois.size()==0 ) continue;

		/// create the analysis chain

		m_event->addChain( m_chainNames[ichain] );

		TIDA::Chain& chain = m_event->back();

		/// I really, *really* hate range based loops ...
		for ( const TrigCompositeUtils::LinkInfo<TrigRoiDescriptorCollection>& roi_info : rois ) {
		  /// don't extract any additional rois if a superRoi is requested: 
		  /// In this case, the superRoi would be shared between the different 
		  /// chains 

		  if ( roi_key=="SuperRoi" && iroi>1 ) continue;
		  if ( roi_key.find("JetSuper")!=std::string::npos && iroi>1 ) continue; 
		  const ElementLink<TrigRoiDescriptorCollection> roi_link =;

		  /// check this is not a spurious TDT match
		  if ( roi_key!="" && roi_link.dataID()!=rgex ) continue;

		  const TrigRoiDescriptor* const* roiptr = roi_link.cptr();

		  if ( roiptr == 0 ) { 
		    //    std::cerr << "\treadback link is null  DAMMIT !!!" << std::endl;

		  if (m_provider->msg().level() <= MSG::VERBOSE) {
		    m_provider->msg(MSG::VERBOSE) << " RoI descriptor for seeded chain " << chainName << " " << **roiptr << endmsg;

		  TIDARoiDescriptor* roi_tmp = new TIDARoiDescriptor( TIDARoiDescriptorBuilder(**roiptr) );		   

		  /// get the tracks 

		  /// useful diagnostic - leave in place ...
		  ///		  m_provider->msg(MSG::INFO) << "TIDARoi " << *roi_tmp << "\tcollectionName: " << collectionName << endmsg;
		  /// this should *never* be the case, and we should only run this 
		  /// bit of code once the first time round the loop anyhow

		  if ( chainName.find("HLT_")!=std::string::npos ) {
		    if ( selectTracks<xAOD::TrackParticleContainer>( &selectorTest, roi_link,  collectionName ) ); 
		    else {
		      if (m_provider->msg().level() <= MSG::DEBUG) {
			m_provider->msg(MSG::WARNING) << "\tNo track collection " << collectionName << " found"  << endmsg;  
		  /// fetch vertices if available ...
		  std::vector<TIDA::Vertex> tidavertices;	
		  if ( vtx_name!="" ) { 
		    m_provider->msg(MSG::DEBUG) << "\tFetch xAOD::VertexContainer for chain " << chainName << " with key " << vtx_name << endmsg;
		    /// MT Vertex access
		    std::pair< xAOD::VertexContainer::const_iterator, 
			       xAOD::VertexContainer::const_iterator > vtx_itrpair = getCollection<xAOD::VertexContainer>( roi_link, vtx_name );
		    if ( vtx_itrpair.first == vtx_itrpair.second ) { 
		      if ( m_provider->msg().level() <= MSG::DEBUG ) {
			m_provider->msg(MSG::WARNING) << "\tNo xAOD::Vertex for chain " << chainName << " for key " << vtx_name << endmsg;
		    else {
		      m_provider->msg(MSG::DEBUG) << "\txAOD::VertexContainer found with size  " << (vtx_itrpair.second - vtx_itrpair.first) 
						 << "\t" << vtx_name << endmsg;

			  // Vertex types in some secondary vertex collections are not properly set and are all 0, 
			  // allow these vertices if primary vertices are not used
			  if ( vtx_name.find("SecVtx") != std::string::npos ) {
				tidavertices = vtx_itrpair.first, vtx_itrpair.second, &selectorRef.tracks(), true );
			  else {
				tidavertices = vtx_itrpair.first, vtx_itrpair.second, &selectorTest.tracks() );

#if 0 
		  //// not yet ready to get the jet yet - this can come once everything else is working 
		  // now get the jets if they are present
		  std::vector<TrackTrigObject> jets; 
		  if ( chainName.find("HLT_j")!=std::string::npos ) { 
		    if ( get_jets( comb, jets ) == 0 ) m_provider->msg(MSG::WARNING) << "\tjets could not be retrieved " << endmsg; 
		  const std::vector<TIDA::Track*>& testTracks = selectorTest.tracks();
		  m_provider->msg(MSG::DEBUG) << "\ttest tracks.size() " << testTracks.size() << endmsg; 
		  for (unsigned int ii=0; ii < testTracks.size(); ii++) {
		    m_provider->msg(MSG::DEBUG) << "  test track " << ii << "for chain " << chainName + ":" + collectionName << " " << *testTracks[ii] << endmsg;  
		  // only add chain if there are any rois - also add beamline position for postprocessing
		  if ( roi_tmp == 0 ) { 
		    if ( testTracks.size()>0 ) m_provider->msg(MSG::WARNING) << "\ttest tracks.size() " << testTracks.size() << "found but no roi!!!" << endmsg;
		    roi_tmp = new TIDARoiDescriptor(true);
		  chain.addRoi( *roi_tmp );


#if 0
		  /// jets can't be added yet
		  if ( chainName.find("HLT_j")!=std::string::npos ) chain.back().addObjects( jets );
		  if ( selectorTest.getBeamX()!=0 || selectorTest.getBeamY()!=0 || selectorTest.getBeamZ()!=0 ) { 
		    std::vector<double> beamline_;
		    beamline_.push_back( selectorTest.getBeamX() );
		    beamline_.push_back( selectorTest.getBeamY() );
		    beamline_.push_back( selectorTest.getBeamZ() );
		  delete roi_tmp;
		  roi_tmp = 0;


#if 0
	/// don't include this code yet - it is still being validated ...

	  /// strip out the offline tracks not in any Roi ...

	  if ( filterOnRoi() || m_ptmin>0 ) { 
	    TIDA::Chain* offline = 0;
	    std::vector<std::string> chainnames = m_event->chainnames();
	    /// get the offline chain
	    for ( size_t ic=chainnames.size() ; ic-- ; ) {
	      if ( chainnames[ic] == "Offline" ) {
		offline = &(m_event->chains()[ic]);
	    if ( offline ) { 
	      std::vector<TIDA::Chain>& chains = m_event->chains();
	      std::vector<TIDA::Chain>::iterator citr = chains.begin();
	      std::vector<std::pair<double,double> > philims;
	      for ( ; citr!=chains.end() ; ++citr ) {
		if ( citr->name().find("HLT_")!=std::string::npos ) { 
		  for ( size_t ir=0 ; ir<citr->size() ; ir++ ) {
		    TIDARoiDescriptor& roi = citr->rois()[ir].roi();
		    if ( roi.composite() ) { 
		      for ( size_t isub=0 ; isub<roi.size() ; isub++ ) { 
			philims.push_back( std::pair<double,double>( roi[isub]->phiMinus(), roi[isub]->phiPlus() ) ); 
		    else philims.push_back( std::pair<double,double>( roi.phiMinus(), roi.phiPlus() ) ); 
	      remove_duplicates( philims );

	      for ( size_t iroi=0 ; iroi<offline->size() ; iroi++ ) {
		std::vector<TIDA::Track>& tracks = offline->rois()[iroi].tracks();
		/// may well put the reporting back in, so leaving this 
		/// this in place  
		//  size_t Noffline = tracks.size();

		for ( std::vector<TIDA::Track>::iterator it=tracks.begin() ; it<tracks.end() ; ) {
		  bool inc = true;
		  if ( m_ptmin>0 ) { 
		    if ( std::fabs(it->pT())<m_ptmin ) { inc=false; tracks.erase( it ); }
		  if ( inc && filterOnRoi() ) { 
		    bool remove_track = true;
		    for ( size_t isub=0 ; isub<philims.size() ; isub++ ) { 
		      if ( philims[isub].first < philims[isub].second ) { 
			if ( it->phi()>=philims[isub].first && it->phi()<=philims[isub].second ) { 
			  remove_track = false; 
		      else  {
			if ( it->phi()>=philims[isub].first || it->phi()<=philims[isub].second ) { 
			  remove_track = false; 
		    if ( remove_track ) { inc=false; tracks.erase( it ); }
		  if ( inc ) ++it;
		/// may well put the reporting back in, so leaving this 
		/// this in place  		
		//  m_provider->msg(MSG::DEBUG) << "TIDA::Roi offline track reduction: " << Noffline << " -> " << tracks.size() << endmsg;


	if ( m_Tree ) m_Tree->Fill();