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Forked from atlas / athena
21138 commits behind the upstream repository.
  • Mark Sutton's avatar
    Increase eta range for track selection · 8ac6aa24
    Mark Sutton authored and Melissa Yexley's avatar Melissa Yexley committed
    Increase eta range for track selection
    Previously had a hardcoded limit of |eta|<3.0 for the track selection. This is widened
    to allow analyses for the ITk. In addition, the decription of a previously undocumented
    command line option for the TrigInDetValidation jobs has been addewd
    Increase eta range for track selection
    Mark Sutton authored and Melissa Yexley's avatar Melissa Yexley committed
    Increase eta range for track selection
    Previously had a hardcoded limit of |eta|<3.0 for the track selection. This is widened
    to allow analyses for the ITk. In addition, the decription of a previously undocumented
    command line option for the TrigInDetValidation jobs has been addewd
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#!/Usr/bin/env python

# Slices = ['fsjet']
# Events = 10
# Threads = 1
# Slots = 1
# Input = 'ttbar'    # defined in TrigValTools/share/TrigValInputs.json   
# TrackReference = 'Truth'

import re

from TrigValTools.TrigValSteering import Test, CheckSteps
from TrigInDetValidation.TrigInDetArtSteps import TrigInDetReco, TrigInDetAna, TrigCostStep, TrigInDetRdictStep, TrigInDetCompStep, TrigInDetCpuCostStep

import os,sys,getopt

    opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:],"lcxptirmn:",["local","config"])
except getopt.GetoptError:
    print("Usage:  ")
    print("-l | --local   run locally with input file from art eos grid-input")
    print("-x             don't run athena or post post-processing, only plotting")
    print("-m             run cost monitoring plotting, even if -x is set")
    print("-r             run only ntuple building stage")
    print("-p             run post-processing, even if -x is set")
    print("-n  N          run only on N events per job")
    print("-c | --config  run with config_only and print to a pkl file")
    print("-t             test steering, dry run for all steps")
    print("-i             force the dry AbortDryRun flag to be False")

Events_local  = 0
local         = False
exclude       = False
costplot      = False
postproc      = False
testconfig    = False
dry_run       = False
runstuff      = True
abort_dry_run = True

if "Art_type"  not in locals(): Art_type = 'grid'
if "GridFiles" not in locals(): GridFiles=False
if "Malloc" not in locals(): Malloc=False
if "AbortDryRun" in locals(): abort_dry_run=AbortDryRun
if "useCA_Reco" not in locals(): useCA_Reco=False

for opt,arg in opts:
    if opt in ("-l", "--local"):
    if opt=="-x":
    if opt=="-p":
    if opt=="-m":
    if opt=="-n":
    if opt=="-r":
    if opt in ("-c", "--config"):
        testconfig = True
    if opt=="-t":
    if opt=="-i":

vdry_run = os.environ.get('TRIGVALSTEERING_DRY_RUN')

if vdry_run == '1':

if 'postinclude_file' in dir() :
    if 'preinclude_file' in dir() :
        rdo2aod = TrigInDetReco( postinclude_file=postinclude_file, preinclude_file=preinclude_file, useCA_Reco=useCA_Reco )
    else :
        rdo2aod = TrigInDetReco( postinclude_file=postinclude_file, useCA_Reco=useCA_Reco )
else :
    if 'preinclude_file' in dir() :
        rdo2aod = TrigInDetReco( preinclude_file=preinclude_file, useCA_Reco=useCA_Reco )
    else :
        rdo2aod = TrigInDetReco( useCA_Reco=useCA_Reco )

# test specific variables ...

rdo2aod.slices            = Slices
rdo2aod.threads           = Threads
rdo2aod.concurrent_events = Slots 
rdo2aod.config_only       = testconfig
if 'Release' in dir():
    rdo2aod.release           = Release

if "Args" not in locals() : 
    Args = " "

# allow command line to override programed number of events to process

if Events_local != 0 : 
    rdo2aod.max_events        = Events_local 
else :
    rdo2aod.max_events        = Events 

rdo2aod.perfmon = False
rdo2aod.costmon = True
rdo2aod.timeout = 18*3600
rdo2aod.input   = Input    # defined in TrigValTools/share/TrigValInputs.json  

if GridFiles:
    if local:
       rdo2aod.input = Input   # should match definition in TrigValTools/share/TrigValInputs.json  
       rdo2aod.input = ''
       rdo2aod.args += ' --inputRDOFile=$ArtInFile '

if (Malloc):
    import os
    os.environ["MALLOC_CHECK_"] = "3"
    rdo2aod.malloc = True

for a in ["preexec_trig", "preexec_reco", "preexec_all", "postexec_trig", "postexec_reco"]:
    if a in locals():
        v = locals()[a]
        if type(v) is list: v = ";".join(v)
        v0 = getattr (rdo2aod, a)
        if v0 is None or v0 == "":
            v0 = v
            v0 += ";"+v
        setattr (rdo2aod, a, v0)

# Run athena analysis to produce TrkNtuple

test = Test.Test()
test.art_type = Art_type

if 'ExtraAna' not in locals() :
    ExtraAna = None
aod_to_ntup = TrigInDetAna(extraArgs = ExtraAna)

rdo_to_cost = TrigCostStep()

if dry_run:
    if abort_dry_run:
    test.dry_run = True
if (not exclude):
    if runstuff:
        test.exec_steps = [rdo2aod, aod_to_ntup, rdo_to_cost]
        test.exec_steps = [aod_to_ntup]
    test.check_steps = CheckSteps.default_check_steps(test)

# Run TIDArdict

if ((not exclude) or postproc ):
    for job in Jobs :
        if len(job) >= 3:
            rdict = TrigInDetRdictStep( name=job[0], args=job[1], testbin=job[2], config=(testconfig or dry_run)  )
            rdict = TrigInDetRdictStep( name=job[0], args=job[1], config=(testconfig or dry_run) )
        print( "\n\033[0;32m TIDArdict "+job[1]+" \033[0m" )

for _slice in Comp :
    compstep = TrigInDetCompStep( name=_slice[0], slice=_slice[1], file=_slice[2], args=_slice[3] ) 

# CPU cost steps
# cputest defined with "name" "output directory" "filename" "args" 
cputest = [ ( "CpuCostStep1", " times ",               "expert-monitoring.root",    " --auto -p TIME" ),
            ( "CpuCostStep2", " times-FTF ",           "expert-monitoring.root",    " --auto -p TIME -d TrigFastTrackFinder_" ),
            ( "CpuCostStep3", " cost-perCall ",        "TrigCostRoot_Results.root", " --auto -p _Time_perCall  -d /Algorithm  --logx " ),
            ( "CpuCostStep4", " cost-perEvent ",       "TrigCostRoot_Results.root", " --auto -p _Time_perEvent -d /Algorithm  --logx " ),
            ( "CpuCostStep5", " cost-perCall-chain ",  "TrigCostRoot_Results.root", " --auto -p _Time_perCall  -d /Chain_Algorithm  --logx " ),
            ( "CpuCostStep6", " cost-perEvent-chain ", "TrigCostRoot_Results.root", " --auto -p _Time_perEvent -d /Chain_Algorithm  --logx " ) ]

if ((not exclude) or postproc or costplot ):
    for job in cputest :
        cpucost = TrigInDetCpuCostStep( name=job[0], outdir=job[1], infile=job[2], extra=job[3] )

import sys