Forked from
atlas / athena
21138 commits behind the upstream repository.
Increase eta range for track selection Previously had a hardcoded limit of |eta|<3.0 for the track selection. This is widened to allow analyses for the ITk. In addition, the decription of a previously undocumented command line option for the TrigInDetValidation jobs has been addewd
Increase eta range for track selection Previously had a hardcoded limit of |eta|<3.0 for the track selection. This is widened to allow analyses for the ITk. In addition, the decription of a previously undocumented command line option for the TrigInDetValidation jobs has been addewd
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#!/Usr/bin/env python
# Slices = ['fsjet']
# Events = 10
# Threads = 1
# Slots = 1
# Input = 'ttbar' # defined in TrigValTools/share/TrigValInputs.json
# TrackReference = 'Truth'
import re
from TrigValTools.TrigValSteering import Test, CheckSteps
from TrigInDetValidation.TrigInDetArtSteps import TrigInDetReco, TrigInDetAna, TrigCostStep, TrigInDetRdictStep, TrigInDetCompStep, TrigInDetCpuCostStep
import os,sys,getopt
opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:],"lcxptirmn:",["local","config"])
except getopt.GetoptError:
print("Usage: ")
print("-l | --local run locally with input file from art eos grid-input")
print("-x don't run athena or post post-processing, only plotting")
print("-m run cost monitoring plotting, even if -x is set")
print("-r run only ntuple building stage")
print("-p run post-processing, even if -x is set")
print("-n N run only on N events per job")
print("-c | --config run with config_only and print to a pkl file")
print("-t test steering, dry run for all steps")
print("-i force the dry AbortDryRun flag to be False")
Events_local = 0
local = False
exclude = False
costplot = False
postproc = False
testconfig = False
dry_run = False
runstuff = True
abort_dry_run = True
if "Art_type" not in locals(): Art_type = 'grid'
if "GridFiles" not in locals(): GridFiles=False
if "Malloc" not in locals(): Malloc=False
if "AbortDryRun" in locals(): abort_dry_run=AbortDryRun
if "useCA_Reco" not in locals(): useCA_Reco=False
for opt,arg in opts:
if opt in ("-l", "--local"):
if opt=="-x":
if opt=="-p":
if opt=="-m":
if opt=="-n":
if opt=="-r":
if opt in ("-c", "--config"):
testconfig = True
if opt=="-t":
if opt=="-i":
vdry_run = os.environ.get('TRIGVALSTEERING_DRY_RUN')
if vdry_run == '1':
if 'postinclude_file' in dir() :
if 'preinclude_file' in dir() :
rdo2aod = TrigInDetReco( postinclude_file=postinclude_file, preinclude_file=preinclude_file, useCA_Reco=useCA_Reco )
else :
rdo2aod = TrigInDetReco( postinclude_file=postinclude_file, useCA_Reco=useCA_Reco )
else :
if 'preinclude_file' in dir() :
rdo2aod = TrigInDetReco( preinclude_file=preinclude_file, useCA_Reco=useCA_Reco )
else :
rdo2aod = TrigInDetReco( useCA_Reco=useCA_Reco )
# test specific variables ...
rdo2aod.slices = Slices
rdo2aod.threads = Threads
rdo2aod.concurrent_events = Slots
rdo2aod.config_only = testconfig
if 'Release' in dir():
rdo2aod.release = Release
if "Args" not in locals() :
Args = " "
# allow command line to override programed number of events to process
if Events_local != 0 :
rdo2aod.max_events = Events_local
else :
rdo2aod.max_events = Events
rdo2aod.perfmon = False
rdo2aod.costmon = True
rdo2aod.timeout = 18*3600
rdo2aod.input = Input # defined in TrigValTools/share/TrigValInputs.json
if GridFiles:
if local:
rdo2aod.input = Input # should match definition in TrigValTools/share/TrigValInputs.json
rdo2aod.input = ''
rdo2aod.args += ' --inputRDOFile=$ArtInFile '
if (Malloc):
import os
os.environ["MALLOC_CHECK_"] = "3"
rdo2aod.malloc = True
for a in ["preexec_trig", "preexec_reco", "preexec_all", "postexec_trig", "postexec_reco"]:
if a in locals():
v = locals()[a]
if type(v) is list: v = ";".join(v)
v0 = getattr (rdo2aod, a)
if v0 is None or v0 == "":
v0 = v
v0 += ";"+v
setattr (rdo2aod, a, v0)
# Run athena analysis to produce TrkNtuple
test = Test.Test()
test.art_type = Art_type
if 'ExtraAna' not in locals() :
ExtraAna = None
aod_to_ntup = TrigInDetAna(extraArgs = ExtraAna)
rdo_to_cost = TrigCostStep()
if dry_run:
if abort_dry_run:
test.dry_run = True
if (not exclude):
if runstuff:
test.exec_steps = [rdo2aod, aod_to_ntup, rdo_to_cost]
test.exec_steps = [aod_to_ntup]
test.check_steps = CheckSteps.default_check_steps(test)
# Run TIDArdict
if ((not exclude) or postproc ):
for job in Jobs :
if len(job) >= 3:
rdict = TrigInDetRdictStep( name=job[0], args=job[1], testbin=job[2], config=(testconfig or dry_run) )
rdict = TrigInDetRdictStep( name=job[0], args=job[1], config=(testconfig or dry_run) )
print( "\n\033[0;32m TIDArdict "+job[1]+" \033[0m" )
for _slice in Comp :
compstep = TrigInDetCompStep( name=_slice[0], slice=_slice[1], file=_slice[2], args=_slice[3] )
# CPU cost steps
# cputest defined with "name" "output directory" "filename" "args"
cputest = [ ( "CpuCostStep1", " times ", "expert-monitoring.root", " --auto -p TIME" ),
( "CpuCostStep2", " times-FTF ", "expert-monitoring.root", " --auto -p TIME -d TrigFastTrackFinder_" ),
( "CpuCostStep3", " cost-perCall ", "TrigCostRoot_Results.root", " --auto -p _Time_perCall -d /Algorithm --logx " ),
( "CpuCostStep4", " cost-perEvent ", "TrigCostRoot_Results.root", " --auto -p _Time_perEvent -d /Algorithm --logx " ),
( "CpuCostStep5", " cost-perCall-chain ", "TrigCostRoot_Results.root", " --auto -p _Time_perCall -d /Chain_Algorithm --logx " ),
( "CpuCostStep6", " cost-perEvent-chain ", "TrigCostRoot_Results.root", " --auto -p _Time_perEvent -d /Chain_Algorithm --logx " ) ]
if ((not exclude) or postproc or costplot ):
for job in cputest :
cpucost = TrigInDetCpuCostStep( name=job[0], outdir=job[1], infile=job[2], extra=job[3] )
import sys