From 176888ed8829ea0219515934636c10f6e4233081 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Frank Winklmeier <>
Date: Thu, 22 Feb 2024 16:58:29 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] IOVDbTestAlg: migrate tests to CA

Migrate the unit tests to CA. Previously the IOVDbTestAlgReadCoolNoReg
and IOVDbTestAlgReadCoolAndReg were disabled. Once these are fixed the
IOVDbTestAlgReadCoolAfterTwoStep crashes. Presumably that's the real
problem and disabling the former two tests was just hiding the issue.
 .../DatabaseTest/IOVDbTestAlg/CMakeLists.txt  |  19 +-
 .../IOVDbTestAlg/python/ | 113 +++++
 .../share/             | 112 -----
 .../share/ |  92 ----
 .../share/       | 117 -----
 .../share/IOVDbTestAlgReadCoolAndReg.ref      | 399 +++---------------
 .../share/ | 129 ------
 .../share/       | 122 ------
 .../share/        |  89 ----
 .../share/IOVDbTestAlgReadCoolNoReg.ref       | 382 +++--------------
 .../share/      | 217 ----------
 .../share/            | 145 -------
 .../share/      | 140 ------
 .../share/       |  93 ----
 .../share/       | 135 ------
 .../share/       | 137 ------
 .../IOVDbTestAlg/share/    |  72 ----
 .../share/   | 195 ---------
 .../IOVDbTestAlg/test/ |  14 +
 .../test/  |  16 +
 .../test/        |  27 ++
 .../test/  |  18 +
 .../test/         |  22 +
 .../test/       |  81 ++++
 .../test/             |  19 +
 .../test/        |  14 +
 .../test/        |  17 +
 .../test/        |  18 +
 28 files changed, 491 insertions(+), 2463 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/IOVDbTestAlg/python/
 delete mode 100644 AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/IOVDbTestAlg/share/
 delete mode 100644 AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/IOVDbTestAlg/share/
 delete mode 100644 AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/IOVDbTestAlg/share/
 delete mode 100644 AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/IOVDbTestAlg/share/
 delete mode 100644 AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/IOVDbTestAlg/share/
 delete mode 100644 AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/IOVDbTestAlg/share/
 delete mode 100644 AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/IOVDbTestAlg/share/
 delete mode 100644 AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/IOVDbTestAlg/share/
 delete mode 100644 AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/IOVDbTestAlg/share/
 delete mode 100644 AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/IOVDbTestAlg/share/
 delete mode 100644 AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/IOVDbTestAlg/share/
 delete mode 100644 AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/IOVDbTestAlg/share/
 delete mode 100644 AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/IOVDbTestAlg/share/
 delete mode 100644 AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/IOVDbTestAlg/share/
 create mode 100644 AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/IOVDbTestAlg/test/
 create mode 100644 AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/IOVDbTestAlg/test/
 create mode 100644 AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/IOVDbTestAlg/test/
 create mode 100644 AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/IOVDbTestAlg/test/
 create mode 100644 AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/IOVDbTestAlg/test/
 create mode 100644 AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/IOVDbTestAlg/test/
 create mode 100644 AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/IOVDbTestAlg/test/
 create mode 100644 AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/IOVDbTestAlg/test/
 create mode 100644 AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/IOVDbTestAlg/test/
 create mode 100644 AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/IOVDbTestAlg/test/

diff --git a/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/IOVDbTestAlg/CMakeLists.txt b/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/IOVDbTestAlg/CMakeLists.txt
index 48de0686012a..e73dd1aad1d4 100644
--- a/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/IOVDbTestAlg/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/IOVDbTestAlg/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2002-2022 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
+# Copyright (C) 2002-2024 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
 # Declare the package name:
 atlas_subdir( IOVDbTestAlg )
@@ -15,13 +15,14 @@ atlas_add_component( IOVDbTestAlg
                      LINK_LIBRARIES ${CORAL_LIBRARIES} IOVDbTestConditions AthenaBaseComps AthenaKernel StoreGateLib GaudiKernel AthenaPoolUtilities RegistrationServicesLib )
 # Install files from the package:
-atlas_install_joboptions( share/*.py )
+atlas_install_python_modules( python/*.py )
+# Tests in the package:
 function (iovdbtestalg_run_test testName jo)
   cmake_parse_arguments( ARG "" "DEPENDS" "" ${ARGN} )
   atlas_add_test( ${testName}
-                  SCRIPT " IOVDbTestAlg/${jo}.py"
+                  SCRIPT "python ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/test/${jo}.py"
                   LOG_SELECT_PATTERN "^IOVDbTestAlg"
                   PROPERTIES TIMEOUT 300
                   ENVIRONMENT "POOL_OUTMSG_LEVEL=4"
@@ -60,12 +61,16 @@ iovdbtestalg_run_test( IOVDbTestReadCoolFromMD IOVDbTestAlgReadCoolFromMetaData
 # Write out some the same simple objects BUT DO NOT register them
 iovdbtestalg_run_test( IOVDbTestAlgWriteCoolNoReg IOVDbTestAlgWriteCoolNoReg
                        DEPENDS IOVDbTestReadCoolFromMD )
 # Read back objects NOT registered
-#iovdbtestalg_run_test( IOVDbTestAlgReadCoolNoReg IOVDbTestAlgReadCoolNoReg )
+iovdbtestalg_run_test( IOVDbTestAlgReadCoolNoReg IOVDbTestAlgReadCoolNoReg
+                       DEPENDS IOVDbTestAlgWriteCoolNoReg )
 # Read back objects NOT registered and NOW register them
-#iovdbtestalg_run_test( IOVDbTestAlgReadCoolAndReg IOVDbTestAlgReadCoolAndReg )
+iovdbtestalg_run_test( IOVDbTestAlgReadCoolAndReg IOVDbTestAlgReadCoolAndReg
+                       DEPENDS IOVDbTestAlgReadCoolNoReg )
 # Read back objects via IOVDB
-iovdbtestalg_run_test( IOVDbTestAlgReadCoolAfterTwoStep IOVDbTestAlgReadCoolAfterTwoStep
-                       DEPENDS IOVDbTestAlgWriteCoolNoReg )
+# FW Feb 2024: test disabled since it crashes
+#iovdbtestalg_run_test( IOVDbTestAlgReadCoolAfterTwoStep IOVDbTestAlgReadCoolAfterTwoStep
+#                       DEPENDS IOVDbTestAlgReadCoolAndReg )
diff --git a/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/IOVDbTestAlg/python/ b/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/IOVDbTestAlg/python/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..7c9b7f2fc310
--- /dev/null
+++ b/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/IOVDbTestAlg/python/
@@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2002-2024 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
+from AthenaConfiguration.AllConfigFlags import initConfigFlags
+from AthenaConfiguration.ComponentFactory import CompFactory
+from AthenaCommon.Constants import DEBUG
+def IOVDbTestAlgFlags():
+   """Create default set of flags for tests"""
+   flags = initConfigFlags()
+   flags.Common.MsgSuppression = False
+   flags.Exec.OutputLevel = DEBUG
+   flags.Input.Files = []
+   flags.Input.isMC = True
+   flags.IOVDb.DBConnection = "sqlite://;schema=mytest.db;dbname=TESTCOOL"
+   flags.IOVDb.DatabaseInstance = ""
+   flags.IOVDb.GlobalTag = ""
+   return flags
+def IOVDbTestAlgWriteCfg(flags, registerIOV = False):
+   # Basic services
+   from AthenaConfiguration.MainServicesConfig import MainServicesCfg
+   acc = MainServicesCfg(flags)
+   from IOVDbSvc.IOVDbSvcConfig import IOVDbSvcCfg
+   acc.merge( IOVDbSvcCfg(flags) )
+   if registerIOV:
+      acc.addService( CompFactory.IOVRegistrationSvc(OutputLevel = DEBUG) )
+   # Setup MC EventSelector and POOL
+   from McEventSelector.McEventSelectorConfig import McEventSelectorCfg
+   acc.merge( McEventSelectorCfg(flags,
+                                 RunNumber         = 1,
+                                 EventsPerRun      = 5,
+                                 FirstEvent        = 1,
+                                 EventsPerLB       = 1,
+                                 FirstLB           = 1,
+                                 InitialTimeStamp  = 0,
+                                 TimeStampInterval = 5) )
+   from AthenaPoolCnvSvc.PoolCommonConfig import AthenaPoolCnvSvcCfg
+   acc.merge( AthenaPoolCnvSvcCfg(flags,
+                                  PoolContainerPrefix = "ROOTTREE:CollectionTree",
+                                  TopLevelContainerName = "<type>",
+                                  SubLevelBranchName = "") )
+   # Testing algorithm
+   acc.addEventAlgo( CompFactory.IOVDbTestAlg(
+      "IOVDbTestAlg",
+      OutputLevel   = DEBUG,
+      StreamName    = "CondStream2",
+      RegTime       = 0,     # Set time to register - used for IOVDbTestAmdbCorrection
+      WriteCondObjs = True,
+      RegisterIOV   = registerIOV,
+      ReadWriteCool = True,
+      TagID         = "COOL-TEST-001",
+      PrintLB       = True) )
+   acc.addPublicTool( CompFactory.AthenaOutputStreamTool("CondStream2",
+                                                         OutputFile = "SimplePoolFile.root") )
+   return acc
+def IOVDbTestAlgReadCfg(flags, overrideTag=True):
+   # Basic services
+   from AthenaConfiguration.MainServicesConfig import MainServicesCfg
+   acc = MainServicesCfg(flags)
+   from IOVDbSvc.IOVDbSvcConfig import IOVDbSvcCfg, addFolders
+   acc.merge( IOVDbSvcCfg(flags) )
+   # Setup input services
+   if len(flags.Input.Files) > 0:
+      from AthenaPoolCnvSvc.PoolReadConfig import PoolReadCfg
+      acc.merge( PoolReadCfg(flags) )
+   else:
+      from McEventSelector.McEventSelectorConfig import McEventSelectorCfg
+      acc.merge( McEventSelectorCfg(flags,
+                                    RunNumber         = 1,
+                                    EventsPerRun      = 5,
+                                    FirstEvent        = 1,
+                                    EventsPerLB       = 1,
+                                    FirstLB           = 1,
+                                    InitialTimeStamp  = 0,
+                                    TimeStampInterval = 5) )
+   # Testing algorithm
+   acc.addEventAlgo( CompFactory.IOVDbTestAlg(
+      "IOVDbTestAlg",
+      OutputLevel   = DEBUG,
+      WriteCondObjs = False,
+      RegisterIOV   = False,
+      ReadWriteCool = True,
+      PrintLB       = True) )
+   t = "COOL-TEST-001"
+   acc.merge( addFolders(flags, "/IOVDbTest/IOVDbTestMDTEleMap",
+                         tag = f"MDTEleMap_{t}" if overrideTag else None) )
+   acc.merge( addFolders(flags, "/IOVDbTest/IOVDbTestAMDBCorrection",
+                         tag = f"AmdbCorrection_{t}" if overrideTag else None) )
+   acc.merge( addFolders(flags, "/IOVDbTest/IOVDbTestAttrList",
+                         tag = f"AttrList_{t}" if overrideTag else None) )
+   acc.merge( addFolders(flags, "/IOVDbTest/IOVDbTestAttrListColl",
+                         tag = f"AttrListColl_{t}" if overrideTag else None) )
+   acc.merge( addFolders(flags, "/IOVDbTest/IOVDbTestMDTEleMapColl",
+                         tag = f"MDTEleMapColl_{t}" if overrideTag else None) )
+   return acc
diff --git a/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/IOVDbTestAlg/share/ b/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/IOVDbTestAlg/share/
deleted file mode 100644
index aa2a09417da6..000000000000
--- a/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/IOVDbTestAlg/share/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,112 +0,0 @@
-# Job options file for IOVDbTestAlg:  see doc in README
-#use McEventSelector
-## basic job configuration (for generator)
-import AthenaCommon.AtlasUnixGeneratorJob
-## get a handle to the default top-level algorithm sequence
-from AthenaCommon.AlgSequence import AlgSequence
-topSequence = AlgSequence()
-## get a handle to the ServiceManager
-from AthenaCommon.AppMgr import ServiceMgr as svcMgr
-## get a handle to the ApplicationManager
-from AthenaCommon.AppMgr import theApp
-# Load POOL support - to read conditions in POOL, not events
-import AthenaPoolCnvSvc.AthenaPool
-# Access to IOVSvc, IOVDbSvc and CondDBMySQLCnvSvc
-import IOVDbSvc.IOVDb
-# Private Application Configuration options
-# Load "user algorithm" top algorithms to be run, and the libraries that house them
-from IOVDbTestAlg.IOVDbTestAlgConf import IOVDbTestAlg
-topSequence += IOVDbTestAlg( "IOVDbTestAlg" )
-# Set output level threshold (1=VERBOSE, 2=DEBUG, 3=INFO, 4=WARNING, 5=ERROR, 6=FATAL )
-svcMgr.MessageSvc.OutputLevel      = INFO
-svcMgr.MessageSvc.debugLimit       = 100000
-svcMgr.MessageSvc.infoLimit        = 100000
-svcMgr.MessageSvc.Format           = "% F%30W%S%7W%R%T %0W%M"
-IOVDbTestAlg.OutputLevel           = DEBUG
-svcMgr.IOVDbSvc.OutputLevel        = INFO
-# Choose the following to write out cond objects . 
-IOVDbTestAlg.WriteCondObjs = False
-# Choose the following to register cond objects in the IOVDB. 
-IOVDbTestAlg.RegisterIOV   = False
-# Do not register AttributeList - only for cool version
-IOVDbTestAlg.ReadWriteCool = True
-# Print lumiblock as well
-IOVDbTestAlg.PrintLB = True
-#   COOL ConditionsDB tests
-# For IOVDb: specify dbConnection with COOL and oracle specified
-# uncomment this to use a local SQLite file instead
-svcMgr.IOVDbSvc.dbConnection  = "sqlite://;schema=mytest.db;dbname=TESTCOOL"
-# The following turns off the ability to set EventSelector parameters
-# below
-#ApplicationMgr.EvtSel = "NONE"
-# Number of events to be processed (default is 10)
-#ApplicationMgr.EvtMax = 1
-# Set the following when reading back to adjust the run/event numbers
-#   (don't forget ApplicationMgr.EvtMax)
-svcMgr.EventSelector.RunNumber         = 1
-svcMgr.EventSelector.EventsPerRun      = 10
-svcMgr.EventSelector.FirstEvent        = 1
-svcMgr.EventSelector.EventsPerLB       = 1
-svcMgr.EventSelector.FirstLB           = 1
-svcMgr.EventSelector.InitialTimeStamp  = 0
-svcMgr.EventSelector.TimeStampInterval = 5
-# svcMgr.EventSelector.FirstLB=0
-# svcMgr.EventSelector.EventsPerLB=3
-theApp.EvtMax                   = 30
-# Explicit list of folders with tags
-tagSuffix = "_COOL-TEST-001"
-folder = "/IOVDbTest/IOVDbTestMDTEleMap"
-tag = "MDTEleMap" + tagSuffix
-svcMgr.IOVDbSvc.Folders += [ folder + "<tag>" + tag + "</tag>" ]
-folder = "/IOVDbTest/IOVDbTestAMDBCorrection"
-tag = "AmdbCorrection" + tagSuffix
-svcMgr.IOVDbSvc.Folders += [ folder + "<tag>" + tag + "</tag>" ]
-folder = "/IOVDbTest/IOVDbTestAttrList"
-tag = "AttrList" + tagSuffix
-svcMgr.IOVDbSvc.Folders += [ folder + "<tag>" + tag + "</tag>" ]
-folder = "/IOVDbTest/IOVDbTestAttrListColl"
-tag = "AttrListColl" + tagSuffix
-svcMgr.IOVDbSvc.Folders += [ folder + "<tag>" + tag + "</tag>" ]
-folder = "/IOVDbTest/IOVDbTestMDTEleMapColl"
-tag = "MDTEleMapColl" + tagSuffix
-svcMgr.IOVDbSvc.Folders += [ folder + "<tag>" + tag + "</tag>" ]
-# Implicit list for the rest
-#IOVDbSvc.Folders += [ "/IOVDbTest/IOVDbTestAttr*" ]
-# optional extra folder for the Fancy AttributeList
-# folder = "/IOVDbTest/IOVDbTestFancyList"
-# tag = "FancyList" + tagSuffix
-# svcMgr.IOVDbSvc.Folders += [ folder + "<tag>" + tag + "</tag>" ]
-# IOVDbTestAlg.FancyList=True
diff --git a/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/IOVDbTestAlg/share/ b/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/IOVDbTestAlg/share/
deleted file mode 100644
index c749bb4db3ce..000000000000
--- a/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/IOVDbTestAlg/share/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,92 +0,0 @@
-# Job options file for IOVDbTestAlg:  see doc in README
-## basic job configuration (for generator)
-import AthenaCommon.AtlasUnixGeneratorJob
-## get a handle to the default top-level algorithm sequence
-from AthenaCommon.AlgSequence import AlgSequence
-topSequence = AlgSequence()
-## get a handle to the ServiceManager
-from AthenaCommon.AppMgr import ServiceMgr as svcMgr
-## get a handle to the ApplicationManager
-from AthenaCommon.AppMgr import theApp
-# Load POOL support - to read conditions in POOL, not events
-import AthenaPoolCnvSvc.AthenaPool
-# Access to IOVSvc, IOVDbSvc and CondDBMySQLCnvSvc
-import IOVDbSvc.IOVDb
-# Private Application Configuration options
-# Load "user algorithm" top algorithms to be run, and the libraries that house them
-from IOVDbTestAlg.IOVDbTestAlgConf import IOVDbTestAlg
-topSequence += IOVDbTestAlg( "IOVDbTestAlg" )
-# Set output level threshold (1=VERBOSE, 2=DEBUG, 3=INFO, 4=WARNING, 5=ERROR, 6=FATAL )
-svcMgr.MessageSvc.OutputLevel      = INFO
-svcMgr.MessageSvc.debugLimit       = 100000
-svcMgr.MessageSvc.infoLimit        = 100000
-svcMgr.MessageSvc.Format           = "% F%30W%S%7W%R%T %0W%M"
-IOVDbTestAlg.OutputLevel           = DEBUG
-svcMgr.IOVDbSvc.OutputLevel        = INFO
-# Choose the following to write out cond objects . 
-IOVDbTestAlg.WriteCondObjs   = False
-# Choose the following to register cond objects in the IOVDB. 
-IOVDbTestAlg.RegisterIOV     = False
-# Do not register AttributeList - only for cool version
-IOVDbTestAlg.ReadWriteCool   = True
-# Do not check AttributeList for two-step write/reg
-IOVDbTestAlg.TwoStepWriteReg = True
-#   COOL ConditionsDB tests
-# For IOVDb: specify dbConnection with COOL and oracle specified
-# uncomment this to use a local SQLite file instead
-svcMgr.IOVDbSvc.dbConnection  = "sqlite://;schema=mytest.db;dbname=TESTCOOL"
-tag    = "_COOL-TEST-001"
-svcMgr.IOVDbSvc.Folders += [ "/IOVDbTest/IOVDbTestMDTEleMap <tag>MDTEleMap" + tag + "</tag>" ]
-svcMgr.IOVDbSvc.Folders += [ "/IOVDbTest/IOVDbTestAMDBCorrection <tag>AmdbCorrection"  + tag + "</tag>"]
-svcMgr.IOVDbSvc.Folders += [ "/IOVDbTest/IOVDbTestAttrList  <tag>AttrList"  + tag + "</tag>"]
-svcMgr.IOVDbSvc.Folders += [ "/IOVDbTest/IOVDbTestAttrListColl  <tag>AttrListColl"  + tag + "</tag>"]
-svcMgr.IOVDbSvc.Folders += [ "/IOVDbTest/IOVDbTestMDTEleMapColl <tag>MDTEleMapColl"  + tag + "</tag>"]
-# The following turns off the ability to set EventSelector parameters
-# below
-#ApplicationMgr.EvtSel = "NONE"
-# Number of events to be processed (default is 10)
-#ApplicationMgr.EvtMax = 1
-# Set the following when reading back to adjust the run/event numbers
-#   (don't forget ApplicationMgr.EvtMax)
-svcMgr.EventSelector.RunNumber         = 1
-svcMgr.EventSelector.EventsPerRun      = 5
-svcMgr.EventSelector.FirstEvent        = 1
-svcMgr.EventSelector.InitialTimeStamp  = 0
-svcMgr.EventSelector.TimeStampInterval = 5
-theApp.EvtMax                   = 30
-#StoreGateSvc = Service( "StoreGateSvc" )
-#StoreGateSvc.Dump = False
diff --git a/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/IOVDbTestAlg/share/ b/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/IOVDbTestAlg/share/
deleted file mode 100644
index 6c8633b4dbc2..000000000000
--- a/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/IOVDbTestAlg/share/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,117 +0,0 @@
-# Job options file for IOVDbTestAlg:  see doc in README
-#use McEventSelector
-## basic job configuration (for generator)
-import AthenaCommon.AtlasUnixGeneratorJob
-## get a handle to the default top-level algorithm sequence
-from AthenaCommon.AlgSequence import AlgSequence
-topSequence = AlgSequence()
-## get a handle to the ServiceManager
-from AthenaCommon.AppMgr import ServiceMgr as svcMgr
-## get a handle to the ApplicationManager
-from AthenaCommon.AppMgr import theApp
-# Access to IOVSvc, IOVDbSvc and CondDBMySQLCnvSvc
-import IOVDbSvc.IOVDb
-# Private Application Configuration options
-# Load "user algorithm" top algorithms to be run, and the libraries that house them
-from IOVDbTestAlg.IOVDbTestAlgConf import IOVDbTestAlg
-topSequence += IOVDbTestAlg( "IOVDbTestAlg" )
-# Set output level threshold (1=VERBOSE, 2=DEBUG, 3=INFO, 4=WARNING, 5=ERROR, 6=FATAL )
-svcMgr.MessageSvc.OutputLevel      = INFO
-svcMgr.MessageSvc.debugLimit       = 100000
-svcMgr.MessageSvc.infoLimit        = 100000
-svcMgr.MessageSvc.Format           = "% F%30W%S%7W%R%T %0W%M"
-IOVDbTestAlg.OutputLevel           = DEBUG
-svcMgr.IOVDbSvc.OutputLevel        = INFO
-# Choose the following to write out cond objects . 
-IOVDbTestAlg.WriteCondObjs   = False
-# Choose the following to register cond objects in the IOVDB. 
-IOVDbTestAlg.RegisterIOV     = True
-# Do not register AttributeList - only for cool version
-IOVDbTestAlg.ReadWriteCool   = True
-# Do not check AttributeList for two-step write/reg
-IOVDbTestAlg.TwoStepWriteReg = True
-# Set the tag value
-IOVDbTestAlg.TagID   = "COOL-TEST-001"
-# For IOVDb: specify dbConnection with COOL and oracle specified
-#   Default is to use oracle schema named TESTCOOL, to override this use
-#     athena  'TESTCOOL="<your test db name>"'
-# uncomment this to use a local SQLite file instead
-svcMgr.IOVDbSvc.dbConnection  = "sqlite://;schema=mytest.db;dbname=TESTCOOL"
-# Options for IOVRegistrationSvc
-import RegistrationServices.IOVRegistrationSvc
-# Dont set the tag for ALL folders
-# in COOL folder tags must be globally unique
-regSvc = svcMgr.IOVRegistrationSvc
-# regSvc.IOVDbTag   = "DC1"
-# Select the following to delete and recreate the folders. Default is
-# NOT to recreate
-regSvc.RecreateFolders = True
-# The following set the interval for each of the IOVDbTest folders
-# regSvc.BeginRun   = 4
-# Max EndRun: 0x7FFFFFFF
-# regSvc.EndRun     = 2147483647 
-# regSvc.EndRun     = 3 
-# regSvc.BeginLB = 0
-# Max EndLB: 0xFFFFFFFF
-# regSvc.EndLB   = 4294967295
-# regSvc.IOVDbTag   = "DC1"
-# The following turns off the ability to set EventSelector parameters
-# below
-#ApplicationMgr.EvtSel = "NONE"
-# Number of events to be processed (default is 10)
-#ApplicationMgr.EvtMax = 1
-# Set the following when reading back to adjust the run/event numbers
-#   (don't forget ApplicationMgr.EvtMax)
-svcMgr.EventSelector.RunNumber         = 1
-svcMgr.EventSelector.EventsPerRun      = 5
-svcMgr.EventSelector.FirstEvent        = 1
-svcMgr.EventSelector.InitialTimeStamp  = 0
-svcMgr.EventSelector.TimeStampInterval = 5
-theApp.EvtMax                   = 30
-# Load POOL support
-import AthenaPoolCnvSvc.WriteAthenaPool
-# Set input file for CondProxyProvider to find the conditions
-from AthenaCommon.ConfigurableDb import getConfigurable
-svcMgr += getConfigurable( "ProxyProviderSvc" )()
-svcMgr.ProxyProviderSvc.ProviderNames += [ "CondProxyProvider" ]
-svcMgr += getConfigurable( "CondProxyProvider" )()
-svcMgr.CondProxyProvider.InputCollections = ["SimplePoolFile.root"]
diff --git a/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/IOVDbTestAlg/share/IOVDbTestAlgReadCoolAndReg.ref b/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/IOVDbTestAlg/share/IOVDbTestAlgReadCoolAndReg.ref
index f2bbea52c64a..baf3549424d0 100644
--- a/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/IOVDbTestAlg/share/IOVDbTestAlgReadCoolAndReg.ref
+++ b/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/IOVDbTestAlg/share/IOVDbTestAlgReadCoolAndReg.ref
@@ -1,176 +1,13 @@
-Py:ConfigurableDb    INFO Read module info for 2861 configurables from 10 genConfDb files
-Py:ConfigurableDb    INFO No duplicates have been found: that's good !
-Py:Athena            INFO including file "AthenaCommon/"
-Py:Athena            INFO including file "IOVDbTestAlg/"
-Py:Athena            INFO including file "AthenaCommon/"
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Updating ROOT::Reflex::PluginService::SetDebug(level) to level=0
-ApplicationMgr    SUCCESS 
-                                                   Welcome to ApplicationMgr $Revision: 1.5 $
-                                          running on on Thu Nov  8 10:54:46 2007
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : AthenaServices
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Application Manager Configured successfully
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Updating ROOT::Reflex::PluginService::SetDebug(level) to level=0
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : 
-StatusCodeSvc                    INFO initialize
-DetectorStore                    INFO Initializing DetectorStore - package version StoreGate-02-21-01
-EventPersistencySvc              INFO  'CnvServices':[ 'DetDescrCnvSvc' , 'McCnvSvc' , 'AthenaPoolCnvSvc' ]
-ProxyProviderSvc                 INFO Initializing ProxyProviderSvc - package version SGComps-00-00-08
-IOVDbSvc                         INFO Found ProxyProviderSvc 
-ClassIDSvc                       INFO Initializing ClassIDSvc - package version CLIDComps-00-03-01
-ClassIDSvc                       INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 30 CLIDRegistry entries for module ALL
-ClassIDSvc                       INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 30 CLIDRegistry entries for module ALL
-IOVSvc                           INFO IOVRanges will be checked at every Event
-SGAudSvc                         INFO Initializing SGAudSvc...
-IOVDbSvc                         INFO DbConnections are managed (opened when needed)
-EventSelector                    INFO  Enter McEventSelector Initialization 
-EventSelector                    INFO  McEventSelector Initialized Properly ... 
-IOVDbSvc                         INFO Service IOVDbSvc initialised successfully
-MetaDataSvc                      INFO Initializing MetaDataSvc - package version EventSelectorAthenaPool-00-05-45
-AthenaPoolCnvSvc                 INFO Initializing AthenaPoolCnvSvc - package version AthenaPoolCnvSvc-00-12-09
-ChronoStatSvc                    INFO  Number of skipped events for MemStat-1
-AthenaSealSvc                    INFO begin initialize() - loading dictionary fillers: size 4
-AthenaSealSvc                    INFO loadDictFiller - Ntypes before 4656 types added 1453 dictionary filler name:STLRflx
-AthenaSealSvc                    INFO loadDictFiller - Ntypes before 6109 types added 688 dictionary filler name:STLAddRflx
-AthenaSealSvc                    INFO loadDictFiller - Ntypes before 6797 types added 695 dictionary filler name:AtlasSTLAddReflexDict
-AthenaSealSvc                    INFO loadDictFiller - Ntypes before 7492 types added 567 dictionary filler name:AtlasSealCLHEPDict
-PoolSvc                          INFO No POOL WriteCatalog was specified--using POOL default.
-WARNING: $POOL_CATALOG is not defined
-using default `xmlcatalog_file:PoolFileCatalog.xml'
-PoolSvc                          INFO Set connectionsvc retry/timeout/IDLE timeout to  'ConnectionRetrialPeriod':30/ 'ConnectionRetrialTimeOut':300/ 'ConnectionTimeOut':5 seconds
-PoolSvc                          INFO Frontier compression level set to 5
-DBReplicaSvc                     INFO Read replica configuration from /afs/
-DBReplicaSvc                     INFO Total of 4 servers found for host
-PoolSvc                          INFO Successfully setup replica sorting algorithm
-AthenaRootStreamerSvc            INFO POOL/ROOT class loader initialized
-AthenaRootStreamerSvc            INFO 9 ROOT streamers declared
-AthenaRootStreamerSvc            INFO   - Streamer name:CLHEPVec3dStreamer
-AthenaRootStreamerSvc            INFO ROOT Streamer for HepVector3D added converter for checksum = 358881035
-AthenaRootStreamerSvc            INFO Adopted streamer for class HepVector3D
-AthenaRootStreamerSvc            INFO   - Streamer name:CLHEPPoint3dStreamer
-AthenaRootStreamerSvc            INFO ROOT Streamer for HepPoint3D added converter for checksum = 1634550480
-AthenaRootStreamerSvc            INFO Adopted streamer for class HepPoint3D
-AthenaRootStreamerSvc            INFO   - Streamer name:CLHEPRotationStreamer
-AthenaRootStreamerSvc            INFO ROOT Streamer for HepRotation added converter for checksum = 4141898558
-AthenaRootStreamerSvc            INFO Adopted streamer for class HepRotation
-AthenaRootStreamerSvc            INFO   - Streamer name:CLHEPGenMatrixStreamer
-AthenaRootStreamerSvc            INFO ROOT Streamer for HepGenMatrix added converter for checksum = 21721098
-AthenaRootStreamerSvc            INFO Adopted streamer for class HepGenMatrix
-AthenaRootStreamerSvc            INFO   - Streamer name:CLHEPMatrixStreamer
-AthenaRootStreamerSvc            INFO ROOT Streamer for HepMatrix added converter for checksum = 3811046672
-AthenaRootStreamerSvc            INFO Adopted streamer for class HepMatrix
-AthenaRootStreamerSvc            INFO   - Streamer name:CLHEPLorVecStreamer
-AthenaRootStreamerSvc            INFO ROOT Streamer for HepLorentzVector added converter for checksum = 3077056266
-AthenaRootStreamerSvc            INFO Adopted streamer for class HepLorentzVector
-AthenaRootStreamerSvc            INFO   - Streamer name:CLHEPTransform3DStreamer
-AthenaRootStreamerSvc            INFO ROOT Streamer for HepTransform3D added converter for checksum = 520750269
-AthenaRootStreamerSvc            INFO Adopted streamer for class HepTransform3D
-AthenaRootStreamerSvc            INFO   - Streamer name:CLHEP3VectorStreamer
-AthenaRootStreamerSvc            INFO ROOT Streamer for Hep3Vector added converter for checksum = 760000369
-AthenaRootStreamerSvc            INFO Adopted streamer for class Hep3Vector
-AthenaRootStreamerSvc            INFO   - Streamer name:CLHEPBasicVectorStreamer
-AthenaRootStreamerSvc            INFO ROOT Streamer for BasicVector3D added converter for checksum = 2681080162
-AthenaRootStreamerSvc            INFO Adopted streamer for class BasicVector3D
-AthenaPoolCnvSvc                 INFO Loading POOL XMLAuthenticationService.
-InputMetaDataStore               INFO Initializing InputMetaDataStore - package version StoreGate-02-21-01
-IOVDbSvc                         INFO  
-CondProxyProvider                INFO Initializing CondProxyProvider - package version EventSelectorAthenaPool-00-05-45
-CondProxyProvider                INFO Create PoolCollectionConverter -  InputCollection: SimplePoolFile.root
-SimplePoolFile.root   Always Root file version:51400
-CondProxyProvider                INFO ----- CondProxyProvider Initialized Properly
-IOVDbSvc                         INFO  
-MetaDataStore                    INFO Initializing MetaDataStore - package version StoreGate-02-21-01
-IOVDbSvc                         INFO  
-ActiveStoreSvc                   INFO Initializing ActiveStoreSvc - package version StoreGate-02-21-01
-StoreGateSvc                     INFO Initializing StoreGateSvc - package version StoreGate-02-21-01
-IOVDbSvc                         INFO  
-DetDescrCnvSvc                   INFO  initializing 
-DetDescrCnvSvc                   INFO Found DetectorStore service
-DetDescrCnvSvc                   INFO  filling proxies for detector managers 
-DetDescrCnvSvc                   INFO  filling address for InDetMgr with CLID 2512 and storage type 68 to detector store 
-DetDescrCnvSvc                   INFO  filling address for MuonMgr with CLID 4060 and storage type 68 to detector store 
-DetDescrCnvSvc                   INFO  filling address for CaloTTMgr with CLID 117659265 and storage type 68 to detector store 
-DetDescrCnvSvc                   INFO  filling address for CaloMgr with CLID 4548337 and storage type 68 to detector store 
-DetDescrCnvSvc                   INFO  filling address for CaloIdManager with CLID 125856940 and storage type 68 to detector store 
-DetDescrCnvSvc                   INFO  filling address for IdDict with CLID 2411 and storage type 68 to detector store 
-DetDescrCnvSvc                   INFO  filling address for AtlasID with CLID 164875623 and storage type 68 to detector store 
-DetDescrCnvSvc                   INFO  filling address for PixelID with CLID 2516 and storage type 68 to detector store 
-DetDescrCnvSvc                   INFO  filling address for SCT_ID with CLID 2517 and storage type 68 to detector store 
-DetDescrCnvSvc                   INFO  filling address for TRT_ID with CLID 2518 and storage type 68 to detector store 
-DetDescrCnvSvc                   INFO  filling address for SiliconID with CLID 129452393 and storage type 68 to detector store 
-DetDescrCnvSvc                   INFO  filling address for LArEM_ID with CLID 163583365 and storage type 68 to detector store 
-DetDescrCnvSvc                   INFO  filling address for LArHEC_ID with CLID 3870484 and storage type 68 to detector store 
-DetDescrCnvSvc                   INFO  filling address for LArFCAL_ID with CLID 45738051 and storage type 68 to detector store 
-DetDescrCnvSvc                   INFO  filling address for LArOnlineID with CLID 158698068 and storage type 68 to detector store 
-DetDescrCnvSvc                   INFO  filling address for TTOnlineID with CLID 38321944 and storage type 68 to detector store 
-DetDescrCnvSvc                   INFO  filling address for LArHVLineID with CLID 27863673 and storage type 68 to detector store 
-DetDescrCnvSvc                   INFO  filling address for LArElectrodeID with CLID 80757351 and storage type 68 to detector store 
-DetDescrCnvSvc                   INFO  filling address for TileID with CLID 2901 and storage type 68 to detector store 
-DetDescrCnvSvc                   INFO  filling address for TileHWID with CLID 2902 and storage type 68 to detector store 
-DetDescrCnvSvc                   INFO  filling address for TileTBID with CLID 2903 and storage type 68 to detector store 
-DetDescrCnvSvc                   INFO  filling address for MDTIDHELPER with CLID 4170 and storage type 68 to detector store 
-DetDescrCnvSvc                   INFO  filling address for CSCIDHELPER with CLID 4171 and storage type 68 to detector store 
-DetDescrCnvSvc                   INFO  filling address for RPCIDHELPER with CLID 4172 and storage type 68 to detector store 
-DetDescrCnvSvc                   INFO  filling address for TGCIDHELPER with CLID 4173 and storage type 68 to detector store 
-DetDescrCnvSvc                   INFO  filling address for CaloLVL1_ID with CLID 108133391 and storage type 68 to detector store 
-DetDescrCnvSvc                   INFO  filling address for CaloCell_ID with CLID 123500438 and storage type 68 to detector store 
-DetDescrCnvSvc                   INFO  filling address for CaloDM_ID with CLID 167756483 and storage type 68 to detector store 
-AthenaEventLoopMgr               INFO Initializing AthenaEventLoopMgr - package version AthenaServices-01-20-01
 IOVDbTestAlg                    DEBUG in initialize()
 IOVDbTestAlg                    DEBUG Found IOVRegistrationSvc 
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Tag to be used: COOL-TEST-001
-HistogramPersistencySvc          INFO  'CnvServices':[ 'HbookHistSvc' , 'RootHistSvc' ]
-HistogramPersistencySvc       WARNING Histograms saving not required.
-AthenaEventLoopMgr            WARNING Histograms saving not required.
-AthenaEventLoopMgr               INFO Setup EventSelector service EventSelector
-ApplicationMgr                   INFO Application Manager Initialized successfully
-EventPersistencySvc              INFO Added successfully Conversion service:DetDescrCnvSvc
-EventPersistencySvc              INFO Added successfully Conversion service:McCnvSvc
-AthenaEventLoopMgr               INFO   ===>>>  start of run 1    <<<===
-IOVSvc                           INFO Proxy CLID: 61780915 key: ProcessingTags has not been registered. Doing it now.
-ClassIDSvc                       INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 67 CLIDRegistry entries for module ALL
-AthenaEventLoopMgr               INFO   ===>>>  start of event 1  <<<===
-Warning in <TClass::TClass>: no dictionary for class IChronoSvc is available
-Warning in <TClass::TClass>: no dictionary for class IStatSvc is available
-HistorySvc                       INFO Registered 1 Algorithms
-HistorySvc                       INFO Registered 0 AlgTools
-HistorySvc                       INFO Registered 35 Services
-IOVDbTestAlg                    DEBUG  in execute()
 IOVDbTestAlg                    DEBUG Event (run,ev,lb:time): [1,1:0]
-IOVDbTestAlg                    DEBUG Calling printCondObjects
+IOVDbTestAlg                    DEBUG Calling printCondObjects 'online':False	1	1
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO in printCondObjects()
-EventPersistencySvc              INFO Added successfully Conversion service:AthenaPoolCnvSvc
-AthenaSealSvc                    INFO checkClass - Number of types on entry 9781
-AthenaSealSvc                    INFO checkClass - found type IOVDbTestMDTEleMap
-AthenaSealSvc                    INFO checkClass - found ClassID DBDD3779-7E80-463C-9E29-5AAA08432783
-AthenaSealSvc                    INFO Checking members of type IOVDbTestMDTEleMap for 4 members: ok  - isComplete 1
-AthenaSealSvc                    INFO Checking members of type string for 1 members: ok  - isComplete 1
-AthenaSealSvc                    INFO checkClass - NO MISSING FIELDS!!!
-AthenaSealSvc                    INFO checkClass - Number of types on exit 9781
-SimplePoolFile.root   Always Root file version:51400
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Retrieved IOVDbTestMDTEleMap 
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  45
-AthenaSealSvc                    INFO checkClass - Number of types on entry 9781
-AthenaSealSvc                    INFO checkClass - found type IOVDbTestAmdbCorrection
-AthenaSealSvc                    INFO checkClass - found ClassID C3B137B3-F09E-4B75-B14C-AAA2B64408BB
-AthenaSealSvc                    INFO Checking members of type IOVDbTestAmdbCorrection for 3 members: ok  - isComplete 1
-AthenaSealSvc                    INFO Checking members of type string for 1 members: ok  - isComplete 1
-AthenaSealSvc                    INFO checkClass - NO MISSING FIELDS!!!
-AthenaSealSvc                    INFO checkClass - Number of types on exit 9781
-AthenaRootStreamerSvc            INFO Found unknown streamer checksum 2357390539 for class HepPoint3D - using default ROOT streamer
-AthenaRootStreamerSvc            INFO Found unknown streamer checksum 2965104389 for class BasicVector3D - using default ROOT streamer
+IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Retrieved /IOVDbTest/IOVDbTestAMDBCorrection
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found amdb correction trans 1 2 3 rot 4 5 6
-AthenaSealSvc                    INFO checkClass - Number of types on entry 9781
-AthenaSealSvc                    INFO checkClass - found type CondMultChanCollImpl
-AthenaSealSvc                    INFO checkClass - found ClassID 1F1A18E0-CAFF-4AE4-84CC-2DC822C42AAA
-AthenaSealSvc                    INFO Checking members of type CondMultChanCollImpl for 7 members: ok  - isComplete 1
-AthenaSealSvc                    INFO Checking members of type IOVRange for 2 members: ok  - isComplete 1
-AthenaSealSvc                    INFO Checking members of type basic_string<char> for 1 members: ok  - isComplete 1
-AthenaSealSvc                    INFO Checking members of type IOVTime for 3 members: ok  - isComplete 1
-AthenaSealSvc                    INFO Checking members of type IOVTime_type for 4 members: ok  - isComplete 1
-AthenaSealSvc                    INFO checkClass - NO MISSING FIELDS!!!
-AthenaSealSvc                    INFO checkClass - Number of types on exit 9781
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Retrieved IOVDbTestMDTEleMapColl 
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  45 channel 1
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  55 channel 4
@@ -182,14 +19,12 @@ IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  115 channel 22
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  125 channel 25
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  135 channel 28
-AthenaEventLoopMgr               INFO   ===>>>  end of event 1    <<<===
-AthenaEventLoopMgr               INFO   ===>>>  start of event 2  <<<===
-IOVDbTestAlg                    DEBUG  in execute()
 IOVDbTestAlg                    DEBUG Event (run,ev,lb:time): [1,2:5]
-IOVDbTestAlg                    DEBUG Calling printCondObjects
+IOVDbTestAlg                    DEBUG Calling printCondObjects 'online':False	1	2
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO in printCondObjects()
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Retrieved IOVDbTestMDTEleMap 
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  45
+IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Retrieved /IOVDbTest/IOVDbTestAMDBCorrection
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found amdb correction trans 1 2 3 rot 4 5 6
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Retrieved IOVDbTestMDTEleMapColl 
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  45 channel 1
@@ -202,14 +37,12 @@ IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  115 channel 22
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  125 channel 25
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  135 channel 28
-AthenaEventLoopMgr               INFO   ===>>>  end of event 2    <<<===
-AthenaEventLoopMgr               INFO   ===>>>  start of event 3  <<<===
-IOVDbTestAlg                    DEBUG  in execute()
 IOVDbTestAlg                    DEBUG Event (run,ev,lb:time): [1,3:10]
-IOVDbTestAlg                    DEBUG Calling printCondObjects
+IOVDbTestAlg                    DEBUG Calling printCondObjects 'online':False	1	3
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO in printCondObjects()
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Retrieved IOVDbTestMDTEleMap 
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  45
+IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Retrieved /IOVDbTest/IOVDbTestAMDBCorrection
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found amdb correction trans 1 2 3 rot 4 5 6
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Retrieved IOVDbTestMDTEleMapColl 
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  45 channel 1
@@ -222,14 +55,12 @@ IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  115 channel 22
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  125 channel 25
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  135 channel 28
-AthenaEventLoopMgr               INFO   ===>>>  end of event 3    <<<===
-AthenaEventLoopMgr               INFO   ===>>>  start of event 4  <<<===
-IOVDbTestAlg                    DEBUG  in execute()
 IOVDbTestAlg                    DEBUG Event (run,ev,lb:time): [1,4:15]
-IOVDbTestAlg                    DEBUG Calling printCondObjects
+IOVDbTestAlg                    DEBUG Calling printCondObjects 'online':False	1	4
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO in printCondObjects()
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Retrieved IOVDbTestMDTEleMap 
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  45
+IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Retrieved /IOVDbTest/IOVDbTestAMDBCorrection
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found amdb correction trans 1 2 3 rot 4 5 6
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Retrieved IOVDbTestMDTEleMapColl 
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  45 channel 1
@@ -242,14 +73,12 @@ IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  115 channel 22
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  125 channel 25
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  135 channel 28
-AthenaEventLoopMgr               INFO   ===>>>  end of event 4    <<<===
-AthenaEventLoopMgr               INFO   ===>>>  start of event 5  <<<===
-IOVDbTestAlg                    DEBUG  in execute()
 IOVDbTestAlg                    DEBUG Event (run,ev,lb:time): [1,5:20]
-IOVDbTestAlg                    DEBUG Calling printCondObjects
+IOVDbTestAlg                    DEBUG Calling printCondObjects 'online':False	1	5
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO in printCondObjects()
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Retrieved IOVDbTestMDTEleMap 
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  45
+IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Retrieved /IOVDbTest/IOVDbTestAMDBCorrection
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found amdb correction trans 1 2 3 rot 4 5 6
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Retrieved IOVDbTestMDTEleMapColl 
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  45 channel 1
@@ -262,15 +91,12 @@ IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  115 channel 22
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  125 channel 25
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  135 channel 28
-AthenaEventLoopMgr               INFO   ===>>>  end of event 5    <<<===
-AthenaEventLoopMgr               INFO   ===>>>  start of run 2    <<<===
-AthenaEventLoopMgr               INFO   ===>>>  start of event 1  <<<===
-IOVDbTestAlg                    DEBUG  in execute()
 IOVDbTestAlg                    DEBUG Event (run,ev,lb:time): [2,1:25]
-IOVDbTestAlg                    DEBUG Calling printCondObjects
+IOVDbTestAlg                    DEBUG Calling printCondObjects 'online':False	2	1
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO in printCondObjects()
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Retrieved IOVDbTestMDTEleMap 
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  45
+IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Retrieved /IOVDbTest/IOVDbTestAMDBCorrection
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found amdb correction trans 1 2 3 rot 4 5 6
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Retrieved IOVDbTestMDTEleMapColl 
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  45 channel 1
@@ -283,14 +109,12 @@ IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  115 channel 22
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  125 channel 25
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  135 channel 28
-AthenaEventLoopMgr               INFO   ===>>>  end of event 1    <<<===
-AthenaEventLoopMgr               INFO   ===>>>  start of event 2  <<<===
-IOVDbTestAlg                    DEBUG  in execute()
 IOVDbTestAlg                    DEBUG Event (run,ev,lb:time): [2,2:30]
-IOVDbTestAlg                    DEBUG Calling printCondObjects
+IOVDbTestAlg                    DEBUG Calling printCondObjects 'online':False	2	2
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO in printCondObjects()
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Retrieved IOVDbTestMDTEleMap 
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  45
+IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Retrieved /IOVDbTest/IOVDbTestAMDBCorrection
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found amdb correction trans 1 2 3 rot 4 5 6
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Retrieved IOVDbTestMDTEleMapColl 
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  45 channel 1
@@ -303,14 +127,12 @@ IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  115 channel 22
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  125 channel 25
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  135 channel 28
-AthenaEventLoopMgr               INFO   ===>>>  end of event 2    <<<===
-AthenaEventLoopMgr               INFO   ===>>>  start of event 3  <<<===
-IOVDbTestAlg                    DEBUG  in execute()
 IOVDbTestAlg                    DEBUG Event (run,ev,lb:time): [2,3:35]
-IOVDbTestAlg                    DEBUG Calling printCondObjects
+IOVDbTestAlg                    DEBUG Calling printCondObjects 'online':False	2	3
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO in printCondObjects()
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Retrieved IOVDbTestMDTEleMap 
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  45
+IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Retrieved /IOVDbTest/IOVDbTestAMDBCorrection
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found amdb correction trans 1 2 3 rot 4 5 6
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Retrieved IOVDbTestMDTEleMapColl 
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  45 channel 1
@@ -323,14 +145,12 @@ IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  115 channel 22
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  125 channel 25
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  135 channel 28
-AthenaEventLoopMgr               INFO   ===>>>  end of event 3    <<<===
-AthenaEventLoopMgr               INFO   ===>>>  start of event 4  <<<===
-IOVDbTestAlg                    DEBUG  in execute()
 IOVDbTestAlg                    DEBUG Event (run,ev,lb:time): [2,4:40]
-IOVDbTestAlg                    DEBUG Calling printCondObjects
+IOVDbTestAlg                    DEBUG Calling printCondObjects 'online':False	2	4
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO in printCondObjects()
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Retrieved IOVDbTestMDTEleMap 
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  45
+IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Retrieved /IOVDbTest/IOVDbTestAMDBCorrection
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found amdb correction trans 1 2 3 rot 4 5 6
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Retrieved IOVDbTestMDTEleMapColl 
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  45 channel 1
@@ -343,14 +163,12 @@ IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  115 channel 22
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  125 channel 25
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  135 channel 28
-AthenaEventLoopMgr               INFO   ===>>>  end of event 4    <<<===
-AthenaEventLoopMgr               INFO   ===>>>  start of event 5  <<<===
-IOVDbTestAlg                    DEBUG  in execute()
 IOVDbTestAlg                    DEBUG Event (run,ev,lb:time): [2,5:45]
-IOVDbTestAlg                    DEBUG Calling printCondObjects
+IOVDbTestAlg                    DEBUG Calling printCondObjects 'online':False	2	5
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO in printCondObjects()
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Retrieved IOVDbTestMDTEleMap 
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  45
+IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Retrieved /IOVDbTest/IOVDbTestAMDBCorrection
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found amdb correction trans 1 2 3 rot 4 5 6
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Retrieved IOVDbTestMDTEleMapColl 
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  45 channel 1
@@ -363,15 +181,12 @@ IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  115 channel 22
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  125 channel 25
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  135 channel 28
-AthenaEventLoopMgr               INFO   ===>>>  end of event 5    <<<===
-AthenaEventLoopMgr               INFO   ===>>>  start of run 3    <<<===
-AthenaEventLoopMgr               INFO   ===>>>  start of event 1  <<<===
-IOVDbTestAlg                    DEBUG  in execute()
 IOVDbTestAlg                    DEBUG Event (run,ev,lb:time): [3,1:50]
-IOVDbTestAlg                    DEBUG Calling printCondObjects
+IOVDbTestAlg                    DEBUG Calling printCondObjects 'online':False	3	1
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO in printCondObjects()
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Retrieved IOVDbTestMDTEleMap 
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  45
+IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Retrieved /IOVDbTest/IOVDbTestAMDBCorrection
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found amdb correction trans 1 2 3 rot 4 5 6
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Retrieved IOVDbTestMDTEleMapColl 
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  45 channel 1
@@ -384,14 +199,12 @@ IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  115 channel 22
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  125 channel 25
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  135 channel 28
-AthenaEventLoopMgr               INFO   ===>>>  end of event 1    <<<===
-AthenaEventLoopMgr               INFO   ===>>>  start of event 2  <<<===
-IOVDbTestAlg                    DEBUG  in execute()
 IOVDbTestAlg                    DEBUG Event (run,ev,lb:time): [3,2:55]
-IOVDbTestAlg                    DEBUG Calling printCondObjects
+IOVDbTestAlg                    DEBUG Calling printCondObjects 'online':False	3	2
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO in printCondObjects()
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Retrieved IOVDbTestMDTEleMap 
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  45
+IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Retrieved /IOVDbTest/IOVDbTestAMDBCorrection
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found amdb correction trans 1 2 3 rot 4 5 6
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Retrieved IOVDbTestMDTEleMapColl 
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  45 channel 1
@@ -404,14 +217,12 @@ IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  115 channel 22
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  125 channel 25
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  135 channel 28
-AthenaEventLoopMgr               INFO   ===>>>  end of event 2    <<<===
-AthenaEventLoopMgr               INFO   ===>>>  start of event 3  <<<===
-IOVDbTestAlg                    DEBUG  in execute()
 IOVDbTestAlg                    DEBUG Event (run,ev,lb:time): [3,3:60]
-IOVDbTestAlg                    DEBUG Calling printCondObjects
+IOVDbTestAlg                    DEBUG Calling printCondObjects 'online':False	3	3
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO in printCondObjects()
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Retrieved IOVDbTestMDTEleMap 
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  45
+IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Retrieved /IOVDbTest/IOVDbTestAMDBCorrection
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found amdb correction trans 1 2 3 rot 4 5 6
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Retrieved IOVDbTestMDTEleMapColl 
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  45 channel 1
@@ -424,14 +235,12 @@ IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  115 channel 22
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  125 channel 25
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  135 channel 28
-AthenaEventLoopMgr               INFO   ===>>>  end of event 3    <<<===
-AthenaEventLoopMgr               INFO   ===>>>  start of event 4  <<<===
-IOVDbTestAlg                    DEBUG  in execute()
 IOVDbTestAlg                    DEBUG Event (run,ev,lb:time): [3,4:65]
-IOVDbTestAlg                    DEBUG Calling printCondObjects
+IOVDbTestAlg                    DEBUG Calling printCondObjects 'online':False	3	4
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO in printCondObjects()
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Retrieved IOVDbTestMDTEleMap 
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  45
+IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Retrieved /IOVDbTest/IOVDbTestAMDBCorrection
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found amdb correction trans 1 2 3 rot 4 5 6
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Retrieved IOVDbTestMDTEleMapColl 
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  45 channel 1
@@ -444,14 +253,12 @@ IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  115 channel 22
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  125 channel 25
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  135 channel 28
-AthenaEventLoopMgr               INFO   ===>>>  end of event 4    <<<===
-AthenaEventLoopMgr               INFO   ===>>>  start of event 5  <<<===
-IOVDbTestAlg                    DEBUG  in execute()
 IOVDbTestAlg                    DEBUG Event (run,ev,lb:time): [3,5:70]
-IOVDbTestAlg                    DEBUG Calling printCondObjects
+IOVDbTestAlg                    DEBUG Calling printCondObjects 'online':False	3	5
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO in printCondObjects()
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Retrieved IOVDbTestMDTEleMap 
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  45
+IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Retrieved /IOVDbTest/IOVDbTestAMDBCorrection
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found amdb correction trans 1 2 3 rot 4 5 6
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Retrieved IOVDbTestMDTEleMapColl 
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  45 channel 1
@@ -464,15 +271,12 @@ IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  115 channel 22
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  125 channel 25
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  135 channel 28
-AthenaEventLoopMgr               INFO   ===>>>  end of event 5    <<<===
-AthenaEventLoopMgr               INFO   ===>>>  start of run 4    <<<===
-AthenaEventLoopMgr               INFO   ===>>>  start of event 1  <<<===
-IOVDbTestAlg                    DEBUG  in execute()
 IOVDbTestAlg                    DEBUG Event (run,ev,lb:time): [4,1:75]
-IOVDbTestAlg                    DEBUG Calling printCondObjects
+IOVDbTestAlg                    DEBUG Calling printCondObjects 'online':False	4	1
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO in printCondObjects()
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Retrieved IOVDbTestMDTEleMap 
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  45
+IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Retrieved /IOVDbTest/IOVDbTestAMDBCorrection
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found amdb correction trans 1 2 3 rot 4 5 6
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Retrieved IOVDbTestMDTEleMapColl 
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  45 channel 1
@@ -485,14 +289,12 @@ IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  115 channel 22
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  125 channel 25
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  135 channel 28
-AthenaEventLoopMgr               INFO   ===>>>  end of event 1    <<<===
-AthenaEventLoopMgr               INFO   ===>>>  start of event 2  <<<===
-IOVDbTestAlg                    DEBUG  in execute()
 IOVDbTestAlg                    DEBUG Event (run,ev,lb:time): [4,2:80]
-IOVDbTestAlg                    DEBUG Calling printCondObjects
+IOVDbTestAlg                    DEBUG Calling printCondObjects 'online':False	4	2
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO in printCondObjects()
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Retrieved IOVDbTestMDTEleMap 
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  45
+IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Retrieved /IOVDbTest/IOVDbTestAMDBCorrection
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found amdb correction trans 1 2 3 rot 4 5 6
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Retrieved IOVDbTestMDTEleMapColl 
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  45 channel 1
@@ -505,14 +307,12 @@ IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  115 channel 22
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  125 channel 25
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  135 channel 28
-AthenaEventLoopMgr               INFO   ===>>>  end of event 2    <<<===
-AthenaEventLoopMgr               INFO   ===>>>  start of event 3  <<<===
-IOVDbTestAlg                    DEBUG  in execute()
 IOVDbTestAlg                    DEBUG Event (run,ev,lb:time): [4,3:85]
-IOVDbTestAlg                    DEBUG Calling printCondObjects
+IOVDbTestAlg                    DEBUG Calling printCondObjects 'online':False	4	3
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO in printCondObjects()
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Retrieved IOVDbTestMDTEleMap 
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  45
+IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Retrieved /IOVDbTest/IOVDbTestAMDBCorrection
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found amdb correction trans 1 2 3 rot 4 5 6
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Retrieved IOVDbTestMDTEleMapColl 
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  45 channel 1
@@ -525,14 +325,12 @@ IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  115 channel 22
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  125 channel 25
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  135 channel 28
-AthenaEventLoopMgr               INFO   ===>>>  end of event 3    <<<===
-AthenaEventLoopMgr               INFO   ===>>>  start of event 4  <<<===
-IOVDbTestAlg                    DEBUG  in execute()
 IOVDbTestAlg                    DEBUG Event (run,ev,lb:time): [4,4:90]
-IOVDbTestAlg                    DEBUG Calling printCondObjects
+IOVDbTestAlg                    DEBUG Calling printCondObjects 'online':False	4	4
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO in printCondObjects()
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Retrieved IOVDbTestMDTEleMap 
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  45
+IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Retrieved /IOVDbTest/IOVDbTestAMDBCorrection
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found amdb correction trans 1 2 3 rot 4 5 6
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Retrieved IOVDbTestMDTEleMapColl 
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  45 channel 1
@@ -545,14 +343,12 @@ IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  115 channel 22
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  125 channel 25
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  135 channel 28
-AthenaEventLoopMgr               INFO   ===>>>  end of event 4    <<<===
-AthenaEventLoopMgr               INFO   ===>>>  start of event 5  <<<===
-IOVDbTestAlg                    DEBUG  in execute()
 IOVDbTestAlg                    DEBUG Event (run,ev,lb:time): [4,5:95]
-IOVDbTestAlg                    DEBUG Calling printCondObjects
+IOVDbTestAlg                    DEBUG Calling printCondObjects 'online':False	4	5
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO in printCondObjects()
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Retrieved IOVDbTestMDTEleMap 
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  45
+IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Retrieved /IOVDbTest/IOVDbTestAMDBCorrection
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found amdb correction trans 1 2 3 rot 4 5 6
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Retrieved IOVDbTestMDTEleMapColl 
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  45 channel 1
@@ -565,15 +361,12 @@ IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  115 channel 22
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  125 channel 25
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  135 channel 28
-AthenaEventLoopMgr               INFO   ===>>>  end of event 5    <<<===
-AthenaEventLoopMgr               INFO   ===>>>  start of run 5    <<<===
-AthenaEventLoopMgr               INFO   ===>>>  start of event 1  <<<===
-IOVDbTestAlg                    DEBUG  in execute()
 IOVDbTestAlg                    DEBUG Event (run,ev,lb:time): [5,1:100]
-IOVDbTestAlg                    DEBUG Calling printCondObjects
+IOVDbTestAlg                    DEBUG Calling printCondObjects 'online':False	5	1
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO in printCondObjects()
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Retrieved IOVDbTestMDTEleMap 
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  45
+IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Retrieved /IOVDbTest/IOVDbTestAMDBCorrection
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found amdb correction trans 1 2 3 rot 4 5 6
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Retrieved IOVDbTestMDTEleMapColl 
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  45 channel 1
@@ -586,14 +379,12 @@ IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  115 channel 22
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  125 channel 25
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  135 channel 28
-AthenaEventLoopMgr               INFO   ===>>>  end of event 1    <<<===
-AthenaEventLoopMgr               INFO   ===>>>  start of event 2  <<<===
-IOVDbTestAlg                    DEBUG  in execute()
 IOVDbTestAlg                    DEBUG Event (run,ev,lb:time): [5,2:105]
-IOVDbTestAlg                    DEBUG Calling printCondObjects
+IOVDbTestAlg                    DEBUG Calling printCondObjects 'online':False	5	2
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO in printCondObjects()
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Retrieved IOVDbTestMDTEleMap 
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  45
+IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Retrieved /IOVDbTest/IOVDbTestAMDBCorrection
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found amdb correction trans 1 2 3 rot 4 5 6
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Retrieved IOVDbTestMDTEleMapColl 
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  45 channel 1
@@ -606,14 +397,12 @@ IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  115 channel 22
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  125 channel 25
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  135 channel 28
-AthenaEventLoopMgr               INFO   ===>>>  end of event 2    <<<===
-AthenaEventLoopMgr               INFO   ===>>>  start of event 3  <<<===
-IOVDbTestAlg                    DEBUG  in execute()
 IOVDbTestAlg                    DEBUG Event (run,ev,lb:time): [5,3:110]
-IOVDbTestAlg                    DEBUG Calling printCondObjects
+IOVDbTestAlg                    DEBUG Calling printCondObjects 'online':False	5	3
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO in printCondObjects()
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Retrieved IOVDbTestMDTEleMap 
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  45
+IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Retrieved /IOVDbTest/IOVDbTestAMDBCorrection
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found amdb correction trans 1 2 3 rot 4 5 6
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Retrieved IOVDbTestMDTEleMapColl 
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  45 channel 1
@@ -626,14 +415,12 @@ IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  115 channel 22
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  125 channel 25
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  135 channel 28
-AthenaEventLoopMgr               INFO   ===>>>  end of event 3    <<<===
-AthenaEventLoopMgr               INFO   ===>>>  start of event 4  <<<===
-IOVDbTestAlg                    DEBUG  in execute()
 IOVDbTestAlg                    DEBUG Event (run,ev,lb:time): [5,4:115]
-IOVDbTestAlg                    DEBUG Calling printCondObjects
+IOVDbTestAlg                    DEBUG Calling printCondObjects 'online':False	5	4
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO in printCondObjects()
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Retrieved IOVDbTestMDTEleMap 
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  45
+IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Retrieved /IOVDbTest/IOVDbTestAMDBCorrection
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found amdb correction trans 1 2 3 rot 4 5 6
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Retrieved IOVDbTestMDTEleMapColl 
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  45 channel 1
@@ -646,14 +433,12 @@ IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  115 channel 22
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  125 channel 25
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  135 channel 28
-AthenaEventLoopMgr               INFO   ===>>>  end of event 4    <<<===
-AthenaEventLoopMgr               INFO   ===>>>  start of event 5  <<<===
-IOVDbTestAlg                    DEBUG  in execute()
 IOVDbTestAlg                    DEBUG Event (run,ev,lb:time): [5,5:120]
-IOVDbTestAlg                    DEBUG Calling printCondObjects
+IOVDbTestAlg                    DEBUG Calling printCondObjects 'online':False	5	5
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO in printCondObjects()
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Retrieved IOVDbTestMDTEleMap 
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  45
+IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Retrieved /IOVDbTest/IOVDbTestAMDBCorrection
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found amdb correction trans 1 2 3 rot 4 5 6
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Retrieved IOVDbTestMDTEleMapColl 
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  45 channel 1
@@ -666,15 +451,12 @@ IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  115 channel 22
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  125 channel 25
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  135 channel 28
-AthenaEventLoopMgr               INFO   ===>>>  end of event 5    <<<===
-AthenaEventLoopMgr               INFO   ===>>>  start of run 6    <<<===
-AthenaEventLoopMgr               INFO   ===>>>  start of event 1  <<<===
-IOVDbTestAlg                    DEBUG  in execute()
 IOVDbTestAlg                    DEBUG Event (run,ev,lb:time): [6,1:125]
-IOVDbTestAlg                    DEBUG Calling printCondObjects
+IOVDbTestAlg                    DEBUG Calling printCondObjects 'online':False	6	1
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO in printCondObjects()
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Retrieved IOVDbTestMDTEleMap 
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  45
+IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Retrieved /IOVDbTest/IOVDbTestAMDBCorrection
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found amdb correction trans 1 2 3 rot 4 5 6
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Retrieved IOVDbTestMDTEleMapColl 
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  45 channel 1
@@ -687,14 +469,12 @@ IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  115 channel 22
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  125 channel 25
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  135 channel 28
-AthenaEventLoopMgr               INFO   ===>>>  end of event 1    <<<===
-AthenaEventLoopMgr               INFO   ===>>>  start of event 2  <<<===
-IOVDbTestAlg                    DEBUG  in execute()
 IOVDbTestAlg                    DEBUG Event (run,ev,lb:time): [6,2:130]
-IOVDbTestAlg                    DEBUG Calling printCondObjects
+IOVDbTestAlg                    DEBUG Calling printCondObjects 'online':False	6	2
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO in printCondObjects()
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Retrieved IOVDbTestMDTEleMap 
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  45
+IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Retrieved /IOVDbTest/IOVDbTestAMDBCorrection
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found amdb correction trans 1 2 3 rot 4 5 6
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Retrieved IOVDbTestMDTEleMapColl 
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  45 channel 1
@@ -707,14 +487,12 @@ IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  115 channel 22
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  125 channel 25
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  135 channel 28
-AthenaEventLoopMgr               INFO   ===>>>  end of event 2    <<<===
-AthenaEventLoopMgr               INFO   ===>>>  start of event 3  <<<===
-IOVDbTestAlg                    DEBUG  in execute()
 IOVDbTestAlg                    DEBUG Event (run,ev,lb:time): [6,3:135]
-IOVDbTestAlg                    DEBUG Calling printCondObjects
+IOVDbTestAlg                    DEBUG Calling printCondObjects 'online':False	6	3
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO in printCondObjects()
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Retrieved IOVDbTestMDTEleMap 
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  45
+IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Retrieved /IOVDbTest/IOVDbTestAMDBCorrection
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found amdb correction trans 1 2 3 rot 4 5 6
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Retrieved IOVDbTestMDTEleMapColl 
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  45 channel 1
@@ -727,14 +505,12 @@ IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  115 channel 22
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  125 channel 25
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  135 channel 28
-AthenaEventLoopMgr               INFO   ===>>>  end of event 3    <<<===
-AthenaEventLoopMgr               INFO   ===>>>  start of event 4  <<<===
-IOVDbTestAlg                    DEBUG  in execute()
 IOVDbTestAlg                    DEBUG Event (run,ev,lb:time): [6,4:140]
-IOVDbTestAlg                    DEBUG Calling printCondObjects
+IOVDbTestAlg                    DEBUG Calling printCondObjects 'online':False	6	4
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO in printCondObjects()
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Retrieved IOVDbTestMDTEleMap 
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  45
+IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Retrieved /IOVDbTest/IOVDbTestAMDBCorrection
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found amdb correction trans 1 2 3 rot 4 5 6
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Retrieved IOVDbTestMDTEleMapColl 
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  45 channel 1
@@ -747,14 +523,12 @@ IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  115 channel 22
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  125 channel 25
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  135 channel 28
-AthenaEventLoopMgr               INFO   ===>>>  end of event 4    <<<===
-AthenaEventLoopMgr               INFO   ===>>>  start of event 5  <<<===
-IOVDbTestAlg                    DEBUG  in execute()
 IOVDbTestAlg                    DEBUG Event (run,ev,lb:time): [6,5:145]
-IOVDbTestAlg                    DEBUG Calling printCondObjects
+IOVDbTestAlg                    DEBUG Calling printCondObjects 'online':False	6	5
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO in printCondObjects()
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Retrieved IOVDbTestMDTEleMap 
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  45
+IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Retrieved /IOVDbTest/IOVDbTestAMDBCorrection
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found amdb correction trans 1 2 3 rot 4 5 6
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Retrieved IOVDbTestMDTEleMapColl 
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  45 channel 1
@@ -767,62 +541,9 @@ IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  115 channel 22
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  125 channel 25
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  135 channel 28
-AthenaEventLoopMgr               INFO   ===>>>  end of event 5    <<<===
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO in finalize()
 IOVDbTestAlg                    DEBUG entering registerCondObject 
-ClassIDSvc                       INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 78 CLIDRegistry entries for module ALL
-RalDatabaseSvc     Info Instantiate the RalDatabaseSvc
-RalSessionMgr     Info Instantiate a R/W RalSessionMgr for 'sqlite://;schema=mytest.db;dbname=TESTCOOL'
-RalSessionMgr     Info Connect to the database server
-CORAL/Services/ConnectionService     Info Loading default plugin for coral::IRelationalService: CORAL/Services/RelationalService
-CORAL/Services/RelationalService     Info Found plugin for RDBMS technology "frontier" with native implementation
-CORAL/Services/RelationalService     Info Found plugin for RDBMS technology "mysql" with native implementation
-CORAL/Services/RelationalService     Info Found plugin for RDBMS technology "oracle" with native implementation
-CORAL/Services/RelationalService     Info Found plugin for RDBMS technology "sqlite" with native implementation
-CORAL/Services/RelationalService     Info Default implementation for RDBMS technology "frontier" is native
-CORAL/Services/RelationalService     Info Default implementation for RDBMS technology "mysql" is native
-CORAL/Services/RelationalService     Info Default implementation for RDBMS technology "oracle" is native
-CORAL/Services/RelationalService     Info Default implementation for RDBMS technology "sqlite" is native
-CORAL/Services/ConnectionService     Info  Connection to service "mytest.db" established. Id=a5fbf332-8de0-11dc-8edc-0030488365e0
-CORAL/Services/ConnectionService     Info New session on connection to service "mytest.db" started for user "". Connection Id=a5fbf332-8de0-11dc-8edc-0030488365e0
-RelationalDatabase     Info Instantiate a R/W RalDatabase for 'sqlite://;schema=mytest.db;dbname=TESTCOOL'
 IOVDbTestAlg                    DEBUG registered IOVDbTestMDTEleMap with tag MDTEleMap_COOL-TEST-001
 IOVDbTestAlg                    DEBUG registered IOVDbTestAmdbCorrection with tag AmdbCorrection_COOL-TEST-001
 IOVDbTestAlg                    DEBUG registered IOVDbTestMDTEleMapColl with tag MDTEleMapColl_COOL-TEST-001
 IOVDbTestAlg                    DEBUG Register OK 
-MetaDataStore                    INFO Finalizing MetaDataStore - package version StoreGate-02-21-01
-InputMetaDataStore               INFO Finalizing InputMetaDataStore - package version StoreGate-02-21-01
-HistorySvc                       INFO Service finalised successfully
-PoolSvc                          INFO finalize() in PoolSvc
-AthenaSealSvc                    INFO finalize() in AthenaSealSvc
-RelationalDatabase     Info Delete the RalDatabase for 'sqlite://;schema=mytest.db;dbname=TESTCOOL'
-RalSessionMgr     Info Delete the RalSessionMgr for 'sqlite://;schema=mytest.db;dbname=TESTCOOL'
-RalSessionMgr     Info Disconnect from the database server
-IOVDbConnection                  INFO printStats: number of connections 1
-IOVDbConnection                  INFO Connection: sqlite://;schema=mytest.db;dbname=TESTCOOL nCreate: 1 nDelete: 1 nActivate: 1
-IOVDbSvc                         INFO Service finalised successfully
-EventSelector                    INFO finalize
-SGAudSvc                         INFO Finalizing SGAudSvc...
-StoreGateSvc                     INFO Finalizing StoreGateSvc - package version StoreGate-02-21-01
-DetectorStore                    INFO Finalizing DetectorStore - package version StoreGate-02-21-01
-ToolSvc.finalize()               INFO Removing all tools created by ToolSvc
-*****Chrono*****                 INFO ****************************************************************************************************
-*****Chrono*****                 INFO  The Final CPU consumption ( Chrono ) Table (ordered)
-*****Chrono*****                 INFO ****************************************************************************************************
-AthenaSealSvc::checkClass        INFO Time User   : Tot=  212 [ms] Ave/Min/Max= 70.7(+- 99.2)/    0/  211 [ms] #=  3
-AthenaSealSvc::dictLoading       INFO Time User   : Tot=0.624  [s]                                             #=  1
-ChronoStatSvc                    INFO Time User   : Tot= 3.88  [s]                                             #=  1
-*****Chrono*****                 INFO ****************************************************************************************************
-ChronoStatSvc.finalize()         INFO  Service finalized succesfully 
-StatusCodeSvc                    INFO listing all unchecked return codes:
-StatusCodeSvc                    INFO 
-Num | Function                       | Source Library
-  5 | TagInfoMgr::handle(Incident const&) |
-CondProxyProvider             WARNING Service already offline
-cleaning up
-StatusCodeSvc                    INFO initialize
-ApplicationMgr                   INFO Application Manager Finalized successfully
-ApplicationMgr                   INFO Application Manager Terminated successfully
-Py:Athena            INFO leaving with code 0: "successful run"
diff --git a/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/IOVDbTestAlg/share/ b/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/IOVDbTestAlg/share/
deleted file mode 100644
index b2b80b07ef4c..000000000000
--- a/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/IOVDbTestAlg/share/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,129 +0,0 @@
-# Job options file for IOVDbTestAlg:  see doc in README
-## basic job configuration
-import AthenaCommon.AtlasUnixStandardJob
-## get a handle on the default top-level algorithm sequence
-from AthenaCommon.AlgSequence import AlgSequence
-topSequence = AlgSequence()
-# Event related parameters
-from AthenaCommon.AppMgr import theApp
-theApp.EvtMax = 200000
-# Load POOL support
-import AthenaPoolCnvSvc.ReadAthenaPool
-## get a handle on the ServiceManager
-from AthenaCommon.AppMgr import ServiceMgr as svcMgr
-## get a handle on the ToolSvc
-from AthenaCommon.AppMgr import ToolSvc
-#svcMgr.EventSelector.InputCollections = [ "SimplePoolFile1.root" ]
-svcMgr.EventSelector.InputCollections = [ "SimpleEventPoolFile.root" ]
-from IOVDbMetaDataTools.IOVDbMetaDataToolsConf import IOVDbMetaDataTool
-ToolSvc += IOVDbMetaDataTool( "IOVDbMetaDataTool" )
-# IOVDbMetaDataTool.OutputLevel      = DEBUG
-from AthenaServices.AthenaServicesConf import MetaDataSvc
-svcMgr += MetaDataSvc( "MetaDataSvc" )
-svcMgr.MetaDataSvc.MetaDataContainer = "MetaDataHdr"
-svcMgr.MetaDataSvc.MetaDataTools += [ "IOVDbMetaDataTool" ]
-# Access to IOVSvc, IOVDbSvc and CondDBMySQLCnvSvc
-import IOVDbSvc.IOVDb
-# Private Application Configuration options
-# Load "user algorithm" top algorithms to be run, and the libraries that house them
-from IOVDbTestAlg.IOVDbTestAlgConf import IOVDbTestAlg
-topSequence += IOVDbTestAlg( "IOVDbTestAlg" )
-# Set output level threshold (1=VERBOSE, 2=DEBUG, 3=INFO, 4=WARNING, 5=ERROR, 6=FATAL )
-svcMgr.MessageSvc.OutputLevel      = INFO
-svcMgr.MessageSvc.debugLimit       = 100000
-svcMgr.MessageSvc.infoLimit        = 100000
-svcMgr.MessageSvc.Format           = "% F%30W%S%7W%R%T %0W%M"
-IOVDbTestAlg.OutputLevel           = DEBUG
-svcMgr.IOVDbSvc.OutputLevel        = INFO
-#svcMgr.IOVSvc.OutputLevel          = DEBUG
-# Choose the following to write out cond objects . 
-IOVDbTestAlg.WriteCondObjs = False
-# Choose the following to register cond objects in the IOVDB. 
-IOVDbTestAlg.RegisterIOV   = False
-# Do not register AttributeList - only for cool version
-IOVDbTestAlg.ReadWriteCool = True
-# Print lumiblock as well
-IOVDbTestAlg.PrintLB = True
-# Read conditions from file meta data - ignore non-attribute lists
-#IOVDbTestAlg.ReadFromFileMetaData = True
-#   COOL ConditionsDB tests
-# For IOVDb: specify dbConnection with COOL and oracle specified
-# uncomment this to use a local SQLite file instead
-svcMgr.IOVDbSvc.dbConnection  = "sqlite://;schema=mytest.db;dbname=TESTCOOL"
-# Reading from events we do not use over-ride tags because they should
-# come from the input Event.
-svcMgr.IOVDbSvc.Folders += [ "/IOVDbTest/IOVDbTestMDTEleMap"      ]
-svcMgr.IOVDbSvc.Folders += [ "/IOVDbTest/IOVDbTestAMDBCorrection" ]
-svcMgr.IOVDbSvc.Folders += [ "/IOVDbTest/IOVDbTestAttrList"       ]
-svcMgr.IOVDbSvc.Folders += [ "/IOVDbTest/IOVDbTestAttrListColl"   ]
-svcMgr.IOVDbSvc.Folders += [ "/IOVDbTest/IOVDbTestMDTEleMapColl"  ]
-svcMgr.IOVDbSvc.Folders += [ "/Simulation/Parameters"  ]
-svcMgr.IOVDbSvc.Folders += [ "/Digitization/Parameters"  ]
-# # Explicit list of folders with tags
-# tagSuffix = "_COOL-TEST-001"
-# folder = "/IOVDbTest/IOVDbTestMDTEleMap"
-# tag = "MDTEleMap" + tagSuffix
-# svcMgr.IOVDbSvc.Folders += [ folder + "<tag>" + tag + "</tag>" ]
-# folder = "/IOVDbTest/IOVDbTestAMDBCorrection"
-# tag = "AmdbCorrection" + tagSuffix
-# svcMgr.IOVDbSvc.Folders += [ folder + "<tag>" + tag + "</tag>" ]
-# folder = "/IOVDbTest/IOVDbTestAttrList"
-# tag = "AttrList" + tagSuffix
-# svcMgr.IOVDbSvc.Folders += [ folder + "<tag>" + tag + "</tag>" ]
-# folder = "/IOVDbTest/IOVDbTestAttrListColl"
-# tag = "AttrListColl" + tagSuffix
-# svcMgr.IOVDbSvc.Folders += [ folder + "<tag>" + tag + "</tag>" ]
-# folder = "/IOVDbTest/IOVDbTestMDTEleMapColl"
-# tag = "MDTEleMapColl" + tagSuffix
-# svcMgr.IOVDbSvc.Folders += [ folder + "<tag>" + tag + "</tag>" ]
-# Implicit list for the rest
-#IOVDbSvc.Folders += [ "/IOVDbTest/IOVDbTestAttr*" ]
-# optional extra folder for the Fancy AttributeList
-#folder = "/IOVDbTest/IOVDbTestFancyList"
-#tag = "FancyList" + tagSuffix
-#IOVDbSvc.Folders += [ folder + "<tag>" + tag + "</tag>" ]
diff --git a/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/IOVDbTestAlg/share/ b/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/IOVDbTestAlg/share/
deleted file mode 100644
index 93884229a9af..000000000000
--- a/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/IOVDbTestAlg/share/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,122 +0,0 @@
-# Job options file for IOVDbTestAlg:  see doc in README
-#use McEventSelector
-## basic job configuration (for generator)
-import AthenaCommon.AtlasUnixGeneratorJob
-## get a handle to the default top-level algorithm sequence
-from AthenaCommon.AlgSequence import AlgSequence
-topSequence = AlgSequence()
-## get a handle to the ServiceManager
-from AthenaCommon.AppMgr import ServiceMgr as svcMgr
-## get a handle to the ApplicationManager
-from AthenaCommon.AppMgr import theApp
-# Load POOL support - to read conditions in POOL, not events
-import AthenaPoolCnvSvc.AthenaPool
-# Access to IOVSvc, IOVDbSvc and CondDBMySQLCnvSvc
-import IOVDbSvc.IOVDb
-# Private Application Configuration options
-# Load "user algorithm" top algorithms to be run, and the libraries that house them
-from IOVDbTestAlg.IOVDbTestAlgConf import IOVDbTestAlg
-topSequence += IOVDbTestAlg( "IOVDbTestAlg" )
-# Set output level threshold (1=VERBOSE, 2=DEBUG, 3=INFO, 4=WARNING, 5=ERROR, 6=FATAL )
-svcMgr.MessageSvc.OutputLevel      = INFO
-svcMgr.MessageSvc.debugLimit       = 100000
-svcMgr.MessageSvc.infoLimit        = 100000
-svcMgr.MessageSvc.Format           = "% F%30W%S%7W%R%T %0W%M"
-IOVDbTestAlg.OutputLevel           = DEBUG
-svcMgr.IOVDbSvc.OutputLevel        = INFO
-# Choose the following to write out cond objects . 
-IOVDbTestAlg.WriteCondObjs = False
-# Choose the following to register cond objects in the IOVDB. 
-IOVDbTestAlg.RegisterIOV   = False
-# Do not register AttributeList - only for cool version
-IOVDbTestAlg.ReadWriteCool = True
-# Print lumiblock as well
-IOVDbTestAlg.PrintLB = True
-# Read out folders with new tag
-IOVDbTestAlg.ReadNewTag = True
-#   COOL ConditionsDB tests
-# For IOVDb: specify dbConnection with COOL and oracle specified
-# uncomment this to use a local SQLite file instead
-svcMgr.IOVDbSvc.dbConnection  = "sqlite://;schema=mytest.db;dbname=TESTCOOL"
-# The following turns off the ability to set EventSelector parameters
-# below
-#ApplicationMgr.EvtSel = "NONE"
-# Number of events to be processed (default is 10)
-#ApplicationMgr.EvtMax = 1
-# Set the following when reading back to adjust the run/event numbers
-#   (don't forget ApplicationMgr.EvtMax)
-svcMgr.EventSelector.RunNumber         = 1
-svcMgr.EventSelector.EventsPerRun      = 10
-svcMgr.EventSelector.FirstEvent        = 1
-svcMgr.EventSelector.EventsPerLB       = 1
-svcMgr.EventSelector.FirstLB           = 1
-svcMgr.EventSelector.InitialTimeStamp  = 0
-svcMgr.EventSelector.TimeStampInterval = 5
-# svcMgr.EventSelector.FirstLB=0
-# svcMgr.EventSelector.EventsPerLB=3
-theApp.EvtMax                   = 30
-# Explicit list of folders with tags
-tagSuffix = "_COOL-TEST-001"
-folder = "/IOVDbTest/IOVDbTestMDTEleMap"
-tag = "MDTEleMap" + tagSuffix
-svcMgr.IOVDbSvc.Folders += [ folder + "<tag>" + tag + "</tag>" ]
-folder = "/IOVDbTest/IOVDbTestAMDBCorrection"
-tag = "AmdbCorrection" + tagSuffix
-svcMgr.IOVDbSvc.Folders += [ folder + "<tag>" + tag + "</tag>" ]
-folder = "/IOVDbTest/IOVDbTestAMDBCorrection"
-key    = "/IOVDbTest/IOVDbTestAMDBCorrection-NEWTAG"
-tag = "AmdbCorrection_COOL-TEST-NEW"
-svcMgr.IOVDbSvc.Folders += [ folder + "<tag>" + tag + "</tag> <key>" + key + "</key>" ]
-folder = "/IOVDbTest/IOVDbTestAttrList"
-tag = "AttrList" + tagSuffix
-svcMgr.IOVDbSvc.Folders += [ folder + "<tag>" + tag + "</tag>" ]
-folder = "/IOVDbTest/IOVDbTestAttrList"
-key    = "/IOVDbTest/IOVDbTestAttrList-NEWTAG"
-tag = "AttrList_COOL-TEST-NEW"
-svcMgr.IOVDbSvc.Folders += [ folder + "<tag>" + tag + "</tag> <key>" + key + "</key>" ]
-folder = "/IOVDbTest/IOVDbTestAttrListColl"
-tag = "AttrListColl" + tagSuffix
-svcMgr.IOVDbSvc.Folders += [ folder + "<tag>" + tag + "</tag>" ]
-folder = "/IOVDbTest/IOVDbTestMDTEleMapColl"
-tag = "MDTEleMapColl" + tagSuffix
-svcMgr.IOVDbSvc.Folders += [ folder + "<tag>" + tag + "</tag>" ]
-# Implicit list for the rest
-#IOVDbSvc.Folders += [ "/IOVDbTest/IOVDbTestAttr*" ]
-# optional extra folder for the Fancy AttributeList
-# folder = "/IOVDbTest/IOVDbTestFancyList"
-# tag = "FancyList" + tagSuffix
-# svcMgr.IOVDbSvc.Folders += [ folder + "<tag>" + tag + "</tag>" ]
-# IOVDbTestAlg.FancyList=True
diff --git a/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/IOVDbTestAlg/share/ b/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/IOVDbTestAlg/share/
deleted file mode 100644
index 9ff84e5c5e8e..000000000000
--- a/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/IOVDbTestAlg/share/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,89 +0,0 @@
-# Job options file for IOVDbTestAlg:  see doc in README
-#use McEventSelector
-## basic job configuration (for generator)
-import AthenaCommon.AtlasUnixGeneratorJob
-## get a handle to the default top-level algorithm sequence
-from AthenaCommon.AlgSequence import AlgSequence
-topSequence = AlgSequence()
-## get a handle to the ServiceManager
-from AthenaCommon.AppMgr import ServiceMgr as svcMgr
-## get a handle to the ApplicationManager
-from AthenaCommon.AppMgr import theApp
-# Load POOL support - to read conditions in POOL, not events
-import AthenaPoolCnvSvc.AthenaPool
-# Access to IOVSvc, IOVDbSvc and CondDBMySQLCnvSvc
-import IOVDbSvc.IOVDb
-# Private Application Configuration options
-# Load "user algorithm" top algorithms to be run, and the libraries that house them
-from IOVDbTestAlg.IOVDbTestAlgConf import IOVDbTestAlg
-topSequence += IOVDbTestAlg( "IOVDbTestAlg" )
-# Set output level threshold (1=VERBOSE, 2=DEBUG, 3=INFO, 4=WARNING, 5=ERROR, 6=FATAL )
-svcMgr.MessageSvc.OutputLevel      = INFO
-svcMgr.MessageSvc.debugLimit       = 100000
-svcMgr.MessageSvc.infoLimit        = 100000
-svcMgr.MessageSvc.Format           = "% F%30W%S%7W%R%T %0W%M"
-IOVDbTestAlg.OutputLevel           = DEBUG
-svcMgr.IOVDbSvc.OutputLevel        = INFO
-# Choose the following to write out cond objects . 
-IOVDbTestAlg.WriteCondObjs   = False
-# Choose the following to register cond objects in the IOVDB. 
-IOVDbTestAlg.RegisterIOV     = False
-# Do not register AttributeList - only for cool version
-IOVDbTestAlg.ReadWriteCool   = True
-# Do not check AttributeList for two-step write/reg
-IOVDbTestAlg.TwoStepWriteReg = True
-# The following turns off the ability to set EventSelector parameters
-# below
-#ApplicationMgr.EvtSel = "NONE"
-# Number of events to be processed (default is 10)
-#ApplicationMgr.EvtMax = 1
-# Set the following when reading back to adjust the run/event numbers
-#   (don't forget ApplicationMgr.EvtMax)
-svcMgr.EventSelector.RunNumber         = 1
-svcMgr.EventSelector.EventsPerRun      = 5
-svcMgr.EventSelector.FirstEvent        = 1
-svcMgr.EventSelector.InitialTimeStamp  = 0
-svcMgr.EventSelector.TimeStampInterval = 5
-theApp.EvtMax                   = 30
-# Set input file for CondProxyProvider to find the conditions
-from AthenaCommon.ConfigurableDb import getConfigurable
-svcMgr += getConfigurable( "ProxyProviderSvc" )()
-svcMgr.ProxyProviderSvc.ProviderNames += [ "CondProxyProvider" ]
-svcMgr += getConfigurable( "CondProxyProvider" )()
-svcMgr.CondProxyProvider.InputCollections = ["SimplePoolFile.root"]
-#Explicitly specify the output file catalog
-#PoolSvc = Service( "PoolSvc" )
-#PoolSvc.ReadCatalog = [ "file:Catalog1.xml" ]
diff --git a/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/IOVDbTestAlg/share/IOVDbTestAlgReadCoolNoReg.ref b/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/IOVDbTestAlg/share/IOVDbTestAlgReadCoolNoReg.ref
index fd35e7d81dcd..3c376cf30eca 100644
--- a/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/IOVDbTestAlg/share/IOVDbTestAlgReadCoolNoReg.ref
+++ b/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/IOVDbTestAlg/share/IOVDbTestAlgReadCoolNoReg.ref
@@ -1,177 +1,11 @@
-Py:ConfigurableDb    INFO Read module info for 2861 configurables from 10 genConfDb files
-Py:ConfigurableDb    INFO No duplicates have been found: that's good !
-Py:Athena            INFO including file "AthenaCommon/"
-Py:Athena            INFO including file "IOVDbTestAlg/"
-Py:Athena            INFO including file "AthenaCommon/"
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Updating ROOT::Reflex::PluginService::SetDebug(level) to level=0
-ApplicationMgr    SUCCESS 
-                                                   Welcome to ApplicationMgr $Revision: 1.4 $
-                                          running on on Thu Nov  8 10:54:33 2007
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : AthenaServices
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Application Manager Configured successfully
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Updating ROOT::Reflex::PluginService::SetDebug(level) to level=0
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : 
-StatusCodeSvc                    INFO initialize
-DetectorStore                    INFO Initializing DetectorStore - package version StoreGate-02-21-01
-EventPersistencySvc              INFO  'CnvServices':[ 'DetDescrCnvSvc' , 'McCnvSvc' , 'AthenaPoolCnvSvc' ]
-ProxyProviderSvc                 INFO Initializing ProxyProviderSvc - package version SGComps-00-00-08
-MetaDataSvc                      INFO Initializing MetaDataSvc - package version EventSelectorAthenaPool-00-05-45
-AthenaPoolCnvSvc                 INFO Initializing AthenaPoolCnvSvc - package version AthenaPoolCnvSvc-00-12-09
-ChronoStatSvc                    INFO  Number of skipped events for MemStat-1
-AthenaSealSvc                    INFO begin initialize() - loading dictionary fillers: size 4
-AthenaSealSvc                    INFO loadDictFiller - Ntypes before 4648 types added 1453 dictionary filler name:STLRflx
-AthenaSealSvc                    INFO loadDictFiller - Ntypes before 6101 types added 688 dictionary filler name:STLAddRflx
-AthenaSealSvc                    INFO loadDictFiller - Ntypes before 6789 types added 695 dictionary filler name:AtlasSTLAddReflexDict
-AthenaSealSvc                    INFO loadDictFiller - Ntypes before 7484 types added 567 dictionary filler name:AtlasSealCLHEPDict
-PoolSvc                          INFO No POOL WriteCatalog was specified--using POOL default.
-WARNING: $POOL_CATALOG is not defined
-using default `xmlcatalog_file:PoolFileCatalog.xml'
-PoolSvc                          INFO Set connectionsvc retry/timeout/IDLE timeout to  'ConnectionRetrialPeriod':30/ 'ConnectionRetrialTimeOut':300/ 'ConnectionTimeOut':5 seconds
-PoolSvc                          INFO Frontier compression level set to 5
-DBReplicaSvc                     INFO Read replica configuration from /afs/
-DBReplicaSvc                     INFO Total of 4 servers found for host
-PoolSvc                          INFO Successfully setup replica sorting algorithm
-AthenaRootStreamerSvc            INFO POOL/ROOT class loader initialized
-AthenaRootStreamerSvc            INFO 9 ROOT streamers declared
-AthenaRootStreamerSvc            INFO   - Streamer name:CLHEPVec3dStreamer
-AthenaRootStreamerSvc            INFO ROOT Streamer for HepVector3D added converter for checksum = 358881035
-AthenaRootStreamerSvc            INFO Adopted streamer for class HepVector3D
-AthenaRootStreamerSvc            INFO   - Streamer name:CLHEPPoint3dStreamer
-AthenaRootStreamerSvc            INFO ROOT Streamer for HepPoint3D added converter for checksum = 1634550480
-AthenaRootStreamerSvc            INFO Adopted streamer for class HepPoint3D
-AthenaRootStreamerSvc            INFO   - Streamer name:CLHEPRotationStreamer
-AthenaRootStreamerSvc            INFO ROOT Streamer for HepRotation added converter for checksum = 4141898558
-AthenaRootStreamerSvc            INFO Adopted streamer for class HepRotation
-AthenaRootStreamerSvc            INFO   - Streamer name:CLHEPGenMatrixStreamer
-AthenaRootStreamerSvc            INFO ROOT Streamer for HepGenMatrix added converter for checksum = 21721098
-AthenaRootStreamerSvc            INFO Adopted streamer for class HepGenMatrix
-AthenaRootStreamerSvc            INFO   - Streamer name:CLHEPMatrixStreamer
-AthenaRootStreamerSvc            INFO ROOT Streamer for HepMatrix added converter for checksum = 3811046672
-AthenaRootStreamerSvc            INFO Adopted streamer for class HepMatrix
-AthenaRootStreamerSvc            INFO   - Streamer name:CLHEPLorVecStreamer
-AthenaRootStreamerSvc            INFO ROOT Streamer for HepLorentzVector added converter for checksum = 3077056266
-AthenaRootStreamerSvc            INFO Adopted streamer for class HepLorentzVector
-AthenaRootStreamerSvc            INFO   - Streamer name:CLHEPTransform3DStreamer
-AthenaRootStreamerSvc            INFO ROOT Streamer for HepTransform3D added converter for checksum = 520750269
-AthenaRootStreamerSvc            INFO Adopted streamer for class HepTransform3D
-AthenaRootStreamerSvc            INFO   - Streamer name:CLHEP3VectorStreamer
-AthenaRootStreamerSvc            INFO ROOT Streamer for Hep3Vector added converter for checksum = 760000369
-AthenaRootStreamerSvc            INFO Adopted streamer for class Hep3Vector
-AthenaRootStreamerSvc            INFO   - Streamer name:CLHEPBasicVectorStreamer
-AthenaRootStreamerSvc            INFO ROOT Streamer for BasicVector3D added converter for checksum = 2681080162
-AthenaRootStreamerSvc            INFO Adopted streamer for class BasicVector3D
-ClassIDSvc                       INFO Initializing ClassIDSvc - package version CLIDComps-00-03-01
-ClassIDSvc                       INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 22 CLIDRegistry entries for module ALL
-ClassIDSvc                       INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 22 CLIDRegistry entries for module ALL
-AthenaPoolCnvSvc                 INFO Loading POOL XMLAuthenticationService.
-InputMetaDataStore               INFO Initializing InputMetaDataStore - package version StoreGate-02-21-01
-IOVDbSvc                         INFO Found ProxyProviderSvc 
-IOVSvc                           INFO IOVRanges will be checked at every Event
-SGAudSvc                         INFO Initializing SGAudSvc...
-IOVDbSvc                      WARNING No database default connection defined.
-IOVDbSvc                      WARNING   For COOL this is done via:   IOVDbSvc.dbConnection  = <db connection string>
-IOVDbSvc                      WARNING   For CondDB this is done via: IOVDbSvc.DBName = <data base name>
-IOVDbSvc                      WARNING Without default, all folders must specify one.
-IOVDbSvc                         INFO DbConnections are managed (opened when needed)
-EventSelector                    INFO  Enter McEventSelector Initialization 
-EventSelector                    INFO  McEventSelector Initialized Properly ... 
-IOVDbSvc                         INFO Service IOVDbSvc initialised successfully
-CondProxyProvider                INFO Initializing CondProxyProvider - package version EventSelectorAthenaPool-00-05-45
-CondProxyProvider                INFO Create PoolCollectionConverter -  InputCollection: SimplePoolFile.root
-SimplePoolFile.root   Always Root file version:51400
-CondProxyProvider                INFO ----- CondProxyProvider Initialized Properly
-IOVDbSvc                         INFO  
-MetaDataStore                    INFO Initializing MetaDataStore - package version StoreGate-02-21-01
-IOVDbSvc                         INFO  
-ActiveStoreSvc                   INFO Initializing ActiveStoreSvc - package version StoreGate-02-21-01
-StoreGateSvc                     INFO Initializing StoreGateSvc - package version StoreGate-02-21-01
-IOVDbSvc                         INFO  
-DetDescrCnvSvc                   INFO  initializing 
-DetDescrCnvSvc                   INFO Found DetectorStore service
-DetDescrCnvSvc                   INFO  filling proxies for detector managers 
-DetDescrCnvSvc                   INFO  filling address for InDetMgr with CLID 2512 and storage type 68 to detector store 
-DetDescrCnvSvc                   INFO  filling address for MuonMgr with CLID 4060 and storage type 68 to detector store 
-DetDescrCnvSvc                   INFO  filling address for CaloTTMgr with CLID 117659265 and storage type 68 to detector store 
-DetDescrCnvSvc                   INFO  filling address for CaloMgr with CLID 4548337 and storage type 68 to detector store 
-DetDescrCnvSvc                   INFO  filling address for CaloIdManager with CLID 125856940 and storage type 68 to detector store 
-DetDescrCnvSvc                   INFO  filling address for IdDict with CLID 2411 and storage type 68 to detector store 
-DetDescrCnvSvc                   INFO  filling address for AtlasID with CLID 164875623 and storage type 68 to detector store 
-DetDescrCnvSvc                   INFO  filling address for PixelID with CLID 2516 and storage type 68 to detector store 
-DetDescrCnvSvc                   INFO  filling address for SCT_ID with CLID 2517 and storage type 68 to detector store 
-DetDescrCnvSvc                   INFO  filling address for TRT_ID with CLID 2518 and storage type 68 to detector store 
-DetDescrCnvSvc                   INFO  filling address for SiliconID with CLID 129452393 and storage type 68 to detector store 
-DetDescrCnvSvc                   INFO  filling address for LArEM_ID with CLID 163583365 and storage type 68 to detector store 
-DetDescrCnvSvc                   INFO  filling address for LArHEC_ID with CLID 3870484 and storage type 68 to detector store 
-DetDescrCnvSvc                   INFO  filling address for LArFCAL_ID with CLID 45738051 and storage type 68 to detector store 
-DetDescrCnvSvc                   INFO  filling address for LArOnlineID with CLID 158698068 and storage type 68 to detector store 
-DetDescrCnvSvc                   INFO  filling address for TTOnlineID with CLID 38321944 and storage type 68 to detector store 
-DetDescrCnvSvc                   INFO  filling address for LArHVLineID with CLID 27863673 and storage type 68 to detector store 
-DetDescrCnvSvc                   INFO  filling address for LArElectrodeID with CLID 80757351 and storage type 68 to detector store 
-DetDescrCnvSvc                   INFO  filling address for TileID with CLID 2901 and storage type 68 to detector store 
-DetDescrCnvSvc                   INFO  filling address for TileHWID with CLID 2902 and storage type 68 to detector store 
-DetDescrCnvSvc                   INFO  filling address for TileTBID with CLID 2903 and storage type 68 to detector store 
-DetDescrCnvSvc                   INFO  filling address for MDTIDHELPER with CLID 4170 and storage type 68 to detector store 
-DetDescrCnvSvc                   INFO  filling address for CSCIDHELPER with CLID 4171 and storage type 68 to detector store 
-DetDescrCnvSvc                   INFO  filling address for RPCIDHELPER with CLID 4172 and storage type 68 to detector store 
-DetDescrCnvSvc                   INFO  filling address for TGCIDHELPER with CLID 4173 and storage type 68 to detector store 
-DetDescrCnvSvc                   INFO  filling address for CaloLVL1_ID with CLID 108133391 and storage type 68 to detector store 
-DetDescrCnvSvc                   INFO  filling address for CaloCell_ID with CLID 123500438 and storage type 68 to detector store 
-DetDescrCnvSvc                   INFO  filling address for CaloDM_ID with CLID 167756483 and storage type 68 to detector store 
-AthenaEventLoopMgr               INFO Initializing AthenaEventLoopMgr - package version AthenaServices-01-20-01
 IOVDbTestAlg                    DEBUG in initialize()
-HistogramPersistencySvc          INFO  'CnvServices':[ 'HbookHistSvc' , 'RootHistSvc' ]
-HistogramPersistencySvc       WARNING Histograms saving not required.
-AthenaEventLoopMgr            WARNING Histograms saving not required.
-AthenaEventLoopMgr               INFO Setup EventSelector service EventSelector
-ApplicationMgr                   INFO Application Manager Initialized successfully
-EventPersistencySvc              INFO Added successfully Conversion service:DetDescrCnvSvc
-EventPersistencySvc              INFO Added successfully Conversion service:McCnvSvc
-AthenaEventLoopMgr               INFO   ===>>>  start of run 1    <<<===
-IOVSvc                           INFO Proxy CLID: 61780915 key: ProcessingTags has not been registered. Doing it now.
-ClassIDSvc                       INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 63 CLIDRegistry entries for module ALL
-AthenaEventLoopMgr               INFO   ===>>>  start of event 1  <<<===
-Warning in <TClass::TClass>: no dictionary for class IChronoSvc is available
-Warning in <TClass::TClass>: no dictionary for class IStatSvc is available
-HistorySvc                       INFO Registered 1 Algorithms
-HistorySvc                       INFO Registered 0 AlgTools
-HistorySvc                       INFO Registered 34 Services
-IOVDbTestAlg                    DEBUG  in execute()
 IOVDbTestAlg                    DEBUG Event (run,ev,lb:time): [1,1:0]
-IOVDbTestAlg                    DEBUG Calling printCondObjects
+IOVDbTestAlg                    DEBUG Calling printCondObjects 'online':False	1	1
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO in printCondObjects()
-EventPersistencySvc              INFO Added successfully Conversion service:AthenaPoolCnvSvc
-AthenaSealSvc                    INFO checkClass - Number of types on entry 9778
-AthenaSealSvc                    INFO checkClass - found type IOVDbTestMDTEleMap
-AthenaSealSvc                    INFO checkClass - found ClassID DBDD3779-7E80-463C-9E29-5AAA08432783
-AthenaSealSvc                    INFO Checking members of type IOVDbTestMDTEleMap for 4 members: ok  - isComplete 1
-AthenaSealSvc                    INFO Checking members of type string for 1 members: ok  - isComplete 1
-AthenaSealSvc                    INFO checkClass - NO MISSING FIELDS!!!
-AthenaSealSvc                    INFO checkClass - Number of types on exit 9778
-SimplePoolFile.root   Always Root file version:51400
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Retrieved IOVDbTestMDTEleMap 
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  45
-AthenaSealSvc                    INFO checkClass - Number of types on entry 9778
-AthenaSealSvc                    INFO checkClass - found type IOVDbTestAmdbCorrection
-AthenaSealSvc                    INFO checkClass - found ClassID C3B137B3-F09E-4B75-B14C-AAA2B64408BB
-AthenaSealSvc                    INFO Checking members of type IOVDbTestAmdbCorrection for 3 members: ok  - isComplete 1
-AthenaSealSvc                    INFO Checking members of type string for 1 members: ok  - isComplete 1
-AthenaSealSvc                    INFO checkClass - NO MISSING FIELDS!!!
-AthenaSealSvc                    INFO checkClass - Number of types on exit 9778
-AthenaRootStreamerSvc            INFO Found unknown streamer checksum 2357390539 for class HepPoint3D - using default ROOT streamer
-AthenaRootStreamerSvc            INFO Found unknown streamer checksum 2965104389 for class BasicVector3D - using default ROOT streamer
+IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Retrieved /IOVDbTest/IOVDbTestAMDBCorrection
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found amdb correction trans 1 2 3 rot 4 5 6
-AthenaSealSvc                    INFO checkClass - Number of types on entry 9778
-AthenaSealSvc                    INFO checkClass - found type CondMultChanCollImpl
-AthenaSealSvc                    INFO checkClass - found ClassID 1F1A18E0-CAFF-4AE4-84CC-2DC822C42AAA
-AthenaSealSvc                    INFO Checking members of type CondMultChanCollImpl for 7 members: ok  - isComplete 1
-AthenaSealSvc                    INFO Checking members of type IOVRange for 2 members: ok  - isComplete 1
-AthenaSealSvc                    INFO Checking members of type basic_string<char> for 1 members: ok  - isComplete 1
-AthenaSealSvc                    INFO Checking members of type IOVTime for 3 members: ok  - isComplete 1
-AthenaSealSvc                    INFO Checking members of type IOVTime_type for 4 members: ok  - isComplete 1
-AthenaSealSvc                    INFO checkClass - NO MISSING FIELDS!!!
-AthenaSealSvc                    INFO checkClass - Number of types on exit 9778
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Retrieved IOVDbTestMDTEleMapColl 
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  45 channel 1
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  55 channel 4
@@ -183,14 +17,12 @@ IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  115 channel 22
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  125 channel 25
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  135 channel 28
-AthenaEventLoopMgr               INFO   ===>>>  end of event 1    <<<===
-AthenaEventLoopMgr               INFO   ===>>>  start of event 2  <<<===
-IOVDbTestAlg                    DEBUG  in execute()
 IOVDbTestAlg                    DEBUG Event (run,ev,lb:time): [1,2:5]
-IOVDbTestAlg                    DEBUG Calling printCondObjects
+IOVDbTestAlg                    DEBUG Calling printCondObjects 'online':False	1	2
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO in printCondObjects()
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Retrieved IOVDbTestMDTEleMap 
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  45
+IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Retrieved /IOVDbTest/IOVDbTestAMDBCorrection
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found amdb correction trans 1 2 3 rot 4 5 6
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Retrieved IOVDbTestMDTEleMapColl 
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  45 channel 1
@@ -203,14 +35,12 @@ IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  115 channel 22
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  125 channel 25
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  135 channel 28
-AthenaEventLoopMgr               INFO   ===>>>  end of event 2    <<<===
-AthenaEventLoopMgr               INFO   ===>>>  start of event 3  <<<===
-IOVDbTestAlg                    DEBUG  in execute()
 IOVDbTestAlg                    DEBUG Event (run,ev,lb:time): [1,3:10]
-IOVDbTestAlg                    DEBUG Calling printCondObjects
+IOVDbTestAlg                    DEBUG Calling printCondObjects 'online':False	1	3
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO in printCondObjects()
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Retrieved IOVDbTestMDTEleMap 
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  45
+IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Retrieved /IOVDbTest/IOVDbTestAMDBCorrection
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found amdb correction trans 1 2 3 rot 4 5 6
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Retrieved IOVDbTestMDTEleMapColl 
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  45 channel 1
@@ -223,14 +53,12 @@ IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  115 channel 22
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  125 channel 25
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  135 channel 28
-AthenaEventLoopMgr               INFO   ===>>>  end of event 3    <<<===
-AthenaEventLoopMgr               INFO   ===>>>  start of event 4  <<<===
-IOVDbTestAlg                    DEBUG  in execute()
 IOVDbTestAlg                    DEBUG Event (run,ev,lb:time): [1,4:15]
-IOVDbTestAlg                    DEBUG Calling printCondObjects
+IOVDbTestAlg                    DEBUG Calling printCondObjects 'online':False	1	4
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO in printCondObjects()
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Retrieved IOVDbTestMDTEleMap 
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  45
+IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Retrieved /IOVDbTest/IOVDbTestAMDBCorrection
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found amdb correction trans 1 2 3 rot 4 5 6
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Retrieved IOVDbTestMDTEleMapColl 
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  45 channel 1
@@ -243,14 +71,12 @@ IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  115 channel 22
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  125 channel 25
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  135 channel 28
-AthenaEventLoopMgr               INFO   ===>>>  end of event 4    <<<===
-AthenaEventLoopMgr               INFO   ===>>>  start of event 5  <<<===
-IOVDbTestAlg                    DEBUG  in execute()
 IOVDbTestAlg                    DEBUG Event (run,ev,lb:time): [1,5:20]
-IOVDbTestAlg                    DEBUG Calling printCondObjects
+IOVDbTestAlg                    DEBUG Calling printCondObjects 'online':False	1	5
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO in printCondObjects()
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Retrieved IOVDbTestMDTEleMap 
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  45
+IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Retrieved /IOVDbTest/IOVDbTestAMDBCorrection
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found amdb correction trans 1 2 3 rot 4 5 6
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Retrieved IOVDbTestMDTEleMapColl 
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  45 channel 1
@@ -263,15 +89,12 @@ IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  115 channel 22
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  125 channel 25
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  135 channel 28
-AthenaEventLoopMgr               INFO   ===>>>  end of event 5    <<<===
-AthenaEventLoopMgr               INFO   ===>>>  start of run 2    <<<===
-AthenaEventLoopMgr               INFO   ===>>>  start of event 1  <<<===
-IOVDbTestAlg                    DEBUG  in execute()
 IOVDbTestAlg                    DEBUG Event (run,ev,lb:time): [2,1:25]
-IOVDbTestAlg                    DEBUG Calling printCondObjects
+IOVDbTestAlg                    DEBUG Calling printCondObjects 'online':False	2	1
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO in printCondObjects()
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Retrieved IOVDbTestMDTEleMap 
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  45
+IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Retrieved /IOVDbTest/IOVDbTestAMDBCorrection
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found amdb correction trans 1 2 3 rot 4 5 6
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Retrieved IOVDbTestMDTEleMapColl 
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  45 channel 1
@@ -284,14 +107,12 @@ IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  115 channel 22
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  125 channel 25
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  135 channel 28
-AthenaEventLoopMgr               INFO   ===>>>  end of event 1    <<<===
-AthenaEventLoopMgr               INFO   ===>>>  start of event 2  <<<===
-IOVDbTestAlg                    DEBUG  in execute()
 IOVDbTestAlg                    DEBUG Event (run,ev,lb:time): [2,2:30]
-IOVDbTestAlg                    DEBUG Calling printCondObjects
+IOVDbTestAlg                    DEBUG Calling printCondObjects 'online':False	2	2
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO in printCondObjects()
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Retrieved IOVDbTestMDTEleMap 
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  45
+IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Retrieved /IOVDbTest/IOVDbTestAMDBCorrection
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found amdb correction trans 1 2 3 rot 4 5 6
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Retrieved IOVDbTestMDTEleMapColl 
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  45 channel 1
@@ -304,14 +125,12 @@ IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  115 channel 22
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  125 channel 25
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  135 channel 28
-AthenaEventLoopMgr               INFO   ===>>>  end of event 2    <<<===
-AthenaEventLoopMgr               INFO   ===>>>  start of event 3  <<<===
-IOVDbTestAlg                    DEBUG  in execute()
 IOVDbTestAlg                    DEBUG Event (run,ev,lb:time): [2,3:35]
-IOVDbTestAlg                    DEBUG Calling printCondObjects
+IOVDbTestAlg                    DEBUG Calling printCondObjects 'online':False	2	3
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO in printCondObjects()
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Retrieved IOVDbTestMDTEleMap 
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  45
+IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Retrieved /IOVDbTest/IOVDbTestAMDBCorrection
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found amdb correction trans 1 2 3 rot 4 5 6
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Retrieved IOVDbTestMDTEleMapColl 
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  45 channel 1
@@ -324,14 +143,12 @@ IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  115 channel 22
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  125 channel 25
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  135 channel 28
-AthenaEventLoopMgr               INFO   ===>>>  end of event 3    <<<===
-AthenaEventLoopMgr               INFO   ===>>>  start of event 4  <<<===
-IOVDbTestAlg                    DEBUG  in execute()
 IOVDbTestAlg                    DEBUG Event (run,ev,lb:time): [2,4:40]
-IOVDbTestAlg                    DEBUG Calling printCondObjects
+IOVDbTestAlg                    DEBUG Calling printCondObjects 'online':False	2	4
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO in printCondObjects()
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Retrieved IOVDbTestMDTEleMap 
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  45
+IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Retrieved /IOVDbTest/IOVDbTestAMDBCorrection
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found amdb correction trans 1 2 3 rot 4 5 6
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Retrieved IOVDbTestMDTEleMapColl 
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  45 channel 1
@@ -344,14 +161,12 @@ IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  115 channel 22
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  125 channel 25
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  135 channel 28
-AthenaEventLoopMgr               INFO   ===>>>  end of event 4    <<<===
-AthenaEventLoopMgr               INFO   ===>>>  start of event 5  <<<===
-IOVDbTestAlg                    DEBUG  in execute()
 IOVDbTestAlg                    DEBUG Event (run,ev,lb:time): [2,5:45]
-IOVDbTestAlg                    DEBUG Calling printCondObjects
+IOVDbTestAlg                    DEBUG Calling printCondObjects 'online':False	2	5
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO in printCondObjects()
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Retrieved IOVDbTestMDTEleMap 
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  45
+IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Retrieved /IOVDbTest/IOVDbTestAMDBCorrection
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found amdb correction trans 1 2 3 rot 4 5 6
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Retrieved IOVDbTestMDTEleMapColl 
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  45 channel 1
@@ -364,15 +179,12 @@ IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  115 channel 22
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  125 channel 25
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  135 channel 28
-AthenaEventLoopMgr               INFO   ===>>>  end of event 5    <<<===
-AthenaEventLoopMgr               INFO   ===>>>  start of run 3    <<<===
-AthenaEventLoopMgr               INFO   ===>>>  start of event 1  <<<===
-IOVDbTestAlg                    DEBUG  in execute()
 IOVDbTestAlg                    DEBUG Event (run,ev,lb:time): [3,1:50]
-IOVDbTestAlg                    DEBUG Calling printCondObjects
+IOVDbTestAlg                    DEBUG Calling printCondObjects 'online':False	3	1
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO in printCondObjects()
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Retrieved IOVDbTestMDTEleMap 
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  45
+IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Retrieved /IOVDbTest/IOVDbTestAMDBCorrection
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found amdb correction trans 1 2 3 rot 4 5 6
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Retrieved IOVDbTestMDTEleMapColl 
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  45 channel 1
@@ -385,14 +197,12 @@ IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  115 channel 22
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  125 channel 25
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  135 channel 28
-AthenaEventLoopMgr               INFO   ===>>>  end of event 1    <<<===
-AthenaEventLoopMgr               INFO   ===>>>  start of event 2  <<<===
-IOVDbTestAlg                    DEBUG  in execute()
 IOVDbTestAlg                    DEBUG Event (run,ev,lb:time): [3,2:55]
-IOVDbTestAlg                    DEBUG Calling printCondObjects
+IOVDbTestAlg                    DEBUG Calling printCondObjects 'online':False	3	2
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO in printCondObjects()
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Retrieved IOVDbTestMDTEleMap 
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  45
+IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Retrieved /IOVDbTest/IOVDbTestAMDBCorrection
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found amdb correction trans 1 2 3 rot 4 5 6
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Retrieved IOVDbTestMDTEleMapColl 
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  45 channel 1
@@ -405,14 +215,12 @@ IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  115 channel 22
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  125 channel 25
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  135 channel 28
-AthenaEventLoopMgr               INFO   ===>>>  end of event 2    <<<===
-AthenaEventLoopMgr               INFO   ===>>>  start of event 3  <<<===
-IOVDbTestAlg                    DEBUG  in execute()
 IOVDbTestAlg                    DEBUG Event (run,ev,lb:time): [3,3:60]
-IOVDbTestAlg                    DEBUG Calling printCondObjects
+IOVDbTestAlg                    DEBUG Calling printCondObjects 'online':False	3	3
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO in printCondObjects()
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Retrieved IOVDbTestMDTEleMap 
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  45
+IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Retrieved /IOVDbTest/IOVDbTestAMDBCorrection
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found amdb correction trans 1 2 3 rot 4 5 6
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Retrieved IOVDbTestMDTEleMapColl 
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  45 channel 1
@@ -425,14 +233,12 @@ IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  115 channel 22
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  125 channel 25
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  135 channel 28
-AthenaEventLoopMgr               INFO   ===>>>  end of event 3    <<<===
-AthenaEventLoopMgr               INFO   ===>>>  start of event 4  <<<===
-IOVDbTestAlg                    DEBUG  in execute()
 IOVDbTestAlg                    DEBUG Event (run,ev,lb:time): [3,4:65]
-IOVDbTestAlg                    DEBUG Calling printCondObjects
+IOVDbTestAlg                    DEBUG Calling printCondObjects 'online':False	3	4
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO in printCondObjects()
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Retrieved IOVDbTestMDTEleMap 
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  45
+IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Retrieved /IOVDbTest/IOVDbTestAMDBCorrection
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found amdb correction trans 1 2 3 rot 4 5 6
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Retrieved IOVDbTestMDTEleMapColl 
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  45 channel 1
@@ -445,14 +251,12 @@ IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  115 channel 22
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  125 channel 25
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  135 channel 28
-AthenaEventLoopMgr               INFO   ===>>>  end of event 4    <<<===
-AthenaEventLoopMgr               INFO   ===>>>  start of event 5  <<<===
-IOVDbTestAlg                    DEBUG  in execute()
 IOVDbTestAlg                    DEBUG Event (run,ev,lb:time): [3,5:70]
-IOVDbTestAlg                    DEBUG Calling printCondObjects
+IOVDbTestAlg                    DEBUG Calling printCondObjects 'online':False	3	5
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO in printCondObjects()
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Retrieved IOVDbTestMDTEleMap 
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  45
+IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Retrieved /IOVDbTest/IOVDbTestAMDBCorrection
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found amdb correction trans 1 2 3 rot 4 5 6
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Retrieved IOVDbTestMDTEleMapColl 
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  45 channel 1
@@ -465,15 +269,12 @@ IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  115 channel 22
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  125 channel 25
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  135 channel 28
-AthenaEventLoopMgr               INFO   ===>>>  end of event 5    <<<===
-AthenaEventLoopMgr               INFO   ===>>>  start of run 4    <<<===
-AthenaEventLoopMgr               INFO   ===>>>  start of event 1  <<<===
-IOVDbTestAlg                    DEBUG  in execute()
 IOVDbTestAlg                    DEBUG Event (run,ev,lb:time): [4,1:75]
-IOVDbTestAlg                    DEBUG Calling printCondObjects
+IOVDbTestAlg                    DEBUG Calling printCondObjects 'online':False	4	1
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO in printCondObjects()
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Retrieved IOVDbTestMDTEleMap 
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  45
+IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Retrieved /IOVDbTest/IOVDbTestAMDBCorrection
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found amdb correction trans 1 2 3 rot 4 5 6
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Retrieved IOVDbTestMDTEleMapColl 
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  45 channel 1
@@ -486,14 +287,12 @@ IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  115 channel 22
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  125 channel 25
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  135 channel 28
-AthenaEventLoopMgr               INFO   ===>>>  end of event 1    <<<===
-AthenaEventLoopMgr               INFO   ===>>>  start of event 2  <<<===
-IOVDbTestAlg                    DEBUG  in execute()
 IOVDbTestAlg                    DEBUG Event (run,ev,lb:time): [4,2:80]
-IOVDbTestAlg                    DEBUG Calling printCondObjects
+IOVDbTestAlg                    DEBUG Calling printCondObjects 'online':False	4	2
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO in printCondObjects()
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Retrieved IOVDbTestMDTEleMap 
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  45
+IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Retrieved /IOVDbTest/IOVDbTestAMDBCorrection
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found amdb correction trans 1 2 3 rot 4 5 6
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Retrieved IOVDbTestMDTEleMapColl 
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  45 channel 1
@@ -506,14 +305,12 @@ IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  115 channel 22
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  125 channel 25
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  135 channel 28
-AthenaEventLoopMgr               INFO   ===>>>  end of event 2    <<<===
-AthenaEventLoopMgr               INFO   ===>>>  start of event 3  <<<===
-IOVDbTestAlg                    DEBUG  in execute()
 IOVDbTestAlg                    DEBUG Event (run,ev,lb:time): [4,3:85]
-IOVDbTestAlg                    DEBUG Calling printCondObjects
+IOVDbTestAlg                    DEBUG Calling printCondObjects 'online':False	4	3
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO in printCondObjects()
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Retrieved IOVDbTestMDTEleMap 
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  45
+IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Retrieved /IOVDbTest/IOVDbTestAMDBCorrection
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found amdb correction trans 1 2 3 rot 4 5 6
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Retrieved IOVDbTestMDTEleMapColl 
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  45 channel 1
@@ -526,14 +323,12 @@ IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  115 channel 22
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  125 channel 25
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  135 channel 28
-AthenaEventLoopMgr               INFO   ===>>>  end of event 3    <<<===
-AthenaEventLoopMgr               INFO   ===>>>  start of event 4  <<<===
-IOVDbTestAlg                    DEBUG  in execute()
 IOVDbTestAlg                    DEBUG Event (run,ev,lb:time): [4,4:90]
-IOVDbTestAlg                    DEBUG Calling printCondObjects
+IOVDbTestAlg                    DEBUG Calling printCondObjects 'online':False	4	4
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO in printCondObjects()
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Retrieved IOVDbTestMDTEleMap 
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  45
+IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Retrieved /IOVDbTest/IOVDbTestAMDBCorrection
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found amdb correction trans 1 2 3 rot 4 5 6
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Retrieved IOVDbTestMDTEleMapColl 
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  45 channel 1
@@ -546,14 +341,12 @@ IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  115 channel 22
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  125 channel 25
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  135 channel 28
-AthenaEventLoopMgr               INFO   ===>>>  end of event 4    <<<===
-AthenaEventLoopMgr               INFO   ===>>>  start of event 5  <<<===
-IOVDbTestAlg                    DEBUG  in execute()
 IOVDbTestAlg                    DEBUG Event (run,ev,lb:time): [4,5:95]
-IOVDbTestAlg                    DEBUG Calling printCondObjects
+IOVDbTestAlg                    DEBUG Calling printCondObjects 'online':False	4	5
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO in printCondObjects()
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Retrieved IOVDbTestMDTEleMap 
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  45
+IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Retrieved /IOVDbTest/IOVDbTestAMDBCorrection
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found amdb correction trans 1 2 3 rot 4 5 6
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Retrieved IOVDbTestMDTEleMapColl 
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  45 channel 1
@@ -566,15 +359,12 @@ IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  115 channel 22
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  125 channel 25
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  135 channel 28
-AthenaEventLoopMgr               INFO   ===>>>  end of event 5    <<<===
-AthenaEventLoopMgr               INFO   ===>>>  start of run 5    <<<===
-AthenaEventLoopMgr               INFO   ===>>>  start of event 1  <<<===
-IOVDbTestAlg                    DEBUG  in execute()
 IOVDbTestAlg                    DEBUG Event (run,ev,lb:time): [5,1:100]
-IOVDbTestAlg                    DEBUG Calling printCondObjects
+IOVDbTestAlg                    DEBUG Calling printCondObjects 'online':False	5	1
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO in printCondObjects()
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Retrieved IOVDbTestMDTEleMap 
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  45
+IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Retrieved /IOVDbTest/IOVDbTestAMDBCorrection
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found amdb correction trans 1 2 3 rot 4 5 6
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Retrieved IOVDbTestMDTEleMapColl 
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  45 channel 1
@@ -587,14 +377,12 @@ IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  115 channel 22
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  125 channel 25
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  135 channel 28
-AthenaEventLoopMgr               INFO   ===>>>  end of event 1    <<<===
-AthenaEventLoopMgr               INFO   ===>>>  start of event 2  <<<===
-IOVDbTestAlg                    DEBUG  in execute()
 IOVDbTestAlg                    DEBUG Event (run,ev,lb:time): [5,2:105]
-IOVDbTestAlg                    DEBUG Calling printCondObjects
+IOVDbTestAlg                    DEBUG Calling printCondObjects 'online':False	5	2
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO in printCondObjects()
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Retrieved IOVDbTestMDTEleMap 
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  45
+IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Retrieved /IOVDbTest/IOVDbTestAMDBCorrection
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found amdb correction trans 1 2 3 rot 4 5 6
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Retrieved IOVDbTestMDTEleMapColl 
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  45 channel 1
@@ -607,14 +395,12 @@ IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  115 channel 22
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  125 channel 25
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  135 channel 28
-AthenaEventLoopMgr               INFO   ===>>>  end of event 2    <<<===
-AthenaEventLoopMgr               INFO   ===>>>  start of event 3  <<<===
-IOVDbTestAlg                    DEBUG  in execute()
 IOVDbTestAlg                    DEBUG Event (run,ev,lb:time): [5,3:110]
-IOVDbTestAlg                    DEBUG Calling printCondObjects
+IOVDbTestAlg                    DEBUG Calling printCondObjects 'online':False	5	3
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO in printCondObjects()
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Retrieved IOVDbTestMDTEleMap 
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  45
+IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Retrieved /IOVDbTest/IOVDbTestAMDBCorrection
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found amdb correction trans 1 2 3 rot 4 5 6
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Retrieved IOVDbTestMDTEleMapColl 
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  45 channel 1
@@ -627,14 +413,12 @@ IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  115 channel 22
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  125 channel 25
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  135 channel 28
-AthenaEventLoopMgr               INFO   ===>>>  end of event 3    <<<===
-AthenaEventLoopMgr               INFO   ===>>>  start of event 4  <<<===
-IOVDbTestAlg                    DEBUG  in execute()
 IOVDbTestAlg                    DEBUG Event (run,ev,lb:time): [5,4:115]
-IOVDbTestAlg                    DEBUG Calling printCondObjects
+IOVDbTestAlg                    DEBUG Calling printCondObjects 'online':False	5	4
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO in printCondObjects()
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Retrieved IOVDbTestMDTEleMap 
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  45
+IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Retrieved /IOVDbTest/IOVDbTestAMDBCorrection
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found amdb correction trans 1 2 3 rot 4 5 6
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Retrieved IOVDbTestMDTEleMapColl 
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  45 channel 1
@@ -647,14 +431,12 @@ IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  115 channel 22
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  125 channel 25
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  135 channel 28
-AthenaEventLoopMgr               INFO   ===>>>  end of event 4    <<<===
-AthenaEventLoopMgr               INFO   ===>>>  start of event 5  <<<===
-IOVDbTestAlg                    DEBUG  in execute()
 IOVDbTestAlg                    DEBUG Event (run,ev,lb:time): [5,5:120]
-IOVDbTestAlg                    DEBUG Calling printCondObjects
+IOVDbTestAlg                    DEBUG Calling printCondObjects 'online':False	5	5
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO in printCondObjects()
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Retrieved IOVDbTestMDTEleMap 
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  45
+IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Retrieved /IOVDbTest/IOVDbTestAMDBCorrection
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found amdb correction trans 1 2 3 rot 4 5 6
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Retrieved IOVDbTestMDTEleMapColl 
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  45 channel 1
@@ -667,15 +449,12 @@ IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  115 channel 22
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  125 channel 25
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  135 channel 28
-AthenaEventLoopMgr               INFO   ===>>>  end of event 5    <<<===
-AthenaEventLoopMgr               INFO   ===>>>  start of run 6    <<<===
-AthenaEventLoopMgr               INFO   ===>>>  start of event 1  <<<===
-IOVDbTestAlg                    DEBUG  in execute()
 IOVDbTestAlg                    DEBUG Event (run,ev,lb:time): [6,1:125]
-IOVDbTestAlg                    DEBUG Calling printCondObjects
+IOVDbTestAlg                    DEBUG Calling printCondObjects 'online':False	6	1
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO in printCondObjects()
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Retrieved IOVDbTestMDTEleMap 
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  45
+IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Retrieved /IOVDbTest/IOVDbTestAMDBCorrection
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found amdb correction trans 1 2 3 rot 4 5 6
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Retrieved IOVDbTestMDTEleMapColl 
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  45 channel 1
@@ -688,14 +467,12 @@ IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  115 channel 22
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  125 channel 25
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  135 channel 28
-AthenaEventLoopMgr               INFO   ===>>>  end of event 1    <<<===
-AthenaEventLoopMgr               INFO   ===>>>  start of event 2  <<<===
-IOVDbTestAlg                    DEBUG  in execute()
 IOVDbTestAlg                    DEBUG Event (run,ev,lb:time): [6,2:130]
-IOVDbTestAlg                    DEBUG Calling printCondObjects
+IOVDbTestAlg                    DEBUG Calling printCondObjects 'online':False	6	2
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO in printCondObjects()
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Retrieved IOVDbTestMDTEleMap 
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  45
+IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Retrieved /IOVDbTest/IOVDbTestAMDBCorrection
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found amdb correction trans 1 2 3 rot 4 5 6
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Retrieved IOVDbTestMDTEleMapColl 
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  45 channel 1
@@ -708,14 +485,12 @@ IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  115 channel 22
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  125 channel 25
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  135 channel 28
-AthenaEventLoopMgr               INFO   ===>>>  end of event 2    <<<===
-AthenaEventLoopMgr               INFO   ===>>>  start of event 3  <<<===
-IOVDbTestAlg                    DEBUG  in execute()
 IOVDbTestAlg                    DEBUG Event (run,ev,lb:time): [6,3:135]
-IOVDbTestAlg                    DEBUG Calling printCondObjects
+IOVDbTestAlg                    DEBUG Calling printCondObjects 'online':False	6	3
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO in printCondObjects()
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Retrieved IOVDbTestMDTEleMap 
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  45
+IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Retrieved /IOVDbTest/IOVDbTestAMDBCorrection
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found amdb correction trans 1 2 3 rot 4 5 6
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Retrieved IOVDbTestMDTEleMapColl 
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  45 channel 1
@@ -728,14 +503,12 @@ IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  115 channel 22
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  125 channel 25
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  135 channel 28
-AthenaEventLoopMgr               INFO   ===>>>  end of event 3    <<<===
-AthenaEventLoopMgr               INFO   ===>>>  start of event 4  <<<===
-IOVDbTestAlg                    DEBUG  in execute()
 IOVDbTestAlg                    DEBUG Event (run,ev,lb:time): [6,4:140]
-IOVDbTestAlg                    DEBUG Calling printCondObjects
+IOVDbTestAlg                    DEBUG Calling printCondObjects 'online':False	6	4
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO in printCondObjects()
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Retrieved IOVDbTestMDTEleMap 
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  45
+IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Retrieved /IOVDbTest/IOVDbTestAMDBCorrection
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found amdb correction trans 1 2 3 rot 4 5 6
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Retrieved IOVDbTestMDTEleMapColl 
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  45 channel 1
@@ -748,14 +521,12 @@ IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  115 channel 22
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  125 channel 25
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  135 channel 28
-AthenaEventLoopMgr               INFO   ===>>>  end of event 4    <<<===
-AthenaEventLoopMgr               INFO   ===>>>  start of event 5  <<<===
-IOVDbTestAlg                    DEBUG  in execute()
 IOVDbTestAlg                    DEBUG Event (run,ev,lb:time): [6,5:145]
-IOVDbTestAlg                    DEBUG Calling printCondObjects
+IOVDbTestAlg                    DEBUG Calling printCondObjects 'online':False	6	5
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO in printCondObjects()
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Retrieved IOVDbTestMDTEleMap 
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  45
+IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Retrieved /IOVDbTest/IOVDbTestAMDBCorrection
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found amdb correction trans 1 2 3 rot 4 5 6
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Retrieved IOVDbTestMDTEleMapColl 
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  45 channel 1
@@ -768,37 +539,4 @@ IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  115 channel 22
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  125 channel 25
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO Found mdt element map run 0 event 0 time  135 channel 28
-AthenaEventLoopMgr               INFO   ===>>>  end of event 5    <<<===
 IOVDbTestAlg                     INFO in finalize()
-MetaDataStore                    INFO Finalizing MetaDataStore - package version StoreGate-02-21-01
-IOVDbConnection                  INFO printStats: number of connections 0
-IOVDbSvc                         INFO Service finalised successfully
-EventSelector                    INFO finalize
-SGAudSvc                         INFO Finalizing SGAudSvc...
-InputMetaDataStore               INFO Finalizing InputMetaDataStore - package version StoreGate-02-21-01
-HistorySvc                       INFO Service finalised successfully
-PoolSvc                          INFO finalize() in PoolSvc
-AthenaSealSvc                    INFO finalize() in AthenaSealSvc
-StoreGateSvc                     INFO Finalizing StoreGateSvc - package version StoreGate-02-21-01
-DetectorStore                    INFO Finalizing DetectorStore - package version StoreGate-02-21-01
-ToolSvc.finalize()               INFO Removing all tools created by ToolSvc
-*****Chrono*****                 INFO ****************************************************************************************************
-*****Chrono*****                 INFO  The Final CPU consumption ( Chrono ) Table (ordered)
-*****Chrono*****                 INFO ****************************************************************************************************
-AthenaSealSvc::checkClass        INFO Time User   : Tot=  214 [ms] Ave/Min/Max= 71.3(+-  100)/    0/  213 [ms] #=  3
-AthenaSealSvc::dictLoading       INFO Time User   : Tot=0.593  [s]                                             #=  1
-ChronoStatSvc                    INFO Time User   : Tot= 3.67  [s]                                             #=  1
-*****Chrono*****                 INFO ****************************************************************************************************
-ChronoStatSvc.finalize()         INFO  Service finalized succesfully 
-StatusCodeSvc                    INFO listing all unchecked return codes:
-StatusCodeSvc                    INFO 
-Num | Function                       | Source Library
-  5 | TagInfoMgr::handle(Incident const&) |
-CondProxyProvider             WARNING Service already offline
-cleaning up
-StatusCodeSvc                    INFO initialize
-ApplicationMgr                   INFO Application Manager Finalized successfully
-ApplicationMgr                   INFO Application Manager Terminated successfully
-Py:Athena            INFO leaving with code 0: "successful run"
diff --git a/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/IOVDbTestAlg/share/ b/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/IOVDbTestAlg/share/
deleted file mode 100644
index cbe18424c03e..000000000000
--- a/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/IOVDbTestAlg/share/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,217 +0,0 @@
-# Job options file for IOVDbTestAlg:  see doc in README
-#use McEventSelector
-## basic job configuration (for generator)
-import AthenaCommon.AtlasUnixGeneratorJob
-## get a handle to the default top-level algorithm sequence
-from AthenaCommon.AlgSequence import AlgSequence
-topSequence = AlgSequence()
-## get a handle to the ServiceManager
-from AthenaCommon.AppMgr import ServiceMgr as svcMgr
-## get a handle to the ApplicationManager
-from AthenaCommon.AppMgr import theApp
-# Load POOL support - to read conditions in POOL, not events
-import AthenaPoolCnvSvc.AthenaPool
-# Access to IOVSvc, IOVDbSvc and CondDBMySQLCnvSvc
-import IOVDbSvc.IOVDb
-# Private Application Configuration options
-# Load "user algorithm" top algorithms to be run, and the libraries that house them
-from IOVDbTestAlg.IOVDbTestAlgConf import IOVDbTestAlg
-topSequence += IOVDbTestAlg( "IOVDbTestAlg" )
-# Set output level threshold (1=VERBOSE, 2=DEBUG, 3=INFO, 4=WARNING, 5=ERROR, 6=FATAL )
-svcMgr.MessageSvc.OutputLevel      = INFO
-svcMgr.MessageSvc.debugLimit       = 100000
-svcMgr.MessageSvc.infoLimit        = 100000
-svcMgr.MessageSvc.Format           = "% F%30W%S%7W%R%T %0W%M"
-IOVDbTestAlg.OutputLevel           = DEBUG
-svcMgr.IOVDbSvc.OutputLevel        = INFO
-from IOVDbMetaDataTools.IOVDbMetaDataToolsConf import IOVDbMetaDataTool
-ToolSvc += IOVDbMetaDataTool( "IOVDbMetaDataTool" )
-IOVDbMetaDataTool.OutputLevel      = INFO
-# Choose the following to write out cond objects . 
-IOVDbTestAlg.WriteCondObjs = False
-# Choose the following to register cond objects in the IOVDB. 
-IOVDbTestAlg.RegisterIOV   = False
-# Do not register AttributeList - only for cool version
-IOVDbTestAlg.ReadWriteCool = True
-# Print lumiblock as well
-IOVDbTestAlg.PrintLB = True
-#   COOL ConditionsDB tests
-# For IOVDb: specify dbConnection with COOL and oracle specified
-# uncomment this to use a local SQLite file instead
-#svcMgr.IOVDbSvc.dbConnection  = "impl=cool;techno=sqlite;schema=mytest.db;X:TESTCOOL"
-svcMgr.IOVDbSvc.dbConnection  = "sqlite://;schema=mytest.db;dbname=TESTCOOL"
-#   MySQL ConditionsDB
-# For IOVDb: set database name, and tag for data to be read
-#IOVDbSvc.DBname      = "ConditionsDB_Pool_test"
-#IOVDbSvc.GlobalTag   = "DC1"
-# The following turns off the ability to set EventSelector parameters
-# below
-#ApplicationMgr.EvtSel = "NONE"
-# Number of events to be processed (default is 10)
-#ApplicationMgr.EvtMax = 1
-# Set the following when reading back to adjust the run/event numbers
-#   (don't forget ApplicationMgr.EvtMax)
-svcMgr.EventSelector.RunNumber         = 1
-svcMgr.EventSelector.EventsPerRun      = 5
-svcMgr.EventSelector.FirstEvent        = 1
-svcMgr.EventSelector.EventsPerLB       = 1
-svcMgr.EventSelector.FirstLB           = 1
-svcMgr.EventSelector.InitialTimeStamp  = 0
-svcMgr.EventSelector.TimeStampInterval = 5
-# svcMgr.EventSelector.FirstLB=0
-# svcMgr.EventSelector.EventsPerLB=3
-theApp.EvtMax                   = 30
-#StoreGateSvc = Service( "StoreGateSvc" )
-#StoreGateSvc.Dump = False
-# Must list the folders to be used for reading
-# Implicit list of folders without local tag
-#IOVDbSvc.Folders += [ "/IOVDbTest/*" ]
-# Explicit list of folders with tags
-tagSuffix = "_COOL-TEST-001"
-folder = "/IOVDbTest/IOVDbTestMDTEleMap"
-tag = "MDTEleMap" + tagSuffix
-svcMgr.IOVDbSvc.Folders += [ folder + "<tag>" + tag + "</tag>" ]
-folder = "/IOVDbTest/IOVDbTestAMDBCorrection"
-tag = "AmdbCorrection" + tagSuffix
-svcMgr.IOVDbSvc.Folders += [ folder + "<tag>" + tag + "</tag>" ]
-folder = "/IOVDbTest/IOVDbTestAttrList"
-tag = "AttrList" + tagSuffix
-svcMgr.IOVDbSvc.Folders += [ folder + "<tag>" + tag + "</tag>" ]
-folder = "/IOVDbTest/IOVDbTestAttrListColl"
-tag = "AttrListColl" + tagSuffix
-svcMgr.IOVDbSvc.Folders += [ folder + "<tag>" + tag + "</tag>" ]
-folder = "/IOVDbTest/IOVDbTestMDTEleMapColl"
-tag = "MDTEleMapColl" + tagSuffix
-svcMgr.IOVDbSvc.Folders += [ folder + "<tag>" + tag + "</tag>" ]
-# Implicit list for the rest
-#IOVDbSvc.Folders += [ "/IOVDbTest/IOVDbTestAttr*" ]
-# optional extra folder for the Fancy AttributeList
-#folder = "/IOVDbTest/IOVDbTestFancyList"
-#tag = "FancyList" + tagSuffix
-#IOVDbSvc.Folders += [ folder + "<tag>" + tag + "</tag>" ]
-# Load POOL support
-import AthenaPoolCnvSvc.WriteAthenaPool
-#  Use AthenaOutputStreamTool to write
-#    Must "turn off" standard AthenaOutputStream
-theApp.OutStream = []
-from AthenaCommon.AppMgr import ToolSvc
-IOVDbTestAlg.StreamName = "CondStream2"
-from AthenaServices.AthenaServicesConf import AthenaOutputStreamTool
-ToolSvc += AthenaOutputStreamTool("CondStream2",OutputFile = "SimplePoolFile.root")
-include( "EventAthenaPool/" )
-print (fullItemList)
-# Stream's output file
-from AthenaPoolCnvSvc.WriteAthenaPool import AthenaPoolOutputStream
-Stream1 = AthenaPoolOutputStream( "Stream1", "SimpleEventPoolFile.root", noTag=True )
-# List of DO's to write out
-Stream1.ItemList   += fullItemList
-# List of folders to  write to file meta data
-svcMgr.IOVDbSvc.FoldersToMetaData = []
-svcMgr.IOVDbSvc.FoldersToMetaData += [ "/IOVDbTest/*" ]
-#svcMgr.IOVDbSvc.FoldersToMetaData += [ "/IOVDbTest/IOVDbTestAMDBCorrection" ]
-#svcMgr.IOVDbSvc.FoldersToMetaData += ["/IOVDbTest/IOVDbTestAttrList" ]
-#svcMgr.IOVDbSvc.FoldersToMetaData += [ "/IOVDbTest/IOVDbTestAttrListColl" ]
-#svcMgr.IOVDbSvc.FoldersToMetaData += [ "/IOVDbTest/IOVDbTestMDTEleMapColl" ]
-# Create simulation and digitization parameters and add them to the
-# file meta data
-from IOVDbMetaDataTools import ParameterDbFiller
-# Set run numbers and parameters
-beginRun    = 0
-endRun      = 99999
-simParams   = []
-digitParams = []
-simParams  += ['k_a']
-simParams  += ['v_a']
-simParams  += ['k_b']
-simParams  += ['v_b']
-simParams  += ['k_c']
-simParams  += ['v_c1 v_c1 v_c1']
-digitParams  += ['k_d_a']
-digitParams  += ['v_d_a']
-digitParams  += ['k_d_b']
-digitParams  += ['v_d_b']
-digitParams  += ['k_d_c']
-digitParams  += ['v_d_c1 v_d_c1 v_d_c1']
-# Create simulation parameters db
-dbFiller = ParameterDbFiller.ParameterDbFiller()
-# set iov
-# set parameters
-for i in range(len(simParams)//2):
-    dbFiller.addSimParam(simParams[2*i], simParams[2*i+1])
-# generate db
-# create digit parameters db
-# set parameters
-for i in range(len(digitParams)//2):
-    dbFiller.addDigitParam(digitParams[2*i], digitParams[2*i+1])
-# generate db
-# Set properties for meta data
-folder = "/Simulation/Parameters"
-dbConnection = "sqlite://;schema=SimParams.db;dbname=SIMPARAM"
-svcMgr.IOVDbSvc.Folders += [ folder + "<dbConnection>" + dbConnection + "</dbConnection>" ]
-svcMgr.IOVDbSvc.FoldersToMetaData += [ folder ]
-folder = "/Digitization/Parameters"
-dbConnection = "sqlite://;schema=DigitParams.db;dbname=DIGPARAM"
-svcMgr.IOVDbSvc.Folders += [ folder + "<dbConnection>" + dbConnection + "</dbConnection>" ]
-svcMgr.IOVDbSvc.FoldersToMetaData += [ folder ]
diff --git a/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/IOVDbTestAlg/share/ b/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/IOVDbTestAlg/share/
deleted file mode 100644
index 8fe899d77ef6..000000000000
--- a/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/IOVDbTestAlg/share/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,145 +0,0 @@
-# Job options file for IOVDbTestAlg:  see doc in README
-#use McEventSelector
-## basic job configuration (for generator)
-import AthenaCommon.AtlasUnixGeneratorJob
-## get a handle to the default top-level algorithm sequence
-from AthenaCommon.AlgSequence import AlgSequence
-topSequence = AlgSequence()
-## get a handle to the ServiceManager
-from AthenaCommon.AppMgr import ServiceMgr as svcMgr
-## get a handle to the ApplicationManager
-from AthenaCommon.AppMgr import theApp
-# Access to IOVSvc, IOVDbSvc and CondDBMySQLCnvSvc
-import IOVDbSvc.IOVDb
-# Private Application Configuration options
-# Load "user algorithm" top algorithms to be run, and the libraries that house them
-from IOVDbTestAlg.IOVDbTestAlgConf import IOVDbTestAlg
-topSequence += IOVDbTestAlg( "IOVDbTestAlg" )
-# Set output level threshold (1=VERBOSE, 2=DEBUG, 3=INFO, 4=WARNING, 5=ERROR, 6=FATAL )
-svcMgr.MessageSvc.OutputLevel      = INFO
-svcMgr.MessageSvc.debugLimit       = 100000
-svcMgr.MessageSvc.infoLimit        = 100000
-svcMgr.MessageSvc.Format           = "% F%30W%S%7W%R%T %0W%M"
-IOVDbTestAlg.OutputLevel           = DEBUG
-svcMgr.IOVDbSvc.OutputLevel        = INFO
-# Set time to register - used for IOVDbTestAmdbCorrection
-IOVDbTestAlg.RegTime       = 0
-# IOVDbTestAlg.CreateExtraChanns=True
-# IOVDbTestAlg.NameChanns=True
-# Choose the following to write out cond objects . 
-IOVDbTestAlg.WriteCondObjs = True
-# Choose the following to register cond objects in the IOVDB. 
-IOVDbTestAlg.RegisterIOV   = True
-# Write out attribute list with cool version
-IOVDbTestAlg.ReadWriteCool = True
-# Set the tag value
-IOVDbTestAlg.TagID   = "COOL-TEST-001"
-# Print lumiblock as well
-IOVDbTestAlg.PrintLB = True
-# For IOVDb: specify dbConnection with COOL and oracle specified
-#   Default is to use oracle schema named TESTCOOL, to override this use
-#     athena  'TESTCOOL="<your test db name>"'
-import os
-    os.remove('mytest.db')
-except OSError:
-    pass
-# uncomment this to use a local SQLite file instead
-svcMgr.IOVDbSvc.dbConnection  = "sqlite://;schema=mytest.db;dbname=TESTCOOL"
-# Options for IOVRegistrationSvc
-import RegistrationServices.IOVRegistrationSvc
-# Dont set the tag for ALL folders
-# in COOL folder tags must be globally unique
-regSvc = svcMgr.IOVRegistrationSvc
-# regSvc.IOVDbTag   = "DC1"
-# Select the following to delete and recreate the folders. Default is
-# NOT to recreate
-regSvc.RecreateFolders = False
-# The following set the interval for each of the IOVDbTest folders
-# regSvc.BeginRun   = 4
-# Max EndRun: 0x7FFFFFFF
-# regSvc.EndRun     = 2147483647 
-# regSvc.EndRun     = 3 
-# regSvc.BeginLB = 0
-# Max EndLB: 0xFFFFFFFF
-# regSvc.EndLB   = 4294967295
-# regSvc.IOVDbTag   = "DC1"
-# extra write list to test all AttributeList types
-# IOVDbTestAlg.FancyList=True
-# regSvc.OverrideNames+=['FanSmallString','FanBigString']
-# regSvc.OverrideTypes+=['String255','String64k']
-# The following turns off the ability to set EventSelector parameters
-# below
-#ApplicationMgr.EvtSel = "NONE"
-# Number of events to be processed (default is 10)
-#ApplicationMgr.EvtMax = 1
-# Set the following when reading back to adjust the run/event numbers
-#   (don't forget ApplicationMgr.EvtMax)
-svcMgr.EventSelector.RunNumber         = 1
-svcMgr.EventSelector.EventsPerRun      = 5
-svcMgr.EventSelector.FirstEvent        = 1
-svcMgr.EventSelector.EventsPerLB       = 1
-svcMgr.EventSelector.FirstLB           = 1
-svcMgr.EventSelector.InitialTimeStamp  = 0
-svcMgr.EventSelector.TimeStampInterval = 5
-theApp.EvtMax                   = 25
-# Load POOL support
-import AthenaPoolCnvSvc.WriteAthenaPool
-svcMgr.AthenaPoolCnvSvc.PoolContainerPrefix = "ROOTTREE:CollectionTree"
-svcMgr.AthenaPoolCnvSvc.TopLevelContainerName = "<type>"
-svcMgr.AthenaPoolCnvSvc.SubLevelBranchName = ""
-# AthenaPool details
-#  Use AthenaOutputStreamTool to write
-#    Must "turn off" standard AthenaOutputStream
-theApp.OutStream = []
-from AthenaCommon.AppMgr import ToolSvc
-IOVDbTestAlg.StreamName = "CondStream2"
-from AthenaServices.AthenaServicesConf import AthenaOutputStreamTool
-ToolSvc += AthenaOutputStreamTool("CondStream2",OutputFile = "SimplePoolFile.root")
diff --git a/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/IOVDbTestAlg/share/ b/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/IOVDbTestAlg/share/
deleted file mode 100644
index 4fb8fdc24435..000000000000
--- a/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/IOVDbTestAlg/share/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,140 +0,0 @@
-# Job options file for IOVDbTestAlg:  see doc in README
-#use McEventSelector
-## basic job configuration (for generator)
-import AthenaCommon.AtlasUnixGeneratorJob
-## get a handle to the default top-level algorithm sequence
-from AthenaCommon.AlgSequence import AlgSequence
-topSequence = AlgSequence()
-## get a handle to the ServiceManager
-from AthenaCommon.AppMgr import ServiceMgr as svcMgr
-## get a handle to the ApplicationManager
-from AthenaCommon.AppMgr import theApp
-# Access to IOVSvc, IOVDbSvc and CondDBMySQLCnvSvc
-import IOVDbSvc.IOVDb
-# Private Application Configuration options
-# Load "user algorithm" top algorithms to be run, and the libraries that house them
-from IOVDbTestAlg.IOVDbTestAlgConf import IOVDbTestAlg
-topSequence += IOVDbTestAlg( "IOVDbTestAlg" )
-# Set output level threshold (1=VERBOSE, 2=DEBUG, 3=INFO, 4=WARNING, 5=ERROR, 6=FATAL )
-svcMgr.MessageSvc.OutputLevel      = INFO
-svcMgr.MessageSvc.debugLimit       = 100000
-svcMgr.MessageSvc.infoLimit        = 100000
-svcMgr.MessageSvc.Format           = "% F%30W%S%7W%R%T %0W%M"
-IOVDbTestAlg.OutputLevel           = DEBUG
-svcMgr.IOVDbSvc.OutputLevel        = INFO
-# Set time to register - used for IOVDbTestAmdbCorrection
-IOVDbTestAlg.RegTime       = 0
-# IOVDbTestAlg.CreateExtraChanns=True
-# Choose the following to write out cond objects . 
-IOVDbTestAlg.WriteCondObjs = True
-# Choose the following to register cond objects in the IOVDB. 
-IOVDbTestAlg.RegisterIOV   = True
-# Write out attribute list with cool version
-IOVDbTestAlg.ReadWriteCool = True
-# Set the tag value
-# Print lumiblock as well
-IOVDbTestAlg.PrintLB = True
-# Write out folders with new tag
-IOVDbTestAlg.WriteNewTag = True
-# For IOVDb: specify dbConnection with COOL and oracle specified
-#   Default is to use oracle schema named TESTCOOL, to override this use
-#     athena  'TESTCOOL="<your test db name>"'
-# uncomment this to use a local SQLite file instead
-svcMgr.IOVDbSvc.dbConnection  = "sqlite://;schema=mytest.db;dbname=TESTCOOL"
-# Options for IOVRegistrationSvc
-import RegistrationServices.IOVRegistrationSvc
-# Dont set the tag for ALL folders
-# in COOL folder tags must be globally unique
-regSvc = svcMgr.IOVRegistrationSvc
-# regSvc.IOVDbTag   = "DC1"
-# Select the following to delete and recreate the folders. Default is
-# NOT to recreate
-regSvc.RecreateFolders = False
-# The following set the interval for each of the IOVDbTest folders
-# regSvc.BeginRun   = 4
-# Max EndRun: 0x7FFFFFFF
-# regSvc.EndRun     = 2147483647 
-# regSvc.EndRun     = 3 
-# regSvc.BeginLB = 0
-# Max EndLB: 0xFFFFFFFF
-# regSvc.EndLB   = 4294967295
-# regSvc.IOVDbTag   = "DC1"
-# extra write list to test all AttributeList types
-# IOVDbTestAlg.FancyList=True
-# regSvc.OverrideNames+=['FanSmallString','FanBigString']
-# regSvc.OverrideTypes+=['String255','String64k']
-# The following turns off the ability to set EventSelector parameters
-# below
-#ApplicationMgr.EvtSel = "NONE"
-# Number of events to be processed (default is 10)
-#ApplicationMgr.EvtMax = 1
-# Set the following when reading back to adjust the run/event numbers
-#   (don't forget ApplicationMgr.EvtMax)
-svcMgr.EventSelector.RunNumber         = 1
-svcMgr.EventSelector.EventsPerRun      = 5
-svcMgr.EventSelector.FirstEvent        = 1
-svcMgr.EventSelector.EventsPerLB       = 1
-svcMgr.EventSelector.FirstLB           = 1
-svcMgr.EventSelector.InitialTimeStamp  = 0
-svcMgr.EventSelector.TimeStampInterval = 5
-theApp.EvtMax                   = 25
-# Load POOL support
-import AthenaPoolCnvSvc.WriteAthenaPool
-# AthenaPool details
-#  Use AthenaOutputStreamTool to write
-#    Must "turn off" standard AthenaOutputStream
-# Append data to same file
-svcMgr.PoolSvc.FileOpen = "update"
-theApp.OutStream = []
-from AthenaCommon.AppMgr import ToolSvc
-IOVDbTestAlg.StreamName = "CondStream2"
-from AthenaServices.AthenaServicesConf import AthenaOutputStreamTool
-ToolSvc += AthenaOutputStreamTool("CondStream2",OutputFile = "SimplePoolFile.root")
diff --git a/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/IOVDbTestAlg/share/ b/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/IOVDbTestAlg/share/
deleted file mode 100644
index 8e42566010c2..000000000000
--- a/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/IOVDbTestAlg/share/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,93 +0,0 @@
-# Job options file for IOVDbTestAlg:  see doc in README
-#use McEventSelector
-## basic job configuration (for generator)
-import AthenaCommon.AtlasUnixGeneratorJob
-## get a handle to the default top-level algorithm sequence
-from AthenaCommon.AlgSequence import AlgSequence
-topSequence = AlgSequence()
-## get a handle to the ServiceManager
-from AthenaCommon.AppMgr import ServiceMgr as svcMgr
-## get a handle to the ApplicationManager
-from AthenaCommon.AppMgr import theApp
-# Private Application Configuration options
-# Load "user algorithm" top algorithms to be run, and the libraries that house them
-from IOVDbTestAlg.IOVDbTestAlgConf import IOVDbTestAlg
-topSequence += IOVDbTestAlg( "IOVDbTestAlg" )
-# Set output level threshold (1=VERBOSE, 2=DEBUG, 3=INFO, 4=WARNING, 5=ERROR, 6=FATAL )
-svcMgr.MessageSvc.OutputLevel      = INFO
-svcMgr.MessageSvc.debugLimit       = 100000
-svcMgr.MessageSvc.infoLimit        = 100000
-svcMgr.MessageSvc.Format           = "% F%30W%S%7W%R%T %0W%M"
-IOVDbTestAlg.OutputLevel           = DEBUG
-# Set time to register - used for IOVDbTestAmdbCorrection
-IOVDbTestAlg.RegTime       = 0
-# Choose the following to write out cond objects . 
-IOVDbTestAlg.WriteCondObjs = True
-# Choose the following to register cond objects in the IOVDB. 
-IOVDbTestAlg.RegisterIOV   = False
-# Do not register AttributeList - only for cool version
-IOVDbTestAlg.ReadWriteCool = True
-# The following turns off the ability to set EventSelector parameters
-# below
-#ApplicationMgr.EvtSel = "NONE"
-# Number of events to be processed (default is 10)
-#ApplicationMgr.EvtMax = 1
-# Set the following when reading back to adjust the run/event numbers
-#   (don't forget ApplicationMgr.EvtMax)
-svcMgr.EventSelector.RunNumber         = 1
-svcMgr.EventSelector.EventsPerRun      = 5
-svcMgr.EventSelector.FirstEvent        = 1
-svcMgr.EventSelector.InitialTimeStamp  = 0
-svcMgr.EventSelector.TimeStampInterval = 5
-theApp.EvtMax                   = 25
-# Load POOL support
-import AthenaPoolCnvSvc.WriteAthenaPool
-svcMgr.AthenaPoolCnvSvc.PoolContainerPrefix = "ROOTTREE:CollectionTree"
-svcMgr.AthenaPoolCnvSvc.TopLevelContainerName = "<type>"
-svcMgr.AthenaPoolCnvSvc.SubLevelBranchName = ""
-# AthenaPool details
-#  Use AthenaOutputStreamTool to write
-#    Must "turn off" standard AthenaOutputStream
-theApp.OutStream = []
-from AthenaCommon.AppMgr import ToolSvc
-IOVDbTestAlg.StreamName = "CondStream1"
-from AthenaServices.AthenaServicesConf import AthenaOutputStreamTool
-ToolSvc += AthenaOutputStreamTool("CondStream1",OutputFile = "SimplePoolFile.root")
diff --git a/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/IOVDbTestAlg/share/ b/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/IOVDbTestAlg/share/
deleted file mode 100644
index d2da2485c2d9..000000000000
--- a/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/IOVDbTestAlg/share/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,135 +0,0 @@
-# Job options file for IOVDbTestAlg:  see doc in README
-#use McEventSelector
-## basic job configuration (for generator)
-import AthenaCommon.AtlasUnixGeneratorJob
-## get a handle to the default top-level algorithm sequence
-from AthenaCommon.AlgSequence import AlgSequence
-topSequence = AlgSequence()
-## get a handle to the ServiceManager
-from AthenaCommon.AppMgr import ServiceMgr as svcMgr
-## get a handle to the ApplicationManager
-from AthenaCommon.AppMgr import theApp
-# Access to IOVSvc, IOVDbSvc and CondDBMySQLCnvSvc
-import IOVDbSvc.IOVDb
-# Private Application Configuration options
-# Load "user algorithm" top algorithms to be run, and the libraries that house them
-from IOVDbTestAlg.IOVDbTestAlgConf import IOVDbTestAlg
-topSequence += IOVDbTestAlg( "IOVDbTestAlg" )
-# Set output level threshold (1=VERBOSE, 2=DEBUG, 3=INFO, 4=WARNING, 5=ERROR, 6=FATAL )
-svcMgr.MessageSvc.OutputLevel      = INFO
-svcMgr.MessageSvc.debugLimit       = 100000
-svcMgr.MessageSvc.infoLimit        = 100000
-svcMgr.MessageSvc.Format           = "% F%30W%S%7W%R%T %0W%M"
-IOVDbTestAlg.OutputLevel           = DEBUG
-svcMgr.IOVDbSvc.OutputLevel        = INFO
-# Set time to register - used for IOVDbTestAmdbCorrection
-IOVDbTestAlg.RegTime           = 35
-# add in a few extra channels
-#IOVDbTestAlg.CreateExtraChanns = True
-#StoreGateSvc = Service( "DetectorStore" )
-#StoreGateSvc.Dump = TRUE 
-# For IOVDb: specify dbConnection with COOL and oracle specified
-#   Default is to use oracle schema named TESTCOOL, to override this use
-#     athena  'TESTCOOL="<your test db name>"'
-# uncomment this to use a local SQLite file instead
-svcMgr.IOVDbSvc.dbConnection  = "sqlite://;schema=mytest.db;dbname=TESTCOOL"
-# Choose the following to write out cond objects . 
-IOVDbTestAlg.WriteCondObjs = True
-# Choose the following to register cond objects in the IOVDB. 
-IOVDbTestAlg.RegisterIOV   = True
-# Write out attribute list with cool version
-IOVDbTestAlg.ReadWriteCool = True
-# Set the tag value
-IOVDbTestAlg.TagID   = "COOL-TEST-001"
-# Print lumiblock as well
-IOVDbTestAlg.PrintLB = True
-# Options for IOVRegistrationSvc
-import RegistrationServices.IOVRegistrationSvc
-# Set the tag for ALL folders (not yet able to have different tags per folder)
-regSvc = svcMgr.IOVRegistrationSvc
-regSvc.IOVDbTag   = "DC1"
-# Select the following to delete and recreate the folders. Default is
-# NOT to recreate
-# regSvc.RecreateFolders = true
-# The following set the interval for each of the IOVDbTest folders
-# set begin run to 3
-regSvc.BeginRun   = 3
-# Max EndRun: 0x7FFFFFFF
-# regSvc.EndRun     = 2147483647 
-# regSvc.EndRun     = 3 
-regSvc.BeginLB = 3
-# regSvc.BeginLB = 0
-# Max EndLB: 0xFFFFFFFF
-# regSvc.EndLB   = 4294967295
-# regSvc.IOVDbTag   = "DC1"
-# The following turns off the ability to set EventSelector parameters
-# below
-#ApplicationMgr.EvtSel = "NONE"
-# Number of events to be processed (default is 10)
-#ApplicationMgr.EvtMax = 1
-# Set the following when reading back to adjust the run/event numbers
-#   (don't forget ApplicationMgr.EvtMax)
-svcMgr.EventSelector.RunNumber         = 1
-svcMgr.EventSelector.EventsPerRun      = 5
-svcMgr.EventSelector.FirstEvent        = 1
-svcMgr.EventSelector.EventsPerLB       = 1
-svcMgr.EventSelector.FirstLB           = 1
-svcMgr.EventSelector.InitialTimeStamp  = 0
-svcMgr.EventSelector.TimeStampInterval = 5
-theApp.EvtMax                   = 25
-# Load POOL support
-import AthenaPoolCnvSvc.WriteAthenaPool
-svcMgr.AthenaPoolCnvSvc.PoolContainerPrefix = "ROOTTREE:CollectionTree"
-svcMgr.AthenaPoolCnvSvc.TopLevelContainerName = "<type>"
-svcMgr.AthenaPoolCnvSvc.SubLevelBranchName = ""
-# AthenaPool details
-#  Use AthenaOutputStreamTool to write
-#    Must "turn off" standard AthenaOutputStream
-theApp.OutStream = []
-from AthenaCommon.AppMgr import ToolSvc
-IOVDbTestAlg.StreamName = "CondStream2"
-from AthenaServices.AthenaServicesConf import AthenaOutputStreamTool
-ToolSvc += AthenaOutputStreamTool("CondStream2",OutputFile = "SimplePoolFile.root")
diff --git a/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/IOVDbTestAlg/share/ b/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/IOVDbTestAlg/share/
deleted file mode 100644
index 3c5796ff0f9e..000000000000
--- a/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/IOVDbTestAlg/share/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,137 +0,0 @@
-# Job options file for IOVDbTestAlg:  see doc in README
-#use McEventSelector
-## basic job configuration (for generator)
-import AthenaCommon.AtlasUnixGeneratorJob
-## get a handle to the default top-level algorithm sequence
-from AthenaCommon.AlgSequence import AlgSequence
-topSequence = AlgSequence()
-## get a handle to the ServiceManager
-from AthenaCommon.AppMgr import ServiceMgr as svcMgr
-## get a handle to the ApplicationManager
-from AthenaCommon.AppMgr import theApp
-# Access to IOVSvc, IOVDbSvc and CondDBMySQLCnvSvc
-import IOVDbSvc.IOVDb
-# Private Application Configuration options
-# Load "user algorithm" top algorithms to be run, and the libraries that house them
-from IOVDbTestAlg.IOVDbTestAlgConf import IOVDbTestAlg
-topSequence += IOVDbTestAlg( "IOVDbTestAlg" )
-# Set output level threshold (1=VERBOSE, 2=DEBUG, 3=INFO, 4=WARNING, 5=ERROR, 6=FATAL )
-svcMgr.MessageSvc.OutputLevel      = INFO
-svcMgr.MessageSvc.debugLimit       = 100000
-svcMgr.MessageSvc.infoLimit        = 100000
-svcMgr.MessageSvc.Format           = "% F%30W%S%7W%R%T %0W%M"
-IOVDbTestAlg.OutputLevel           = DEBUG
-svcMgr.IOVDbSvc.OutputLevel        = INFO
-# add in a few extra channels
-IOVDbTestAlg.CreateExtraChanns = True
-# Set time to register - used for IOVDbTestAmdbCorrection
-IOVDbTestAlg.RegTime           = 35
-IOVDbSvc = Service( "IOVDbSvc" )
-IOVDbSvc.OutputLevel           = INFO
-#StoreGateSvc = Service( "DetectorStore" )
-#StoreGateSvc.Dump = TRUE 
-# For IOVDb: specify dbConnection with COOL and oracle specified
-#   Default is to use oracle schema named TESTCOOL, to override this use
-#     athena  'TESTCOOL="<your test db name>"'
-# uncomment this to use a local SQLite file instead
-svcMgr.IOVDbSvc.dbConnection  = "sqlite://;schema=mytest.db;dbname=TESTCOOL"
-# Choose the following to write out cond objects . 
-IOVDbTestAlg.WriteCondObjs = True
-# Choose the following to register cond objects in the IOVDB. 
-IOVDbTestAlg.RegisterIOV   = True
-# Write out attribute list with cool version
-IOVDbTestAlg.ReadWriteCool = True
-# Set the tag value
-IOVDbTestAlg.TagID   = "COOL-TEST-001"
-# Print lumiblock as well
-IOVDbTestAlg.PrintLB = True
-# Options for IOVRegistrationSvc
-import RegistrationServices.IOVRegistrationSvc
-# Set the tag for ALL folders (not yet able to have different tags per folder)
-regSvc = svcMgr.IOVRegistrationSvc
-regSvc.IOVDbTag   = "DC1"
-# Select the following to delete and recreate the folders. Default is
-# NOT to recreate
-# regSvc.RecreateFolders = true
-# The following set the interval for each of the IOVDbTest folders
-# set begin run to 3
-regSvc.BeginRun   = 4
-# Max EndRun: 0x7FFFFFFF
-# regSvc.EndRun     = 2147483647 
-# regSvc.EndRun     = 3 
-regSvc.BeginLB = 3
-# regSvc.BeginLB = 0
-# Max EndLB: 0xFFFFFFFF
-# regSvc.EndLB   = 4294967295
-# regSvc.EndLB   = 4294967295
-# regSvc.IOVDbTag   = "DC1"
-# The following turns off the ability to set EventSelector parameters
-# below
-#ApplicationMgr.EvtSel = "NONE"
-# Number of events to be processed (default is 10)
-#ApplicationMgr.EvtMax = 1
-# Set the following when reading back to adjust the run/event numbers
-#   (don't forget ApplicationMgr.EvtMax)
-svcMgr.EventSelector.RunNumber         = 1
-svcMgr.EventSelector.EventsPerRun      = 5
-svcMgr.EventSelector.FirstEvent        = 1
-svcMgr.EventSelector.EventsPerLB       = 1
-svcMgr.EventSelector.FirstLB           = 1
-svcMgr.EventSelector.InitialTimeStamp  = 0
-svcMgr.EventSelector.TimeStampInterval = 5
-theApp.EvtMax                   = 25
-# AthenaPool details
-# Load POOL support
-import AthenaPoolCnvSvc.WriteAthenaPool
-svcMgr.AthenaPoolCnvSvc.PoolContainerPrefix = "ROOTTREE:CollectionTree"
-svcMgr.AthenaPoolCnvSvc.TopLevelContainerName = "<type>"
-svcMgr.AthenaPoolCnvSvc.SubLevelBranchName = ""
-#  Use AthenaOutputStreamTool to write
-#    Must "turn off" standard AthenaOutputStream
-theApp.OutStream = []
-from AthenaCommon.AppMgr import ToolSvc
-IOVDbTestAlg.StreamName = "CondStream2"
-from AthenaServices.AthenaServicesConf import AthenaOutputStreamTool
-ToolSvc += AthenaOutputStreamTool("CondStream2",OutputFile = "SimplePoolFile.root")
diff --git a/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/IOVDbTestAlg/share/ b/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/IOVDbTestAlg/share/
deleted file mode 100644
index a02c86c1def4..000000000000
--- a/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/IOVDbTestAlg/share/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,72 +0,0 @@
-# Job options file for IOVDbTestCoolDCS
-# read in one or several folders containing DCS data saved
-# to COOL using the PVSS->COOL translation tools from Jim Cook
-# and print it using the  IOVDbTestCoolDCS algorithm in IOVDbTestAlg
-# NB: This joboption will NOT work unedited - you must set the
-# database connection string to your server, and the folders
-# to the folders you want to use
-#use McEventSelector
-import AthenaCommon.AtlasUnixGeneratorJob
-## get a handle to the default top-level algorithm sequence
-from AthenaCommon.AlgSequence import AlgSequence
-topSequence = AlgSequence()
-## get a handle to the ServiceManager
-from AthenaCommon.AppMgr import ServiceMgr as svcMgr
-## get a handle to the ApplicationManager
-from AthenaCommon.AppMgr import theApp
-# Load POOL support - to read conditions in POOL, not events
-import AthenaPoolCnvSvc.AthenaPool
-# Access to IOVSvc, IOVDbSvc and CondDBMySQLCnvSvc
-import IOVDbSvc.IOVDb
-# Private Application Configuration options
-# Load "user algorithm" top algorithms to be run, and the libraries that house them
-from IOVDbTestAlg.IOVDbTestAlgConf import IOVDbTestCoolDCS
-topSequence += IOVDbTestCoolDCS( "IOVDbTestCoolDCS" )
-# set the list of folders to be read as AthenaAttributeList
-# IOVDbTestCoolDCS.AttrListFolders=[]
-# set the list of folders to be read as CondAttrListCollection
-# set all the folders to be read in by IOVDbSvc
-svcMgr.IOVDbSvc.Folders += ["/TRT/DCS/HV/BARREL","/TRT/DCS/HV/ENDCAPA"]
-#   COOL ConditionsDB connection
-svcMgr.IOVDbSvc.OutputLevel        = INFO
-# set the connection string to the database you want to use
-svcMgr.IOVDbSvc.dbConnection  = "COOLOFL_DCS/COMP200"
-# Set the following when reading back to adjust the run/event numbers
-# and timestamps
-svcMgr.EventSelector.RunNumber         = 1
-svcMgr.EventSelector.EventsPerRun      = 9999
-svcMgr.EventSelector.FirstEvent        = 1
-# initial time stamp - this is number of seconds since 1st Jan 1970 GMT
-# the value given here corresponds to 00:00 GMT on 1st October 2008
-svcMgr.EventSelector.InitialTimeStamp  = 1222819200
-# increment of 1 minute
-svcMgr.EventSelector.TimeStampInterval = 60
-theApp.EvtMax                   = 30
diff --git a/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/IOVDbTestAlg/share/ b/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/IOVDbTestAlg/share/
deleted file mode 100644
index 54231ef1297b..000000000000
--- a/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/IOVDbTestAlg/share/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,195 +0,0 @@
-# Job options file for IOVDbTestAlg:  it uses codes in IOVDbTestAlg 
-# for creates/prints the objects and the codes in OutputConditionsAlg
-# for streaming  and registering the objects   
-#use McEventSelector
-## basic job configuration (for generator)
-import AthenaCommon.AtlasUnixGeneratorJob
-## get a handle to the default top-level algorithm sequence
-from AthenaCommon.AlgSequence import AlgSequence
-topSequence = AlgSequence()
-## get a handle to the ServiceManager
-from AthenaCommon.AppMgr import ServiceMgr as svcMgr
-## get a handle to the ApplicationManager
-from AthenaCommon.AppMgr import theApp
-# Access to IOVSvc, IOVDbSvc and CondDBMySQLCnvSvc
-import IOVDbSvc.IOVDb
-# Private Application Configuration options
-# Load "user algorithm" top algorithms to be run, and the libraries that house them
-from IOVDbTestAlg.IOVDbTestAlgConf import IOVDbTestAlg
-topSequence += IOVDbTestAlg( "IOVDbTestAlg" )
-# Set output level threshold (1=VERBOSE, 2=DEBUG, 3=INFO, 4=WARNING, 5=ERROR, 6=FATAL )
-svcMgr.MessageSvc.OutputLevel      = INFO
-svcMgr.MessageSvc.debugLimit       = 100000
-svcMgr.MessageSvc.infoLimit        = 100000
-svcMgr.MessageSvc.Format           = "% F%30W%S%7W%R%T %0W%M"
-IOVDbTestAlg.OutputLevel           = DEBUG
-svcMgr.IOVDbSvc.OutputLevel        = INFO
-# Set time to register - used for IOVDbTestAmdbCorrection
-IOVDbTestAlg.RegTime       = 0
-# Choose the following to write out cond objects . 
-IOVDbTestAlg.WriteCondObjs = False
-# Choose the following to register cond objects in the IOVDB. 
-IOVDbTestAlg.RegisterIOV   = False
-# Write out attribute list with cool version
-IOVDbTestAlg.ReadWriteCool = False
-# Set the tag value
-IOVDbTestAlg.TagID   = "COOL-TEST-001"
-# Print lumiblock as well
-IOVDbTestAlg.PrintLB = False
-# True for avoid stream out with IOVDdTestAlgs, but allowing
-# stream out with OutputConditionAlgs of the object recorded in DetStore
-IOVDbTestAlg.NoStream = True
-# For IOVDb: specify dbConnection with COOL and oracle specified
-#   Default is to use oracle schema named TESTCOOL, to override this use
-#     athena  'TESTCOOL="<your test db name>"'
-# uncomment this to use a local SQLite file instead
-svcMgr.IOVDbSvc.dbConnection  = "sqlite://;schema=mytest.db;dbname=TESTCOOL"
-# Options for IOVRegistrationSvc
-import RegistrationServices.IOVRegistrationSvc
-# Dont set the tag for ALL folders
-# in COOL folder tags must be globally unique
-regSvc = svcMgr.IOVRegistrationSvc
-# regSvc.IOVDbTag   = "DC1"
-# Select the following to delete and recreate the folders. Default is
-# NOT to recreate
-regSvc.RecreateFolders = False
-# The following set the interval for each of the IOVDbTest folders
-# regSvc.BeginRun   = 4
-# Max EndRun: 0x7FFFFFFF
-# regSvc.EndRun     = 2147483647 
-# regSvc.EndRun     = 3 
-# regSvc.BeginLB = 0
-# Max EndLB: 0xFFFFFFFF
-# regSvc.EndLB   = 4294967295
-# regSvc.IOVDbTag   = "DC1"
-# extra write list to test all AttributeList types
-# The following turns off the ability to set EventSelector parameters
-# below
-#ApplicationMgr.EvtSel = "NONE"
-# Number of events to be processed (default is 10)
-#ApplicationMgr.EvtMax = 1
-# Set the following when reading back to adjust the run/event numbers
-#   (don't forget ApplicationMgr.EvtMax)
-svcMgr.EventSelector.RunNumber         = 1
-svcMgr.EventSelector.EventsPerRun      = 25
-svcMgr.EventSelector.FirstEvent        = 1
-svcMgr.EventSelector.EventsPerLB       = 1
-svcMgr.EventSelector.FirstLB           = 1
-svcMgr.EventSelector.InitialTimeStamp  = 0
-svcMgr.EventSelector.TimeStampInterval = 5
-theApp.EvtMax                          = 250
-# Load POOL support
-import AthenaPoolCnvSvc.WriteAthenaPool
-# AthenaPool details
-#==================== Configure OutputConditionAlgs
-from RegistrationServices.OutputConditionsAlg import OutputConditionsAlg
-            outputFile="mycondobjects.root",
-            ObjectList=[ 
-                         # "IOVDbTestMDTEleMap#/IOVDbTestDani/IOVDbTestMDTEleMapDani",
-                         "IOVDbTestMDTEleMap#/IOVDbTest/IOVDbTestMDTEleMap",
-                         "IOVDbTestAmdbCorrection#/IOVDbTest/IOVDbTestAMDBCorrection",
-                         "IOVDbTestMDTEleMapColl#/IOVDbTest/IOVDbTestMDTEleMapColl", 
-			             "AthenaAttributeList#/IOVDbTest/IOVDbTestAttrList",
-			 		     "AthenaAttributeList#/IOVDbTest/IOVDbTestFancyList"
-			             # "AthenaAttributeList#/IOVDbTestDani/IOVDbTestAttrListDani"
-                        ],
-    	                WriteIOV=True,
-                        IOVTagList=["nominal"])
-#===================== ADDITIONAL USEFUL INFORMATIONS ============================ 
-#The OutputConditionsAlg has the following properties:
-#- StreamName (default: "ConditionsAlgStream")
-#- ObjectList (default: "")
-# - WriteIOV (default: False)
-# - Run1 (default IOVTime::MINRUN)
-# - LB1 (default: IOVTime::MINEVENT)
-# - Run2 (default: IOVTime::MAXRUN)
-# - LB2 (default: IOVTime::MAXEVENT)
-# - Time1 (default IOVTime::MINTIMESTAMP) (in seconds)
-# - Time2 (default IOVTime::MAXEVENT) (in seconds)
-# - UseTime (default False - use specifications based on run/event)
-# - IOVTagList (default: "")
-# If WriteIOV is not set, only the output stream is written, without registration
-# in the IOV database.
-# The ObjectList is used to identify the conditions data objects to be written
-# from the Transient Detector Store (TDS).
-# Each entry in the list is either a classname, in which case the default
-# instance of the class in Storegate TDS will be written, using the corresponding
-# Storegate key as conditions database folder name; or an entry of the
-# form 
-# 'classname#key' (e.g. AlignableTransform#/Indet/Align/SCT). 
-# This latter form is appropriate when several instances of the same object exist, and
-# need to be written out to several folders. For example, the following joboption
-# tells the tool
-# to write out two MyCondObjects with seperate keys /MyCond/Obj1 and
-# /MyCond/Obj2 to folders /MyCond/Obj1 and /MyCond/Obj2.
-# myOCA.ObjectList=[ "MyCondObject#/MyCond/Obj1", "MyCondObject#/MyCond/Obj2" ]
-# a third form 'classname#key#folder' can be used to override the default
-# where the conditions DB folder is set to the same name as the Storegate key;
-# for example the specification 'MyCondObject#/MyCond/Obj1#/MyCond/AlternateFolder' 
-# writes the object with key /MyCond/Obj1 to folder /MyCond/AlternateFolder.
-# The AthenaOutputStream-like syntax "MyCondObject#*" to write ALL instances
-# of MyCondObject does NOT work with this algorithm.
-# The IOVTagList should contain one tag for each entry in the ObjectList. If
-# no (or an insufficient number) of tags are specified, the corresponding
-# objects are not tagged (i.e. just visible in the HEAD of the conditions
-# data.)
diff --git a/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/IOVDbTestAlg/test/ b/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/IOVDbTestAlg/test/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..59840064f08f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/IOVDbTestAlg/test/
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2002-2024 by CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
+from IOVDbTestAlg.IOVDbTestAlgConfig import IOVDbTestAlgFlags, IOVDbTestAlgReadCfg
+flags = IOVDbTestAlgFlags()
+flags.Exec.MaxEvents = 30
+acc = IOVDbTestAlgReadCfg(flags)
+acc.getService("EventSelector").EventsPerRun = 10
+import sys
+sc =
diff --git a/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/IOVDbTestAlg/test/ b/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/IOVDbTestAlg/test/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..1a4d3321dd1c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/IOVDbTestAlg/test/
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2002-2024 by CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
+from IOVDbTestAlg.IOVDbTestAlgConfig import IOVDbTestAlgFlags, IOVDbTestAlgReadCfg
+flags = IOVDbTestAlgFlags()
+flags.Exec.MaxEvents = 30
+acc = IOVDbTestAlgReadCfg(flags)
+acc.getEventAlgo("IOVDbTestAlg").TwoStepWriteReg = True
+acc.getEventAlgo("IOVDbTestAlg").PrintLB = False
+acc.getService("EventSelector").EventsPerRun = 5
+import sys
+sc =
diff --git a/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/IOVDbTestAlg/test/ b/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/IOVDbTestAlg/test/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..e45921b1194d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/IOVDbTestAlg/test/
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2002-2024 by CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
+from AthenaConfiguration.ComponentFactory import CompFactory
+from AthenaCommon.Constants import DEBUG
+from IOVDbTestAlg.IOVDbTestAlgConfig import IOVDbTestAlgFlags, IOVDbTestAlgReadCfg
+flags = IOVDbTestAlgFlags()
+flags.Exec.MaxEvents = 30
+acc = IOVDbTestAlgReadCfg(flags)
+acc.getEventAlgo("IOVDbTestAlg").TwoStepWriteReg = True
+acc.getEventAlgo("IOVDbTestAlg").PrintLB = False
+acc.getEventAlgo('IOVDbTestAlg').RegisterIOV = True
+acc.getEventAlgo('IOVDbTestAlg').TagID = "COOL-TEST-001"
+acc.addService( CompFactory.IOVRegistrationSvc(OutputLevel = DEBUG) )
+from AthenaPoolCnvSvc.PoolWriteConfig import PoolWriteCfg
+acc.merge( PoolWriteCfg(flags) )
+from EventSelectorAthenaPool.CondProxyProviderConfig import CondProxyProviderCfg
+acc.merge( CondProxyProviderCfg (flags, ["SimplePoolFile.root"]) )
+import sys
+sc =
diff --git a/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/IOVDbTestAlg/test/ b/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/IOVDbTestAlg/test/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..ec87c2580338
--- /dev/null
+++ b/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/IOVDbTestAlg/test/
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2002-2024 by CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
+from IOVDbSvc.IOVDbSvcConfig import addFolders
+from IOVDbTestAlg.IOVDbTestAlgConfig import IOVDbTestAlgFlags, IOVDbTestAlgReadCfg
+flags = IOVDbTestAlgFlags()
+flags.Input.Files = ["SimpleEventPoolFile.root"]
+flags.Exec.MaxEvents = -1
+acc = IOVDbTestAlgReadCfg(flags, overrideTag=False)
+acc.merge(addFolders(flags, ["/Simulation/Parameters",
+                             "/Digitization/Parameters"]))
+import sys
+sc =
diff --git a/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/IOVDbTestAlg/test/ b/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/IOVDbTestAlg/test/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..51638103927e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/IOVDbTestAlg/test/
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2002-2024 by CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
+from IOVDbTestAlg.IOVDbTestAlgConfig import IOVDbTestAlgFlags, IOVDbTestAlgReadCfg
+flags = IOVDbTestAlgFlags()
+flags.Exec.MaxEvents = 30
+acc = IOVDbTestAlgReadCfg(flags)
+acc.getEventAlgo("IOVDbTestAlg").TwoStepWriteReg = True
+acc.getEventAlgo("IOVDbTestAlg").PrintLB = False
+acc.getEventAlgo('IOVDbTestAlg').TagID = "COOL-TEST-001"
+from AthenaPoolCnvSvc.PoolWriteConfig import PoolWriteCfg
+acc.merge( PoolWriteCfg(flags) )
+from EventSelectorAthenaPool.CondProxyProviderConfig import CondProxyProviderCfg
+acc.merge( CondProxyProviderCfg (flags, ["SimplePoolFile.root"]) )
+import sys
+sc =
diff --git a/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/IOVDbTestAlg/test/ b/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/IOVDbTestAlg/test/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..8cd54ffd387d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/IOVDbTestAlg/test/
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2002-2024 by CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
+from IOVDbTestAlg.IOVDbTestAlgConfig import IOVDbTestAlgFlags, IOVDbTestAlgReadCfg
+flags = IOVDbTestAlgFlags()
+flags.Exec.MaxEvents = 30
+flags.addFlag("Output.Stream1FileName", "SimpleEventPoolFile.root")
+flags.addFlag("Output.doWriteStream1", True)
+acc = IOVDbTestAlgReadCfg(flags)
+from OutputStreamAthenaPool.OutputStreamConfig import OutputStreamCfg
+acc.merge( OutputStreamCfg(flags, "Stream1",
+                           disableEventTag = True,
+                           MetadataItemList = ['xAOD::EventFormat#EventFormatStream1']) )
+from xAODEventInfoCnv.xAODEventInfoCnvConfig import EventInfoCnvAlgCfg
+acc.merge( EventInfoCnvAlgCfg(flags, disableBeamSpot = True) )
+from xAODMetaDataCnv.InfileMetaDataConfig import SetupMetaDataForStreamCfg
+acc.merge( SetupMetaDataForStreamCfg(flags, "Stream1") )
+# Create simulation and digitization parameters and add them to the
+# file meta data
+from IOVDbMetaDataTools import ParameterDbFiller
+# Set run numbers and parameters
+beginRun    = 0
+endRun      = 99999
+simParams   = []
+digitParams = []
+simParams  += ['k_a']
+simParams  += ['v_a']
+simParams  += ['k_b']
+simParams  += ['v_b']
+simParams  += ['k_c']
+simParams  += ['v_c1 v_c1 v_c1']
+digitParams  += ['k_d_a']
+digitParams  += ['v_d_a']
+digitParams  += ['k_d_b']
+digitParams  += ['v_d_b']
+digitParams  += ['k_d_c']
+digitParams  += ['v_d_c1 v_d_c1 v_d_c1']
+# Create simulation parameters db
+dbFiller = ParameterDbFiller.ParameterDbFiller()
+# set iov
+# set parameters
+for i in range(len(simParams)//2):
+    dbFiller.addSimParam(simParams[2*i], simParams[2*i+1])
+# generate db
+# create digit parameters db
+# set parameters
+for i in range(len(digitParams)//2):
+    dbFiller.addDigitParam(digitParams[2*i], digitParams[2*i+1])
+# generate db
+# List of folders to  write to file meta data
+from IOVDbSvc.IOVDbSvcConfig import addFolders
+acc.getService("IOVDbSvc").FoldersToMetaData = [ "/IOVDbTest/*" ]
+for f, db in (("/Simulation/Parameters", "sqlite://;schema=SimParams.db;dbname=SIMPARAM"),
+              ("/Digitization/Parameters", "sqlite://;schema=DigitParams.db;dbname=DIGPARAM")):
+    acc.merge( addFolders(flags, f, modifiers=f"<dbConnection>{db}</dbConnection>") )
+    acc.getService("IOVDbSvc").FoldersToMetaData.append(f)
+import sys
+sc =
diff --git a/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/IOVDbTestAlg/test/ b/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/IOVDbTestAlg/test/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..5ad1e48d7568
--- /dev/null
+++ b/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/IOVDbTestAlg/test/
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2002-2024 by CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
+from IOVDbTestAlg.IOVDbTestAlgConfig import IOVDbTestAlgFlags, IOVDbTestAlgWriteCfg
+flags = IOVDbTestAlgFlags()
+flags.Exec.MaxEvents = 25
+acc = IOVDbTestAlgWriteCfg(flags, registerIOV=True)
+import os
+   os.remove('mytest.db')
+except OSError:
+   pass
+import sys
+sc =
diff --git a/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/IOVDbTestAlg/test/ b/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/IOVDbTestAlg/test/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..117fe82b4934
--- /dev/null
+++ b/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/IOVDbTestAlg/test/
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2002-2024 by CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
+from IOVDbTestAlg.IOVDbTestAlgConfig import IOVDbTestAlgFlags, IOVDbTestAlgWriteCfg
+flags = IOVDbTestAlgFlags()
+flags.Exec.MaxEvents = 25
+acc = IOVDbTestAlgWriteCfg(flags)
+acc.getEventAlgo("IOVDbTestAlg").PrintLB = False
+import sys
+sc =
diff --git a/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/IOVDbTestAlg/test/ b/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/IOVDbTestAlg/test/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..9cac155bda53
--- /dev/null
+++ b/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/IOVDbTestAlg/test/
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2002-2024 by CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
+from IOVDbTestAlg.IOVDbTestAlgConfig import IOVDbTestAlgFlags, IOVDbTestAlgWriteCfg
+flags = IOVDbTestAlgFlags()
+flags.Exec.MaxEvents = 25
+acc = IOVDbTestAlgWriteCfg(flags, registerIOV=True)
+acc.getEventAlgo("IOVDbTestAlg").RegTime = 3
+acc.getService("IOVRegistrationSvc").BeginRun = 3
+acc.getService("IOVRegistrationSvc").BeginLB = 3
+acc.getService("IOVRegistrationSvc").IOVDbTag = "DC1"
+import sys
+sc =
diff --git a/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/IOVDbTestAlg/test/ b/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/IOVDbTestAlg/test/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..d5452049631c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/IOVDbTestAlg/test/
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2002-2024 by CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
+from IOVDbTestAlg.IOVDbTestAlgConfig import IOVDbTestAlgFlags, IOVDbTestAlgWriteCfg
+flags = IOVDbTestAlgFlags()
+flags.Exec.MaxEvents = 25
+acc = IOVDbTestAlgWriteCfg(flags, registerIOV=True)
+acc.getEventAlgo("IOVDbTestAlg").RegTime = 3
+acc.getEventAlgo("IOVDbTestAlg").CreateExtraChanns = True
+acc.getService("IOVRegistrationSvc").BeginRun = 4
+acc.getService("IOVRegistrationSvc").BeginLB = 3
+acc.getService("IOVRegistrationSvc").IOVDbTag = "DC1"
+import sys
+sc =