diff --git a/Trigger/TrigValidation/TrigInDetValidation/test/test_trigID_mu_singlemu_GPU_ITk.py b/Trigger/TrigValidation/TrigInDetValidation/test/test_trigID_mu_singlemu_GPU_ITk.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..1ff74cad3b3a65bd81ad49be07fc757bdb74a9ec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Trigger/TrigValidation/TrigInDetValidation/test/test_trigID_mu_singlemu_GPU_ITk.py
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# Copyright (C) 2002-2024 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
+# art-description: art job for GPU mu_singlemu_ITk
+# art-type: grid
+# art-include: main/Athena
+# art-architecture: '#&nvidia'
+# art-input: mc21_14TeV.900498.PG_single_muonpm_Pt100_etaFlatnp0_43.recon.RDO.e8481_s4149_r14697
+# art-input-nfiles: 20
+# art-athena-mt: 8
+# art-html: https://idtrigger-val.web.cern.ch/idtrigger-val/TIDAWeb/TIDAart/?jobdir=
+# art-output: *.txt
+# art-output: *.log
+# art-output: log.*
+# art-output: *.out
+# art-output: *.err
+# art-output: *.log.tar.gz
+# art-output: *.new
+# art-output: *.json
+# art-output: d*.root
+# art-output: e*.root
+# art-output: T*.root
+# art-output: *.check*
+# art-output: HLT*
+# art-output: times*
+# art-output: cost-perCall
+# art-output: cost-perEvent
+# art-output: cost-perCall-chain
+# art-output: cost-perEvent-chain
+# art-output: *.dat 
+Slices  = ['muon']
+Events  = 1000 
+Threads = 1
+Slots   = 1
+Input   = 'Single_mu_Run4'    # defined in TrigValTools/share/TrigValInputs.json
+GridFiles = True
+useCA_Reco = True
+preexec_trig = "flags.Tracking.doTruth=False;flags.Trigger.enableL1CaloPhase1=False;flags.Trigger.InDetTracking.doGPU=True;"
+Jobs = [ ( "Truth",       " TIDAdata-run4.dat                    -o data-hists.root -p 13",   "Test_bin.dat" ),
+         ( "Offline",     " TIDAdata-run4-offline.dat -r Offline -o data-hists-offline.root", "Test_bin.dat" ) ]
+Comp = [ ( "L2muon",              "L2muon",      "data-hists.root",         " -c TIDAhisto-panel.dat  -d HLTL2-plots " ),
+         ( "L2muon-lowpt",        "L2muonLowpt", "data-hists.root",         " -c TIDAhisto-panel.dat  -d HLTL2-plots-lowpt " ),
+         ( "L2muonoffline",       "L2muon",      "data-hists-offline.root", " -c TIDAhisto-panel.dat  -d HLTL2-plots-offline " ),
+         ( "L2muonoffline-lowpt", "L2muonLowpt", "data-hists-offline.root", " -c TIDAhisto-panel.dat  -d HLTL2-plots-lowpt-offline " ),
+         ( "EFmuon",              "EFmuon",      "data-hists.root",         " -c TIDAhisto-panel.dat  -d HLTEF-plots " ),
+         ( "EFmuon-lowpt",        "EFmuonLowpt", "data-hists.root",         " -c TIDAhisto-panel.dat  -d HLTEF-plots-lowpt " ),
+         ( "EFmuonoffline",       "EFmuon",      "data-hists-offline.root", " -c TIDAhisto-panel.dat  -d HLTEF-plots-offline " ),
+         ( "EFmuonoffline-lowpt", "EFmuonLowpt", "data-hists-offline.root", " -c TIDAhisto-panel.dat  -d HLTEF-plots-lowpt-offline " ) ]
+from AthenaCommon.Include import include 