diff --git a/PhysicsAnalysis/Algorithms/TriggerAnalysisAlgorithms/python/TriggerAnalysisConfig.py b/PhysicsAnalysis/Algorithms/TriggerAnalysisAlgorithms/python/TriggerAnalysisConfig.py
index b7c7d3c58b83f98fb56a395a247ac8a992176606..d88564d4721ec266b2cdaa9eb0ed07ee021f8c2a 100644
--- a/PhysicsAnalysis/Algorithms/TriggerAnalysisAlgorithms/python/TriggerAnalysisConfig.py
+++ b/PhysicsAnalysis/Algorithms/TriggerAnalysisAlgorithms/python/TriggerAnalysisConfig.py
@@ -19,6 +19,12 @@ class TriggerAnalysisBlock (ConfigBlock):
             "to enforce an OR of triggers without looking up the individual "
             "triggers. Used for both trigger selection and SFs. "
             "The default is {} (empty dictionary).")
+        self.addOption ('multiTriggerChainsPerYear', {}, type=None,
+            info="a dictionary with key (string) a trigger set name and value a "
+            "triggerChainsPerYear dictionary, following the previous convention. "
+            "Relevant for analyses using different triggers in different categories, "
+            "where the trigger global scale factors shouldn't be combined. "
+            "The default is {} (empty dictionary).")
         self.addOption ('triggerChainsForSelection', [], type=None,
             info="a list of trigger chains (list of strings) to be used for "
             "trigger selection. Only set it if you need a different setup "
@@ -77,16 +83,25 @@ class TriggerAnalysisBlock (ConfigBlock):
     def makeAlgs (self, config) :
+        if (self.multiTriggerChainsPerYear and self.triggerChainsPerYear and
+            self.triggerChainsPerYear is not self.multiTriggerChainsPerYear.get('')):
+            raise Exception('multiTriggerChainsPerYear and triggerChainsPerYear cannot be configured at the same time!')
+        if self.triggerChainsPerYear and not self.multiTriggerChainsPerYear:
+            self.multiTriggerChainsPerYear = {'': self.triggerChainsPerYear}
         # if we are only given the trigger dictionary, we fill the selection list automatically
         if self.triggerChainsPerYear and not self.triggerChainsForSelection:
             triggers = set()
-            for chain_list in self.triggerChainsPerYear.values():
-                for chain in chain_list:
-                    if '||' in chain:
-                        chains = chain.split('||')
-                        triggers.update(map(str.strip, chains))
-                    else:
-                        triggers.add(chain.strip())
+            for trigger_chains in self.multiTriggerChainsPerYear.values():
+                for chain_list in self.triggerChainsPerYear.values():
+                    for chain in chain_list:
+                        if '||' in chain:
+                            chains = chain.split('||')
+                            triggers.update(map(str.strip, chains))
+                        else:
+                            triggers.add(chain.strip())
             self.triggerChainsForSelection = list(triggers)
         # Create the decision algorithm, keeping track of the decision tool for later
diff --git a/PhysicsAnalysis/Algorithms/TriggerAnalysisAlgorithms/python/TriggerAnalysisSFConfig.py b/PhysicsAnalysis/Algorithms/TriggerAnalysisAlgorithms/python/TriggerAnalysisSFConfig.py
index a8871392ca850b171481effcc7a165e1f23c17b9..4cae0c54c70761a8d97ff2bf4f667cdfb9d5664f 100644
--- a/PhysicsAnalysis/Algorithms/TriggerAnalysisAlgorithms/python/TriggerAnalysisSFConfig.py
+++ b/PhysicsAnalysis/Algorithms/TriggerAnalysisAlgorithms/python/TriggerAnalysisSFConfig.py
@@ -23,6 +23,12 @@ class TriggerAnalysisSFBlock (ConfigBlock):
             "to enforce an OR of triggers without looking up the individual "
             "triggers. Used for both trigger selection and SFs. "
             "The default is {} (empty dictionary).")
+        self.addOption ('multiTriggerChainsPerYear', {}, type=None,
+            info="a dictionary with key (string) a trigger set name and value a "
+            "triggerChainsPerYear dictionary, following the previous convention. "
+            "Relevant for analyses using different triggers in different categories, "
+            "where the trigger global scale factors shouldn't be combined. "
+            "The default is {} (empty dictionary).")
         self.addOption ('noFilter', False, type=bool,
             info="do not apply an event filter. The default is False, i.e. "
             "remove events not passing trigger selection and matching.")
@@ -88,7 +94,8 @@ class TriggerAnalysisSFBlock (ConfigBlock):
         return matchingTool
-    def makeTriggerGlobalEffCorrAlg(self, config, matchingTool, noSF):
+    def makeTriggerGlobalEffCorrAlg(self, config, matchingTool, noSF,
+                                    triggerSuffix=''):
         alg = config.createAlgorithm( 'CP::TrigGlobalEfficiencyAlg', 'TrigGlobalSFAlg' )
         if config.geometry() == LHCPeriod.Run3:
@@ -119,9 +126,9 @@ class TriggerAnalysisSFBlock (ConfigBlock):
         alg.matchingTool = '%s/%s' % ( matchingTool.getType(), matchingTool.getName() )
         alg.isRun3Geo = config.geometry() == LHCPeriod.Run3
-        alg.scaleFactorDecoration = 'globalTriggerEffSF_%SYS%'
-        alg.matchingDecoration = 'globalTriggerMatch_%SYS%'
-        alg.eventDecisionOutputDecoration = 'globalTriggerMatch_dontsave_%SYS%'
+        alg.scaleFactorDecoration = 'globalTriggerEffSF'+triggerSuffix+'_%SYS%'
+        alg.matchingDecoration = 'globalTriggerMatch'+triggerSuffix+'_%SYS%'
+        alg.eventDecisionOutputDecoration = 'globalTriggerMatch'+triggerSuffix+'_dontsave_%SYS%'
         alg.doMatchingOnly = config.dataType() is DataType.Data or noSF
         alg.noFilter = self.noFilter
         alg.electronID = self.electronID
@@ -138,8 +145,8 @@ class TriggerAnalysisSFBlock (ConfigBlock):
             raise ValueError ('TriggerAnalysisConfig: at least one object collection must be provided! (electrons, muons, photons)' )
         if config.dataType() != DataType.Data and not alg.doMatchingOnly:
-            config.addOutputVar ('EventInfo', alg.scaleFactorDecoration, 'globalTriggerEffSF')
-        config.addOutputVar ('EventInfo', alg.matchingDecoration, 'globalTriggerMatch', noSys=True)
+            config.addOutputVar ('EventInfo', alg.scaleFactorDecoration, 'globalTriggerEffSF'+triggerSuffix)
+        config.addOutputVar ('EventInfo', alg.matchingDecoration, 'globalTriggerMatch'+triggerSuffix, noSys=False)
@@ -152,7 +159,9 @@ class TriggerAnalysisSFBlock (ConfigBlock):
         matchingTool = self.makeTriggerMatchingTool(config, decisionTool)
         # Calculate multi-lepton (electron/muon/photon) trigger efficiencies and SFs
-        if self.triggerChainsPerYear and not self.noGlobalTriggerEff:
-            self.makeTriggerGlobalEffCorrAlg(config, matchingTool, self.noEffSF)
+        if self.multiTriggerChainsPerYear and not self.noGlobalTriggerEff:
+            for suffix, trigger_chains in self.multiTriggerChainsPerYear:
+                self.triggerChainsPerYear = trigger_chains
+                self.makeTriggerGlobalEffCorrAlg(config, matchingTool, self.noEffSF, suffix)