diff --git a/PhysicsAnalysis/Algorithms/EgammaAnalysisAlgorithms/python/ElectronAnalysisConfig.py b/PhysicsAnalysis/Algorithms/EgammaAnalysisAlgorithms/python/ElectronAnalysisConfig.py
index 18ac43455246ca45d2cfe3426c58a4404c037ecd..30688d6a12a42dd84367a947a1db8c9815a2506d 100644
--- a/PhysicsAnalysis/Algorithms/EgammaAnalysisAlgorithms/python/ElectronAnalysisConfig.py
+++ b/PhysicsAnalysis/Algorithms/EgammaAnalysisAlgorithms/python/ElectronAnalysisConfig.py
@@ -19,6 +19,8 @@ class ElectronCalibrationConfig (ConfigBlock) :
         self.addOption ('crackVeto', False, type=bool)
         self.addOption ('ptSelectionOutput', False, type=bool)
         self.addOption ('isolationCorrection', False, type=bool)
+        self.addOption ('trackSelection', True, type=bool)
     def makeAlgs (self, config) :
@@ -50,14 +52,15 @@ class ElectronCalibrationConfig (ConfigBlock) :
                              bits=(5 if self.crackVeto else 4))
         # Set up the track selection algorithm:
-        alg = config.createAlgorithm( 'CP::AsgLeptonTrackSelectionAlg',
-                                      'ElectronTrackSelectionAlg' + self.postfix )
-        alg.selectionDecoration = 'trackSelection' + self.postfix + ',as_bits'
-        alg.maxD0Significance = 5
-        alg.maxDeltaZ0SinTheta = 0.5
-        alg.particles = config.readName (self.containerName)
-        alg.preselection = config.getPreselection (self.containerName, '')
-        config.addSelection (self.containerName, '', alg.selectionDecoration,
+        if self.trackSelection :
+            alg = config.createAlgorithm( 'CP::AsgLeptonTrackSelectionAlg',
+                                        'ElectronTrackSelectionAlg' + self.postfix )
+            alg.selectionDecoration = 'trackSelection' + self.postfix + ',as_bits'
+            alg.maxD0Significance = 5
+            alg.maxDeltaZ0SinTheta = 0.5
+            alg.particles = config.readName (self.containerName)
+            alg.preselection = config.getPreselection (self.containerName, '')
+            config.addSelection (self.containerName, '', alg.selectionDecoration,
         # Select electrons only with good object quality.
diff --git a/PhysicsAnalysis/Algorithms/EgammaAnalysisAlgorithms/python/ElectronAnalysisSequence.py b/PhysicsAnalysis/Algorithms/EgammaAnalysisAlgorithms/python/ElectronAnalysisSequence.py
index 7058102a1a744ef1e9d367a27985b414fbdbc960..a25a71051bcaf2ec4c6f9feae0ed83f8ab6b03d6 100644
--- a/PhysicsAnalysis/Algorithms/EgammaAnalysisAlgorithms/python/ElectronAnalysisSequence.py
+++ b/PhysicsAnalysis/Algorithms/EgammaAnalysisAlgorithms/python/ElectronAnalysisSequence.py
@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ def makeElectronAnalysisSequence( dataType, workingPoint,
                                   isolationCorrection = False,
                                   crackVeto = False,
                                   ptSelectionOutput = False,
+                                  trackSelection = True,
                                   enableCutflow = False,
                                   enableKinematicHistograms = False ):
     """Create an electron analysis algorithm sequence
@@ -40,6 +41,7 @@ def makeElectronAnalysisSequence( dataType, workingPoint,
       crackVeto -- Whether or not to perform eta crack veto
       ptSelectionOutput -- Whether or not to apply pt selection when creating
                            output containers.
+      trackSelection -- apply selection on tracks (d0, z0, siHits, etc.)
       enableCutflow -- Whether or not to dump the cutflow
       enableKinematicHistograms -- Whether or not to dump the kinematic histograms
@@ -63,6 +65,7 @@ def makeElectronAnalysisSequence( dataType, workingPoint,
     makeElectronCalibrationSequence (seq, dataType, postfix=postfix,
                                      crackVeto = crackVeto,
                                      ptSelectionOutput = ptSelectionOutput,
+                                     trackSelection = trackSelection, 
                                      isolationCorrection = isolationCorrection)
     makeElectronWorkingPointSequence (seq, dataType, workingPoint, postfix=postfix,
                                       recomputeLikelihood = recomputeLikelihood,
@@ -83,6 +86,7 @@ def makeElectronAnalysisSequence( dataType, workingPoint,
 def makeElectronCalibrationSequence( seq, dataType, postfix = '',
                                      crackVeto = False,
                                      ptSelectionOutput = False,
+                                     trackSelection = False,
                                      isolationCorrection = False):
     """Create electron calibration analysis algorithms
@@ -129,17 +133,18 @@ def makeElectronCalibrationSequence( seq, dataType, postfix = '',
                 dynConfig = {'preselection' : lambda meta : "&&".join (meta["selectionDecorNamesOutput"])} )
     # Set up the track selection algorithm:
-    alg = createAlgorithm( 'CP::AsgLeptonTrackSelectionAlg',
-                           'ElectronTrackSelectionAlg' + postfix )
-    alg.selectionDecoration = 'trackSelection' + postfix + ',as_bits'
-    alg.maxD0Significance = 5
-    alg.maxDeltaZ0SinTheta = 0.5
-    seq.append( alg, inputPropName = 'particles',
-                stageName = 'selection',
-                metaConfig = {'selectionDecorNames' : [alg.selectionDecoration],
-                              'selectionDecorNamesOutput' : [alg.selectionDecoration],
-                              'selectionDecorCount' : [3]},
-                dynConfig = {'preselection' : lambda meta : "&&".join (meta["selectionDecorNamesOutput"])} )
+    if trackSelection:
+        alg = createAlgorithm( 'CP::AsgLeptonTrackSelectionAlg',
+                            'ElectronTrackSelectionAlg' + postfix )
+        alg.selectionDecoration = 'trackSelection' + postfix + ',as_bits'
+        alg.maxD0Significance = 5
+        alg.maxDeltaZ0SinTheta = 0.5
+        seq.append( alg, inputPropName = 'particles',
+                    stageName = 'selection',
+                    metaConfig = {'selectionDecorNames' : [alg.selectionDecoration],
+                                'selectionDecorNamesOutput' : [alg.selectionDecoration],
+                                'selectionDecorCount' : [3]},
+                    dynConfig = {'preselection' : lambda meta : "&&".join (meta["selectionDecorNamesOutput"])} )
     # Select electrons only with good object quality.
     alg = createAlgorithm( 'CP::AsgSelectionAlg', 'ElectronObjectQualityAlg' + postfix )
diff --git a/PhysicsAnalysis/Algorithms/MuonAnalysisAlgorithms/python/MuonAnalysisConfig.py b/PhysicsAnalysis/Algorithms/MuonAnalysisAlgorithms/python/MuonAnalysisConfig.py
index f311ebbdef4a894274d4ff23335e665fdf1a9fac..b35a254a66aaf0eafe1378ed33d98cfe6cfdea48 100644
--- a/PhysicsAnalysis/Algorithms/MuonAnalysisAlgorithms/python/MuonAnalysisConfig.py
+++ b/PhysicsAnalysis/Algorithms/MuonAnalysisAlgorithms/python/MuonAnalysisConfig.py
@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ class MuonCalibrationConfig (ConfigBlock):
         self.containerName = containerName
         self.addOption ('postfix', "", type=str)
         self.addOption ('ptSelectionOutput', False, type=bool)
+        self.addOption ('trackSelection', True, type=bool)
     def makeAlgs (self, config) :
@@ -39,15 +40,16 @@ class MuonCalibrationConfig (ConfigBlock):
         # Set up the track selection algorithm:
-        alg = config.createAlgorithm( 'CP::AsgLeptonTrackSelectionAlg',
-                               'MuonTrackSelectionAlg' + self.postfix )
-        alg.selectionDecoration = 'trackSelection' + self.postfix + ',as_bits'
-        alg.maxD0Significance = 3
-        alg.maxDeltaZ0SinTheta = 0.5
-        alg.particles = config.readName (self.containerName)
-        alg.preselection = config.getPreselection (self.containerName, '')
-        config.addSelection (self.containerName, '', alg.selectionDecoration,
-                             bits=3)
+        if self.trackSelection :
+            alg = config.createAlgorithm( 'CP::AsgLeptonTrackSelectionAlg',
+                                'MuonTrackSelectionAlg' + self.postfix )
+            alg.selectionDecoration = 'trackSelection' + self.postfix + ',as_bits'
+            alg.maxD0Significance = 3
+            alg.maxDeltaZ0SinTheta = 0.5
+            alg.particles = config.readName (self.containerName)
+            alg.preselection = config.getPreselection (self.containerName, '')
+            config.addSelection (self.containerName, '', alg.selectionDecoration,
+                                bits=3)
         # Set up the muon calibration and smearing algorithm:
         alg = config.createAlgorithm( 'CP::MuonCalibrationAndSmearingAlg',
diff --git a/PhysicsAnalysis/Algorithms/MuonAnalysisAlgorithms/python/MuonAnalysisSequence.py b/PhysicsAnalysis/Algorithms/MuonAnalysisAlgorithms/python/MuonAnalysisSequence.py
index 28571051712817f841589f9aeecf99895afd1a4f..b1421cddc989fb909a6064e3c37fe1bf0269d4c0 100644
--- a/PhysicsAnalysis/Algorithms/MuonAnalysisAlgorithms/python/MuonAnalysisSequence.py
+++ b/PhysicsAnalysis/Algorithms/MuonAnalysisAlgorithms/python/MuonAnalysisSequence.py
@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ def makeMuonAnalysisSequence( dataType, workingPoint,
                               shallowViewOutput = True,
                               postfix = '',
                               ptSelectionOutput = False,
+                              trackSelection = True,
                               qualitySelectionOutput = True,
                               enableCutflow = False,
                               enableKinematicHistograms = False,
@@ -30,6 +31,7 @@ def makeMuonAnalysisSequence( dataType, workingPoint,
                  names are unique.
       ptSelectionOutput -- Whether or not to apply pt selection when creating
                            output containers.
+      trackSelection -- apply selection on tracks (d0, z0, siHits, etc.)
       qualitySelectionOutput -- Whether or not to apply muon quality selection
                                 when creating output containers.
       enableCutflow -- Whether or not to dump the cutflow
@@ -51,7 +53,8 @@ def makeMuonAnalysisSequence( dataType, workingPoint,
     seq.addMetaConfigDefault ("selectionDecorCount", [])
     makeMuonCalibrationSequence (seq, dataType, postfix=postfix,
-                                 ptSelectionOutput = ptSelectionOutput)
+                                 ptSelectionOutput = ptSelectionOutput, 
+                                 trackSelection = trackSelection)
     makeMuonWorkingPointSequence (seq, dataType, workingPoint, postfix=postfix,
                                   qualitySelectionOutput = qualitySelectionOutput, isRun3Geo = isRun3Geo)
     makeSharedObjectSequence (seq, deepCopyOutput = deepCopyOutput,
@@ -68,7 +71,7 @@ def makeMuonAnalysisSequence( dataType, workingPoint,
 def makeMuonCalibrationSequence( seq, dataType,
-                                 postfix = '', ptSelectionOutput = False):
+                                 postfix = '', ptSelectionOutput = False, trackSelection = False):
     """Create muon calibration analysis algorithms
     This makes all the algorithms that need to be run first befor
@@ -108,17 +111,18 @@ def makeMuonCalibrationSequence( seq, dataType,
                 dynConfig = {'preselection' : lambda meta : "&&".join (meta["selectionDecorNamesOutput"])})
     # Set up the track selection algorithm:
-    alg = createAlgorithm( 'CP::AsgLeptonTrackSelectionAlg',
-                           'MuonTrackSelectionAlg' + postfix )
-    alg.selectionDecoration = 'trackSelection' + postfix + ',as_bits'
-    alg.maxD0Significance = 3
-    alg.maxDeltaZ0SinTheta = 0.5
-    seq.append( alg, inputPropName = 'particles',
-                stageName = 'selection',
-                metaConfig = {'selectionDecorNames' : [alg.selectionDecoration],
-                              'selectionDecorNamesOutput' : [alg.selectionDecoration],
-                              'selectionDecorCount' : [3]},
-                dynConfig = {'preselection' : lambda meta : "&&".join (meta["selectionDecorNamesOutput"])})
+    if trackSelection:
+        alg = createAlgorithm( 'CP::AsgLeptonTrackSelectionAlg',
+                               'MuonTrackSelectionAlg' + postfix )
+        alg.selectionDecoration = 'trackSelection' + postfix + ',as_bits'
+        alg.maxD0Significance  = 3
+        alg.maxDeltaZ0SinTheta = 0.5
+        seq.append( alg, inputPropName = 'particles',
+                    stageName = 'selection',
+                    metaConfig = {'selectionDecorNames' : [alg.selectionDecoration],
+                                'selectionDecorNamesOutput' : [alg.selectionDecoration],
+                                'selectionDecorCount' : [3]},
+                    dynConfig = {'preselection' : lambda meta : "&&".join (meta["selectionDecorNamesOutput"])})
     # Set up the muon calibration and smearing algorithm:
     alg = createAlgorithm( 'CP::MuonCalibrationAndSmearingAlg',
diff --git a/PhysicsAnalysis/DerivationFramework/DerivationFrameworkPhys/python/PHYSLITE.py b/PhysicsAnalysis/DerivationFramework/DerivationFrameworkPhys/python/PHYSLITE.py
index 4a8741e95c5ec83c807f25cc00aecbcc4b71a032..bac75afc5d3cb2be0fc1cf9ff7831f0c7fb528fd 100755
--- a/PhysicsAnalysis/DerivationFramework/DerivationFrameworkPhys/python/PHYSLITE.py
+++ b/PhysicsAnalysis/DerivationFramework/DerivationFrameworkPhys/python/PHYSLITE.py
@@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ def PHYSLITEKernelCfg(ConfigFlags, name='PHYSLITEKernel', **kwargs):
     # Include, and then set up the electron analysis sequence:
     from EgammaAnalysisAlgorithms.ElectronAnalysisSequence import  makeElectronAnalysisSequence
-    electronSequence = makeElectronAnalysisSequence( dataType, 'LooseLHElectron.NonIso', shallowViewOutput = False, deepCopyOutput = True )
+    electronSequence = makeElectronAnalysisSequence( dataType, 'LooseLHElectron.NonIso', shallowViewOutput = False, deepCopyOutput = True, trackSelection = False )
     electronSequence.configure( inputName = 'Electrons',
                                 outputName = 'AnalysisElectrons' )
     for element in electronSequence.getGaudiConfig2Components():
@@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ def PHYSLITEKernelCfg(ConfigFlags, name='PHYSLITEKernel', **kwargs):
     isRun3Geo = False
     from AthenaConfiguration.Enums import LHCPeriod
     if ConfigFlags.GeoModel.Run >= LHCPeriod.Run3: isRun3Geo = True 
-    muonSequence = makeMuonAnalysisSequence( dataType, shallowViewOutput = False, deepCopyOutput = True, workingPoint = 'Loose.NonIso', isRun3Geo = isRun3Geo)
+    muonSequence = makeMuonAnalysisSequence( dataType, shallowViewOutput = False, deepCopyOutput = True, workingPoint = 'Loose.NonIso', isRun3Geo = isRun3Geo, trackSelection = False)
     muonSequence.configure( inputName = 'Muons',
                             outputName = 'AnalysisMuons' )
     for element in muonSequence.getGaudiConfig2Components():