diff --git a/Trigger/EFTracking/FPGATrackSim/FPGATrackSimConfTools/CMakeLists.txt b/Trigger/EFTracking/FPGATrackSim/FPGATrackSimConfTools/CMakeLists.txt
index 424e6a29997661c879fe3b3dc377d83829dfe036..e275488f97e1f779d1f6a86657f92e2435a971ba 100755
--- a/Trigger/EFTracking/FPGATrackSim/FPGATrackSimConfTools/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/Trigger/EFTracking/FPGATrackSim/FPGATrackSimConfTools/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-	# Copyright (C) 2002-2023 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
+	# Copyright (C) 2002-2024 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
 # Declare the package name:
 atlas_subdir( FPGATrackSimConfTools )
@@ -35,10 +35,6 @@ atlas_add_test( FPGATrackSimRegionSlices_test
-atlas_add_test( FPGATrackSimEventSelectionSvc_test
-                SCRIPT python -m FPGATrackSimConfTools.FPGATrackSimConfigCompInit
-                POST_EXEC_SCRIPT noerror.sh )
 atlas_add_test( FPGATrackSimConfigFlags_test
                 SCRIPT python -m FPGATrackSimConfTools.FPGATrackSimConfigFlags
                 POST_EXEC_SCRIPT noerror.sh )
diff --git a/Trigger/EFTracking/FPGATrackSim/FPGATrackSimConfTools/python/FPGATrackSimConfigCompInit.py b/Trigger/EFTracking/FPGATrackSim/FPGATrackSimConfTools/python/FPGATrackSimConfigCompInit.py
deleted file mode 100644
index a88cdecd9fc2b5cf31a8320c87200ae1b166a701..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Trigger/EFTracking/FPGATrackSim/FPGATrackSimConfTools/python/FPGATrackSimConfigCompInit.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2002-2023 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
-@author Riley Xu - riley.xu@cern.ch
-@date Feb 23rd 2021
-@brief This file declares functions to configure FPGATrackSimConfig components
-def getRegionIndex(map_tag):
-    '''
-    Note the region member of the tag is a string
-    '''
-    try:
-        return int(map_tag['region'])
-    except ValueError:
-        return map_tag['regionNames'].index(map_tag['region'])
-def getRegionName(map_tag):
-    return map_tag['regionNames'][getRegionIndex(map_tag)]
-def getSampleType(map_tag):
-    return map_tag['sampleType']
-def getWithPU(map_tag):
-    return map_tag['withPU']
-def addEvtSelSvc(map_tag,name=""):
-    '''
-    Creates and returns a FPGATrackSimEventSelectionSvc object, configured with the specified tags.
-    This function adds the returned map service instance to SvcMgr.
-    '''
-    from AthenaCommon.Constants import INFO
-    import FPGATrackSimConfTools.FPGATrackSimConfToolsConf as Config
-    if name :
-        ES = Config.FPGATrackSimEventSelectionSvc(name)
-    else :
-        ES = Config.FPGATrackSimEventSelectionSvc()
-    ES.regionID = getRegionIndex(map_tag)
-    ES.regions = map_tag['slices']
-    ES.sampleType = getSampleType(map_tag)
-    ES.withPU = getWithPU(map_tag)
-    ES.OutputLevel=INFO
-    from AthenaCommon.AppMgr import ServiceMgr 
-    #global ServiceMgr
-    ServiceMgr += ES
-    return ES
-if __name__=='__main__':
-    from AthenaCommon.Logging import log
-    from AthenaCommon.Constants import DEBUG
-    log.setLevel(DEBUG)
-    import FPGATrackSimConfTools.FPGATrackSimTagConfig as FPGATrackSimTagConfig
-    tags = FPGATrackSimTagConfig.getTags(stage='bank')
-    map_tag = tags['map']
-    ES = addEvtSelSvc(map_tag)
-    ES.sampleType="singleMuons"
-    print(ES)
diff --git a/Trigger/EFTracking/FPGATrackSim/FPGATrackSimMaps/python/FPGATrackSimMapConfig.py b/Trigger/EFTracking/FPGATrackSim/FPGATrackSimMaps/python/FPGATrackSimMapConfig.py
index fd8836316299556700c23e7df81ec76d706142ab..abd889935836a3a8228aea60329ed8430badb60a 100644
--- a/Trigger/EFTracking/FPGATrackSim/FPGATrackSimMaps/python/FPGATrackSimMapConfig.py
+++ b/Trigger/EFTracking/FPGATrackSim/FPGATrackSimMaps/python/FPGATrackSimMapConfig.py
@@ -1,103 +1,49 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2002-2023 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
-@author Riley Xu - rixu@cern.ch
-@date March 3rd 2020
-@brief This file declares functions to make and configure the map service.
-import os
-from PyJobTransforms.trfUtils import findFile
-from PyJobTransforms.trfLogger import msg
-from FPGATrackSimMaps.FPGATrackSimMapsConf import FPGATrackSimMappingSvc, FPGATrackSimHitFilteringTool
-import FPGATrackSimConfTools.FPGATrackSimConfigCompInit as FPGATrackSimConfig
-def findFileWithTest(datapath,filename):
-    retv = findFile(datapath,filename)
-    if retv is None:
-        msg.info(datapath)
-        raise OSError(2, "Couldn't find file", filename)
-    return retv
-def addMapSvc(tag):
-    '''
-    Creates and returns a FPGATrackSimMapSvc object, configured with the specified tag.
-    This function adds the returned map service instance to SvcMgr, and ALSO ADDS
-    the EventSelectionSvc, which the map svc depends on
-    '''
-    FPGATrackSimConfig.addEvtSelSvc(tag)
-    MyFPGATrackSimMappingSvc = FPGATrackSimMappingSvc()
-    filepaths = [
-            'pmap',
-            'rmap',
-            'modulemap',
-            'subrmap',
-            'NNmap',
-    ]
-    formats = {
-            'region': FPGATrackSimConfig.getRegionIndex(tag),
-            'regionName': FPGATrackSimConfig.getRegionName(tag),
-    }
-    for param in filepaths:
-        if tag['formatted']:
-            path = tag[param].format(**formats)
-        else:
-            path = tag[param]
-        setattr(MyFPGATrackSimMappingSvc, param, path)
-    MyFPGATrackSimMappingSvc.mappingType = tag['mappingType']
-    MyFPGATrackSimMappingSvc.layerOverride = tag['layerOverride']
-    from AthenaCommon.AppMgr import ServiceMgr
-    ServiceMgr += MyFPGATrackSimMappingSvc
-    return MyFPGATrackSimMappingSvc
-def addHitFilteringTool(tag):
-    '''
-    Creates and adds the hit filtering tool to the tool svc
-    '''
-    HitFilteringTool = FPGATrackSimHitFilteringTool()
-    for param in HitFilteringTool.__slots__:
-        if param in tag:
-            setattr(HitFilteringTool, param, tag[param])
-    from AthenaCommon.AppMgr import ToolSvc
-    ToolSvc += HitFilteringTool
-    return HitFilteringTool
-def getNSubregions(tag):
-    formats = {
-            'region': FPGATrackSimConfig.getRegionIndex(tag),
-            'regionName': FPGATrackSimConfig.getRegionName(tag),
-    }
-    if tag['formatted']:
-        path = tag['subrmap'].format(**formats)
-    else:
-        path = tag['subrmap']
-    path = findFile(os.environ['DATAPATH'], path)
-    with open(path, 'r') as f:
-        fields = f.readline().split()
-        assert(fields[0] == 'towers')
-        return int(fields[1])
-def _applyTag(MyFPGATrackSimMappingSvc, tag):
-    '''
-    Helper function that sets the filepaths of the MapSvc using the supplied tag
-    '''
+# Copyright (C) 2002-2024 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
+from PyJobTransforms.trfUtils import findFile
+from PyJobTransforms.trfLogger import msg
+import os
+def findFileWithTest(datapath,filename):
+    retv = findFile(datapath,filename)
+    if retv is None:
+        msg.info(datapath)
+        raise OSError(2, "Couldn't find file", filename)
+    return retv
+def getRegionIndex(map_tag):
+    '''
+    Note the region member of the tag is a string
+    '''
+    try:
+        return int(map_tag['region'])
+    except ValueError:
+        return map_tag['regionNames'].index(map_tag['region'])
+def getRegionName(map_tag):
+    return map_tag['regionNames'][getRegionIndex(map_tag)]
+def getSampleType(map_tag):
+    return map_tag['sampleType']
+def getWithPU(map_tag):
+    return map_tag['withPU']
+def getNSubregions(tag):
+    formats = {
+            'region': getRegionIndex(tag),
+            'regionName': getRegionName(tag),
+    }
+    if tag['formatted']:
+        path = tag['subrmap'].format(**formats)
+    else:
+        path = tag['subrmap']
+    path = findFile(os.environ['DATAPATH'], path)
+    with open(path, 'r') as f:
+        fields = f.readline().split()
+        assert(fields[0] == 'towers')
+        return int(fields[1])
\ No newline at end of file