diff --git a/Tracking/TrkValidation/TrkVertexFitterValidationInterfaces/CMakeLists.txt b/Tracking/TrkValidation/TrkVertexFitterValidationInterfaces/CMakeLists.txt
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index 3b97ec4ee9e71a03321834a83db3538de21d8da9..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Tracking/TrkValidation/TrkVertexFitterValidationInterfaces/CMakeLists.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2002-2020 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
-# Declare the package name:
-atlas_subdir( TrkVertexFitterValidationInterfaces )
-atlas_add_library( TrkVertexFitterValidationInterfacesLib
-                   TrkVertexFitterValidationInterfaces/*.h
-                   INTERFACE
-                   PUBLIC_HEADERS TrkVertexFitterValidationInterfaces
-                   LINK_LIBRARIES AtlasHepMCLib GaudiKernel TrkTrack TrkTruthData VxVertex )
diff --git a/Tracking/TrkValidation/TrkVertexFitterValidationInterfaces/TrkVertexFitterValidationInterfaces/IMcEventNtupleTool.h b/Tracking/TrkValidation/TrkVertexFitterValidationInterfaces/TrkVertexFitterValidationInterfaces/IMcEventNtupleTool.h
deleted file mode 100755
index ab6d4fc0c677f7f566687fbdf225296ca9c4aee8..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Tracking/TrkValidation/TrkVertexFitterValidationInterfaces/TrkVertexFitterValidationInterfaces/IMcEventNtupleTool.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
-  Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
-//    IMcEventNtupleTool.h
-//   Header file for interface of McEventNtupleTools
-// (c) ATLAS Detector software
-// Tatjana.Lenz@cern.ch
-#include "GaudiKernel/IAlgTool.h"
-#include "AtlasHepMC/GenEvent.h"
-namespace Trk {
-static const InterfaceID IID_IMcEventNtupleTool("IMcEventNtupleTool",1,0);
-/** @class IMcEventNtupleTool
-    provides the interface for validation tools which write special information
-    about MC particles & vertices into ntuples.
-class IMcEventNtupleTool : virtual public IAlgTool {
-     /**Interface ID, declared here, and defined below*/
-    static const InterfaceID& interfaceID();
-    /** fill and write ntuple data of a given VxCandidate */
-    virtual StatusCode fillMcEventData(const HepMC::GenEvent&) const = 0;
-inline const InterfaceID& Trk::IMcEventNtupleTool::interfaceID() {
-    return IID_IMcEventNtupleTool;
-} // end of namespace
diff --git a/Tracking/TrkValidation/TrkVertexFitterValidationInterfaces/TrkVertexFitterValidationInterfaces/ITrueTracksValidationNtupleTool.h b/Tracking/TrkValidation/TrkVertexFitterValidationInterfaces/TrkVertexFitterValidationInterfaces/ITrueTracksValidationNtupleTool.h
deleted file mode 100755
index cde4a54a5a134d099da2762dac76dbd1a8482e11..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Tracking/TrkValidation/TrkVertexFitterValidationInterfaces/TrkVertexFitterValidationInterfaces/ITrueTracksValidationNtupleTool.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
-  Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
-//    ITrueTracksValidationNtupleTool.h
-//   Header file for interface of TrueTracksValidationNtupleTools
-// (c) ATLAS Detector software
-// Tatjana.Lenz@cern.ch
-#include "GaudiKernel/IAlgTool.h"
-#include "TrkTrack/TrackCollection.h"
-#include "TrkTruthData/TrackTruthCollection.h"
-namespace Trk {
-static const InterfaceID IID_ITrueTracksValidationNtupleTool("ITrueTracksValidationNtupleTool",1,0);
-/** @class ITrueTracksValidationNtupleTool
-    provides the interface for helper tool(s) which write true information
-    about track collection used for vertex finding into ntuples.
-class ITrueTracksValidationNtupleTool : virtual public IAlgTool {
-     /**Interface ID, declared here, and defined below*/
-    static const InterfaceID& interfaceID();
-    /** fill and write ntuple with vertex finding relevant data of a given TrackCollectiom */
-    virtual StatusCode fillTrueTracksInfo(const TrackCollection&, const TrackTruthCollection&) const = 0;
-inline const InterfaceID& Trk::ITrueTracksValidationNtupleTool::interfaceID() {
-    return IID_ITrueTracksValidationNtupleTool;
-} // end of namespace
diff --git a/Tracking/TrkValidation/TrkVertexFitterValidationInterfaces/TrkVertexFitterValidationInterfaces/IVtxValidationNtupleTool.h b/Tracking/TrkValidation/TrkVertexFitterValidationInterfaces/TrkVertexFitterValidationInterfaces/IVtxValidationNtupleTool.h
deleted file mode 100755
index 0b828ef5f995d221bb5cbe5a13d9854ba250d4a4..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Tracking/TrkValidation/TrkVertexFitterValidationInterfaces/TrkVertexFitterValidationInterfaces/IVtxValidationNtupleTool.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
-  Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
-//    IVtxValidationNtupleTool.h
-//   Header file for interface of VtxValidationNtupleTools
-// (c) ATLAS Detector software
-// Tatjana.Lenz@cern.ch
-#include "GaudiKernel/IAlgTool.h"
-#include "VxVertex/VxCandidate.h"
-#include "TrkTrack/TrackCollection.h"
-#include "TrkTruthData/TrackTruthCollection.h"
-namespace Trk {
-static const InterfaceID IID_IVtxValidationNtupleTool("IVtxValidationNtupleTool",1,0);
-/** @class IVtxValidationNtupleTool
-    provides the interface for validation tools which write special information
-    about generated vertices into ntuples.
-class IVtxValidationNtupleTool : virtual public IAlgTool {
-     /**Interface ID, declared here, and defined below*/
-    static const InterfaceID& interfaceID();
-    /** fill and write ntuple data of a given VxCandidate */
-    virtual StatusCode fillVxCandidateData (const Trk::VxCandidate&) const = 0;
-    virtual StatusCode fillEventInfo(int &) const = 0;
-    virtual StatusCode fillTrueTrackAtVertexInfo(const Trk::VxCandidate&, const TrackCollection&, const TrackTruthCollection&) const = 0;
-inline const InterfaceID& Trk::IVtxValidationNtupleTool::interfaceID() {
-    return IID_IVtxValidationNtupleTool;
-} // end of namespace
diff --git a/Tracking/TrkValidation/TrkVertexFitterValidationTools/CMakeLists.txt b/Tracking/TrkValidation/TrkVertexFitterValidationTools/CMakeLists.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 7ce7e951b6cb51d2269a0148451245fcf212f001..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Tracking/TrkValidation/TrkVertexFitterValidationTools/CMakeLists.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2002-2020 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
-# Declare the package name:
-atlas_subdir( TrkVertexFitterValidationTools )
-# External dependencies:
-find_package( CLHEP )
-find_package( ROOT COMPONENTS Core Tree MathCore Hist RIO pthread )
-# Component(s) in the package:
-atlas_add_component( TrkVertexFitterValidationTools
-                     src/*.cxx
-                     src/components/*.cxx
-                     LINK_LIBRARIES ${ROOT_LIBRARIES} ${CLHEP_LIBRARIES} AtlasHepMCLib AthenaBaseComps GaudiKernel EventPrimitives xAODEventInfo GeneratorObjects TrkTrack TrkTruthData TrkVertexFitterValidationInterfacesLib VxVertex )
diff --git a/Tracking/TrkValidation/TrkVertexFitterValidationTools/TrkVertexFitterValidationTools/BasicVtxValidationNtupleTool.h b/Tracking/TrkValidation/TrkVertexFitterValidationTools/TrkVertexFitterValidationTools/BasicVtxValidationNtupleTool.h
deleted file mode 100755
index a6b9bd493cbbdf82c4d0cd46180e74df0c3e2857..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Tracking/TrkValidation/TrkVertexFitterValidationTools/TrkVertexFitterValidationTools/BasicVtxValidationNtupleTool.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,125 +0,0 @@
-  Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
-// BasicVtxValidationNtupleTool.h
-// (c) ATLAS Detector software
-// Tatjana.Lenz@cern.ch
-#include "AthenaBaseComps/AthAlgTool.h"
-#include "GaudiKernel/ToolHandle.h"
-#include "TrkVertexFitterValidationInterfaces/IVtxValidationNtupleTool.h"
-class TTree;
-namespace Trk {
-/** @class BasicVtxValidationNtupleTool
-    This validation tool writes basic information about Trk::VxCandidate
-    into an ntuple.
-    @author Tatjana.Lenz@cern.ch
-class BasicVtxValidationNtupleTool : virtual public Trk::IVtxValidationNtupleTool, public AthAlgTool {
-    // standard AlgToolmethods
-    BasicVtxValidationNtupleTool(const std::string&,const std::string&,const IInterface*);
-    ~BasicVtxValidationNtupleTool();
-    // standard Athena methods
-    StatusCode initialize();
-    StatusCode finalize();
-    /** fill and write ntuple data of a given VxCandidate */
-    virtual StatusCode fillVxCandidateData (const Trk::VxCandidate&) const;
-    virtual StatusCode fillEventInfo(int &) const;
-    virtual StatusCode fillTrueTrackAtVertexInfo(const Trk::VxCandidate&, const TrackCollection&, const TrackTruthCollection&) const;
-      std::string         m_ntupleFileName;
-      std::string         m_ntupleDirName;            
-      std::string         m_ntupleTreeName;
-      std::string         m_ntupleVtxTreeName;
-      std::string         m_ntupleTrkAtVxTreeName; 
-      TTree * m_tree;
-      TTree * m_vtx_tree;
-      TTree * m_trk_at_vxtree;
-      mutable unsigned int m_lastEventNumber;
-      mutable int m_runNumber;
-      mutable int m_eventNumber;
-      // vertex
-      mutable int  m_numVertices; //!< number of the fitted vertices 
-      mutable float m_x; //!< x coordinate in mm of the fitted vertex
-      mutable float m_y; //!< y coordinate in mm of the fitted vertex
-      mutable float m_z; //!< z coordinate in mm of the fitted vertex
-      mutable float m_err_x;  //!< x coordinate error
-      mutable float m_err_y; //!< y coordinate error
-      mutable float m_err_z; //!< z coordinate error
-      mutable float m_chi2;  //!< chi2 is the sum over all chi2_per_track per ndf
-      mutable float m_chi2prob; //!< chi2 propobility of chi2 above
-      mutable int m_numTracksPerVertex; //!< number of the tracks per vertex
-      //tracks  
-      // perigee of original tracks with vertex point as origin
-      mutable std::vector<float> *m_d0;
-      mutable std::vector<float> *m_z0;
-      mutable std::vector<float> *m_phi0;
-      mutable std::vector<float> *m_theta;
-      mutable std::vector<float> *m_qOverP;
-      // perigee errors of original tracks with vertex point as origin
-      mutable std::vector<float> *m_err_d0;
-      mutable std::vector<float> *m_err_z0;
-      mutable std::vector<float> *m_err_phi0;
-      mutable std::vector<float> *m_err_theta;
-      mutable std::vector<float> *m_err_qOverP;
-      mutable std::vector<float> *m_chi2_per_track; //!< chi2 per track
-      // initial track parameters
-      mutable std::vector<float> *m_initial_d0;
-      mutable std::vector<float> *m_initial_z0;
-      mutable std::vector<float> *m_initial_phi0;
-      mutable std::vector<float> *m_initial_theta;
-      mutable std::vector<float> *m_initial_qOverP;
-      mutable std::vector<float> *m_err_initial_d0;
-      mutable std::vector<float> *m_err_initial_z0;
-      mutable std::vector<float> *m_err_initial_phi0;
-      mutable std::vector<float> *m_err_initial_theta;
-      mutable std::vector<float> *m_err_initial_qOverP;
-      //variables for vxTrackAtVertex collection
-      mutable std::vector<float> *m_vxprod_x; //!< x coordinate in mm of
-      mutable std::vector<float> *m_vxprod_y; //!< y coordinate in mm of 
-      mutable std::vector<float> *m_vxprod_z; //!< z coordinate in mm of 
-      mutable std::vector<int> *m_vxparticle_id;
-      mutable std::vector<int> *m_vxparent_id;
-      mutable int m_vxnum_trks;
-} // end of namespace
diff --git a/Tracking/TrkValidation/TrkVertexFitterValidationTools/TrkVertexFitterValidationTools/McEventNtupleTool.h b/Tracking/TrkValidation/TrkVertexFitterValidationTools/TrkVertexFitterValidationTools/McEventNtupleTool.h
deleted file mode 100755
index 0e12c82a37bf9c557cd146c4d0b995a039759690..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Tracking/TrkValidation/TrkVertexFitterValidationTools/TrkVertexFitterValidationTools/McEventNtupleTool.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,75 +0,0 @@
-  Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
-// McEventNtupleTool.h
-// (c) ATLAS Detector software
-// Tatjana.Lenz@cern.ch
-#include "GaudiKernel/ToolHandle.h"
-#include "AthenaBaseComps/AthAlgTool.h"
-#include "TrkVertexFitterValidationInterfaces/IMcEventNtupleTool.h"
-class TTree;
-namespace Trk {
-/** @class McEventNtupleTool
-    This validation tool writes basic information about monte carlo event
-    into an ntuple.
-    @author Tatjana.Lenz@cern.ch
-class McEventNtupleTool : virtual public Trk::IMcEventNtupleTool, public AthAlgTool {
-    // standard AlgToolmethods
-    McEventNtupleTool(const std::string&,const std::string&,const IInterface*);
-    ~McEventNtupleTool();
-    // standard Athena methods
-    StatusCode initialize();
-    StatusCode finalize();
-    /** fill and write ntuple data of a given VxCandidate */
-    virtual StatusCode fillMcEventData (const HepMC::GenEvent&) const;
-      std::string m_ntupleFileName;
-      std::string m_ntupleDirName; 
-      std::string m_ntupleMcTreeName;
-      double m_ptCut;
-      double m_etaCut;
-      double m_radiusCut;
-      double m_zPosCut;
-      double m_radiusRes;
-      double m_zPosRes;
-      TTree * m_vtx_tree;
-        // vertex
-      mutable int  m_numTrueVertices; //!< number of the gen vertices 
-      mutable float m_true_pri_x; //!< x coordinate in mm of the gen vertex
-      mutable float m_true_pri_y; //!< y coordinate in mm of the gen vertex
-      mutable float m_true_pri_z; //!< z coordinate in mm of the gen vertex
-      mutable std::vector<float> *m_true_sec_x; //!< x coordinate in mm of the gen vertex
-      mutable std::vector<float> *m_true_sec_y; //!< y coordinate in mm of the gen vertex
-      mutable std::vector<float> *m_true_sec_z; //!< z coordinate in mm of the gen vertex
-} // end of namespace
diff --git a/Tracking/TrkValidation/TrkVertexFitterValidationTools/TrkVertexFitterValidationTools/TrueTracksNtupleTool.h b/Tracking/TrkValidation/TrkVertexFitterValidationTools/TrkVertexFitterValidationTools/TrueTracksNtupleTool.h
deleted file mode 100755
index 4abf5b07baea8f8ad407ac8dfcf3a49c5f815ddd..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Tracking/TrkValidation/TrkVertexFitterValidationTools/TrkVertexFitterValidationTools/TrueTracksNtupleTool.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,70 +0,0 @@
-  Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
-// TrueTracksNtupleTool.h
-// (c) ATLAS Detector software
-// Tatjana.Lenz@cern.ch
-#include "GaudiKernel/ToolHandle.h"
-#include "AthenaBaseComps/AthAlgTool.h"
-#include "TrkVertexFitterValidationInterfaces/ITrueTracksValidationNtupleTool.h"
-class TTree;
-namespace Trk {
-/** @class TrueTracksNtupleTool
-    This validation tool writes basic information about Trk::TrackCollection used by the vertex finding
-    into an ntuple.
-    @author Tatjana.Lenz@cern.ch
-class TrueTracksNtupleTool : virtual public Trk::ITrueTracksValidationNtupleTool, public AthAlgTool {
-    // standard AlgTool methods
-    TrueTracksNtupleTool(const std::string&,const std::string&,const IInterface*);
-    ~TrueTracksNtupleTool();
-    // standard Athena methods
-    StatusCode initialize();
-    StatusCode finalize();
-    /** fill and write ntuple data of a given VxCandidate */
-    virtual StatusCode fillTrueTracksInfo(const TrackCollection& trkcoll, const TrackTruthCollection& trk_true_coll) const;
-	      std::string	m_ntupleFileName;
-	      std::string	m_ntupleDirName;     
-	      std::string	m_ntupleTreeName;
-	      TTree * m_tree;     
-        //variables for track collection
-        mutable std::vector<float> *m_prod_x; //!< x coordinate in mm of
-        mutable std::vector<float> *m_prod_y; //!< y coordinate in mm of 
-        mutable std::vector<float> *m_prod_z; //!< z coordinate in mm of 
-        mutable std::vector<int> *m_particle_id;
-        mutable std::vector<int> *m_parent_id;
-        mutable int m_num_trks;
-} // end of namespace
diff --git a/Tracking/TrkValidation/TrkVertexFitterValidationTools/src/BasicVtxValidationNtupleTool.cxx b/Tracking/TrkValidation/TrkVertexFitterValidationTools/src/BasicVtxValidationNtupleTool.cxx
deleted file mode 100755
index dffa91b74f16c2b3a9334c9f3150718556d253a7..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Tracking/TrkValidation/TrkVertexFitterValidationTools/src/BasicVtxValidationNtupleTool.cxx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,439 +0,0 @@
-  Copyright (C) 2002-2022 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-// BasicVtxValidationNtupleTool.cxx
-//   Source file for class BasicVtxValidationNtupleTool
-// (c) ATLAS Detector software
-// Tatjana.Lenz@cern.ch
-#include "GaudiKernel/ITHistSvc.h" 
-#include "TTree.h"
-// Trk
-#include "TrkVertexFitterValidationTools/BasicVtxValidationNtupleTool.h" 
-#include "TrkTrack/TrackCollection.h"
-#include "TrkTruthData/TrackTruthCollection.h"
-#include "TrkTrack/LinkToTrack.h"
-#include "VxVertex/VxCandidate.h"
-#include "VxVertex/VxTrackAtVertex.h"
-#include "EventPrimitives/EventPrimitivesHelpers.h"
-#include "xAODEventInfo/EventInfo.h"
-#include "CLHEP/GenericFunctions/CumulativeChiSquare.hh"
-#include "AtlasHepMC/GenParticle.h"
-#include "AtlasHepMC/GenVertex.h"
-// constructor
-    const std::string& t,
-    const std::string& n,
-    const IInterface*  p )
-        :
-        AthAlgTool(t,n,p),
-        m_ntupleFileName("/NTUPLES"),
-        m_ntupleDirName("VtxFitterValidation"),
-        m_ntupleTreeName("EventInfo"),
-        m_ntupleVtxTreeName("VxCandidate"),
-        m_ntupleTrkAtVxTreeName("TrueTracksAtVertex"),
-        // see: http://atlas-computing.web.cern.ch/atlas-computing/projects/qa/draft_guidelines-0.2.html
-        m_tree(nullptr),           //should be m_tree
-        m_vtx_tree(nullptr),       //should be m_vtxTree
-        m_trk_at_vxtree(nullptr),  //should be m_trkAtVxTree
-        m_lastEventNumber{},
-        m_runNumber{},
-        m_eventNumber{},
-        m_numVertices{},
-        m_x{},
-        m_y{},
-        m_z{},
-        m_err_x{},
-        m_err_y{},
-        m_err_z{},
-        m_chi2{},
-        m_chi2prob{},
-        m_numTracksPerVertex{},
-        m_d0(nullptr),
-        m_z0(nullptr),
-        m_phi0(nullptr),
-        m_theta(nullptr),
-        m_qOverP(nullptr),
-        m_err_d0(nullptr),
-        m_err_z0(nullptr),
-        m_err_phi0(nullptr),
-        m_err_theta(nullptr),
-        m_err_qOverP(nullptr),
-        m_chi2_per_track(nullptr),
-        m_initial_d0(nullptr),
-        m_initial_z0(nullptr),
-        m_initial_phi0(nullptr),
-        m_initial_theta(nullptr),
-        m_initial_qOverP(nullptr),
-        m_err_initial_d0(nullptr),
-        m_err_initial_z0(nullptr),
-        m_err_initial_phi0(nullptr),
-        m_err_initial_theta(nullptr),
-        m_err_initial_qOverP(nullptr),
-        m_vxprod_x(nullptr),
-        m_vxprod_y(nullptr),
-        m_vxprod_z(nullptr),
-        m_vxparticle_id(nullptr),
-        m_vxparent_id(nullptr),
-        m_vxnum_trks{}
-    declareInterface<IVtxValidationNtupleTool>(this);
-    // Declare the properties
-    declareProperty("NtupleFileName",		      m_ntupleFileName,	       "Ntuple file handle");
-    declareProperty("NtupleDirectoryName",	  m_ntupleDirName,	       "Directory name for ntuple tree");
-    declareProperty("NtupleTreeName",		      m_ntupleTreeName,	       "Name of the event info ntuple tree");
-    declareProperty("NtupleVtxTreeName",	    m_ntupleVtxTreeName,     "Name of the vtx ntuple tree");
-    declareProperty("NtupleTrkAtVxTreeName",	m_ntupleTrkAtVxTreeName, "Name of the tracks at vertex ntuple tree");
-// destructor
-Trk::BasicVtxValidationNtupleTool::~BasicVtxValidationNtupleTool() = default;
-/// initialize
-StatusCode Trk::BasicVtxValidationNtupleTool::initialize() {
-    // Retrieve the Histo Service
-    ITHistSvc* hist_svc;
-    StatusCode status;
-    status=service("THistSvc",hist_svc);
-    if(status.isFailure())
-    {
-	    msg (MSG::ERROR) <<  "Could not find HistService" << endmsg;
-	    return status;
-    }
-   //registering the event info m_tree
-    m_tree = new TTree(TString(m_ntupleTreeName), "Event info output");
-    std::string fullNtupleName = m_ntupleFileName+"/"+m_ntupleDirName+"/"+m_ntupleTreeName;
-    status = hist_svc->regTree(fullNtupleName, m_tree);
-    if (status.isFailure()) {
-	     msg(MSG::ERROR) << "Unable to register TTree : " << fullNtupleName << endmsg;
-	     return status;
-    }
-    //registering the vtx m_tree --> VxCandidate info
-    m_vtx_tree = new TTree(TString(m_ntupleVtxTreeName), "VxCandidate output");
-    std::string fullVtxNtupleName = m_ntupleFileName+"/"+m_ntupleDirName+"/"+m_ntupleVtxTreeName;
-    status = hist_svc->regTree(fullVtxNtupleName, m_vtx_tree);
-    if (status.isFailure()) {
-	    msg(MSG::ERROR) << "Unable to register TTree : " << fullVtxNtupleName << endmsg;
-	    return status;
-    }
-    //registering the true trackAtVertex m_tree
-    m_trk_at_vxtree = new TTree(TString(m_ntupleTrkAtVxTreeName), "True tracks at vertex info output");
-    std::string fullTrkAtVxNtupleName = m_ntupleFileName+"/"+m_ntupleDirName+"/"+m_ntupleTrkAtVxTreeName;
-    status = hist_svc->regTree(fullTrkAtVxNtupleName, m_trk_at_vxtree);
-    if (status.isFailure()) {
-	    msg(MSG::ERROR) << "Unable to register TTree : " << fullTrkAtVxNtupleName << endmsg;
-	    return status;
-    }
-    //event info m_tree
-    m_tree->Branch("RunNumber", &m_runNumber, "runNum/I");       // Run number
-    m_tree->Branch("EventNumber", &m_eventNumber, "eventNum/I");   // Event number
-    m_tree->Branch ("numVertices", &m_numVertices, "numVtx/I");
-    //VxCandidate-->vtx m_tree
-    m_vtx_tree->Branch ("vertex_x", &m_x, "vtx_x/F");
-    m_vtx_tree->Branch ("vertex_y", &m_y, "vtx_y/F");
-    m_vtx_tree->Branch ("vertex_z", &m_z, "vtx_z/F");
-    m_vtx_tree->Branch ("vertex_error_x", &m_err_x, "vtx_err_x/F");
-    m_vtx_tree->Branch ("vertex_error_y", &m_err_y, "vtx_err_y/F");
-    m_vtx_tree->Branch ("vertex_error_z", &m_err_z, "vtx_err_z/F");
-    m_vtx_tree->Branch ("vertex_chi2_per_ndf", &m_chi2, "vtx_chi2/F");
-    m_vtx_tree->Branch ("vertex_chi2_prob", &m_chi2prob, "vtx_chi2prob/F");
-    m_vtx_tree->Branch ("num_tracks_per_vertex", &m_numTracksPerVertex, "trk_per_vtx/I");
-    //VxCandidate-->trks m_tree
-    m_d0 = new std::vector<float>();
-    m_z0 = new std::vector<float>();
-    m_phi0 = new std::vector<float>();
-    m_theta = new std::vector<float>();
-    m_qOverP = new std::vector<float>();
-    m_err_d0 = new std::vector<float>();
-    m_err_z0 = new std::vector<float>();
-    m_err_phi0 = new std::vector<float>();
-    m_err_theta = new std::vector<float>();
-    m_err_qOverP = new std::vector<float>();
-    m_chi2_per_track = new std::vector<float>();
-    m_initial_d0 = new std::vector<float>();
-    m_initial_z0 = new std::vector<float>();
-    m_initial_phi0 = new std::vector<float>();
-    m_initial_theta = new std::vector<float>();
-    m_initial_qOverP = new std::vector<float>();
-    m_err_initial_d0 = new std::vector<float>();
-    m_err_initial_z0 = new std::vector<float>();
-    m_err_initial_phi0 = new std::vector<float>();
-    m_err_initial_theta = new std::vector<float>();
-    m_err_initial_qOverP = new std::vector<float>();
-    m_vtx_tree->Branch ("track_d0", &m_d0);
-    m_vtx_tree->Branch ("track_z0", &m_z0);
-    m_vtx_tree->Branch ("track_phi0", &m_phi0);
-    m_vtx_tree->Branch ("track_theta", &m_theta);
-    m_vtx_tree->Branch ("track_qOverP", &m_qOverP);
-    m_vtx_tree->Branch ("track_err_d0", &m_err_d0);
-    m_vtx_tree->Branch ("track_err_z0", &m_err_z0);
-    m_vtx_tree->Branch ("track_err_phi0", &m_err_phi0);
-    m_vtx_tree->Branch ("track_err_theta", &m_err_theta);
-    m_vtx_tree->Branch ("track_err_qOverP", &m_err_qOverP);
-    m_vtx_tree->Branch ("chi2_per_track", &m_chi2_per_track);
-    m_vtx_tree->Branch ("track_initial_d0", &m_initial_d0);
-    m_vtx_tree->Branch ("track_initial_z0", &m_initial_z0);
-    m_vtx_tree->Branch ("track_initial_phi0", &m_initial_phi0);
-    m_vtx_tree->Branch ("track_initial_theta", &m_initial_theta);
-    m_vtx_tree->Branch ("track_initial_qOverP", &m_initial_qOverP);
-    m_vtx_tree->Branch ("track_err_initial_d0", &m_err_initial_d0);
-    m_vtx_tree->Branch ("track_err_initial_z0", &m_err_initial_z0);
-    m_vtx_tree->Branch ("track_err_initial_phi0", &m_err_initial_phi0);
-    m_vtx_tree->Branch ("track_err_initial_theta", &m_err_initial_theta);
-    m_vtx_tree->Branch ("track_err_initial_qOverP", &m_err_initial_qOverP);	
-    //vxCandidate->true tracks m_tree
-    m_vxprod_x = new std::vector<float>();
-    m_vxprod_y= new std::vector<float>();
-    m_vxprod_z = new std::vector<float>();
-    m_vxparticle_id = new std::vector<int>();
-    m_vxparent_id = new std::vector<int>();
-    m_trk_at_vxtree->Branch ("vtx_track_ prod_x", &m_vxprod_x);
-    m_trk_at_vxtree->Branch ("vtx_track_prod_y", &m_vxprod_y);
-    m_trk_at_vxtree->Branch ("vtx_track_prod_z", &m_vxprod_z);
-    m_trk_at_vxtree->Branch ("vtx_track_particle_id", &m_vxparticle_id);
-    m_trk_at_vxtree->Branch ("vtx_track_parent_id", &m_vxparent_id);
-    m_trk_at_vxtree->Branch ("vtx_track_num_tracks", &m_vxnum_trks, "vx_numTrks/I");
-    return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
-/// finalize
-StatusCode Trk::BasicVtxValidationNtupleTool::finalize() {
-    msg(MSG::DEBUG) << "start finalize() in " << name() << endmsg;
-    return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
-/// fill VxCandidate data
-StatusCode Trk::BasicVtxValidationNtupleTool::fillVxCandidateData (const Trk::VxCandidate& vxCandidate) const {
-    if (msgLvl(MSG::VERBOSE)) msg(MSG::VERBOSE) << "in fillVxCandidateData(vxCandidate)"  << endmsg;
-    //vertex position & errors
-    m_x = vxCandidate.recVertex().position()[0];
-    m_y = vxCandidate.recVertex().position()[1];
-    m_z = vxCandidate.recVertex().position()[2];
-    m_err_x = sqrt(vxCandidate.recVertex().covariancePosition()(Trk::x,Trk::x));
-    m_err_y = sqrt(vxCandidate.recVertex().covariancePosition()(Trk::y,Trk::y));
-    m_err_z = sqrt(vxCandidate.recVertex().covariancePosition()(Trk::z,Trk::z));
-    //fit qualities
-    if (vxCandidate.recVertex().fitQuality().numberDoF() > 0.)
-    {     
-      double chi2 = vxCandidate.recVertex().fitQuality().chiSquared();
-      int ndf = vxCandidate.recVertex().fitQuality().numberDoF();
-      Genfun::CumulativeChiSquare myCumulativeChiSquare(ndf);
-      m_chi2prob=1.-myCumulativeChiSquare(chi2);
-      m_chi2 = chi2/ndf;
-    } else { m_chi2prob = 1.; m_chi2 = 99999.;}
-    // for storage of tracks used for fit, check if pointer exist
-    if (vxCandidate.vxTrackAtVertex()) {
-    int numTracksPerVertex = vxCandidate.vxTrackAtVertex()->size();
-    m_numTracksPerVertex = numTracksPerVertex;
-    //loop over tracks
-    for ( int counter=0; counter < m_numTracksPerVertex; ++counter)
-    {
-      Trk::VxTrackAtVertex* trackAtVtx = (*vxCandidate.vxTrackAtVertex())[counter];
-      const Trk::Perigee* perigee = dynamic_cast<const Trk::Perigee*>(trackAtVtx->perigeeAtVertex());
-      if (!perigee) {
-         ATH_MSG_ERROR ("Track parameters are not a perigee");
-         return StatusCode::FAILURE;
-      }
-      //get perigee at vertex & errors
-      m_chi2_per_track->push_back(trackAtVtx->trackQuality().chiSquared());
-      m_d0->push_back(perigee->parameters()[Trk::d0]);
-      m_z0->push_back(perigee->parameters()[Trk::z0]);
-      m_phi0->push_back(perigee->parameters()[Trk::phi]);
-      m_theta->push_back(perigee->parameters()[Trk::theta]);
-      m_qOverP->push_back(perigee->parameters()[Trk::qOverP]);
-      m_err_d0->push_back(Amg::error(*(perigee->covariance()),Trk::d0));
-      m_err_z0->push_back(Amg::error(*(perigee->covariance()),Trk::z0));
-      m_err_phi0->push_back(Amg::error(*(perigee->covariance()),Trk::phi));
-      m_err_theta->push_back(Amg::error(*(perigee->covariance()),Trk::theta));
-      m_err_qOverP->push_back(Amg::error(*(perigee->covariance()),Trk::qOverP));
-      //initial perigee at ATLAS (0,0,0) & errors
-      const Trk::Perigee* initialPerigee = dynamic_cast<const Trk::Perigee*>(trackAtVtx->initialPerigee());      
-      if (!initialPerigee) {
-         ATH_MSG_ERROR ("Track parameters are not a perigee");
-         return StatusCode::FAILURE;
-      }
-      m_initial_d0->push_back(initialPerigee->parameters()[Trk::d0]);
-      m_initial_z0->push_back(initialPerigee->parameters()[Trk::z0]);
-      m_initial_phi0->push_back(initialPerigee->parameters()[Trk::phi]);
-      m_initial_theta->push_back(initialPerigee->parameters()[Trk::theta]);
-      m_initial_qOverP->push_back(initialPerigee->parameters()[Trk::qOverP]);
-      m_err_initial_d0->push_back(Amg::error(*(initialPerigee->covariance()),Trk::d0));
-      m_err_initial_z0->push_back(Amg::error(*(initialPerigee->covariance()),Trk::z0));
-      m_err_initial_phi0->push_back(Amg::error(*(initialPerigee->covariance()),Trk::phi));
-      m_err_initial_theta->push_back(Amg::error(*(initialPerigee->covariance()),Trk::theta));
-      m_err_initial_qOverP->push_back(Amg::error(*(initialPerigee->covariance()),Trk::qOverP));
-    }// loop over all tracks
-   }
-   m_vtx_tree->Fill();
-   //clear
-   m_chi2_per_track->clear();
-   m_d0->clear();
-   m_z0->clear();
-   m_phi0->clear();
-   m_theta->clear();
-   m_qOverP->clear();
-   m_err_d0->clear();
-   m_err_z0->clear();
-   m_err_phi0->clear();
-   m_err_theta->clear();
-   m_err_qOverP->clear();
-   m_initial_d0->clear();
-   m_initial_z0->clear();
-   m_initial_phi0->clear();
-   m_initial_theta->clear();
-   m_initial_qOverP->clear();
-   m_err_initial_d0->clear();
-   m_err_initial_z0->clear();
-   m_err_initial_phi0->clear();
-   m_err_initial_theta->clear();
-   m_err_initial_qOverP->clear();
-   return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
-// fill true tracks at vertex data
-StatusCode Trk::BasicVtxValidationNtupleTool::fillTrueTrackAtVertexInfo(const Trk::VxCandidate& vxCandidate, const TrackCollection& trk_coll, const TrackTruthCollection& trk_true_coll) const {
-    if (msgLvl(MSG::DEBUG)) msg(MSG::DEBUG) << "in fillTrueTrackAtVertexInfo(VxCandidate)"  << endmsg;
-    StatusCode status;
-    //fill TrackAtVertex info
-    if (vxCandidate.vxTrackAtVertex()) {
-      int numTracksPerVertex = vxCandidate.vxTrackAtVertex()->size();
-      for (int counter = 0; counter < numTracksPerVertex; ++counter)
-      {
-        Trk::VxTrackAtVertex* trackAtVtx = (*(vxCandidate.vxTrackAtVertex()))[counter];
-        ElementLink<TrackCollection> tracklink;
-        Trk::ITrackLink* trklink = trackAtVtx->trackOrParticleLink();
-        Trk::LinkToTrack* linkToTrack = dynamic_cast<Trk::LinkToTrack*>(trklink);
-        if (!linkToTrack) {
-          ATH_MSG_ERROR ("Not a link to track.");
-          return StatusCode::FAILURE;
-        }
-        const Trk::Track* theTrack = linkToTrack->cachedElement(); 
-        tracklink.setElement(const_cast<Trk::Track*>(theTrack));
-        tracklink.setStorableObject(trk_coll);
-        const ElementLink<TrackCollection> tracklink2=tracklink;
-        TrackTruthCollection::const_iterator found = trk_true_coll.find(tracklink2);
-        if (found == trk_true_coll.end()) {
-          if(msgLvl(MSG::DEBUG)) msg(MSG::DEBUG) << " truth is missing" << endmsg;
-        }
-        else { 
-            TrackTruth trk_truth=found->second;
-            const auto& particle = trk_truth.particleLink();
-            auto prod_vtx = particle->production_vertex();
-            //fill parent id
-#ifdef HEPMC3
-            auto   parent_iter = prod_vtx->particles_in().begin();
-            HepMC::GenVertex::particle_iterator   parent_iter = prod_vtx->particles_begin(HepMC::parents);
-            m_vxparent_id->push_back((*parent_iter)->pdg_id());
-            m_vxparticle_id->push_back(particle->pdg_id());
-            //fill prod vertex
-            m_vxprod_x->push_back(prod_vtx->position().x());
-            m_vxprod_y->push_back(prod_vtx->position().y());
-            m_vxprod_z->push_back(prod_vtx->position().z());
-        }
-      }// loop over all tracks
-      m_vxnum_trks = numTracksPerVertex;
-    } else { 
-       if (msgLvl(MSG::DEBUG)) msg (MSG::DEBUG) << "VxCandidate without tracks!!" << endmsg; 
-       return StatusCode::FAILURE; 
-    }
-    m_trk_at_vxtree->Fill();
-      //clear
-    m_vxprod_x->clear();
-    m_vxprod_y->clear();
-    m_vxprod_z->clear();
-    m_vxparticle_id->clear();
-    m_vxparent_id->clear();
-    return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
-StatusCode Trk::BasicVtxValidationNtupleTool::fillEventInfo(int& numRecVtx) const {
-    // ---------------------------------------
-    // reset Vtx counter if new event
-   const xAOD::EventInfo* eventInfo = nullptr;
-   if ((evtStore()->retrieve(eventInfo)).isFailure()) { 
-     if (msgLvl(MSG::ERROR)) msg(MSG::ERROR) << "Could not retrieve event info" << endmsg; }
-   if (m_lastEventNumber!=eventInfo->eventNumber())  m_lastEventNumber = eventInfo->eventNumber();
-   m_eventNumber = eventInfo->eventNumber();
-   m_runNumber=eventInfo->runNumber();
-   m_numVertices = numRecVtx;
-   m_tree->Fill();
-   return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
diff --git a/Tracking/TrkValidation/TrkVertexFitterValidationTools/src/McEventNtupleTool.cxx b/Tracking/TrkValidation/TrkVertexFitterValidationTools/src/McEventNtupleTool.cxx
deleted file mode 100755
index 62921dcf18af1dea45d24f72672fae84bd917d99..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Tracking/TrkValidation/TrkVertexFitterValidationTools/src/McEventNtupleTool.cxx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,232 +0,0 @@
-  Copyright (C) 2002-2022 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
-//   McEventNtupleTool.cxx
-//   Source file for class McEventNtupleTool
-// (c) ATLAS Detector software
-// Tatjana.Lenz@cern.ch
-#include "GaudiKernel/ITHistSvc.h"
-#include "TTree.h"
-// Trk
-#include "TrkVertexFitterValidationTools/McEventNtupleTool.h"
-#include "CLHEP/Vector/LorentzVector.h"
-#include "AtlasHepMC/GenParticle.h"
-#include "AtlasHepMC/GenVertex.h"
-#include "AtlasHepMC/GenEvent.h"
-// constructor
-    const std::string& t,
-    const std::string& n,
-    const IInterface*  p )
-        :
-        AthAlgTool(t,n,p),
-        m_ntupleFileName("/NTUPLES"),
-        m_ntupleDirName("VtxFitterValidation"),
-        m_ntupleMcTreeName("MC_Vertex"),
-        m_ptCut(500.),
-        m_etaCut(2.5),
-        m_radiusCut(50.5),
-        m_zPosCut(150.),
-        m_radiusRes(0.044),
-        m_zPosRes(0.221),
-        m_vtx_tree(nullptr),
-        m_numTrueVertices{},
-        m_true_pri_x{},
-        m_true_pri_y{},
-        m_true_pri_z{},
-        m_true_sec_x(nullptr),
-        m_true_sec_y(nullptr),
-        m_true_sec_z(nullptr)
-    declareInterface<IMcEventNtupleTool>(this);
-    // Declare the properties
-    declareProperty("NtupleFileName",		      m_ntupleFileName,	       "Ntuple file handle");
-    declareProperty("NtupleDirectoryName",	      m_ntupleDirName,	       "Directory name for ntuple tree");
-    declareProperty("NtupleTrueTreeName",	      m_ntupleMcTreeName,      "Name of the MC ntuple tree");
-    declareProperty("ptCut_McCollection",	      m_ptCut,		       "Pt cut on true MC vertices");
-    declareProperty("etaCut_McCollection",	      m_etaCut,		       "Eta cut on true MC vertices");
-    declareProperty("radiusCut_McCollection",	      m_radiusCut,	       "Radius cut on true MC vertices");
-    declareProperty("zPosCut_McCollection",	      m_zPosCut,	       "Z position cut on true MC vertices");
-    declareProperty("radResolution_McCollection",     m_radiusRes,	       "MC vertex resolution criterion (radius)");
-    declareProperty("zResolution_McCollection",      m_zPosRes,	       "MC vertex resolution criterion (z pos)");
-// destructor
-Trk::McEventNtupleTool::~McEventNtupleTool() = default;
-/// initialize
-StatusCode Trk::McEventNtupleTool::initialize() {
-    // Retrieve the Histo Service
-    ITHistSvc* hist_svc;
-    StatusCode status;
-    status=service("THistSvc",hist_svc);
-    if(status.isFailure())
-    {
-	    msg(MSG::ERROR) << "Could not find HistService" << endmsg;
-	    return status;
-    }
-    //registering the mc event tree
-    m_vtx_tree = new TTree(TString(m_ntupleMcTreeName), "MC output");
-    std::string fullMcNtupleName = m_ntupleFileName+"/"+m_ntupleDirName+"/"+m_ntupleMcTreeName;
-    status = hist_svc->regTree(fullMcNtupleName, m_vtx_tree);
-    if (status.isFailure()) {
-	   msg(MSG::ERROR) << "Unable to register TTree : " << fullMcNtupleName << endmsg;
-	   return status;
-    }
-    //mc vtx tree
-    m_vtx_tree->Branch ("vertex_true_pri_x", &m_true_pri_x, "vtx_true_pri_x/F");
-    m_vtx_tree->Branch ("vertex_true_pri_y", &m_true_pri_y, "vtx_true_pri_y/F");
-    m_vtx_tree->Branch ("vertex_true_pri_z", &m_true_pri_z, "vtx_true_pri_z/F");
-    m_true_sec_x = new std::vector<float>();
-    m_true_sec_y = new std::vector<float>();
-    m_true_sec_z = new std::vector<float>();
-    m_vtx_tree->Branch ("vertex_true_sec_x", &m_true_sec_x);
-    m_vtx_tree->Branch ("vertex_true_sec_y", &m_true_sec_y);
-    m_vtx_tree->Branch ("vertex_true_sec_z", &m_true_sec_z);
-    return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
-/// finalize
-StatusCode Trk::McEventNtupleTool::finalize() {
-    msg(MSG::DEBUG) << "start finalize() in " << name() << endmsg;
-    return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
-// fill Mc vertices data
-StatusCode Trk::McEventNtupleTool::fillMcEventData(const HepMC::GenEvent& myEvent) const {
-#ifdef HEPMC3
-    auto Vert = myEvent.vertices().begin();
-    HepMC::GenEvent::vertex_const_iterator Vert = myEvent.vertices_begin();
-     //store primary vertex
-     CLHEP::HepLorentzVector pv_pos((*Vert)->position().x(),
-			     (*Vert)->position().y(),
-			     (*Vert)->position().z(),
-			     (*Vert)->position().t());
-     double pv_r = pv_pos.perp();
-     double pv_z = pv_pos.z();
-     std::map<int,HepMC::ConstGenVertexPtr> pv_vtx_ids;
-     std::vector<std::map<int,HepMC::ConstGenVertexPtr> > sec_vtx_ids_vec;
-#ifdef HEPMC3
-     auto  Part = myEvent.particles().begin();
-     auto  Part_end = myEvent.particles().end();
-     HepMC::GenEvent::particle_const_iterator  Part = myEvent.particles_begin();
-     HepMC::GenEvent::particle_const_iterator  Part_end = myEvent.particles_end();
-     for (;Part!=Part_end; ++Part){
-          //information about incomming and outgoing particles
-          CLHEP::HepLorentzVector par_mom((*Part)->momentum().px(),
-				   (*Part)->momentum().py(),
-				   (*Part)->momentum().pz(),
-				   (*Part)->momentum().e());
-          auto par_vert = (*Part)->production_vertex();
-	  if (par_vert)
-          {
-           CLHEP::HepLorentzVector lv_pos(par_vert->position().x(),
-				   par_vert->position().y(),
-				   par_vert->position().z(),
-				   par_vert->position().t());
-           if (par_mom.perp() > m_ptCut && fabs(par_mom.eta()) <= m_etaCut && std::fabs(lv_pos.perp()) <= m_radiusCut &&  std::fabs(lv_pos.z()) <= m_zPosCut){
-             if(fabs(lv_pos.perp() - pv_r)<m_radiusRes  && fabs(lv_pos.z() - pv_z)<m_zPosRes)
-             {
-               pv_vtx_ids.insert(std::make_pair(HepMC::barcode(par_vert),par_vert));
-             } else {
-                bool new_sec_vtx = true;
-                //loop over all entries in sec_vtx_ids_vec = vector of sec_vtx_map's
-                for (unsigned int sec_vec_itr = 0; sec_vec_itr < sec_vtx_ids_vec.size(); ++sec_vec_itr)
-                {
-                  std::map<int,HepMC::ConstGenVertexPtr> sec_vtx_map = sec_vtx_ids_vec[sec_vec_itr];
-                  std::map<int,HepMC::ConstGenVertexPtr>::iterator map_itr = sec_vtx_map.begin();
-                  for (; map_itr!= sec_vtx_map.end(); ++map_itr)
-                  {
-                    CLHEP::HepLorentzVector sec_pos((*map_itr).second->position().x(),
-					     (*map_itr).second->position().y(),
-					     (*map_itr).second->position().z(),
-					     (*map_itr).second->position().t());
-                    double sec_r = sec_pos.perp();
-                    double sec_z = sec_pos.z();
-		    // if vertex position are nearly the same, store this vertex in the map
-                    if(fabs(lv_pos.perp() - sec_r)< m_radiusRes && fabs(lv_pos.z() - sec_z)<m_zPosRes)
-                    {
-                       sec_vtx_map.insert(std::make_pair(HepMC::barcode(par_vert),par_vert));
-                       new_sec_vtx = false;
-                       break;
-                    }
-                  }
-                }
-                if(new_sec_vtx) //store new entry in sec_vtx_ids_vec
-                {
-                  std::map<int,HepMC::ConstGenVertexPtr> new_map;
-                  new_map.insert(std::make_pair(HepMC::barcode(par_vert),par_vert));
-                  sec_vtx_ids_vec.push_back(new_map);
-                }
-             }//if not primary
-           }//eta && mom cut
-          }//if production vertex
-      }//end loop over particles
-      std::map<int,HepMC::ConstGenVertexPtr>::iterator pv_map_itr = pv_vtx_ids.begin();
-      m_true_pri_x = (*pv_map_itr).second->position().x();
-      m_true_pri_y = (*pv_map_itr).second->position().y();
-      m_true_pri_z = (*pv_map_itr).second->position().z();
-      for (unsigned int sec_vtx_itr = 0; sec_vtx_itr < sec_vtx_ids_vec.size(); ++sec_vtx_itr)
-      {
-           std::map<int,HepMC::ConstGenVertexPtr> sec_map =  sec_vtx_ids_vec[sec_vtx_itr];
-           std::map<int,HepMC::ConstGenVertexPtr>::iterator map_itr = sec_map.begin();
-           CLHEP::HepLorentzVector sec_vtx_pos;
-           for (; map_itr != sec_map.end(); ++map_itr){
-                sec_vtx_pos.setX(sec_vtx_pos.x() + (*map_itr).second->position().x());
-                sec_vtx_pos.setY(sec_vtx_pos.y() + (*map_itr).second->position().y());
-                sec_vtx_pos.setZ(sec_vtx_pos.z() + (*map_itr).second->position().z());
-                sec_vtx_pos.setT(sec_vtx_pos.t() + (*map_itr).second->position().t());
-          }
-           if (!sec_map.empty()){
-              sec_vtx_pos = sec_vtx_pos/sec_map.size();
-              m_true_sec_x->push_back(sec_vtx_pos.x());
-              m_true_sec_y->push_back(sec_vtx_pos.y());
-              m_true_sec_z->push_back(sec_vtx_pos.z());
-           }
-      }
-      m_numTrueVertices = 1 + sec_vtx_ids_vec.size();
-      m_vtx_tree->Fill();
-     //clear
-     m_true_sec_x->clear();
-     m_true_sec_y->clear();
-     m_true_sec_z->clear();
-     return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
diff --git a/Tracking/TrkValidation/TrkVertexFitterValidationTools/src/TrueTracksNtupleTool.cxx b/Tracking/TrkValidation/TrkVertexFitterValidationTools/src/TrueTracksNtupleTool.cxx
deleted file mode 100755
index b3338b51ff027c71a53d0a6fec5c6a13837402dc..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Tracking/TrkValidation/TrkVertexFitterValidationTools/src/TrueTracksNtupleTool.cxx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,168 +0,0 @@
-  Copyright (C) 2002-2022 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
-// TrueTracksNtupleTool.cxx
-//   Source file for class TrueTracksNtupleTool
-// (c) ATLAS Detector software
-// Tatjana.Lenz@cern.ch
-#include "GaudiKernel/ITHistSvc.h" 
-#include "TTree.h"
-// Trk
-#include "TrkVertexFitterValidationTools/TrueTracksNtupleTool.h" 
-#include "TrkTrack/TrackCollection.h"
-#include "TrkTrack/Track.h"
-#include "TrkTruthData/TrackTruthCollection.h"
-#include "GeneratorObjects/HepMcParticleLink.h"
-#include "AtlasHepMC/GenParticle.h"
-#include "AtlasHepMC/GenVertex.h"
-#include "AtlasHepMC/GenEvent.h"
-// constructor
-    const std::string& t,
-    const std::string& n,
-    const IInterface*  p )
-        :
-        AthAlgTool(t,n,p),
-        m_ntupleFileName("/NTUPLES"),
-        m_ntupleDirName("VtxFitterValidation"),
-        m_ntupleTreeName("TrueTracks"),
-        m_tree(nullptr),
-        m_prod_x(nullptr),
-        m_prod_y(nullptr),
-        m_prod_z(nullptr),
-        m_particle_id(nullptr),
-        m_parent_id(nullptr),
-        m_num_trks{}
-    declareInterface<ITrueTracksValidationNtupleTool>(this);
-    // Declare the properties
-    declareProperty("NtupleFileName",			 m_ntupleFileName,	"Ntuple file handle");
-    declareProperty("NtupleDirectoryName", m_ntupleDirName,	"directory name for ntuple tree");
-    declareProperty("NtupleTreeName",			 m_ntupleTreeName,	"Name of the track ntuple tree");
-// destructor
-Trk::TrueTracksNtupleTool::~TrueTracksNtupleTool() = default;
-/// initialize
-StatusCode Trk::TrueTracksNtupleTool::initialize() {
-    // Retrieve the Histo Service
-    ITHistSvc* hist_svc;
-    StatusCode status;
-    status=service("THistSvc",hist_svc);
-    if(status.isFailure())
-    {
-	     msg(MSG::ERROR) << "Could not find HistService" << endmsg;
-	     return status;
-    }
-    //registering the true tracks m_tree
-    m_tree = new TTree(TString(m_ntupleTreeName), "True tracks info output");
-    std::string fullNtupleName = m_ntupleFileName+"/"+m_ntupleDirName+"/"+m_ntupleTreeName;
-    status = hist_svc->regTree(fullNtupleName, m_tree);
-    if (status.isFailure()) {
-	      msg (MSG::ERROR) << "Unable to register TTree : " << fullNtupleName << endmsg;
-	      return status;
-    }
-    m_prod_x = new std::vector<float>();
-    m_prod_y= new std::vector<float>();
-    m_prod_z = new std::vector<float>();
-    m_particle_id = new std::vector<int>();
-    m_parent_id = new std::vector<int>();
-    m_tree->Branch ("track_ prod_x", &m_prod_x);
-    m_tree->Branch ("track_prod_y", &m_prod_y);
-    m_tree->Branch ("track_prod_z", &m_prod_z);
-    m_tree->Branch ("track_particle_id", &m_particle_id);
-    m_tree->Branch ("track_parent_id", &m_parent_id);
-    m_tree->Branch ("track_num_tracks", &m_num_trks, "numTrks/I");
-    return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
-/// finalize
-StatusCode Trk::TrueTracksNtupleTool::finalize() {
-    msg(MSG::DEBUG) << "start finalize() in " << name() << endmsg;
-    return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
-/// fill VxCandidateData
-StatusCode Trk::TrueTracksNtupleTool::fillTrueTracksInfo(const TrackCollection& trk_coll, const TrackTruthCollection& trk_true_coll) const {
-    if (msgLvl(MSG::DEBUG)) msg (MSG::DEBUG) << "in fillTrueTracksInfo(vxTrackAtVertex)"  << endmsg;
-    StatusCode status;
-   //fill track info
-   m_num_trks = trk_coll.size();
-   if (m_num_trks != 0) {
-      DataVector<Trk::Track>::const_iterator itr =  trk_coll.begin();
-      for (; itr != trk_coll.end(); ++itr)
-      {
-         ElementLink<TrackCollection> tracklink;
-         tracklink.setElement(const_cast<Trk::Track*>(*itr));
-         tracklink.setStorableObject(trk_coll);
-         const ElementLink<TrackCollection> tracklink2=tracklink;
-         TrackTruthCollection::const_iterator found = trk_true_coll.find(tracklink2);
-         if (found == trk_true_coll.end()) {
-            if (msgLvl(MSG::DEBUG)) msg (MSG::DEBUG) << " truth is missing" << endmsg;
-         } else {  
-             TrackTruth trk_truth=found->second;
-             const auto& particle = trk_truth.particleLink();
-             auto prod_vtx = particle->production_vertex();
-             //fill prod vertex
-             m_prod_x->push_back(prod_vtx->position().x());
-             m_prod_y->push_back(prod_vtx->position().y());
-             m_prod_z->push_back(prod_vtx->position().z());
-#ifdef HEPMC3
-             auto   parent_iter = prod_vtx->particles_in().begin();
-             HepMC::GenVertex::particle_iterator   parent_iter = prod_vtx->particles_begin(HepMC::parents);
-             m_parent_id->push_back((*parent_iter)->pdg_id());
-             m_particle_id->push_back(particle->pdg_id());
-            }
-       }//end loop over tracks
-   } else {
-     if (msgLvl(MSG::DEBUG)) msg (MSG::DEBUG) << "No tracks in the Track Collection!!" << endmsg;
-   }
-   m_tree->Fill();
-   m_prod_x->clear();
-   m_prod_y->clear();
-   m_prod_z->clear();
-   m_particle_id->clear();
-   m_parent_id->clear();
-   return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
diff --git a/Tracking/TrkValidation/TrkVertexFitterValidationTools/src/components/TrkVertexFitterValidationTools_entries.cxx b/Tracking/TrkValidation/TrkVertexFitterValidationTools/src/components/TrkVertexFitterValidationTools_entries.cxx
deleted file mode 100644
index 1a1111d9ab7f180bee94ff5459fad50f152fd302..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Tracking/TrkValidation/TrkVertexFitterValidationTools/src/components/TrkVertexFitterValidationTools_entries.cxx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-#include "TrkVertexFitterValidationTools/BasicVtxValidationNtupleTool.h"
-#include "TrkVertexFitterValidationTools/TrueTracksNtupleTool.h"
-#include "TrkVertexFitterValidationTools/McEventNtupleTool.h"
-DECLARE_COMPONENT( Trk::BasicVtxValidationNtupleTool )
-DECLARE_COMPONENT( Trk::TrueTracksNtupleTool )
-DECLARE_COMPONENT( Trk::McEventNtupleTool )