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Commit 8f3ea640 authored by Philipp Rincke's avatar Philipp Rincke Committed by Walter Lampl
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Decoupling of Trigger analysis and SF application in configuration

Decoupling of Trigger analysis and SF application in configuration
parent 71de9534
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......@@ -129,6 +129,7 @@ Trigger:
photons: 'AnaPhotons'
muons: 'AnaMuons'
# After configuring each container, many variables will be saved automatically.
treeName: 'analysis'
......@@ -224,6 +224,10 @@ class ConfigFactory():
from AsgAnalysisAlgorithms.EventCleaningConfig import EventCleaningBlock
self.addAlgConfigBlock(algName="EventCleaning", alg=EventCleaningBlock)
# trigger
from TriggerAnalysisAlgorithms.TriggerAnalysisConfig import Trigger
self.addAlgConfigBlock(algName="Trigger", alg=Trigger)
# jets
from JetAnalysisAlgorithms.JetAnalysisConfig import makeJetAnalysisConfig
self.addAlgConfigBlock(algName="Jets", alg=makeJetAnalysisConfig)
......@@ -301,11 +305,6 @@ class ConfigFactory():
from AsgAnalysisAlgorithms.AsgAnalysisConfig import ObjectCutFlowBlock
self.addAlgConfigBlock(algName='ObjectCutFlow', alg=ObjectCutFlowBlock)
# trigger
from TriggerAnalysisAlgorithms.TriggerAnalysisConfig import TriggerAnalysisBlock
self.addAlgConfigBlock(algName="Trigger", alg=TriggerAnalysisBlock,
defaults={'configName': 'Trigger'})
# event selection
from EventSelectionAlgorithms.EventSelectionConfig import makeMultipleEventSelectionConfigs
self.addAlgConfigBlock(algName='EventSelection', alg=makeMultipleEventSelectionConfigs)
# Copyright (C) 2002-2023 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
# Copyright (C) 2002-2024 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
# AnaAlgorithm import(s):
from AnalysisAlgorithmsConfig.ConfigBlock import ConfigBlock
from AnalysisAlgorithmsConfig.ConfigSequence import groupBlocks
from AnalysisAlgorithmsConfig.ConfigAccumulator import DataType
from AthenaConfiguration.Enums import LHCPeriod
from Campaigns.Utils import Campaign
class TriggerAnalysisBlock (ConfigBlock):
......@@ -32,32 +32,6 @@ class TriggerAnalysisBlock (ConfigBlock):
# TODO: add info string
self.addOption ('noL1', False, type=bool,
self.addOption ('electronID', '', type=str,
info="the electron ID WP (string) to use.")
self.addOption ('electronIsol', '', type=str,
info="the electron isolation WP (string) to use.")
self.addOption ('photonIsol', '', type=str,
info="the photon isolation WP (string) to use.")
self.addOption ('muonID', '', type=str,
info="the muon quality WP (string) to use.")
self.addOption ('electrons', '', type=str,
info="the input electron container, with a possible selection, in "
"the format container or container.selection.")
self.addOption ('muons', '', type=str,
info="the input muon container, with a possible selection, in the "
"format container or container.selection.")
self.addOption ('photons', '', type=str,
info="the input photon container, with a possible selection, in "
"the format container or container.selection.")
self.addOption ('noEffSF', False, type=bool,
info="disables the calculation of efficiencies and scale factors. "
"Experimental! only useful to test a new WP for which scale "
"factors are not available. Still performs the global trigger "
"matching (same behaviour as on data). The default is False.")
self.addOption ('noGlobalTriggerEff', False, type=bool,
info="disables the global trigger efficiency tool (including "
"matching), which is only suited for electron/muon/photon "
"trigger legs. The default is False.")
def makeTriggerDecisionTool(self, config):
......@@ -72,22 +46,6 @@ class TriggerAnalysisBlock (ConfigBlock):
return decisionTool
def makeTriggerMatchingTool(self, config, decisionTool):
# Create public trigger tools
drScoringTool = config.createPublicTool( 'Trig::DRScoringTool', 'DRScoringTool' )
if config.geometry() == LHCPeriod.Run3:
matchingTool = config.createPublicTool( 'Trig::R3MatchingTool', 'MatchingTool' )
matchingTool.ScoringTool = '%s/%s' % \
( drScoringTool.getType(), drScoringTool.getName() )
matchingTool.TrigDecisionTool = '%s/%s' % \
( decisionTool.getType(), decisionTool.getName() )
matchingTool = config.createPublicTool( 'Trig::MatchFromCompositeTool', 'MatchingTool' )
if config.isPhyslite():
matchingTool.InputPrefix = "AnalysisTrigMatch_"
return matchingTool
def makeTriggerSelectionAlg(self, config, decisionTool):
......@@ -116,63 +74,9 @@ class TriggerAnalysisBlock (ConfigBlock):
alg.prescaleDecoration = 'prescale'
def makeTriggerGlobalEffCorrAlg(self, config, matchingTool, noSF):
alg = config.createAlgorithm( 'CP::TrigGlobalEfficiencyAlg', 'TrigGlobalSFAlg' )
if config.geometry() == LHCPeriod.Run3:
alg.triggers_2022 = [trig.replace("HLT_","").replace(" || ", "_OR_") for trig in self.triggerChainsPerYear.get('2022',[])]
alg.triggers_2023 = [trig.replace("HLT_","").replace(" || ", "_OR_") for trig in self.triggerChainsPerYear.get('2023',[])]
alg.triggers_2024 = [trig.replace("HLT_","").replace(" || ", "_OR_") for trig in self.triggerChainsPerYear.get('2024',[])]
alg.triggers_2025 = [trig.replace("HLT_","").replace(" || ", "_OR_") for trig in self.triggerChainsPerYear.get('2025',[])]
if config.campaign() in [Campaign.MC21a, Campaign.MC23a]:
if not alg.triggers_2022:
raise ValueError( 'TriggerAnalysisConfig: you must provide a set of triggers for the year 2022!' )
elif config.campaign() is Campaign.MC23c:
if not alg.triggers_2023:
raise ValueError( 'TriggerAnalysisConfig: you must provide a set of triggers for the year 2023!' )
alg.triggers_2015 = [trig.replace("HLT_","").replace(" || ", "_OR_") for trig in self.triggerChainsPerYear.get('2015',[])]
alg.triggers_2016 = [trig.replace("HLT_","").replace(" || ", "_OR_") for trig in self.triggerChainsPerYear.get('2016',[])]
alg.triggers_2017 = [trig.replace("HLT_","").replace(" || ", "_OR_") for trig in self.triggerChainsPerYear.get('2017',[])]
alg.triggers_2018 = [trig.replace("HLT_","").replace(" || ", "_OR_") for trig in self.triggerChainsPerYear.get('2018',[])]
if config.campaign() is Campaign.MC20a:
if not (alg.triggers_2015 and alg.triggers_2016):
raise ValueError( 'TriggerAnalysisConfig: you must provide a set of triggers for the years 2015 and 2016!' )
elif config.campaign() is Campaign.MC20d:
if not alg.triggers_2017:
raise ValueError( 'TriggerAnalysisConfig: you must provide a set of triggers for the year 2017!' )
elif config.campaign() is Campaign.MC20e:
if not alg.triggers_2018:
raise ValueError( 'TriggerAnalysisConfig: you must provide a set of triggers for the year 2018!' )
alg.matchingTool = '%s/%s' % ( matchingTool.getType(), matchingTool.getName() )
alg.isRun3Geo = config.geometry() == LHCPeriod.Run3
alg.scaleFactorDecoration = 'globalTriggerEffSF_%SYS%'
alg.matchingDecoration = 'globalTriggerMatch_%SYS%'
alg.eventDecisionOutputDecoration = 'globalTriggerMatch_dontsave_%SYS%'
alg.doMatchingOnly = config.dataType() is DataType.Data or noSF
alg.noFilter = self.noFilter
alg.electronID = self.electronID
alg.electronIsol = self.electronIsol
alg.photonIsol = self.photonIsol
alg.muonID = self.muonID
if self.electrons:
alg.electrons, alg.electronSelection = config.readNameAndSelection(self.electrons)
if self.muons:
alg.muons, alg.muonSelection = config.readNameAndSelection(self.muons)
if self.photons:
alg.photons, alg.photonSelection = config.readNameAndSelection(self.photons)
if not (self.electrons or self.muons or self.photons):
raise ValueError ('TriggerAnalysisConfig: at least one object collection must be provided! (electrons, muons, photons)' )
if config.dataType() != DataType.Data and not alg.doMatchingOnly:
config.addOutputVar ('EventInfo', alg.scaleFactorDecoration, 'globalTriggerEffSF')
config.addOutputVar ('EventInfo', alg.matchingDecoration, 'globalTriggerMatch', noSys=False)
def makeAlgs (self, config) :
# if we are only given the trigger dictionary, we fill the selection list automatically
if self.triggerChainsPerYear and not self.triggerChainsForSelection:
triggers = set()
......@@ -188,14 +92,15 @@ class TriggerAnalysisBlock (ConfigBlock):
# Create the decision algorithm, keeping track of the decision tool for later
decisionTool = self.makeTriggerDecisionTool(config)
# Now pass it to the matching algorithm, keeping track of the matching tool for later
matchingTool = self.makeTriggerMatchingTool(config, decisionTool)
if self.triggerChainsForSelection:
self.makeTriggerSelectionAlg(config, decisionTool)
# Calculate multi-lepton (electron/muon/photon) trigger efficiencies and SFs
if self.triggerChainsPerYear and not self.noGlobalTriggerEff:
self.makeTriggerGlobalEffCorrAlg(config, matchingTool, self.noEffSF)
def Trigger(seq):
from TriggerAnalysisAlgorithms.TriggerAnalysisSFConfig import TriggerAnalysisSFBlock
# Copyright (C) 2002-2024 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
# AnaAlgorithm import(s):
from AnalysisAlgorithmsConfig.ConfigBlock import ConfigBlock
from AnalysisAlgorithmsConfig.ConfigAccumulator import DataType
from AthenaConfiguration.Enums import LHCPeriod
from Campaigns.Utils import Campaign
class TriggerAnalysisSFBlock (ConfigBlock):
"""the ConfigBlock for trigger analysis"""
def __init__ (self, configName='') :
super (TriggerAnalysisSFBlock, self).__init__ ()
self.addDependency('Electrons', required=False)
self.addDependency('Photons', required=False)
self.addDependency('Muons', required=False)
self.addDependency('OverlapRemoval', required=False)
self.addOption ('triggerChainsPerYear', {}, type=None,
info="a dictionary with key (string) the year and value (list of "
"strings) the trigger chains. You can also use || within a string "
"to enforce an OR of triggers without looking up the individual "
"triggers. Used for both trigger selection and SFs. "
"The default is {} (empty dictionary).")
self.addOption ('noFilter', False, type=bool,
info="do not apply an event filter. The default is False, i.e. "
"remove events not passing trigger selection and matching.")
self.addOption ('electronID', '', type=str,
info="the electron ID WP (string) to use.")
self.addOption ('electronIsol', '', type=str,
info="the electron isolation WP (string) to use.")
self.addOption ('photonIsol', '', type=str,
info="the photon isolation WP (string) to use.")
self.addOption ('muonID', '', type=str,
info="the muon quality WP (string) to use.")
self.addOption ('electrons', '', type=str,
info="the input electron container, with a possible selection, in "
"the format container or container.selection.")
self.addOption ('muons', '', type=str,
info="the input muon container, with a possible selection, in the "
"format container or container.selection.")
self.addOption ('photons', '', type=str,
info="the input photon container, with a possible selection, in "
"the format container or container.selection.")
self.addOption ('noEffSF', False, type=bool,
info="disables the calculation of efficiencies and scale factors. "
"Experimental! only useful to test a new WP for which scale "
"factors are not available. Still performs the global trigger "
"matching (same behaviour as on data). The default is False.")
self.addOption ('noGlobalTriggerEff', False, type=bool,
info="disables the global trigger efficiency tool (including "
"matching), which is only suited for electron/muon/photon "
"trigger legs. The default is False.")
def makeTriggerDecisionTool(self, config):
# Might have already been added in TriggerAnalysisBlock
if "TrigDecisionTool" in config._algorithms:
return config._algorithms["TrigDecisionTool"]
# Create public trigger tools
xAODConfTool = config.createPublicTool( 'TrigConf::xAODConfigTool', 'xAODConfigTool' )
decisionTool = config.createPublicTool( 'Trig::TrigDecisionTool', 'TrigDecisionTool' )
decisionTool.ConfigTool = '%s/%s' % \
( xAODConfTool.getType(), xAODConfTool.getName() )
if config.geometry() == LHCPeriod.Run3:
decisionTool.NavigationFormat = 'TrigComposite' # Read Run 3 navigation (options are "TrigComposite" for R3 or "TriggElement" for R2, R2 navigation is not kept in most DAODs)
decisionTool.HLTSummary = 'HLTNav_Summary_DAODSlimmed' # Name of R3 navigation container (if reading from AOD, then "HLTNav_Summary_AODSlimmed" instead)
return decisionTool
def makeTriggerMatchingTool(self, config, decisionTool):
# Create public trigger tools
drScoringTool = config.createPublicTool( 'Trig::DRScoringTool', 'DRScoringTool' )
if config.geometry() == LHCPeriod.Run3:
matchingTool = config.createPublicTool( 'Trig::R3MatchingTool', 'MatchingTool' )
matchingTool.ScoringTool = '%s/%s' % \
( drScoringTool.getType(), drScoringTool.getName() )
matchingTool.TrigDecisionTool = '%s/%s' % \
( decisionTool.getType(), decisionTool.getName() )
matchingTool = config.createPublicTool( 'Trig::MatchFromCompositeTool', 'MatchingTool' )
if config.isPhyslite():
matchingTool.InputPrefix = "AnalysisTrigMatch_"
return matchingTool
def makeTriggerGlobalEffCorrAlg(self, config, matchingTool, noSF):
alg = config.createAlgorithm( 'CP::TrigGlobalEfficiencyAlg', 'TrigGlobalSFAlg' )
if config.geometry() == LHCPeriod.Run3:
alg.triggers_2022 = [trig.replace("HLT_","").replace(" || ", "_OR_") for trig in self.triggerChainsPerYear.get('2022',[])]
alg.triggers_2023 = [trig.replace("HLT_","").replace(" || ", "_OR_") for trig in self.triggerChainsPerYear.get('2023',[])]
alg.triggers_2024 = [trig.replace("HLT_","").replace(" || ", "_OR_") for trig in self.triggerChainsPerYear.get('2024',[])]
alg.triggers_2025 = [trig.replace("HLT_","").replace(" || ", "_OR_") for trig in self.triggerChainsPerYear.get('2025',[])]
if config.campaign() in [Campaign.MC21a, Campaign.MC23a]:
if not alg.triggers_2022:
raise ValueError( 'TriggerAnalysisConfig: you must provide a set of triggers for the year 2022!' )
elif config.campaign() is Campaign.MC23c:
if not alg.triggers_2023:
raise ValueError( 'TriggerAnalysisConfig: you must provide a set of triggers for the year 2023!' )
alg.triggers_2015 = [trig.replace("HLT_","").replace(" || ", "_OR_") for trig in self.triggerChainsPerYear.get('2015',[])]
alg.triggers_2016 = [trig.replace("HLT_","").replace(" || ", "_OR_") for trig in self.triggerChainsPerYear.get('2016',[])]
alg.triggers_2017 = [trig.replace("HLT_","").replace(" || ", "_OR_") for trig in self.triggerChainsPerYear.get('2017',[])]
alg.triggers_2018 = [trig.replace("HLT_","").replace(" || ", "_OR_") for trig in self.triggerChainsPerYear.get('2018',[])]
if config.campaign() is Campaign.MC20a:
if not (alg.triggers_2015 and alg.triggers_2016):
raise ValueError( 'TriggerAnalysisConfig: you must provide a set of triggers for the years 2015 and 2016!' )
elif config.campaign() is Campaign.MC20d:
if not alg.triggers_2017:
raise ValueError( 'TriggerAnalysisConfig: you must provide a set of triggers for the year 2017!' )
elif config.campaign() is Campaign.MC20e:
if not alg.triggers_2018:
raise ValueError( 'TriggerAnalysisConfig: you must provide a set of triggers for the year 2018!' )
alg.matchingTool = '%s/%s' % ( matchingTool.getType(), matchingTool.getName() )
alg.isRun3Geo = config.geometry() == LHCPeriod.Run3
alg.scaleFactorDecoration = 'globalTriggerEffSF_%SYS%'
alg.matchingDecoration = 'globalTriggerMatch_%SYS%'
alg.eventDecisionOutputDecoration = 'dontsave_%SYS%'
alg.doMatchingOnly = config.dataType() is DataType.Data or noSF
alg.noFilter = self.noFilter
alg.electronID = self.electronID
alg.electronIsol = self.electronIsol
alg.photonIsol = self.photonIsol
alg.muonID = self.muonID
if self.electrons:
alg.electrons, alg.electronSelection = config.readNameAndSelection(self.electrons)
if self.muons:
alg.muons, alg.muonSelection = config.readNameAndSelection(self.muons)
if self.photons:
alg.photons, alg.photonSelection = config.readNameAndSelection(self.photons)
if not (self.electrons or self.muons or self.photons):
raise ValueError ('TriggerAnalysisConfig: at least one object collection must be provided! (electrons, muons, photons)' )
if config.dataType() != DataType.Data and not alg.doMatchingOnly:
config.addOutputVar ('EventInfo', alg.scaleFactorDecoration, 'globalTriggerEffSF')
config.addOutputVar ('EventInfo', alg.matchingDecoration, 'globalTriggerMatch', noSys=True)
def makeAlgs (self, config) :
# Create the decision algorithm, keeping track of the decision tool for later
decisionTool = self.makeTriggerDecisionTool(config)
# Now pass it to the matching algorithm, keeping track of the matching tool for later
matchingTool = self.makeTriggerMatchingTool(config, decisionTool)
# Calculate multi-lepton (electron/muon/photon) trigger efficiencies and SFs
if self.triggerChainsPerYear and not self.noGlobalTriggerEff:
self.makeTriggerGlobalEffCorrAlg(config, matchingTool, self.noEffSF)
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