diff --git a/Trigger/EFTracking/FPGATrackSim/FPGATrackSimBankGen/python/FPGATrackSimBankGenConfig.py b/Trigger/EFTracking/FPGATrackSim/FPGATrackSimBankGen/python/FPGATrackSimBankGenConfig.py
index 4325df9b524a86150d023f8d0bff00ecacd9d7ab..2aaa249e0705143f88ca3211e4c27b691f131cdd 100644
--- a/Trigger/EFTracking/FPGATrackSim/FPGATrackSimBankGen/python/FPGATrackSimBankGenConfig.py
+++ b/Trigger/EFTracking/FPGATrackSim/FPGATrackSimBankGen/python/FPGATrackSimBankGenConfig.py
@@ -85,10 +85,10 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
     log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+    flags.Trigger.FPGATrackSim.Hough.IdealGeoRoads = False 
     flags = prepareFlagsForFPGATrackSimBankGen(flags)
     ### we don't want to load sectors when running bank gen, set this to false
-    flags.Trigger.FPGATrackSim.ActiveConfig.IdealGeoRoads = False 
diff --git a/Trigger/EFTracking/FPGATrackSim/FPGATrackSimConfTools/CMakeLists.txt b/Trigger/EFTracking/FPGATrackSim/FPGATrackSimConfTools/CMakeLists.txt
index 38f43dfa6e0865bdd5d1e7f5c22881ac776d86e2..f5ee1f2994f2b39651b447795bfd946b418e86ed 100644
--- a/Trigger/EFTracking/FPGATrackSim/FPGATrackSimConfTools/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/Trigger/EFTracking/FPGATrackSim/FPGATrackSimConfTools/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -38,6 +38,7 @@ atlas_add_test( FPGATrackSimConfigFlags_test
                 POST_EXEC_SCRIPT noerror.sh )
 atlas_add_test( FPGATrackSimWorflows_test
-                SCRIPT FPGATrackWorkflow.sh 
-                POST_EXEC_SCRIPT noerror.sh)
+                SCRIPT FPGATrackWorkflow.sh
+                POST_EXEC_SCRIPT noerror.sh
+                PROPERTIES TIMEOUT 300)
diff --git a/Trigger/EFTracking/FPGATrackSim/FPGATrackSimConfTools/test/FPGATrackWorkflow.sh b/Trigger/EFTracking/FPGATrackSim/FPGATrackSimConfTools/test/FPGATrackWorkflow.sh
index c87a92bc0187e7e178946ea9ea5c2e278da00543..5cbc6e3280ec8c3ff05e3064e53c90c3d10ebeb9 100755
--- a/Trigger/EFTracking/FPGATrackSim/FPGATrackSimConfTools/test/FPGATrackWorkflow.sh
+++ b/Trigger/EFTracking/FPGATrackSim/FPGATrackSimConfTools/test/FPGATrackWorkflow.sh
@@ -1,103 +1,93 @@
+set -e
-# get the file from CERNBOX
-# this is temporary measure, the test will switch to file on CVMFS once there is one available
-if [ ! -f rdo_small.root ]
-    curl https://cernbox.cern.ch/remote.php/dav/public-files/12CCGeTUn0I3MLv/eos/user/t/tbold/EFTracking/rdo_small.root --output rdo_small.root
-    if [ ! -f rdo_small.root ] 
-    then
-        echo "Could not fetch the input rdo file, exiting, ..."
-        return 1 2> /dev/null || exit 1    
-    fi
-    echo "A small input RDO has been downloaded, ..."
-    echo "A small input RDO has been downloaded previously, ..."
 #make wrapper file
+echo "... RDO to AOD with sim"
 Reco_tf.py --CA \
     --steering doRAWtoALL \
     --preExec "flags.Trigger.FPGATrackSim.wrapperFileName='wrapper.root'" \
     --preInclude "InDetConfig.ConfigurationHelpers.OnlyTrackingPreInclude,ActsConfig.ActsCIFlags.actsValidateTracksFlags" \
     --postInclude "FPGATrackSimSGInput.FPGATrackSimSGInputConfig.FPGATrackSimSGInputCfg" \
-    --inputRDOFile rdo_small.root \
+    --inputRDOFile ${RDO} \
     --outputAODFile AOD.pool.root \
-    --maxEvents -1 &&
-ls -l &&
+    --maxEvents ${RDO_EVT}
+ls -l
+echo "... RDO to AOD with sim, this part is done ..."
 # generate maps
+echo "... Maps Making"
 python -m FPGATrackSimConfTools.FPGATrackSimMapMakerConfig \
 --filesInput=wrapper.root \
 OutFileName="MyMaps_" \
 region=0 \
-GeoModel.AtlasVersion="ATLAS-P2-RUN4-03-00-00" &&
-ls -l &&
+ls -l
+echo "... Maps Making, this part is done ..."
-mkdir -p maps &&
-mv MyMaps_region0.rmap maps/eta0103phi0305.rmap &&
-mv *.rmap maps/eta0103phi0305.subrmap &&
-mv MyMaps_region0.pmap maps/pmap &&
-touch maps/moduleidmap &&
+mkdir -p maps
+mv MyMaps_region0.rmap maps/eta0103phi0305.rmap
+mv *.rmap maps/eta0103phi0305.subrmap
+mv MyMaps_region0.pmap maps/pmap
+touch maps/moduleidmap
+echo "... Banks generation"
 python -m FPGATrackSimBankGen.FPGATrackSimBankGenConfig \
---filesInput=rdo_small.root \
-Trigger.FPGATrackSim.mapsDir=maps  &&
-ls -l &&
-### The above bank is great but is too small to make fit constants
-# get the file from CERNBOX
-# this is temporary measure, the test will switch to file on CVMFS once there is one available
-if [ ! -f combined_input_matrix.root ]
-    curl https://cernbox.cern.ch/remote.php/dav/public-files/WRZ2LVU6K4P8iQV/combined_matrix.root --output combined_input_matrix.root
-    if [ ! -f combined_input_matrix.root ] 
-    then
-        echo "Could not fetch the input matrix file, exitting, ..."
-        return 1 2> /dev/null || exit 1    
-    fi
-    echo "A matrix file has been downloaded, ..."
-    echo "A matrix file has been downloaded previously, ..."
+--filesInput=${RDO} \
+--evtMax=${RDO_EVT} \
+ls -l
+echo "... Banks generation, this part is done ..."
-### Run const generation on combined matrix file
+echo "... const generation on combined matrix file"
 python -m FPGATrackSimBankGen.FPGATrackSimBankConstGenConfig \
-    Trigger.FPGATrackSim.FPGATrackSimMatrixFileRegEx='./combined_input_matrix.root' \
+    Trigger.FPGATrackSim.FPGATrackSimMatrixFileRegEx='/cvmfs/atlas-nightlies.cern.ch/repo/data/data-art/PhaseIIUpgrade/EFTracking/ATLAS-P2-RUN4-03-00-00/combined_matrix.root' \
     Trigger.FPGATrackSim.mapsDir=./maps/ \
-    --evtMax=1 && \
-ls -l &&
+    --evtMax=1
+ls -l
+echo "... const generation on combined matrix file, this part is done ..."
-mkdir -p banks && 
-mv sectors* slices* corr* const.root combined_matrix.root banks &&
+mkdir -p banks 
+mv sectors* slices* corr* const.root combined_matrix.root banks
-# # run analysis
+echo "... analysis on wrapper"
 python -m FPGATrackSimConfTools.FPGATrackSimAnalysisConfig \
 Trigger.FPGATrackSim.wrapperFileName="wrapper.root" \
 Trigger.FPGATrackSim.mapsDir=./maps \
 Trigger.FPGATrackSim.tracking=True \
-Trigger.FPGATrackSim.bankDir=./banks/ &&
-ls -l &&
+ls -l
+echo "... analysis on wrapper, this part is done ..."
+echo "... analysis on RDO"
 python -m FPGATrackSimConfTools.FPGATrackSimAnalysisConfig \
---filesInput=rdo_small.root \
+--filesInput=${RDO} \
+--evtMax=${RDO_EVT} \
 Trigger.FPGATrackSim.mapsDir=./maps \
 Trigger.FPGATrackSim.tracking=True \
 Trigger.FPGATrackSim.sampleType='skipTruth' \
-Trigger.FPGATrackSim.bankDir=./banks/ &&
-ls -l &&
+ls -l
+echo "... analysis on RDO, this part is done ..."
+echo "... analysis output verification"
 cat << EOF > checkHist.C
-    TH1* h = (TH1*)gDirectory->Get("nroads_1st"); 
+    TH1* h = (TH1*)gDirectory->Get("nroads_1st");
+    if ( h == nullptr )
+        throw std::runtime_error("oh dear, after all of this there are no roads histogram");
     if ( h->GetEntries() == 0 ) {
-        throw std::runtime_error("oh dear, after all of this there are no roads");
+        throw std::runtime_error("oh dear, after all of this there are zero roads");
 root -b -q monitoring.root checkHist.C
+echo "... analysis output verification, this part is done ..."
+echo "... all done ..."