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Commit fb3a098b authored by Nils Krumnack's avatar Nils Krumnack
Browse files

make a configuration block for overlap removal

This is mostly a combination of what is in the full sequence test and
what is done in the MET config.
parent 5c4cb9b2
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......@@ -390,7 +390,7 @@ def makeSequenceOld (dataType, algSeq, vars, forCompare, isPhyslite, noPhysliteB
# Include, and then set up the overlap analysis algorithm sequence:
from AsgAnalysisAlgorithms.OverlapAnalysisSequence import \
overlapSequence = makeOverlapAnalysisSequence( dataType, doTaus=False, enableCutflow=True, shallowViewOutput = False, inputLabel = 'preselectOR', outputLabel = 'passesOR' )
overlapSequence = makeOverlapAnalysisSequence( dataType, doTaus=True, enableCutflow=True, shallowViewOutput = False, inputLabel = 'preselectOR', outputLabel = 'passesOR' )
inputName = {
'electrons' : 'AnaElectrons_%SYS%',
......@@ -402,14 +402,13 @@ def makeSequenceOld (dataType, algSeq, vars, forCompare, isPhyslite, noPhysliteB
outputName = { } )
algSeq += overlapSequence
if not forCompare :
vars += [
'OutJets_%SYS%.passesOR_%SYS% -> jet_select_or_%SYS%',
'OutElectrons_%SYS%.passesOR_%SYS% -> el_select_or_%SYS%',
'OutPhotons_%SYS%.passesOR_%SYS% -> ph_select_or_%SYS%',
'OutMuons_%SYS%.passesOR_%SYS% -> mu_select_or_%SYS%',
'OutTauJets_%SYS%.passesOR_%SYS% -> tau_select_or_%SYS%',
vars += [
'OutJets_%SYS%.passesOR_%SYS% -> jet_select_or_%SYS%',
'OutElectrons_%SYS%.passesOR_%SYS% -> el_select_or_%SYS%',
'OutPhotons_%SYS%.passesOR_%SYS% -> ph_select_or_%SYS%',
'OutMuons_%SYS%.passesOR_%SYS% -> mu_select_or_%SYS%',
'OutTauJets_%SYS%.passesOR_%SYS% -> tau_select_or_%SYS%',
if dataType != 'data' :
# Include, and then set up the generator analysis sequence:
......@@ -630,6 +629,27 @@ def makeSequenceBlocks (dataType, algSeq, vars, forCompare, isPhyslite, noPhysli
# Include, and then set up the overlap analysis algorithm config:
from AsgAnalysisAlgorithms.OverlapAnalysisConfig import \
makeOverlapAnalysisConfig( configSeq,
electrons = 'AnaElectrons.loose',
photons = 'AnaPhotons.tight',
muons = 'AnaMuons.medium',
jets = 'AnaJets',
taus = 'AnaTauJets.tight',
inputLabel = 'preselectOR',
outputLabel = 'passesOR' )
vars += [
'OutJets_%SYS%.passesOR_%SYS% -> jet_select_or_%SYS%',
'OutElectrons_%SYS%.passesOR_%SYS% -> el_select_or_%SYS%',
'OutPhotons_%SYS%.passesOR_%SYS% -> ph_select_or_%SYS%',
'OutMuons_%SYS%.passesOR_%SYS% -> mu_select_or_%SYS%',
'OutTauJets_%SYS%.passesOR_%SYS% -> tau_select_or_%SYS%',
from AsgAnalysisAlgorithms.AsgAnalysisConfig import makeOutputThinningConfig
makeOutputThinningConfig (configSeq, 'AnaElectrons',
# Copyright (C) 2002-2022 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
# AnaAlgorithm import(s):
from AnalysisAlgorithmsConfig.ConfigBlock import ConfigBlock
class OverlapAnalysisConfig (ConfigBlock):
"""the ConfigBlock for the MET configuration"""
def __init__ (self) :
super (OverlapAnalysisConfig, self).__init__ ()
self.inputLabel = ''
self.outputLabel = 'passesOR'
self.linkOverlapObjects = False
self.doEleEleOR = False
self.enableUserPriority = False
self.bJetLabel = ''
self.boostedLeptons = False
self.postfix = ''
self.jets = ""
self.fatJets = ""
self.electrons = ""
self.muons = ""
self.photons = ""
self.taus = ""
def makeAlgs (self, config) :
postfix = self.postfix
# For now we have to decorate our selections on the objects in
# separate algorithms beforehand, so that the overlap
# algorithm can read them. This should probably be changed at
# some point. For one, this seems like an unnecessary
# complication in the configuration. For another, it requires
# that all selection systematics applied so far have dedicated
# shallow copies for all objects and systematics, i.e. be
# kinematic systematics. While that is technically the case
# right now, I'd prefer if I didn't force that.
electrons = None
if self.electrons != "" :
alg = config.createAlgorithm( 'CP::AsgSelectionAlg','ORElectronsSelectAlg' + postfix )
electrons, alg.preselection = config.readNameAndSelection (self.electrons)
alg.particles = electrons
alg.selectionDecoration = self.inputLabel + ',as_char'
photons = None
if self.photons != "" :
alg = config.createAlgorithm( 'CP::AsgSelectionAlg','ORPhotonsSelectAlg' + postfix )
photons, alg.preselection = config.readNameAndSelection (self.photons)
alg.particles = photons
alg.selectionDecoration = self.inputLabel + ',as_char'
muons = None
if self.muons != "" :
alg = config.createAlgorithm( 'CP::AsgSelectionAlg','ORMuonsSelectAlg' + postfix )
muons, alg.preselection = config.readNameAndSelection (self.muons)
alg.particles = muons
alg.selectionDecoration = self.inputLabel + ',as_char'
taus = None
if self.taus != "" :
alg = config.createAlgorithm( 'CP::AsgSelectionAlg','ORTausSelectAlg' + postfix )
taus, alg.preselection = config.readNameAndSelection (self.taus)
alg.particles = taus
alg.selectionDecoration = self.inputLabel + ',as_char'
jets = None
if self.jets != "" :
alg = config.createAlgorithm( 'CP::AsgSelectionAlg','ORJetsSelectAlg' + postfix )
jets, alg.preselection = config.readNameAndSelection (self.jets)
alg.particles = jets
alg.selectionDecoration = self.inputLabel + ',as_char'
fatJets = None
if self.fatJets != "" :
alg = config.createAlgorithm( 'CP::AsgSelectionAlg','ORFatJetsSelectAlg' + postfix )
fatJets, alg.preselection = config.readNameAndSelection (self.fatJets)
alg.particles = fatJets
alg.selectionDecoration = self.inputLabel + ',as_char'
# Create the overlap removal algorithm:
alg = config.createAlgorithm( 'CP::OverlapRemovalAlg', 'OverlapRemovalAlg' + postfix )
alg.OutputLabel = self.outputLabel
if electrons :
alg.electrons = electrons
alg.electronsDecoration = self.outputLabel + '_%SYS%,as_char'
config.addSelection (electrons, self.outputLabel, alg.electronsDecoration, bits=1)
if muons :
alg.muons = muons
alg.muonsDecoration = self.outputLabel + '_%SYS%,as_char'
config.addSelection (muons, self.outputLabel, alg.muonsDecoration, bits=1)
if taus :
alg.taus = taus
alg.tausDecoration = self.outputLabel + '_%SYS%,as_char'
config.addSelection (taus, self.outputLabel, alg.tausDecoration, bits=1)
if jets :
alg.jets = jets
alg.jetsDecoration = self.outputLabel + '_%SYS%,as_char'
config.addSelection (jets, self.outputLabel, alg.jetsDecoration, bits=1)
if photons :
alg.photons = photons
alg.photonsDecoration = self.outputLabel + '_%SYS%,as_char'
config.addSelection (photons, self.outputLabel, alg.photonsDecoration, bits=1)
if fatJets :
alg.fatJets = fatJets
alg.fatJetsDecoration = self.outputLabel + '_%SYS%,as_char'
config.addSelection (fatJets, self.outputLabel, alg.fatJetsDecoration, bits=1)
# Create its main tool, and set its basic properties:
config.addPrivateTool( 'overlapTool', 'ORUtils::OverlapRemovalTool' )
alg.overlapTool.InputLabel = self.inputLabel
alg.overlapTool.OutputLabel = self.outputLabel
# By default the OverlapRemovalTool would flag objects that need to be
# suppressed, with a "true" value. But since the analysis algorithms expect
# the opposite behaviour from selection flags, we need to tell the tool
# explicitly to use the "true" flag on objects that pass the overlap
# removal.
alg.overlapTool.OutputPassValue = True
# Set up the electron-electron overlap removal, if requested.
if electrons and self.doEleEleOR:
config.addPrivateTool( 'overlapTool.EleEleORT',
'ORUtils::EleEleOverlapTool' )
alg.overlapTool.EleEleORT.InputLabel = self.inputLabel
alg.overlapTool.EleEleORT.OutputLabel = self.outputLabel
alg.overlapTool.EleEleORT.LinkOverlapObjects = self.linkOverlapObjects
alg.overlapTool.EleEleORT.OutputPassValue = True
# Set up the electron-muon overlap removal.
if electrons and muons:
config.addPrivateTool( 'overlapTool.EleMuORT',
'ORUtils::EleMuSharedTrkOverlapTool' )
alg.overlapTool.EleMuORT.InputLabel = self.inputLabel
alg.overlapTool.EleMuORT.OutputLabel = self.outputLabel
alg.overlapTool.EleMuORT.LinkOverlapObjects = self.linkOverlapObjects
alg.overlapTool.EleMuORT.OutputPassValue = True
# Set up the electron-(narrow-)jet overlap removal.
if electrons and jets:
config.addPrivateTool( 'overlapTool.EleJetORT',
'ORUtils::EleJetOverlapTool' )
alg.overlapTool.EleJetORT.InputLabel = self.inputLabel
alg.overlapTool.EleJetORT.OutputLabel = self.outputLabel
alg.overlapTool.EleJetORT.LinkOverlapObjects = self.linkOverlapObjects
alg.overlapTool.EleJetORT.BJetLabel = self.bJetLabel
alg.overlapTool.EleJetORT.UseSlidingDR = self.boostedLeptons
alg.overlapTool.EleJetORT.EnableUserPriority = self.enableUserPriority
alg.overlapTool.EleJetORT.OutputPassValue = True
# Set up the muon-(narrow-)jet overlap removal.
if muons and jets:
config.addPrivateTool( 'overlapTool.MuJetORT',
'ORUtils::MuJetOverlapTool' )
alg.overlapTool.MuJetORT.InputLabel = self.inputLabel
alg.overlapTool.MuJetORT.OutputLabel = self.outputLabel
alg.overlapTool.MuJetORT.LinkOverlapObjects = self.linkOverlapObjects
alg.overlapTool.MuJetORT.BJetLabel = self.bJetLabel
alg.overlapTool.MuJetORT.UseSlidingDR = self.boostedLeptons
alg.overlapTool.MuJetORT.EnableUserPriority = self.enableUserPriority
alg.overlapTool.MuJetORT.OutputPassValue = True
# Set up the tau-electron overlap removal.
if taus and electrons:
config.addPrivateTool( 'overlapTool.TauEleORT',
'ORUtils::DeltaROverlapTool' )
alg.overlapTool.TauEleORT.InputLabel = self.inputLabel
alg.overlapTool.TauEleORT.OutputLabel = self.outputLabel
alg.overlapTool.TauEleORT.LinkOverlapObjects = self.linkOverlapObjects
alg.overlapTool.TauEleORT.DR = 0.2
alg.overlapTool.TauEleORT.OutputPassValue = True
# Set up the tau-muon overlap removal.
if taus and muons:
config.addPrivateTool( 'overlapTool.TauMuORT',
'ORUtils::DeltaROverlapTool' )
alg.overlapTool.TauMuORT.InputLabel = self.inputLabel
alg.overlapTool.TauMuORT.OutputLabel = self.outputLabel
alg.overlapTool.TauMuORT.LinkOverlapObjects = self.linkOverlapObjects
alg.overlapTool.TauMuORT.DR = 0.2
alg.overlapTool.TauMuORT.OutputPassValue = True
# Set up the tau-(narrow-)jet overlap removal.
if taus and jets:
config.addPrivateTool( 'overlapTool.TauJetORT',
'ORUtils::DeltaROverlapTool' )
alg.overlapTool.TauJetORT.InputLabel = self.inputLabel
alg.overlapTool.TauJetORT.OutputLabel = self.outputLabel
alg.overlapTool.TauJetORT.LinkOverlapObjects = self.linkOverlapObjects
alg.overlapTool.TauJetORT.DR = 0.2
alg.overlapTool.TauJetORT.EnableUserPriority = self.enableUserPriority
alg.overlapTool.TauJetORT.OutputPassValue = True
# Set up the photon-electron overlap removal.
if photons and electrons:
config.addPrivateTool( 'overlapTool.PhoEleORT',
'ORUtils::DeltaROverlapTool' )
alg.overlapTool.PhoEleORT.InputLabel = self.inputLabel
alg.overlapTool.PhoEleORT.OutputLabel = self.outputLabel
alg.overlapTool.PhoEleORT.LinkOverlapObjects = self.linkOverlapObjects
alg.overlapTool.PhoEleORT.OutputPassValue = True
# Set up the photon-muon overlap removal.
if photons and muons:
config.addPrivateTool( 'overlapTool.PhoMuORT',
'ORUtils::DeltaROverlapTool' )
alg.overlapTool.PhoMuORT.InputLabel = self.inputLabel
alg.overlapTool.PhoMuORT.OutputLabel = self.outputLabel
alg.overlapTool.PhoMuORT.LinkOverlapObjects = self.linkOverlapObjects
alg.overlapTool.PhoMuORT.OutputPassValue = True
# Set up the photon-(narrow-)jet overlap removal.
if photons and jets:
config.addPrivateTool( 'overlapTool.PhoJetORT',
'ORUtils::DeltaROverlapTool' )
alg.overlapTool.PhoJetORT.InputLabel = self.inputLabel
alg.overlapTool.PhoJetORT.OutputLabel = self.outputLabel
alg.overlapTool.PhoJetORT.LinkOverlapObjects = self.linkOverlapObjects
alg.overlapTool.PhoJetORT.EnableUserPriority = self.enableUserPriority
alg.overlapTool.PhoJetORT.OutputPassValue = True
# Set up the electron-fat-jet overlap removal.
if electrons and fatJets:
config.addPrivateTool( 'overlapTool.EleFatJetORT',
'ORUtils::DeltaROverlapTool' )
alg.overlapTool.EleFatJetORT.InputLabel = self.inputLabel
alg.overlapTool.EleFatJetORT.OutputLabel = self.outputLabel
alg.overlapTool.EleFatJetORT.LinkOverlapObjects = self.linkOverlapObjects
alg.overlapTool.EleFatJetORT.DR = 1.0
alg.overlapTool.EleFatJetORT.OutputPassValue = True
# Set up the (narrow-)jet-fat-jet overlap removal.
if jets and fatJets:
config.addPrivateTool( 'overlapTool.JetFatJetORT',
'ORUtils::DeltaROverlapTool' )
alg.overlapTool.JetFatJetORT.InputLabel = self.inputLabel
alg.overlapTool.JetFatJetORT.OutputLabel = self.outputLabel
alg.overlapTool.JetFatJetORT.LinkOverlapObjects = self.linkOverlapObjects
alg.overlapTool.JetFatJetORT.DR = 1.0
alg.overlapTool.JetFatJetORT.OutputPassValue = True
def makeOverlapAnalysisConfig( seq,
inputLabel = 'preselectOR', outputLabel = 'passesOR',
linkOverlapObjects = False,
doEleEleOR = False, electrons = "",
muons = "", jets = "", taus = "",
photons = "", fatJets = "",
enableUserPriority = False,
bJetLabel = '',
boostedLeptons = False,
postfix = '' ):
"""Function creating the overlap removal algorithm sequence
The function sets up a multi-input/multi-output analysis algorithm sequnce,
which needs to be used in a quite particular way. First off you need to set
the arguments of this function correctly.
Function keyword arguments:
inputLabel -- Any possible label used to pick up the selected objects
with. This should not be a label already used otherwise.
outputLabel -- Decoration put on the output variables. Set to "true" for
objects passing the overlap removal.
linkOverlapObjects -- Set up an element link between overlapping objects
doEleEleOR -- Set up electron-electron overlap removal
enableUserPriority -- If enabled, the Ele-, Mu-, Tau- and PhoJetOR tools
will respect the user priority in the inputLabel.
E.g. SUSYTools assigns all signal objects the
priority 2 and pre-selected jets the priority 1.
bJetLabel -- Flag to select b-jets with. If left empty, no b-jets are used
in the overlap removal.
boostedLeptons -- Set to True to enable boosted lepton overlap removal
config = OverlapAnalysisConfig ()
config.inputLabel = inputLabel
config.outputLabel = outputLabel
config.linkOverlapObjects = linkOverlapObjects
config.doEleEleOR = doEleEleOR
config.electrons = electrons
config.muons = muons
config.jets = jets
config.taus = taus
config.photons = photons
config.fatJets = fatJets
config.enableUserPriority = enableUserPriority
config.bJetLabel = bJetLabel
config.boostedLeptons = boostedLeptons
config.postfix = postfix
seq.append (config)
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