- Nov 04, 2022
Christos Anastopoulos authored
- Nov 03, 2022
Add labelling parton info
Add missing LRTMuon thinning tool in the LLP1 CA config; fix CA config for VSI
- Nov 02, 2022
Walter Lampl authored
This reverts merge request !57987
DerivationFrameworkInDet : clang-tidy related fixes
Small cleanup of JETMX derivations, adding Run-2 jet triggers and documentation
DerivationFrameworkCalo, DerivationFrameworkEGamma clang-tidy fixes
Removing two obsolete lists in DAOD SlimmingHelper The two lists of containers `FullListOfSmartContainers` and `StaticNamesAndTypes` are no longer needed in the slimming machinery, and are removed. The former was not used for anything, whereas the second was used in the event that the file metadata didn't have the list of named types. Since this should always be available, this can be safely dropped.
- Oct 31, 2022
Add NewVrtSecInclusive instances to IDTR2; Update track selection used in V0Finder
when 0 egamma (analysisElectron/Photon) were there, actually we were keeping all GSF TP due to early exit
- Oct 29, 2022
Recovered online-trigger skimming in IDTIDE + Full replacement of AddItem to the new SlimmingHelper
- Oct 28, 2022
Reconciling LLP1 CA differences: electron/muon ID+Iso
- Oct 27, 2022
Update HIGG1D1 config in CA-based derivations
Fixing missing containers in TRUTH1 The TruthParticle and TruthVertex containers did not have name-and-type dictionary entries in TRUTH1 and so were not included in the output. This is fixed here.
Fix bugs in EgammaTrackParticleThinning and add GSF track thinning to PHYSLITE
- Oct 25, 2022
Fixing an issue where some variables needed for data and MC were put in the MC-only cateogory in PHYS In the migration of DAOD_PHYS to CA we did a clean up of variables that are only found in MC, to reduce the number of warnings. Unfortunately some variables that are also needed in data were accidentally put behind the isMC if statement, leading to missing variables from data. The variable comparison tests were done with MC so this was missed. This is fixed in this MR.
Merge JETM8 and JETM13 into JETM2 - CA version only
ATLASRECTS-6109 : the composites are not const , so an accessor is good enough
Update CA Configs for LLP1
- Oct 24, 2022
add HLT jet/btagging info to FTAG2 See merge request atlas/athena!57746 (cherry picked from commit 1eed9f0d) aa27a0a0 add HLT jet/btagging info
add HLT jet/btagging info to FTAG2
CA migration of JETMX derivations
Changed IDTIDE1 to use only offline trigger selection in Skimming
Creating and saving ghost labels for PFlow jets
eflowRec and DerivationFramework: fix useMuonTopoClusters configuration See merge request atlas/athena!57751 (cherry picked from commit c0e5f85f) 006e970a eflowRec and DerivationFramework: fix useMuonTopoClusters configuration
eflowRec and DerivationFramework: fix useMuonTopoClusters configuration Hello, This MR is fixing a bug introduced in !57581. The `UseMuonTopoClusters` property of the `PFMuonFlowElementAssoc` algorithm was steered in the python configuration by arguments either called `UseMuonTopoClusters` or `useMuonTopoClusters`, and only the latter was properly treated. In this MR, we now use consistently `useMuonTopoClusters` everywhere. I also renamed the algorithm property to avoid confusion. Adding the urgent flag as it fixes a bug in the DAOD production. Cheers, Bertrand
- Oct 22, 2022
Adam Edward Barton authored
- Oct 21, 2022
Fixing issue which causes run 3 trigger navigation to be dropped from DAODs See merge request atlas/athena!57747 (cherry picked from commit 3cef7bd8) e4b4cd08 Fixing issue which causes run 3 trigger navigation to be dropped from DAODs
Add UFOCSSK to FTAG1 See merge request atlas/athena!57726 (cherry picked from commit 36d8548c) 2787ef5d correct a typo in FTAG2 867b3b4b add UFOCSSK to ContainersOnTheFly baa1742a add UFOCSSK to FTAG1
simplify trigger configuration. add run3 trigger names. improve naming of some lists of variables or containers
Component Accumulator IDTR2
James Catmore authored
ATLASDPD-1777 This fixes an issue caused by the component accumulator migration. In release 22 containers which inherit from xAOD::AuxContainerBase can be "expanded" into dynamic auxiliary variables via a simple notation as the container is added to the stream: ``` xAOD::AuxContainerBase!#ContainerNameAux. ``` This doesn't work for containers that don't inherit from AuxContainerBase, just two types at the current time: ``` xAOD::JetTrigAuxContainer --> deprecated for run 3 xAOD::TrigCompositeAuxContainer ``` These have to be processed in the old release 21 way via [AuxStoreWrapper](https://gitlab.cern.ch/atlas/athena/-/blob/master/Event/xAOD/xAODCoreCnv/src/AuxStoreWrapper.cxx). However, the [code scheduling this wrapper](https://gitlab.cern.ch/atlas/athena/-/blob/master/PhysicsAnalysis/DerivationFramework/DerivationFrameworkCore/python/ContentHandler.py#L28-42) no longer works with the component accumulator, and since this was overlooked, the containers were no longer properly dealt with and no longer appeared in the output. In particular this means any DAODs thus produced miss the `HLTNav_Summary_DAODSlimmedAux` and so run 3 trigger matching isn't possible. However, since the T/P converter for `TrigCompositeAuxContainer` handles the conversion, the object in memory actually inherits from AuxContainerBase and so the usual `!#` form can be used. So this MR implements the following: - The `ContainersForExpansion` list is made empty so that no expansion is attempted (which would anyway not work as explained above) - Consequently all containers get the `!#` treatment This leads to some dead code. It will be cleaned up in a future MR along with a general clean-up of the non-CA python. Since `JetTrigAuxContainer` is deprecated and `TrigCompositeAuxContainer` can be treated as normal, it would appear that there is no longer a need for the AuxStoreWrapper machinery. If this turns out to be wrong, a new MR will be needed to run this mechanism through the CA.
- Oct 20, 2022
Adam Edward Barton authored
- Oct 18, 2022
AthenaMonitoring and eflowRec: schedule FE linking when running Run3DQTestingDriver on AOD, and add arguments to PFGlobalFlowElementLinkingCfg AthenaMonitoring: schedule FlowElement linking needed by METAssociation_AntiKt4EMPFlow Hello, This MR is scheduling the creation of element links between FlowElements and electrons, photons, muons and taus, which is required by METAssociation_AntiKt4EMPFlow, otherwise we get the following errors: ``` METAssociation_AntiKt4EMPFlow 0 0 ERROR SG::ExcBadAuxVar: Attempt to retrieve nonexistent aux data item `::neutralGlobalFELinks' (1637). AlgTask 0 0 FATAL .executeEvent(): Standard std::exception thrown by METAssociation_AntiKt4EMPFlow AlgTask 0 0 ERROR SG::ExcBadAuxVar: Attempt to retrieve nonexistent aux data item `::neutralGlobalFELinks' (1637). ``` as reported in ATR-26347. Cheers, Bertrand
Add getters and labelling decorations
- Oct 17, 2022
Add Four lepton vertices to DAOD_PHYS
Component Accumulator migration for FTAG1,2 formats
- Oct 14, 2022
Siarhei Harkusha authored
TrackTools has been updated to fix muon path length calculation in Tile Gap3 cells by modifying calo sampling which should be looked for to find track exit point for muon which pass through these cells. Fix from Archil.