- Sep 08, 2023
Use numerical values in invertFlags list to avoid AnalysisBase parse errors
- Sep 05, 2023
Added ID Tau selection for TauAntiTauJetOverlapTool
- Sep 01, 2023
Nils Krumnack authored
The main thing this does is to introduce an AsgUnionPreselectionAlg that allows to combine systematics dependent selection flags into a uniform preselection per systematic copy. The logic here is that in preselections I (typically) just want to filter out objects for computational efficiency, but if the object fails for one systematic on the shallow copy I anyways have to process it. Having such a joint selection decoration prevents the systematics of the selection to propagate into outputs that would otherwise be unaffected by it. This then in turn allows me to add such a decoration (on request) as part of the overlap removal config, as that is the only config block that has systematics dependent selection decorations. I also added a bunch of options to the OverlapRemovalConfig to allow changing the selection name to whatever the user wants/needs.
- Aug 28, 2023
More config block fixes
AsgAnalysisAlgorithms: Fix compilation. Template defintions should be in the header.
- Aug 24, 2023
Johannes Elmsheuser authored
- Aug 23, 2023
Define algorithms that cross-link nominal and systematic variations objects, and use these to build union selections
- Aug 19, 2023
Update of TauAntiTauJetOverlap config
- Aug 17, 2023
Clean up EventInfo variables in CPalgorithms
- Aug 16, 2023
Force loading all dynamic aux ids in POOL access mode
- Aug 15, 2023
Nils Krumnack authored
This should have been in there since the beginning, but there were some minor issues. Hopefully that is now resolved.
Allow OutputAnalysisConfig to retrieve custom MET terms
- Jul 21, 2023
Updated overlap analysis config with option for TauAntiTauJetOverlapTool
- Jul 18, 2023
AthContainers: Starting to support custom allocators for dynamic variables. Extend AuxTypeRegistry to keep track of the allocator used for types.
- Jul 14, 2023
Fix AnalysisAlgorithmsConfig test failure
- Jul 13, 2023
Add info logs to remove ambiguity for which lumicalc files used
- Jul 11, 2023
Updates to tau algorithms
- Jul 05, 2023
Improvements and fixes to PhysLite, primarily as seen from the H4l analysis perspective. Running isolationCloseBy tool in PHYS and PHYSLITE to provide isolation variables with overlap from muons, electrons and photons already removed. Added in config to PhysLite for H4l vertex calculation. Added in STXS information to PhysLite for Higgs analyses, fixing units. Reducing the electron id requirement from LH Loose to SiHits for PhysLite.
- Jun 12, 2023
Changing long longs in EventInfo into std::int64_t
- May 09, 2023
Add finalize() messages indicating result of systematics regex filtering
- Apr 11, 2023
Nils Krumnack authored
It was already meant to be used that way, but it was using the wrong class for reading.
- Mar 21, 2023
Fix CP algo overlap unit test
- Feb 24, 2023
William Keaton Balunas authored
- Feb 07, 2023
Rewrite systematics handling in PMGTruthWeightTool
Tadej Novak authored
- Feb 01, 2023
Made the ntuple writer work with containers read from the input file. This is to fix the issue described in ATLASG-2451, that variables on containers that are read directly from an input file, would not be usable with the algorithm.
- Jan 30, 2023
Tadej Novak authored
- Jan 24, 2023
Jana Schaarschmidt authored
- Jan 18, 2023
Nils Krumnack authored
This allows to fully configure the output n-tuple via block-configuration, and it allows to add a suggested list of variables from the invidual blocks that define them, instead of having to maintain that list outside of the configuration block infrastructure.
- Dec 13, 2022
Nils Krumnack authored
That allows to instantiate them in a more uniform manner, duplicating what has already been done for muons and photons.
Nils Krumnack authored
This tries to give the same treatment given to muons and photons to all the other configurations, so that it should be possible to configure all the blocks just through the options. There is probably some cleanup that could be done here in the future, regarding what some of the configuration blocks should be called exactly, what the options exposed should be etc. The main goal of this update is that I can now (more or less awkwardly) set everything I can via options that was previously limited to named parameters to the various make...Config() calls. I also added customizable behavior for setting a value of `None` on an option.
- Dec 12, 2022
Oliver Majersky authored
- Dec 08, 2022
Nils Krumnack authored
This is essentially a heavily modified version of AsgxAODNTupleMakerAlg for the specific purpose at hand, i.e. writing out MET variables as `float` instead of `std::vector<float>`. There is probably some overlap of code with the original algorithm, but I'd rather clean that up at a later point, as I anyways have to revisit how I handle the output n-tuples in a better way.
Nils Krumnack authored
So far the OutputThinningConfig required to put in an actual selection decoration name to select which objects to keep. That's not ideal, because at the configuration level we often want to use the abstract name of selections instead of the name of specific decorations on the objects.
- Dec 07, 2022
Nils Krumnack authored
This allows to have e.g. tight muons above a pt of 50 and loose muons for any pt.
- Dec 05, 2022
Nils Krumnack authored
This is an adoption of the event selection sequence that pre-existed and replaces the vertex selection configuration block.
Nils Krumnack authored
This is mostly a combination of what is in the full sequence test and what is done in the MET config.
Nils Krumnack authored
That fixes a bug introduced in !55866, and is anyways what ought to be done.
- Nov 30, 2022
Frank Winklmeier authored
Mark `IIsolationCloseByCorrectionTool::getCloseByIsoCorrection` as not thread-safe because it mutates the constant cache. Needs to be cleaned up eventually (see discussion on !58355).