- May 12, 2024
CPAlgorithms: allow to configure muon minimum pT
- May 07, 2024
Move TTVA lepton selection from calibration to WorkingPoint block config
- Apr 24, 2024
MuonCalibTool: making calibMode configurable and change default value
- Apr 16, 2024
CPAlgs: everything is an option, improve prinouts, add info string Added logging to config seq, block, factory, text. Added info string for the majority of the block options. Made all __init__ args options for the block. The init args are still there but they are no longer required when initializing the block so that the changes are backwards compatible. Improved print outs in config seq, block, factory, text. ConfigFactory(Text).printAlgs will now print all information about the block that is avaiable (info string, default, type, required, and noneAction). This can be used as documentation for the different blocks.
- Apr 11, 2024
Explicitly configure MuonCalibTool in MetAnalysisConfig with calibMode
Update MuonSelectionTool
- Mar 14, 2024
ConfigBlock: remove groupName, change noneAction, and duplicateAction The groupName variable was changed to blockName and set from a set/get function. Add instanceName to identify specific instances when there is a desire to set the value of an option in an arbitrary location and there is more than one instance of a block. Removed code to potentially throw an error if an option was set more than once. Instead of haing the user say "I am setting this option to None and it is okay," the noneAction variable can be set when adding an option. If the author of a class determines that an option can be set to None, then they can set this for that option.
- Feb 29, 2024
Revert "Remove FTAG selectionNmaes that are actually never used." This reverts commit 436ed695.
- Feb 20, 2024
CPAlgorithms: expose "excludeNSWFromPrecisionLayers" to the muon config
- Feb 05, 2024
CPAlgorithms: expose "excludeNSWFromPrecisionLayers" to the muon config
- Jan 30, 2024
Melissa Yexley authored
Melissa Yexley authored
- Jan 08, 2024
Thomas Strebler authored
- /PhysicsAnalysis/Algorithms/MuonAnalysisAlgorithms/python/MuonAnalysisConfig.py - /PhysicsAnalysis/Algorithms/MuonAnalysisAlgorithms/python/MuonAnalysisSequence.py
- Nov 17, 2023
CPAlgorithms: allow Run4 settings for PHYSLITE development
- Nov 07, 2023
xAODMuon : Try to split the enums in a separate dict ATLASRECTS-7789
- Oct 20, 2023
CP Algorithms: Update postfix used for ftag, electron WP, etc. to selectionName. The name postfix is used for many of the CP config blocks as second arguement to the initialization but the postfix often corresponds to the name given to the selection name in other CP blocks such as MET and overlap removal. Inorder to make the name more meaningful, it has been changed to selectionName.
- Oct 17, 2023
CPAlgorithms: add flag autoconfiguration to ConfigAccumulator
- Oct 05, 2023
Nils Krumnack authored
According to @gwatts it would be "amazing not to have to run calibrations on PHYSLITE". So here we go: This adds options to jets, e-gamma, and muons to skip the calibration where possible. This means no calibration is run for jets, and for e-gamma and muons the nominal calibration is skipped. Either way, this is probably most noticable when running with systematics turned off, but even then the savings may be smaller than what MET alone costs us to run. I did enable some comparison tests for PHYSLITE jobs that were previously commented out (the data one failed, so I left it commented out), but didn't enable the new feature until it is fully validated (read: those tests did fail). I'm leaving it to the PHYSLITE experts to do the validation and then turning this on by default in a separate MR.
- Sep 06, 2023
Nils Krumnack authored
The primary thing this does is to introduce a SelectionNameSvc that tracks the name of all the selection bits as reported by the various selection tools, allowing to give much better labels for the individual bins in the selection. In addition this means I no longer need to track the bits for each selection mask, as they get automatically tracked. I also added a configuration block for the cut flows (there wasn't one yet), that allows to neatly add the cut flows when added. The one breaking change is that this now requires a SelectionNameSvc to get created. I hope this doesn't cause too many issues. In order to minimize the effect of such changes in the future I introduced a CommonServicesBlock (and corresponding sequence), to which I can add more services as needed.
- Aug 23, 2023
Harmonise the noEffSF option amongst config blocks
- Aug 18, 2023
Nils Krumnack authored
During my previous changes I had to realize that our tests don't flag columns disappearing, which is not ideal. This now adds the option to check for that as well. I added that as an option so as not to change existing behavior. I enabled that for the CP algorithm checks, but had to disable some columns that the sequence configuration didn't have at all or had different results. I'm not sure if it is worth fixing this (given that the sequence configuration is on its way out), but if so this should be part of a future change (given that it currently also doesn't get checked).
- Jul 06, 2023
make the LHC Run period a global property of the ConfigAccumulator, rather than an option in each config block
- Jul 03, 2023
Updates to muon algorithms
- May 02, 2023
Update muon CP alg sequence to latest Run 3 recommendations
- Apr 26, 2023
setting up flag to avoid d0 and z0 cut for PhysLite, default remains apply cut
- Mar 20, 2023
Allow muon isolation WPs in the muon analysis sequence in CP algos
- Mar 10, 2023
Broadening default muon selection for muon CP tools Based on a thread on the AMG list, broadening the muon selection to 2.7. This should be safe, as tighter working points will come with a tighter default selection (e.g. medium requires eta<2.5), but will allow people to use standalone muons beyond 2.5 if they exist. Will result in a very small increase in PHYSLITE size.
- Jan 18, 2023
Nils Krumnack authored
This allows to fully configure the output n-tuple via block-configuration, and it allows to add a suggested list of variables from the invidual blocks that define them, instead of having to maintain that list outside of the configuration block infrastructure.
- Dec 13, 2022
Nils Krumnack authored
This tries to give the same treatment given to muons and photons to all the other configurations, so that it should be possible to configure all the blocks just through the options. There is probably some cleanup that could be done here in the future, regarding what some of the configuration blocks should be called exactly, what the options exposed should be etc. The main goal of this update is that I can now (more or less awkwardly) set everything I can via options that was previously limited to named parameters to the various make...Config() calls. I also added customizable behavior for setting a value of `None` on an option.
- Dec 09, 2022
Nils Krumnack authored
This file defines a factory method that can create a configuration block sequence based on a passed in name. This avoids having to import all the various config block sequence makers in the configuration code, and also would make it easier to create them from a text configuration file. This relies heavily on the blocks exposing all configurable parameters as options, since there is no other mechanism to configure them through this interface. The implementation itself is probably not the best possible, it lacks all extensibility, gathers all information in a single place, etc. Still for now this ought to be good enough.
- Dec 08, 2022
Switch muon CP algs to correct muon SFs for Run 3
- Dec 07, 2022
Nils Krumnack authored
The basic idea/goal of configuration blocks is that the configuration system can read a configuration text file and then configure the blocks accordingly. This is made a lot simpler if the configurable options on the blocks can be set via a uniform interface. This is just a first draft of such a mechanism that allows to add the options and set them by name from the python side. All I want from this MR is a basic interface that allows to add the options on the individual blocks and set them through a python interface. That will then allow me to update all the configuration blocks to expose options before I move on. The mechanism for setting option values is even more rudimentary, doing just the minimal thing to allow setting the properties through a standard interface. This is mostly there to allow me to move forward somehow, but some details may change. The interface I have right now is probably not ideal for anybody, neither for the text nor the python configuration. That probably needs some changing at some point. There is a much more sophisticated prototype available, but because of its complexity I didn't want to incorporate it into this first draft. Instead the interface I have should be (mostly) compatible with the interface that prototype exposes. It can then be retrofitted in here at some point. The full prototype is here: https://gitlab.cern.ch/jburr/configblock/-/tree/master/ Also: For photons the recomputeIsEM option should probably not be repeated in both the calibration and selection blocks. There needs to be a special method for forwarding options from one block to the next which will come in a future update, or when the full option mechanism gets incorporated here.
- Oct 07, 2022
Nils Krumnack authored
This now makes most algorithms work on PHYSLITE, and the ones that do not work can be turned off.
- Sep 09, 2022
Draft: add code to allow DAOD_PHYSLITE to be made from PHYS with the component accumulator This MR adds the small amount of extra python needed to allow PHYSLITE to be made from PHYS using the Derivation_tf transform, that is, the component accumulator. It touches three parts: 1. MuonAnalysisSequence has an extra argument allowing the internally produced MuonSelectionTool to be set to run 3 geometry should the input be data18/mc20. If this isn't done the tool crashes. This doesn't happen with AOD->PHYSLITE, presumably because the properties are inherited from the MuonCommonConfig, but this isn't used for PHYS->PHYSLITE 2. DerivationSkeleton is slightly adjusted to accommodate the different arguments, and also to create a new ConfigFlag called Input.FileType (currently can be AOD, DAOD_PHYS, EVNT)... this may be useful for other applications as well 3. PHYSLITE.py adjustment itself to put in guards to ensure that code that only works with AOD input (e.g. writing common physics content and re-setting MET association) isn't scheduled. It largely uses the new FileType ConfigFlag to achieve this. Also it sets the relevant geometry in the MuonAnalysisSequence. With these changes, the following command works ``` Derivation_tf.py --CA --inputDAOD_PHYSFile filename.pool.root --outputD2AODFile output.pool.root --formats PHYSLITE ``` On account of the disabling of the MET association, the output is not yet usable for physics analysis. However, it still makes sense to prepare this MR to allow testing of this workflow, which will be needed during run 3.
- Aug 31, 2022
Nils Krumnack authored
This is now hopefully more straightforward than it was, and should allow future refactoring as needed.
- Aug 29, 2022
Nils Krumnack authored
This removes all the implicit views created by the various sequences, and instead creates explicit views as inputs for MET and OR. And it adds actual consistent thinning for all containers for the output. And it adds pt/eta cuts for all the objects, which are probably way off from what they should be... I also had to add some extra configuration options/decorations to some of the sequences to make it all consistent.
MuonMomentumCorrections - Remove depricated tool MuonCalibrationPeriodTool
- Aug 22, 2022
Nils Krumnack authored
This goes back to an old discussion that in principle AsgSelectionAlg should not have a SysCopyHandle, as it doesn't introduce new momentum systematics. The reason it has one currently is that if there is a selection before the correction algorithm it does need to make a shallow copy that can then subsequently be modified at will. The solution implemented here is what we discussed back then: To implement an algorithm that does nothing more than make a shallow copy (based on the view container algorithm and the copy mechanism from SysCopyHandle) and schedule that before AsgSelectionAlg as needed.
- Aug 05, 2022
Nils Krumnack authored
Given that the first iteration of the configuration block design invoked criticism of the "reference" design for tracking containers I now changed it, so that instead of first allocating references to determine what the intermediate containers are, I just run through the entire configuration twice. The second run-through then can rely on what it learned in the first run-through to determine what will happen further down in the sequence. This requires routing a number of calls through the ConfigAccumulator object, but it definitely makes writing the actual blocks more straightforward, and it should also allow for more flexibility if we need to redesign the ConfigAccumulator in the future (which also became simpler with this change).
- Mar 11, 2022
Nils Krumnack authored
The main goal here is to provide a foundation on which we can build, and that allows to quickly convert all the existing configurations, so that we can drop the old configuration quickly and don't have to maintain two parallel configuration mechanisms over an extended period of time. The interfaces and implementations will likely change, particularly as we evolve the configuration to add another layer on top of it. As such the primary goal here is to provide a sort of stable interface for the actual users of the CP algorithms, so that they don't have to constantly update as we tune/change this. I'd also like to keep the actual structure of the configuration blocks sort of stable, but I'd expect some degree of changes here over time. The main ingredients of this configuration model are: * ConfigBlock: The actual object specific configuration classes that have individual implementations for each group of algorithms that should be configured as an indivisible unit. * ConfigSequence: A sequence of blocks, though technically this could just be a simple python list instead. * ConfigAccumulator: A helper object that is used to track all the information needed to communicate between (and within) blocks. * container references: Helper objects that track all the shallow copies belonging to the same logical object. This is taking the place of the current post-configuration step, essentially front-loading the connections between blocks.