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  1. Dec 21, 2023
    • Joseph Earl Lambert's avatar
      Replace ConfigFactory used in block config with backend for text config so both are consistent. · 5b0e0364
      Joseph Earl Lambert authored and Frank Winklmeier's avatar Frank Winklmeier committed
      Default blocks are added by default. PRW parameters are obtained from ConfigAccumulator.
      Add autoconfigFlags as an attribute to the ConfigAccumulator so information can be
      obtained in other blocks.
      Update the PileupReweighting block so that campaign, input files, and useDefaultConfig
      can be obtained from autoconfigFlags. The wrapper function that handeled this before has
      been removed.
      addDefaultAlgs function is now part of the ConfigFactory class and is called
      automatically when initializing an object instance. Default parameters are now
      obtained from ConfigAccumulator except for noSystematics flag so that this can
      be changed from the command line if not specified directly.
  2. Dec 20, 2023
  3. Dec 19, 2023
    • Bertrand Martin Dit Latour's avatar
      DerivationFrameworkMCTruth: keep all daughters of TruthTausWithDecayParticles · 9d85a39b
      Bertrand Martin Dit Latour authored and Frank Winklmeier's avatar Frank Winklmeier committed
      DerivationFrameworkMCTruth: keep all daughters of TruthTausWithDecayParticles
      This MR changes the number of generations of daughter particles retained when building the TruthTausWithDecayParticles/TruthTausWithDecayVertices collections.
      It was previously set to 1, but this can lead to pathological situations, e.g. when the truth tau decays to kaons: if we don't know what the kaon decays to, we cannot properly compute the truth visible tau momentum.
      When set to -1, we retain all generations, and this seems to fix the problem.
       A priori, we can now recompute the various decorations of TruthTaus using TruthTausWithDecayParticles/TruthTausWithDecayVertices, such as `pt/eta/phi/m_vis`, the number of neutral/charged pions, ...
      We will need to rework a bit BuildTruthTaus to do this.
      The only variables we don't seem to get is `polarizationPhi` and `polarizationTheta` decorations, they exist for TruthTaus but not TruthTausWithDecayParticles, however these seem to always be 0.
      We still need to check we can rerun photon dressing for TruthTausWithDecayParticles.
      Marking as urgent as we'd need this for the upcoming DAOD_PHYS production that is imminent.
    • R D Schaffer's avatar
      added back in call to CloseBy correction which was accidentally removed in MR 67455 · 6c025309
      R D Schaffer authored and Frank Winklmeier's avatar Frank Winklmeier committed
      added back in call to CloseBy correction which was accidentally removed in MR 67455
  4. Dec 18, 2023
  5. Dec 15, 2023
  6. Dec 14, 2023
  7. Dec 13, 2023
  8. Dec 12, 2023
  9. Dec 11, 2023
  10. Dec 08, 2023
  11. Dec 07, 2023
    • Adrian Berrocal Guardia's avatar
      HF Classifier Package. · fa686373
      Adrian Berrocal Guardia authored and Edward Moyse's avatar Edward Moyse committed
      Cleaning of HadronOriginClassifier code.
      During the implementaiton of the HF classification, the code of
      HadronOriginClassifier was modified to find a bug in it. Most of this
      modifications were comments and prints to find the bug and they have
      been removed now that is fixed.
    • Marco Vanadia's avatar
      first test of using LeptonTaggers in MUON5 · 4e85cca1
      Marco Vanadia authored and Edward Moyse's avatar Edward Moyse committed
      Convert r21 decorators to const Accessor for vertex fits
      Previously, secondary vertex decoration was done using a syntax like
      (*decorator)(*vertex) = value;
      This has been changed in two places to use a const Accessor, as this
      makes the logic of the decoration more obvious and might avoid some
      subtle bugs with decoration. This was an attempt to resolve a warning
      WARNING saveSecondaryVertices - missing "SecondaryVertexIndex" variable
      but this change does not seem to fix the problem.
    • Thomas Strebler's avatar
      Protect vertex momentum and sumPt decoration to avoid overwriting locked store · c20222d1
      Thomas Strebler authored and Edward Moyse's avatar Edward Moyse committed
      Protect vertex momentum and sumPt decoration to avoid overwriting locked store
  12. Dec 06, 2023
  13. Dec 05, 2023
  14. Dec 04, 2023
    • Andrii Verbytskyi's avatar
      Wrap the single particle barcode 10001 · c5e673cf
      Andrii Verbytskyi authored and Edward Moyse's avatar Edward Moyse committed
      Wrap the single particle barcode  10001
    • Andrii Verbytskyi's avatar
      Use assignment operator for TruthParticle · 8648e082
      Andrii Verbytskyi authored and Edward Moyse's avatar Edward Moyse committed
      Use assignment operator for TruthParticle
    • James Catmore's avatar
      Provide an example of setting ExtraDataForDynamicConsumers in a DAOD job with string parsing · ce99e20d
      James Catmore authored and Vakhtang Tsulaia's avatar Vakhtang Tsulaia committed
      Provide an example of setting ExtraDataForDynamicConsumers in a DAOD job with string parsing
      This amends the TEST2 example DAOD format to demonstrate how to set ExtraDataForDynamicConsumers in a job that uses ExpressionEvaluation. This is necessary when the relevant containers being accessed by ExpressionEvaluation have not been read in vias ReadHandles. This applies to skims of PHYS(LITE) and some HI DAODs, for example. It doesn't apply to PHYS(LITE) and many other DAOD formats due to the scheduling of common augmentations, which have already read in the relevant containers.
      The TEST2 format is just an example and is never used in production so this MR will have no impact on any data products. The relevant lines will be used as a template in other formats.
  15. Dec 01, 2023
  16. Nov 29, 2023
  17. Nov 28, 2023