- Mar 15, 2024
Clean up legacy VrtSecInclusive configs
Delete job options that reference the non-existent RecExCommon configuration.
TileRecEx+TileMonitoring+TileRec+TileRecAlgs: Remove Tile legacy JO configurations The legacy Tile JO configurations including RecExCommon_topOptions.py have been removed.
Remove more files using MuonRecExample
old L1Topo removal (ATR-28822)
Moving DiPhoton TLA Chains from Dev to Physics Menu
Removal of legacy DAOD configuration part 6 ATLASG-2592 This MR removes residual legacy DAOD configuration files, mostly things that are hiding in the python directories. All of these job options depend on content that has been deleted in previous MRs and so are now completely broken and obsolete.
Clean up legacy TrackCaloClusterRecValidation configs
Remove MuonRecExample & MuonCombinedRecExample flags
Migrate tests in LArCondtionsTest to CA
Fix correlated smearing bug in JER in JetUncertainties in 24.0 and main
Reducing MinHits for FTF trigger ITk implementation
gFEX: fix bug in gTower class
TrigTauMonitoring: fix highPt single-tau efficiencies
Update gFexByteStreamTool.cxx - ensure MET2 has enough space to be stored (otherwise get FPE from wraparound)
Added AFP TOF L1 items and streamers
Remove the support for CA jobs in the legacy `MetaReaderPeeker`. This workaround relied on the existence of the deprecated global `ConfigFlags` which are due to be removed. Eventually the entire code should be removed.
Fix file input parsing for TrigInDetValidation_AODtoTrkNtuple_CA.py if there is a list of files and add some more example commands.
increase eta limits for binning
Remove usage of global `ConfigFlags` and redundant use of `ConfigurableCABehavior`.
Remove support of legacy configuration (ATR-26732).