- Feb 20, 2024
Hello, We need to have ART tests running in 24.0 as soon as 24.0 is created. So all tests were migrated. The very large majority are running fine in main, only a handful are still broken and will be fixed asap. Cheers, Bertrand
fix L1decision seeding in merged chains with inverted order; fix sigDics for egamma to include both Photon and Elecrons
DB test - Add copy of tnsnames
CA migration of SimValid_tf.py and DigiValid_tf.py
TRT_GeoModel - Use GeoIntrusivePtr
PixelGeoModel - Use GeoIntrusivePtrs
1. CookieCutterHelpers. Implicitly deleted constructor 2. FPGATrackSimSGToRawHitsTool. Unused private data member
Rename `AnalysisTriggerAlgsCAConfig` to `AnalysisTriggerAlgsConfig` to follow the usual naming convention now that the legacy module is gone.
Revert "remove PhysicsStream for MC chains" This reverts commit 75a10bb9
Added module ID to space points info
AthContainers: Move variable flags to AthContainersInterfaces. Move variable flag definitions out of AthContainersInterfaces and define them instead in AthContainersInterfaces/AuxTypes.h. Needed to avoid a cyclic header dependency.
Cookie cutter sister link helper
Hello, As discussed in ATR-28396, it is no longer favoured to run L1 simulation for cosmics data test. Cheers, Bertrand
With the CA version of athenaHLT, the default run mode is `--dump-config-reload`. So there is no need to have separate test that run `--dump-config-exit` as the pkl/json file is available for each ART test now.
Adds a 2D efficiency class for extended functionality
TrigAnalysisTest: move CI test to CA TrigAnalysisTest: move CI test to CA Hello, This MR is migrating the MC trigger test used in the CI to CA. Marking as urgent as it blocks the removal of RecExCommon in !68693. A follow up MR will migrate the other tests. Cheers, Bertrand
In this MR, two new chains are added to the previous DIPZ multijet chains to validate the effect of the "MAXMULT" filter on the DIPZ disciminant variable output inn the events. Passed the '''runTrigART.py -m -j4" tests and updated the ref files accordingly.
Adding EGamPEBTLA EventBuildingType and Stream + Adding Reconstruction tag to RAWtoDAOD_TLA skeleton Added EGamPEBTLA EventBuildingType and EGamPEBTLA Stream. Moved DiPhotonTLA HLT chains to EGamPEBTLA
Revert "LArConditionsTest: remove log-diff'ing in favor of noerrror.sh" This reverts commit 103090ce.
TileRecUtils: Migrate Tile cell builder test to CA-based configuration (ATLASRECTS-7898) Configuration of Tile cell builder test has been migrated to new-style (CA-based) one. The reference file has been removed since only errors are checked now.
TileRecUtils: Migrate Tile cell builder from hit test to CA-based configuration (ATLASRECTS-7898) Configuration of Tile cell builder from hit test has been migrated to new-style (CA-based) one. The reference file has been removed since only errors are checked now.
Remove jet legacy configs
[ATR-28687] eFEX Tau algorithm switch and new EDM naming convention for L1 tau RoIs