- May 15, 2024
Update auto PRW configs to support AF3
- May 14, 2024
SUSYTools - Update for Egamma trigger SF
Add support for multiTriggerChainsPerYear in TriggerAnalysisBlock
Run3 Derivations for heavy Ion group (part of my QT) v0.2
SUSYTools - add tau score for GN2
Passing to the muon sagitta correction tool the flag doDirectCBCalib and change the pT according to the flag selected
scott snyder authored
Replace auxdata, etc. with Accessor classes. Moving to deprecate these usages in the Athena build.
scott snyder authored
Replace auxdata, etc. with Accessor classes. Moving to deprecate these usages in the Athena build.
- May 13, 2024
Simplification for truth record functions
Implement some std::span interfaces in TrkVKalVrtFitter
- May 12, 2024
Update info message in MuonCalibrationConfig
CPAlgorithms: allow to configure muon minimum pT
- May 10, 2024
ElectronPhotonSelectorTools: Update dnn menu for run 2 Updating dnn menu per https://its.cern.ch/jira/browse/ATLASG-2652 Also adding dnn to testEGIdentificationPoints for easier local testing (not in CI but might consider adding it?)
scott snyder authored
Replace auxdata, etc. with Accessor classes. Moving to deprecate these usages in the Athena build.
scott snyder authored
Replace auxdata, etc. with Accessor classes. Moving to deprecate these usages in the Athena build.
refactor HF Classifier DSID list and add some run 3 ttbar+ttbb samples
Dealing with odd behaviour from the FourLeptonVertices collections. They were previously not being saved.
- May 09, 2024
D3PDMaker: suppress some flake8-bugbear warnings
McParticleEvent: delete broken Pythonizations The module has never been adapted to HepMC3 and none of the additional helpers actually work (invoking them immediately results in an attribute error).
Update BPHY13 and BPHY23
- May 08, 2024
CPAlgorithms: Fix trigger matching selection name
Add PMGTruthWeightsAlgCfg, add unit tests for CA code
Integration of NewVrtSecInclusiveTool in FTAG2 for the tool calibration
DerivationFrameworkART: remove obsolete --CA from test definitions The derivation transform only supports CA-mode. So there is no need to specify `--CA` explicitly.
- May 07, 2024
add an option to add the NOSYS suffix to branches without systematics This makes the n-tuple branches more consistent, and makes it very easy to determine the list of branches for nominal. It also means that if we add (or drop) systematics from a branch, the names of the branches in nominal will not change. That doesn't happen all that often, but could still be helpful. Leaving this disabled by default because it (obviously) changes the n-tuple content. Also we haven't yet decided whether this is even a good idea, but it ought to be a good enough idea to allow users to at least play with it.
Remove GN2v00 by default
Restoring cluster info on SUSY20 derivations for InDetTrackParticles
CaloClusterCorrection+CaloCondPhysAlgs: fix flake8-bugbear warnings Replace `getattr` with regular attribute access.
Use C++20 Spans in BLS Vertexing code
expose skipSystematicJetSelection option in MetAnalysisConfig, rename associated property in MetMaker tool expose doSimpleOR option in MetAnalysisConfig This should make it easier for more users to run their own tests with this simplified OR scheme. It is not meant for actual physics analysis, but strictly to simplify such performance studies.
Try to use C++20 starts_with
Move TTVA lepton selection from calibration to WorkingPoint block config
- May 06, 2024
remove timeout on test, but added check on speed difference between xAODRootAccess and POOLRootAccess TEvents
Adding four-vectors of Run 2 HLT jets back to JETM1
Adding a prefix to the LLP1 and SUSY20 track/calo isolation variables, JIRA: ATLASG-2690
- May 03, 2024
fix trigger collection in egamma derivations
POOLRootAccess tests improvements
update FullCPAlgorithmsTest so that the order matches the text config and is identical to the yaml config