- Nov 28, 2023
adding in changes to accept electrons and photons close to muons for PhysLite
- Nov 16, 2023
AFT-692 Remove GN1 from PHYS(LITE)
- Oct 31, 2023
Add JetPileupLabelingTool
- Oct 25, 2023
Nils Erik Krumnack authored
That came in in my last merge request, but is not what we are supposed to do for PHYSLITE.
- Oct 20, 2023
Nils Erik Krumnack authored
This switches to the new configuration mechanism. I had to add a number of options to the blocks to make this happen.
- Sep 28, 2023
eRNN score fixes in TAT and derivations
- Sep 06, 2023
Nils Krumnack authored
The primary thing this does is to introduce a SelectionNameSvc that tracks the name of all the selection bits as reported by the various selection tools, allowing to give much better labels for the individual bins in the selection. In addition this means I no longer need to track the bits for each selection mask, as they get automatically tracked. I also added a configuration block for the cut flows (there wasn't one yet), that allows to neatly add the cut flows when added. The one breaking change is that this now requires a SelectionNameSvc to get created. I hope this doesn't cause too many issues. In order to minimize the effect of such changes in the future I introduced a CommonServicesBlock (and corresponding sequence), to which I can add more services as needed.
- Aug 03, 2023
add NSW hits to DAOD for use with MCP WPs
- Jul 26, 2023
updated Xbb tagger in PHYSLITE
- Jul 21, 2023
Adjustments of Electron Isolation Variables in PHYSLITE
- Jul 12, 2023
Fix METMap for PHYS -> PHYSLITE production
- Jul 10, 2023
Zach Marshall authored
Following the discussion in https://its.cern.ch/jira/browse/ATLASG-2544 , it seems that muon quality as written directly is not something that should be used for analysis. If that's the case, then I (personally) find it more clear to remove the variable to make it obvious that it cannot be used. Just offering an option here to make clear that this is a (straightforward) technical option. This shouldn't get merged without some comment from @mvanadia , @hrussell , @gwatts , @egramsta (or some combination of them), but not marking as draft so that the CI goes ahead and runs. This is a duplicate of !63787 but pointing at the main branch.
- Jul 05, 2023
Improvements and fixes to PhysLite, primarily as seen from the H4l analysis perspective. Running isolationCloseBy tool in PHYS and PHYSLITE to provide isolation variables with overlap from muons, electrons and photons already removed. Added in config to PhysLite for H4l vertex calculation. Added in STXS information to PhysLite for Higgs analyses, fixing units. Reducing the electron id requirement from LH Loose to SiHits for PhysLite.
- May 16, 2023
James Catmore authored
A side effect of !61980 is the requirement to explicitly list the metadata categories for each output stream. This wasn't done for truth metadata for PHYS/PHYSLITE. This MR rectifies this.
- May 11, 2023
add FTAG variables to PHYSLITE [ATLASG-2522]
- May 04, 2023
refactor input metadata propagation into single function and create one for creation of each category
- Apr 26, 2023
setting up flag to avoid d0 and z0 cut for PhysLite, default remains apply cut
- Apr 22, 2023
adding back muon topoetcone20 which was accidentally removed
- Apr 03, 2023
Merge branch 'master-atlasg-2496' into 'master' Decouple MetaData configuration for DAODs Closes ATLASG-2496 See merge request atlas/athena!61962
- Mar 31, 2023
Decouple MetaData configuration for DAODs
- Mar 17, 2023
Adding original track decoration for GSF Tracks to PHYSLITE The decoration connecting the GSF track particle to the original track particle (in a different collection) was missing from PHYSLITE. This caused some issues in overlap removal in rare cases, and potentially other places (unclear about MET). Thanks very much to Michael Hank for the report! Discussion: https://indico.cern.ch/event/1264717/contributions/5318949/attachments/2612345/4513767/amg_mh.pdf Original thread: https://groups.cern.ch/group/atlas-sw-amg/Lists/Archive/Flat.aspx?RootFolder=%2Fgroup%2Fatlas%2Dsw%2Damg%2FLists%2FArchive%2FPotential%20PHYSLITE%20Issue%2D%20ElectronMuon%20OR&FolderCTID=0x012002009E45C4887AC2C0468B02F05418657558
- Mar 14, 2023
Adding additional filter outputs to PHYS/LITE In !61340 we added an additional filter that analyses like to have to DerivationFrameworkMCTruth and to the output of the TRUTH derivations. This merge request adds the filter output to the PHYS and PHYSLITE derivations as well. It's 3 extra floats per event decorated onto the EventInfo (I took all the filter outputs, while we're here).
- Mar 13, 2023
Work the doEDMVersionConversion flag into derivations PHYS and PHYSLITE. With PHYS this additonally envokes a full dump of trigger data for development of this flag
- Feb 07, 2023
physlite updates
- Jan 25, 2023
Tadej Novak authored
- Jan 24, 2023
Peter Van Gemmeren authored
- Jan 23, 2023
add 'EventInfo.RandomRunNumber.PileupWeight_NOSYS.GenFiltHT.GenFiltMET.timeStampNSOffset' to PHYSLITE.py
- Jan 12, 2023
DerivationFrameworkPHYS: fix tau thinning in PHYSLITE and add DeepSet tau ID to PHYSLITE output Hello, This MR fixes a problem with tau thinning in PHYSLITE caused by !59677 : the TauTrackParticleThinning was dropped from the list of thinning tools supported in PhysCommonThinningConfig and replaced with an all-in-one tau thinning tool; this was propagated to the PHYS configuration but not to PHYSLITE. This MR drops the TauTrackParticleThinning from PHYSLITE and only keeps the new TauThinningTool. It fixes all the PHYSLITE ART tests that are failing today. Besides, I have added the new Deep Set tau ID to the PHYSLITE output, that's 2 floats (scores) and 4 chars (WPs). The new tau ID was introduced in !59725 but the output was not kept in PHYSLITE. For completeness, there is no tau thinning issue in PHYS->PHYSLITE, and the PHYSLITE output seems to be the same (for what concerns taus) when running AOD->PHYSLITE and AOD->PHYS->PHYSLITE. Unrelated to this MR, I also checked that the multiple tau MRs from yesterday didn't introduce differences in other objects for the PHYS format (I compared today's nightly with yesterday's nightly). I had to ignore tau branches and InDetTrackParticles for this check, as these are affected by tau thinning. Cheers, Bertrand
- Dec 19, 2022
DerivationFrameworkPhys: update EventInfo ad TauJets content Hello, This MR is doing the following: - add GenFiltHT and GenFiltMET variables to EventInfo, currently they are decorated but not written out, these are needed to combine ttbar and single top inclusive samples with HT- and MET-sliced samples - add the fixed electron-tau RNN WPs (original WPs are broken in RAWtoALL, we redecorate the fixed WPs in AOD->DAOD, these WPs are part of the tau smart slimming list but must be manually added in PHYSLITE) - drop EventInfo.hardScatterVertexLink as this is included in the corresponding smart slimming list Marking as urgent in case a release is to be built very soon. Cheeers, Bertrand
adding back JVFCorr to allow recalculation of NNJvt
- Dec 18, 2022
Adding NNJvtPass decoration to PHYSLITE Following discussions in AMG, the modern recommendations will use NNJvtPass. My understanding of the discussion thread was that the other variables should be dropped, since they won't be needed for analyses running on PHYSLITE anyway.
FTag training run 4 in derivation
- Dec 07, 2022
Draft: Combining the thinning tools for PHYS and PHYSLITE into a single config ATLASG-2390 This MR combines the (currently separate) thinning requirements for PHYS and PHYSLITE into a common config script. This will help to keep them in synch, and simplifies the requirement that the config supports both AOD->PHYSLITE and PHYS->PHYSLITE workflows. It also reduces duplicated config code.
- Nov 14, 2022
Adding taus to AnalysisMET calculatiom in CA version of PHYSLITE Due to an oversight during the migration to CA, the AnalysisTaus were not passed to the AnalysisMET calculation in the CA version of PHYSLITE. This is rectified in this MR.
- Nov 10, 2022
Updating trigger matching configuration in PHYS and PHYSLITE ATR-26576 This MR makes the following adjustments to the trigger matching configuration in PHYS and PHYSLITE: - removes run-2 style matching containers for run-3 files, instead relying on the compact navigation as explained in ATR-26576 - in PHYSLITE, adds the building of run-2 style matching containers (`AnalysisTrigMatch`) for run-2 files, which was missing previously - adjusts the keyword arguments for some of the run-2 uonfig fragments to allow a clean use of `**kwargs` all the way down to the TriggerMatchingTool This MR should reduce significantly the size of the trigger domain in the run 3 files.
- Oct 27, 2022
Fix bugs in EgammaTrackParticleThinning and add GSF track thinning to PHYSLITE
- Sep 29, 2022
Fixing over-writing of the extra content dictionary in CA version of PHYSLITE This fixes a bug where the "AppendToDictionary" member of the slimming helper in PHYSLITE was over-written. This led to all of the trigger matching being omitted. With this fix the trigger matching containers are added to the CA version of PHYSLITE, bringing them into line with the legacy config. It should be noted that as things stand the trigger matching containers are _far_ too big (in both config versions), so this will need to be addressed in a separate MR. P.S. The "AppendToDictionary" should probably be made into a method (as it name kind of implies already - but falsely) to avoid this sort of thing happening, but it will require many changes across dozens of python files that are already in flux due to the CA migration, so again, best to address separately.
- Sep 26, 2022
Draft: AnalysisTauJets in CA version of DAOD_PHYS The relevant lines for including AnalysisTauJets in DAOD_PHYS are uncommented in the CA version. This works technically but it isnÂ't clear whether this configuration is safe, due to the use of public tools in the tau analysis sequence. Draft until this is clearer.
- Sep 20, 2022
Tadej Novak authored
- Sep 09, 2022
Draft: add code to allow DAOD_PHYSLITE to be made from PHYS with the component accumulator This MR adds the small amount of extra python needed to allow PHYSLITE to be made from PHYS using the Derivation_tf transform, that is, the component accumulator. It touches three parts: 1. MuonAnalysisSequence has an extra argument allowing the internally produced MuonSelectionTool to be set to run 3 geometry should the input be data18/mc20. If this isn't done the tool crashes. This doesn't happen with AOD->PHYSLITE, presumably because the properties are inherited from the MuonCommonConfig, but this isn't used for PHYS->PHYSLITE 2. DerivationSkeleton is slightly adjusted to accommodate the different arguments, and also to create a new ConfigFlag called Input.FileType (currently can be AOD, DAOD_PHYS, EVNT)... this may be useful for other applications as well 3. PHYSLITE.py adjustment itself to put in guards to ensure that code that only works with AOD input (e.g. writing common physics content and re-setting MET association) isn't scheduled. It largely uses the new FileType ConfigFlag to achieve this. Also it sets the relevant geometry in the MuonAnalysisSequence. With these changes, the following command works ``` Derivation_tf.py --CA --inputDAOD_PHYSFile filename.pool.root --outputD2AODFile output.pool.root --formats PHYSLITE ``` On account of the disabling of the MET association, the output is not yet usable for physics analysis. However, it still makes sense to prepare this MR to allow testing of this workflow, which will be needed during run 3.