- Jul 07, 2023
Applying gFEX update + enabling CTP mon single MBTS + L1_2eEM9_EMPTY patches
jfex monitoring: moving algos
TrigFastTrackFinder: optimize displaced vertex hit storage - use `resize` instead of `push_back` (8.5% speedup) - use `Accessor` instead of `setDetail` (2% speedup) Total speedup 11.5%. Relates to ATR-27846.
ART scripts/tests change master-> main. For 23.0
- Jul 06, 2023
ATR-27872 - Adding j15 topo/pf chains seeded by RD0_FILLED to Physics Menu
Add gfex triggers for commissioning to monitoring framework
Implement new Di-EGamma L1Topo Items for testing in reprocessing
- Jul 05, 2023
TrigP1Test: update global conditions tags Hello, We now have a new Run2 HLT global tag that is fixing an error with Pixel ChargeCalibration (ATLGBLCONDTAGS-150, ATR-27476). Trigger ART tests are updated accordingly. Taking this opportunity to move to a more recent bulk global tag. Just to note, after this update, test_trigP1_v1PhysP1_T0MonTrf_run2_build still fails but for another reason that will be addressed later: ``` 2023-07-04 22:50:39,189 PrecedenceSvc 0 0 WARNING 'Concurrent'/'Prompt' contradiction(s) found. Settings are mutually exclusive within a task group. Discarding 'Prompt' for PassSequence [360026,t:1536143452, l:0,b:4294967295] 2023-07-04 22:50:39,194 PrecedenceSvc 0 0 ERROR Strongly connected components found in DF realm: o [lowlink:785] | CTPSimulation | L1TopoSimulation | eFEXDriver | eTowerMakerFromSuperCells | LArSuperCellBCIDEmAlg | LVL1::SCEmulation | CaloCellSeedLessFS | jFEXDriver | jTowerMakerFromJfexTowers | gFEXDriver | L1TriggerResultMaker | HLTSee ding | RoIBuilder | [360026,t:1536143452,l:0,b:4294967295] ``` Cheers, Bertrand
Tadej Novak authored
L1Topo Changing Et2 to use long instead of int
Fix of ATR-27831
Move initialization of 'overflow' before the return statement
Frank Winklmeier authored
- Jul 04, 2023
Use predicates instead of explicit checks of the status codes.
Use std:: instead of the boost::partition_point and range loop instead of BOOST_FOREACH
TrigNavigation: fix compilation with gcc13 Fix compilation with gcc13/C++20 by providing full type for ToolHandle.
fix Upsequence for SelectionCA
TrigT1CaloCalibConditions: fix compilation with gcc13 Fix compilation with gcc13/C++20 ("arithmetic on a pointer to an incomplete type") by moving `clear` and destructor out-of-line.
xAODCnv migration fix collection name
TrigConfHLTUtils: performance improvement to string2hash Migrate `string2hash` from TBB containers to the concurrent maps in CxxUtils, which provide much better performance for our use-case. In addition to the hash->string mapping, also store the reverse string->hash so we do not need to re-calculate the hash on each lookup.
Move ZAFB to jEM inputs [ATR-18966]
Configure delta X, Y and R cuts in AFP+dijet combo hypo
removing flag that communicates efextower usage to monitoring algorithm, will instead just rely on sim algorithm to check for presence of the primary tower collection
- Jul 03, 2023
TrigT1, TrigMonitoring, TileCalorimeter : cppcheck and clang-tidy fixes
Tighten eTAU HM cuts [ATR-27067]
- Jul 02, 2023
Update view name for muon LRT trigger containers Updating the view name that the muon LRT containerS are being produced in.
- Jul 01, 2023
SingleWedgePadTrigger.cxx: Use stack for simple type
- Jun 30, 2023
deal correctly with floating precision rounding effects in converting energy to et in units of 12.5MeV
fix bins on 2D histo
jFEX monitoring update, solving ATR-27831 and ATLASRECTS-7662
TrigTRTHTHCounter: fix dPhi->|dPhi| bug Hello, This MR is hopefully fixing a bug in TrigTRTHTHCounter that is explaining why the HIP HLT chain is never firing (ATR-25537). In the old days, a custom deltaPhi calculation was used (https://gitlab.cern.ch/atlas/athena/-/blob/48ee58cb73968b72b3c5d928764555dad12b1901/Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigTRTHighTHitCounter/src/TrigTRTHTHCounter.cxx#L35-39), which was spanning values within [0,phi] (provided the input phi1 and phi2 values were within [-pi,pi]...). While migrating code, this was replaced with CxxUtils::deltaPhi that is spanning values within [-pi,pi] (https://gitlab.cern.ch/atlas/athena/-/blob/23.0/Control/CxxUtils/CxxUtils/phihelper.h). With the `std::abs` fix, `fHT_wedge` can now exceed the HLT threshold of 0.4, and the chain fires. Cheers, Bertrand
Wrap CA config on a higher level in makeInDetTrigPrecisionTracking
new phase-I Topo ditau low-pT chains, ATR-27415
Migrate LRT muCOmb trigger step to CA configuration Migrating the LRT version of muComb step to MenuSequenceCA (ATR-25085) - Updated slightly where we're defining the muComb container names, and adding teh ability to pass them through to the muComb algorithm configuration - Add the CA config for the muCombHypoAlg - Factor out the view data verifier config from the algorithm reco sequence config - Switch the menu sequence to use SelectionCA and to return a MenuSequenceCA instead of a MenuSequence - Add wrappers for the menu sequence when runing in legacy mode, and the muComb algorithm reconstruction sequence when used in legacy menu sequences.
Frank Winklmeier authored
Instead of the complicated function pointer logic, simply set a flag when the first `RoiDescriptor` has been created and throw an exception in case the z-width is being changed afterwards.
- Jun 29, 2023
TrigInDetValidation: propagate L1EM->L1eEM menu change Same as !64012 but removing legacy EM chains instead of commenting them out, to better see the changes in git. Cheers, Bertrand
Merge two versions of MagicNumbers.h
- Jun 28, 2023
Use std::any instead of boost::any
HI L1 Menu cleanup (ATR-27743), adding a legacy EM chains (ATR-27791)