- Aug 20, 2022
Fix trackParticleMerger property spelling
- Aug 19, 2022
Consistently use CommonAugmentation instead of DerivationKernel for common DAOD augmentations We noticed during the CA migration of the derivation framework that the cut flow book-keepers were registering cuts from a variety of algorithms that were not involved in event selection. This was because in a few places DerivationKernel (an AthFilterAlgorithm with setFilterPassed explicitly set) was used in writing common augmentations, whereas the correct thing to do is to use CommonAugmentation, which does the same job but doesn't register a cut. This MR implements that correction. Although this issue impacts both the legacy configuration and the CA version, the fix is only applied in the CA.
- Aug 18, 2022
Four-lepton vertex fit in the derivation step
- Aug 17, 2022
Changes to LLP1 for dHNL analysis Remove doubly written track variables Minor fixes to track particle merger Fix some track parameter variables Remove params now :( Add back some GSF vars Remove commented out lines calo iso for LRT leptons adding missing iso and other information for LRT leptons simplify muon CA setup clean up calo iso remove un-needed jet inputs for muons one more cleanup Fix repititions Change spelling back into the incorrect one :( Fix MuonSegments to CombinedMuonTrackParticles Change LRT trigger matching tool to be private tool of LLP1 Turn on TurnOffMomCorr=true in MuonSelectionTool as this is an analysis level correction. Need to run on AODs from newer releases Fix electron ID used in overlap removal Add comment for future reference Remove electrons that fail ID in OR from merged collection fix typo Remove old comment Add MS containers Remove redundant import Fix indentation and property confusion Update to new property style
Frank Winklmeier authored
Use `AthMessaging` for logging and cleanup the `BPHYS_CHECK` macro. The latter used the existence of `ATH_MSG_WARNING` as a means to decide if the message logging is available. That's extremely fragile as minor changes to includes can make the code fail to compile (as seen in !55931).
Tadej Novak authored
- Aug 16, 2022
Adam Edward Barton authored
Reworks/refactors V0Finder to reuse decorator code Fix a bug in BPHY10 (ATLBPHYS-235) - The change to JpsiPlusV0Cascade.cxx Fixes V0Finder erroneously decorating the primary vertices (ATLASRECTS-7186) Clean up old dependencies Use xAOD::EventInfo instead of BeamSpotConditions
Updating some derivation ARTs This MR updates the preExec of some ART which are still missing the additional flag 'DetFlags.detdescr.Muon_setOn();'. Some train tests have beem moved to the right folder (not sure why the ended up in the EGAM one). I took this opportunity to activate the sharedWriter tests in master/AthDerivation (currently they are only running in master/Athena). master/AthDerivation seems to be running fine (except for a couple of failures we need to follow up), so it may be fully operational soon (after that master/Athena will all be disabled).
Derivation_tf does not have a legacy skeleton See merge request atlas/athena!55914 (cherry picked from commit c62e792e) 5d0d55dc Derivation_tf does not have a legacy skeleton
- Aug 15, 2022
Tadej Novak authored
Adding HLT jet information to JETM1; fixing typo in StaticNamesAndTypes
- Aug 13, 2022
Adam Edward Barton authored
- Aug 11, 2022
Adam Edward Barton authored
Adam Edward Barton authored
Adam Edward Barton authored
- Aug 10, 2022
Adam Edward Barton authored
Adam Edward Barton authored
Moved the lines of b-tagging code that replace or append strings to the top level function BTagAlgsCfg Moved the lines of b-tagging code that replace or append strings to the top level function BTagAlgsCfg
- Aug 09, 2022
Add Phase 1 FEX containers to L1Calo derivations
Adam Edward Barton authored
- Aug 08, 2022
Moved the lines of b-tagging code that replace or append strings to the top level function BTagAlgsCfg Moved the lines of b-tagging code that replace or append strings to the top level function BTagAlgsCfg
DerivationFrameworkConfiguration+RecJobTransforms: Set Loop Manager EventPrintoutInterval to 100 events in CA-based AODMerge and Derivations Merge branch 'master-eventprintoutlvl' into 'master' DerivationFrameworkConfiguration+RecJobTransforms: Set Loop Manager EventPrintoutInterval to 100 events in CA-based AODMerge and Derivations See merge request atlas/athena!55613 (cherry picked from commit d8d47324) b4c2df1e Set Loop Manager EventPrintoutInterval to 100 events in CA-based AODMerge and Derivations 5c8bef7e Introduce EventPrintoutInterval to AthMpEvtLoopMgr and pass this along to AthenaEventLoopMgr
Adding new flavour tagging and muon variables to PHYSLITE This MR adds the new DL1dv00 and DL1dv01 to PHYSLITE, along with the CaloMuonScore variable. All are needed by standard analysis. Changes have been applied to the legacy and new configuration files for debugging purposes.
- Aug 05, 2022
add a few muon variables and muon tracks thinning
- Aug 04, 2022
xAODTruthCnv configuration module renaming
- Aug 03, 2022
New electron CP package for LRT; convert merging tools to CP
Frank Winklmeier authored
Initial thread-checker fixes: - remove use of `DataHandle` - use `static const` initialization - use atomic counters
Manual sweep of !55324
Adding passThrough option to CA version of the derivation framework This MR equips the component-accumulator version of the derivation framework with the passThrough option. When used it disables all skimming and writes every event. It is needed for certain MC studies. Usage is ``` Derivation_tf.py ... --passThrough True ```
Frank Winklmeier authored
Frank Winklmeier authored
Use `ConstDataVector` for filtering.
- Aug 02, 2022
Alaettin Serhan Mete authored
Andrew Smith authored
- Aug 01, 2022
BPHY Derivations CA Migration Part 1: A New Hope
CA-tracking configuration per package: TrkVertexFitterUtils + xAODTrackingCnv
Jon Burr authored
- Jul 28, 2022
Politely tell JetFitterNN to go away
Use correct PV collection in Btagging for H1D1
Add VBF triggers to LLP1 trigger skimming