- Mar 15, 2024
Migrate the unit tests to CA. Previously the IOVDbTestAlgReadCoolNoReg and IOVDbTestAlgReadCoolAndReg were disabled. Once these are fixed the IOVDbTestAlgReadCoolAfterTwoStep crashes. Presumably that's the real problem and disabling the former two tests was just hiding the issue.
B-physics trigger: move bBmux_BdmuDstarX trigger chains from Dev_pp_run3_v1 to Physics_pp_run3_v1 (ATR-27341)
Fix offline tau distributions in the Tau Trigger Monitoring
InDetTrigRecAlgs - remove obsolete package
Increase eta range for track selection Previously had a hardcoded limit of |eta|<3.0 for the track selection. This is widened to allow analyses for the ITk. In addition, the decription of a previously undocumented command line option for the TrigInDetValidation jobs has been addewd
Add InDetServMat config, add default Geo TAG in output file name, disable temporarily not used CLI options
ATR-28667 Changing type of L1Topo ZeroBias Threshold masks to unsigned int
ATR-28836, additional delayed jets (time significance) in the deve menu