- Apr 11, 2024
Explicitly configure MuonCalibTool in MetAnalysisConfig with calibMode
- Apr 04, 2024
CPAlgorithms: add MET WP as a configurable option
- Mar 14, 2024
ConfigBlock: remove groupName, change noneAction, and duplicateAction The groupName variable was changed to blockName and set from a set/get function. Add instanceName to identify specific instances when there is a desire to set the value of an option in an arbitrary location and there is more than one instance of a block. Removed code to potentially throw an error if an option was set more than once. Instead of haing the user say "I am setting this option to None and it is okay," the noneAction variable can be set when adding an option. If the author of a class determines that an option can be set to None, then they can set this for that option.
- Feb 08, 2024
Nils Erik Krumnack authored
The main usage here is that if OR is run before MET we don't want to use the OR selections with MET. A similar issue is expected to come up with fakes/fakeable objects, i.e. some specific baseline cuts should not be applied (in fact they are inverted), but only for very specific users. The mechanism chosen here is to mark the cuts when they are registered and then exclude by name when requesting the selection.
- Dec 22, 2023
Set JetContainer for JVTSelTool in MetAnalysisConfig
- Oct 25, 2023
CPAlgorithms: change 'mc' to 'fullsim' in the config blocks metadata handling
- Oct 17, 2023
CPAlgorithms: add flag autoconfiguration to ConfigAccumulator
- Aug 16, 2023
Simplify MET analysis algorithm config for muon-jet treatment
- Mar 01, 2023
Make the MET CP algorithm directly compute met and phi for final term
- Jan 18, 2023
Nils Krumnack authored
This allows to fully configure the output n-tuple via block-configuration, and it allows to add a suggested list of variables from the invidual blocks that define them, instead of having to maintain that list outside of the configuration block infrastructure.
- Dec 13, 2022
Nils Krumnack authored
This tries to give the same treatment given to muons and photons to all the other configurations, so that it should be possible to configure all the blocks just through the options. There is probably some cleanup that could be done here in the future, regarding what some of the configuration blocks should be called exactly, what the options exposed should be etc. The main goal of this update is that I can now (more or less awkwardly) set everything I can via options that was previously limited to named parameters to the various make...Config() calls. I also added customizable behavior for setting a value of `None` on an option.
- Dec 02, 2022
Nils Krumnack authored
This is a fairly straightforward copy of the sequence version, with some extras to pass information behind the scenes. The one cute feature is that the selection name can be specified as e.g. "AnaMuons.medium".