- Feb 20, 2024
CPAlgorithms: smarter systematic printouts
Move some functions from anon namespace inside egammaSuperClusterBuilderBase to CookieCutterHelpers.
Introduce "compatible types" that can be implicitly converted to each other (e.g. assigning an `int` to a `float` flag). Also ensure that the type checking is done when assigning flags from the command line. Previously, assigning a `float` value to an `int` flag would explicitly convert the value to an integer (and cut off the decimals) without error message.
Drop obsolete LArNoiseBurst code, superseeded by LArNoiseConfig.py and LArNoiseSkeleton.py
remove InDetRecExample to avoid warnings
Fixes to MUON5 for Upgrade samples
Revert "config photon ringer path on hypo" This reverts commit 678e7fd5.
Script to run online Tile monitoring has been modified to fix the configuration of key value property of emon service since it is actually vector of strings.
Fix recursion issue in InDetSecVertexValidation
Delete unused legacy config and some minor cleanup of imports.
IDAlignMonGenericTracksAlgCfg.py: add profile of bs_y vs LB and TH2 of pix hits vs eta, plus fix some histo ranges
Move some functions from anon namespace inside egammaSuperClusterBuilderBase to CookieCutterHelpers.
Adding Acts common tests
GlobalSimulation - provide a thread-safe Reigister for Global Algorithms GlobalSimulation/python/GlobalL1TopoSimulation.py add a now manditory Geomodel Atlas version GlobalSimulation/src/AlgRegister.h, cxx Provide a regisiter pattern AlgRegistery. GlobalSimulation/src/IGSAlg.h Provide an interface for GlobalSim Algorithms
Disable thread-safety checking for unit tests that use googletest. Fixes warnings seen when (disabled by default) warnings about calls to unchecked code are enabled.
Making duplicate tests for CA implementation, moving ITk specific flag settings to those tests instead of all CA tests
Add MetaDataSvc to ProxyProviderSvc in ReadAthenaxAODHybrid.py
B-physics trigger: L1_BKeePrimaryLegacy and L1_BKeePrescaledLegacy seeds correspond to data23
Missing dependency on GeoModelKernel.
Pass containers by const reference, not by value.
Mutate the EDM list in the test first, before it is imported into any other modules as a side-effect of further imports below
GeneratorFilters/DiPhotonFilter: Added a cut-off on the angle deltaR_yy between the two photons A selection on the angle deltaR_yy between the two photons has been added to DiPhotonFilter, allowing for selecting photons separated by an angle in a given range (min, max).
Fix forceFullSimConfig default config for PhotonWorkingPointConfig
Delete unused legacy config (ATR-28360).
Delete legacy job options and unused files (ATR-28360).
Replace `0` with `0.0` in the histogram bin definition to avoid spurious differences in the legacy vs CA comparison ART test.