- Mar 15, 2024
This reverts commit b2635136.
Legacy Tile JO configurations have been removed.
Run ART in 24.0 and run RecExRecoTest in multi-threaded mode.
PoolSvc: make check for ATLAS_POOL_COND_PATH autofs compliant See merge request atlas/athena!68990 (cherry picked from commit e7851c44) d588554b PoolSvc: make check for ATLAS_POOL_COND_PATH autofs compliant
The `confTool` listed the properties of the `ApplicationMgr` and `MessageSvc` without parent.
Make Filename optional Fix AtlasExtrapolation error (ATLASVPONE-659)
Do not permanently rename public tools but use the `namePrefix` feature of `gatherProps`. This avoids that if a public tool is re-used in multiple places (and depending on the order of property serialization) that the tool name is set to "ToolSvc.MyTool" in the ToolHandle property. Fixes ATR-28846.
B-physics trigger: move bDimu2700 trigger chains from Dev_pp_run3_v1 to Physics_pp_run3_v1 (ATR-28779) B-physics trigger: move bDimu2700 trigger chains from Dev_pp_run3_v1 to Physics_pp_run3_v1 (ATR-28779)
Clean up legacy VrtSecInclusive configs
Delete job options that reference the non-existent RecExCommon configuration.
TileRecEx+TileMonitoring+TileRec+TileRecAlgs: Remove Tile legacy JO configurations The legacy Tile JO configurations including RecExCommon_topOptions.py have been removed.
Remove more files using MuonRecExample
old L1Topo removal (ATR-28822)
Moving DiPhoton TLA Chains from Dev to Physics Menu
Removal of legacy DAOD configuration part 6 ATLASG-2592 This MR removes residual legacy DAOD configuration files, mostly things that are hiding in the python directories. All of these job options depend on content that has been deleted in previous MRs and so are now completely broken and obsolete.