CommonServices: runSystematics: True PileupReweighting: {} EventCleaning: runEventCleaning: True Jets: - containerName: 'AnaJets' jetCollection: 'AntiKt4EMPFlowJets' runJvtUpdate: False runNNJvtUpdate: True FlavourTagging: - selectionName: 'ftag' noEffSF: False btagger: 'DL1dv01' btagWP: 'FixedCutBEff_60' FlavourTaggingEventSF: - containerName: 'AnaJets.baselineJvt' selectionName: 'ftag' btagger: 'DL1dv01' btagWP: 'FixedCutBEff_60' JVT: {} PtEtaSelection: {} Electrons: - containerName: 'AnaElectrons' WorkingPoint: - selectionName: 'loose' likelihoodWP: 'LooseBLayerLH' isolationWP: 'Loose_VarRad' recomputeLikelihood: False PtEtaSelection: minPt: 10000.0 Photons: - containerName: 'AnaPhotons' recomputeIsEM: False WorkingPoint: - selectionName: 'tight' qualityWP: 'Tight' isolationWP: 'FixedCutTight' recomputeIsEM: False PtEtaSelection: minPt: 10000.0 Muons: - containerName: 'AnaMuons' WorkingPoint: - selectionName: 'medium' quality: 'Medium' isolation: 'Loose_VarRad' PtEtaSelection: {} TauJets: - containerName: 'AnaTauJets' WorkingPoint: - selectionName: 'tight' quality: 'Tight' PtEtaSelection: {} GeneratorLevelAnalysis: {} # containerName and selectionName must be defined in their respective blocks MissingET: - containerName: 'AnaMET' # Format should follow Object: '<containerName>.<selectionName>' jets: 'AnaJets' taus: 'AnaTauJets.tight' electrons: 'AnaElectrons.loose' photons: 'AnaPhotons.tight' muons: 'AnaMuons.medium' # containerName and selectionName must be defined in their respective blocks OverlapRemoval: inputLabel: 'preselectOR' outputLabel: 'passesOR' # Format should follow Object: '<containerName>.<selectionName>' jets: 'AnaJets' taus: 'AnaTauJets.tight' electrons: 'AnaElectrons.loose' photons: 'AnaPhotons.tight' muons: 'AnaMuons.medium' Thinning: - containerName: 'AnaJets' outputName: 'OutJets' - containerName: 'AnaElectrons' outputName: 'OutElectrons' selectionName: 'loose' - containerName: 'AnaPhotons' outputName: 'OutPhotons' selectionName: 'tight' - containerName: 'AnaMuons' outputName: 'OutMuons' selectionName: 'medium' - containerName: 'AnaTauJets' outputName: 'OutTauJets' selectionName: 'tight' Trigger: triggerChainsPerYear: '2015': - 'HLT_e24_lhmedium_L1EM20VH || HLT_e60_lhmedium || HLT_e120_lhloose' - 'HLT_mu20_iloose_L1MU15 || HLT_mu50' - 'HLT_2g20_tight' '2016': - 'HLT_e26_lhtight_nod0_ivarloose || HLT_e60_lhmedium_nod0 || HLT_e140_lhloose_nod0' - 'HLT_mu26_ivarmedium || HLT_mu50' - 'HLT_g35_loose_g25_loose' '2017': - 'HLT_e26_lhtight_nod0_ivarloose || HLT_e60_lhmedium_nod0 || HLT_e140_lhloose_nod0' - 'HLT_2g22_tight_L12EM15VHI' - 'HLT_mu50' '2018': - 'HLT_e26_lhtight_nod0_ivarloose || HLT_e60_lhmedium_nod0 || HLT_e140_lhloose_nod0' - 'HLT_g35_medium_g25_medium_L12EM20VH' - 'HLT_mu26_ivarmedium' - 'HLT_2mu14' '2022': - 'HLT_e26_lhtight_ivarloose_L1EM22VHI || HLT_e60_lhmedium_L1EM22VHI || HLT_e140_lhloose_L1EM22VHI' noFilter: True electronID: 'Tight' electronIsol: 'Tight_VarRad' photonIsol: 'TightCaloOnly' muonID: 'Tight' electrons: 'AnaElectrons' photons: 'AnaPhotons' muons: 'AnaMuons' # After configuring each container, many variables will be saved automatically. Output: treeName: 'analysis' vars: [] metVars: [] containers: # Format should follow: '<suffix>:<output container>' mu_: 'OutMuons' el_: 'OutElectrons' ph_: 'OutPhotons' tau_: 'OutTauJets' jet_: 'OutJets' met_: 'AnaMET' '': 'EventInfo'