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new readers (DelphesProMC.cpp, (#220), DelphesPythia8)
new modules (EnergyScale, PileUpMergerPythia8, Weighter)
new module parameters (absolute/relative isolation (#187), flat/poisson pile-up distribution)
new global parameters (max number of events, skip events (#183), random seed (#202))
new branches (pile-up event density rho, MC event weight)
updated CMS and ALTAS detector cards (and added ATLAS pile-up detector card)
calorimeter smearing is now performed according to a logNormal distribution
improved particle-flow algorithm (#204)
added calculation of particle propagation time in the tracker
fixed tau-jet matching by only considering visible hadronic tau (#208)
read masses from MC event file (#195, #201)
bug fixes in DelphesCMSFWLite (#196)
compilable analysis macro examples (#182)
ability to read MC re-weighting information from LHE files