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moved code repository to GitHub (
moved configuration files from examples to cards directory
new event display, with automatic discovery of the object collections, navigation controls, and 3D geometry sketch (for more details, see WorkBook/EventDisplay)
updated FastJet library to 3.1.0
added zero suppression to Calorimeter and SimpleCalorimeter modules
added SmearTowerCenter configuration parameter to Calorimeter and SimpleCalorimeter modules (#363)
added FastJetGridMedianEstimator module (provides much faster pile-up subtraction based on a fixed grid eta-dependent average pile-up density computation)
added AngularSmearing module (to smear track eta,phi)
added PdgCodeFilter (to veto particle with given PID from collections)
added IdentificationMap (allows to apply (mis)-identification)
added Example4.C (provides an example on how to compute the jet energy scale)
added examples (examples/ExternalFastJet) on how to run Delphes as a library with external FastJet installation
updated card for FCC studies (cards/delphes_card_FCC_basic.tcl)
added card for LHCb studies (cards/delphes_card_LHCb.tcl)
made interface with Pythia 8 turned off by default
adapted Isolation module to new energy-flow photons and neutral hadrons (#362)
fixed jet mass calculation for anti-kt with "winner-take-all" (#355)
fixed crashing of root2lhco when ROOT file doesn't contain all required branches (#340)
added possibility to build Delphes with CMake (#313)