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improved energy-flow algorithm for high momentum
updated b-tagging parameterisations to recent ATLAS and CMS publications
updated FastJet library to 3.1.3
updated Nsubjettiness library to 2.2.1
added a detector card for the ILD detector (for ILC)  based on
adapted examples, EventDisplay, DelphesFormula and DelphesTF2 to ROOT 6.04
fixed tau-tagging for events without tau (thanks to Sho Iwamoto)
fixed UniqueObjectFinder (#728)
added JetFakeParticle module
added PhotonConversions module
added TaggingParticlesSkimmer module
added phi and energy dependence to AngularSmearing, BTagging, Efficiency, EnergyScale, EnergySmearing, IdentificationMap, ImpactParameterSmearing and MomentumSmearing
added IsRecoPU flag and PTMin parameter to TrackPileUpSubtractor
added Invert and Status options to PdgCodeFilter (thanks to Chase Shimmin)
added new isolation variables to Candidate, Electron, Muon and Photon classes (thanks to Raffaele Gerosa)
added code from CMS to PileUpMerger and PileUpMergerPythia8
added timing information to Calorimeter
added new PileUpJetID version (thanks to Seth Senz)
added Area 4-vector to jet class
added PUPPI algorithm and RunPUPPI module
added RecursiveTools package from fastjet contribs
replaced N-subjettiness with an array in Jet class (same as in Candidate class)
added Trimming, Pruning and SoftDrop to FastJetFinder
added possibility to use DelphesPythia8 with LHE files
added Pythia8 examples
added JetFlavourAssociation module with Physics and Algorithmic definitions of the jet flavor
added new jet flavor definitions to the BTagging module (available only when running DelphesPythia8 with LHE files)