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Commit bf2c141c authored by Tadej Novak's avatar Tadej Novak
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Merge branch '21.9-encoding-RD53B-update' into '21.9'

21.9: fixing bug in RD53B encoding tool for rotated chips

See merge request atlas/athena!38472
parents f1c98e62 4e5ffb6e
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......@@ -166,16 +166,44 @@ void RD53BEncodingAlg::fillChipMaps() {
// get the module and chip definitions
const int chips = design->numberOfCircuits();
const int rowsPerChip = design->rowsPerCircuit();
const int columnsPerChip = design->columnsPerCircuit();
int rowsPerChip = design->rowsPerCircuit();
int columnsPerChip = design->columnsPerCircuit();
const int chipsInPhi = design->rows()/rowsPerChip;
const int chipsinEta = design->columns()/columnsPerChip;
const int chipsinEta = design->columns()/columnsPerChip;
const float phiPitch = design->phiPitch();
bool use50x50 = true;
if (phiPitch < s_pitch50x50)
use50x50 = false;
// get the chip type
ChipType ctype = (chips==1) ? SINGLE : QUAD;
// get the region and the layer ltype for filling the histograms
Region region = (*element)->isBarrel() ? BARREL : ENDCAP;
LayerType ltype;
if (m_pixIdHelper->is_innermost(rdoCollID))
ltype = INNERMOST;
else if (m_pixIdHelper->is_nexttoinnermost(rdoCollID))
ltype = OUTER;
bool doSwapCoordinates = false;
// takle the case where the chips are rotated. You need to swap the phi/eta indices for the pixel
// since the front-end as well is rotated and the chip map has to get the right coordinates
// It happens for all the single chip modules in the endcap:
// - innermost layer
// - shorties in the next-to-innermost layer
if (region==ENDCAP and chips==1) {
doSwapCoordinates = true;
// swap dimensions if needed
if (doSwapCoordinates)
std::swap(columnsPerChip, rowsPerChip);
std::vector<ChipMap> chip_maps = std::vector<ChipMap>(chips, ChipMap(columnsPerChip, rowsPerChip, use50x50));
// get the RDO collection associated to the detector element
......@@ -195,43 +223,27 @@ void RD53BEncodingAlg::fillChipMaps() {
PixelRDO_Collection::const_iterator rdo_itr((*rdoCont_itr)->begin());
const PixelRDO_Collection::const_iterator rdo_end((*rdoCont_itr)->end());
// get the region and the layer ltype for filling the histograms
Region region = (*element)->isBarrel() ? BARREL : ENDCAP;
LayerType ltype;
if (m_pixIdHelper->is_innermost(rdoCollID))
ltype = INNERMOST;
else if (m_pixIdHelper->is_nexttoinnermost(rdoCollID))
ltype = OUTER;
ChipType ctype = (chips==1) ? SINGLE : QUAD;
for ( ; rdo_itr != rdo_end; ++rdo_itr ) {
const Identifier rdoID((*rdo_itr)->identify());
int pixPhiIx(m_pixIdHelper->phi_index(rdoID));
int pixEtaIx(m_pixIdHelper->eta_index(rdoID));
const int tot((*rdo_itr)->getToT());
// swap coordinates if needed
if (doSwapCoordinates) {
// evaluating the chip number considering the number of rows and columns per chip and
// the total number of rows and columns on the sensor
int chip = std::ceil(pixEtaIx/columnsPerChip) + chipsInPhi*std::ceil(pixPhiIx/rowsPerChip);
ATH_MSG_VERBOSE(" --> " << pixEtaIx << "(" << std::ceil(pixEtaIx/columnsPerChip) << ")/" << pixPhiIx << "(" << std::ceil(pixPhiIx/rowsPerChip) << ") - " << chip);
// takle the case where the chips are rotated. You need to swap the phi/eta indices for the pixel
// since the front-end as well is rotated and the chip map has to get the right coordinates
// It happens for all the single chip modules in the endcap:
// - innermost layer
// - shorties in the next-to-innermost layer
if (region==ENDCAP and chips==1)
// get the eta/phi index wrt to the chip, not the module
int pixEta = pixEtaIx - std::ceil(pixEtaIx/columnsPerChip)*columnsPerChip;
int pixPhi = pixPhiIx - std::ceil(pixPhiIx/rowsPerChip)*rowsPerChip;
int pixPhi = pixPhiIx - std::ceil(pixPhiIx/rowsPerChip)*rowsPerChip;, pixPhi, tot);
// filling histograms only for the first events to keep them small
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