release/23.0.18d72296ce · ·
# Release notes for release/23.0.18 The release [release/23.0.18](https://gitlab.cern.ch/atlas/athena/tags/release/23.0.18) was built from the tag [nightly/master/2023-02-28T2101](https://gitlab.cern.ch/atlas/athena/tags/nightly/master/2023-02-28T2101) This is the list of merge requests that were included since the previous release [release/23.0.17](https://gitlab.cern.ch/atlas/athena/tags/release/23.0.17): * !61049 Fix QG tagger configurations ~JetEtmiss, ~Reconstruction * !61062 Initial MC23c Simulation ART jobs ~Simulation, ~Tools * !61090 Adjust settings in rig art test ~Reconstruction * !61048 Update bjet SuperRoI zwidth (ATR-26766) ~Trigger, ~TriggerID * !61072 CxxUtils: Add ConcurrentMap. ~Core * !61056 Tidying up Truth[Decay]CollectionMaker following migration to R/W/D handles ~Derivation * !61089 Fix typo in test_RUN2_FullG4MT_QS_CalibrationHits_pions.sh ART script ~Simulation * !61034 Read/write/decor handles for TruthNavigationDecorator ~Derivation * !61085 runHLT_standalone: couple superCellWithBCID with doL1Sim ~Trigger * !61063 make HIClusterMaker re-entrant algorithm ~JetEtmiss, ~Reconstruction * !61073 CaloTTDetDescr: Fix FPE in clang build. ~Calorimeter * !61068 Clean up CampaignsARTTests PFlow plots ~Tools * !61082 Use LZ4 for temporary files ~Database * !61043 Optimization of HepMC-related codes ~Analysis, ~Generators, ~Simulation, ~Trigger * !61055 TrigInDetConfig+TriggerMenuMT: remove usage of global ConfigFlags ~Egamma, ~JetEtmiss, ~Tau, ~Trigger, ~TriggerID, ~TriggerMenu, ~TriggerMinBias * !61036 SolenoidParametrization: Try to reduce the number of allocations ~Tracking * !61061 23.0-coverity-LArByteStream ~LAr * !61075 MuonByteStreamCnvTest+TrigInDetPattRecoTools: Fix clang warnings. ~MuonSpectrometer, ~Trigger, ~TriggerID * !61074 MuonCombinePatternTools: Suppress cppcheck warnings. ~MuonSpectrometer * !61076 MuonPatternSegmentMaker+MuonTrackMakerUtils: Fix cppcheck warning. ~MuonSpectrometer * !61033 CA migration for muon trigger isolation, late mu RoI, and roi cluster sequences ~Trigger, ~TriggerMenu * !61018 updating python script and jobOptions to write OFC and pulse shape to COOL ~Tile * !61050 Fix ART header content ~Reconstruction * !60987 introduce a first version of EventLoop configuration on the worker ~Analysis, ~Core * !59697 RNTuple Storage Technology for Athena/APR - Stage 1 ~Core, ~Database, ~EDM * !60990 TrigValidation: update data22 ART inputs, and set superCellWithBCID=True in runHLT_standalone ~Trigger, ~changes-trigger-counts * !61010 Activate ISF_Validation ART jobs for 23.0 branch ~Simulation * !61028 Addressing ATR-27010 to modify hypo for the 3layerEC chain when NSW is not available in the HLT ~Trigger * !61014 Analysis Algs: Support partial PRW info in input file ~Analysis * !61027 Revert "Merge branch 'UseG4inCaloATLFAST3F_main' into 'master'" ~Simulation * !60972 Implement LRT electron cluster overlap strategy for running on AODs ~Analysis, ~Egamma * !61031 add GRL function ~DQ, ~MuonSpectrometer * !61012 Update ART tests for egamma ~Egamma, ~Reconstruction * !60981 Add ComponentAccumulator tool configuration for ISF_ActsTools ~ACTS, ~Simulation * !60996 ACTS configurable overstepping limit, correct units in ActsKalmanFitter ~ACTS, ~ITk, ~Test, ~Tracking * !61020 Update DetEleCollKey for ITk in Tau CA config ~ITk, ~Reconstruction, ~Tau * !61017 Add CA config for ITk InDetEventCnvTool + unify TrkEventCnvSuperTool config ~ITk, ~InnerDetector, ~MuonSpectrometer, ~Reconstruction, ~Tracking * !61009 TrigPSC: move flags locking after pre-exec ~Trigger * !61007 PRW With Zero Lumi Run, master branch (2023.02.24.) ~Analysis * !61006 Attempts of simple optimization in SCT digitization ~Digitization, ~InnerDetector * !61021 VP1SimHitSystem: build CaloDetDescrManager instead of retrieving it from DetStore ~EventDisplay * !61030 TElectronEfficiency : Change the result to struct. Add logic before the call to calculate ~Analysis, ~Egamma, ~Trigger * !61004 Support reading ITK tracks, and also proper support for Muon tracks. ~ITk, ~Tracking * !61024 MuPatPrimitives - Fix copy constructor and add cosmic hit sorting ~MuonSpectrometer * !61019 RIO_OnTrack : Move arguments to avoid extra allocations ~InnerDetector, ~Tracking * !61022 Clean up/simplify SpacePoint classes ~InnerDetector, ~Tracking * !60995 Use const references in the loops over GenParticles/GenVertices where possible ~Analysis, ~Derivation, ~EventDisplay, ~InnerDetector, ~Simulation * !61037 MuonCombinedRecToolsConfig try to fix the 'FIXME' ~Reconstruction * !61035 CaloSurfaceBuilder avoid un-needed allocation/ptr/new delete ~Calorimeter, ~LAr * !61023 Prevent FPE from division by zero in MM L1 Simulation ~Trigger * !61015 ATLASRECTS-7503 : Remove cout from DQTGlobalWZFinderAlg ~DQ * !61032 fix Tier0ChainTests permissions and CA test with calib run ~Tools * !60994 Tier0ChainTests cleanup + add some CA tests ~Tools * !60821 TrigGepPerf - add creation of 422 topo cluster to the standard GEP job TrigGepPerf/share/run_gep.py ~Trigger * !61003 Activate SimCoreTests(MT) ART jobs for 23.0 branch ~Simulation * !60944 Add particle barcode, child info to flavor tagging truth label ~Analysis, ~BTagging, ~Derivation, ~JetEtmiss, ~Run2-MCReco-output-changed, ~Tools * !59648 First prototype for an xAOD-based space point ~ACTS, ~EDM, ~InnerDetector, ~Tracking * !60969 TrigL2MuonSA: use CA version to configure TrigL2MuonSA ~Trigger, ~TriggerMenu * !60984 CA migration for combined muon trigger algorithms ~Trigger, ~TriggerMenu * !60915 Update HGTD.Geometry.useGeoModelXml flag + Run4 geotag for CI tests ~HGTD, ~Tools * !61000 SiHitCollectionCnv_p3(_p2) Protect against values stored std::vector<unsigned short> exceeding USHRT_MAX ~Digitization, ~InnerDetector, ~Simulation * !61002 TileROD_Decoder: Updated number of samples for FELIX fragments ~Tile * !60978 Remove the not very useful if checks in digitization ~Digitization, ~InnerDetector * !60997 InDetART: Use packaged dcube xml definition file for test_run4_el10 ~InnerDetector * !60998 Removing obsolete jO ~LAr * !60983 [ATR-27004] Revert parameter names in L1Topo algorithm ~Trigger, ~TriggerMenu * !60980 Pass config of TrackParticleCreator to TrackCollectionCnvTool ~EDM, ~InnerDetector, ~Tracking * !60974 Update ATLFAST3F_G4MS configuration ~Simulation * !60991 Update LArCalib_Example_WavePatcher.py ~LAr * !60988 SCT_ClusteringTool try to use move ctors to avoid extra allocations ~InnerDetector * !60977 Updates to particle flow physics validation histograms. ~JetEtmiss, ~Reconstruction * !60966 MuPatPrimitives: Add further missing includes for dev4 builds ~MuonSpectrometer * !60960 ID trigger tracking : Set default z width of RoIs (ATR-27012) ~Trigger, ~TriggerID, ~changes-trigger-counts * !60982 Updated MuonCombined flags for cosmics ~MuonSpectrometer, ~Reconstruction * !60967 Adding MMTP L1A ROD Decoder ~MuonSpectrometer * !60986 RIO_OnTrackCreator: Avoid too many string comparisons. Reduce verbosity a bit: ~Tracking * !60776 BIS78 RPC - Add cabling alg & tester ~MuonSpectrometer * !60985 Monitor executing time of CKF ~ACTS, ~Tracking * !60963 Update RIG AFP MC Test ~Reconstruction * !60850 Master zdc run2 fixes ~ForwardDetectors * !60880 ALFA elastic triggers in HI L1/HLT menus [ATR-23602] in master ~Trigger, ~TriggerMenu * !60962 LArADC2MeVCondAlg: Prepare to work with incomplete detector ~LAr * !60968 Fix and clean up gathena script - ATEAM-886 ~Core * !59450 enable IDPVM to run the IDTIDE derivation output ~InnerDetector * !60738 Read/Write/Decor handles for TruthDressingTool ~Derivation * !60830 cache the barcodes in Simulation/G4Sim/MCTruth/MCTruth/ ~Generators, ~Simulation * !60949 Update data overlay tests to CONDBR2-BLKPA-RUN2-10 ~Core, ~Overlay, ~Run2-DataOverlay-output-changed, ~Simulation, ~Tools * !60964 Add typedefs to selection.xml ~EDM, ~JetEtmiss * !60173 Update of ZCounting framework for Run 3 ~DQ * !60971 adding mc23c pileup profile ~Digitization, ~Simulation, ~Tools * !60970 schedule OutputConditionsAlg in AthOutSeq ~Database * !60937 Fix ITkStrip barrel modules in ACTS tracking geometry ~ACTS, ~Tracking * !60965 Update GenVertexFillerTool.cxx: small fix of the vertex id/status ~Analysis * !60927 Bump ACTS tag to v23.4.0 ~ACTS, ~Build * !60936 Setting default decoration prefix name for the output of TrackStateOnSurfaceDecorator ~Derivation * !60948 G4AtlasUserActionConfig: Allow UserActionsSvc used by G4AtlasAlg to use OptionalUserActions ~Simulation * !60924 TrkiPatFitterUtils/FitMeasurement avoid ptr/new/delete for Eigen ~Tracking * !60947 fix to run on data ~Egamma, ~Reconstruction * !60952 Optimization of HepMC-related codes ~Analysis, ~JetEtmiss, ~Simulation, ~Trigger * !60945 Fix inconsistencies in ActsTrackingGeometryToolCfg and ActsExtrapolationToolCfg usage ~ACTS, ~InnerDetector, ~Tracking * !60950 jFEX tau updates and bugfixes ~JetEtmiss, ~Trigger, ~changes-trigger-counts * !60954 PileupReweighting: add support for MC23a ~Analysis * !60939 Updators pass simple types by value rather than const ref ~Tracking * !60959 NnClusterizationFactory': Try to move to the errors rather than deep copy over ~InnerDetector * !60942 Disable default Tracking.doStats flag ~ITk, ~InnerDetector, ~Tracking * !60957 JetHistoAttributeFiller : reduce verbosity a bit ~DQ, ~JetEtmiss, ~Reconstruction * !60930 CITest: Update list of ignore-leaves diff-root parameters for RecoLegacyVsCA tests ~Test * !60943 SimConfigFlags: Clean-up HITMerging auto-configuration ~Simulation * !60935 Update InDetConfigFlags for cosmics ~InnerDetector * !60934 LArCalib: Make FolderTagResolver more robust, to work with an intermediate sqlite file ~LAr * !60958 GlobalChi2 avoid a bit over verbose ouput ~Tracking * !60940 AnalysisTop: Changes needed for Electron triggers and global triggers ~Analysis, ~AnalysisTop, ~Trigger * !60953 Fix HI photon calo sequence ~Egamma, ~Trigger, ~TriggerMenu Link to the full diff between [release/23.0.18](https://gitlab.cern.ch/atlas/athena/tags/release/23.0.18) and [release/23.0.17](https://gitlab.cern.ch/atlas/athena/tags/release/23.0.17) is available at https://gitlab.cern.ch/atlas/athena/compare/release/23.0.17...release/23.0.18