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Removing PHP access logs

Francisco Borges Aurindo Barros requested to merge remove-php-accesslogs into v9.4-2

There's no reason to have on PHP-FPM the access logs, also they just present non relevant data, example:

+0000 "GET /_site/_php-fpm-status" 200
+0000 "GET /_site/_php-fpm-status" 200
+0000 "GET /_site/_php-fpm-status" 200
+0000 "GET /_site/_php-fpm-status" 200
+0000 "GET /index.php" 204

Since all access to php-fpm comes from nginx, there's no added value with these logs, further more the data present on php-fpm is just what is shown above, so there will not be relevant data to evaluate.

Ideally the same changes is pushed to v9.4-2 and v9.5-1

Merge request reports
