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Deprecated experimental-widget-asymetric-translation-2904705-47.patch causing translation issues fixed

Lorenzo Del Pianta requested to merge ldelpian-v9.5-1-patch-58889 into v9.5-2

Fixing the warning of paragraph patch:

"DRUPAL-466: adds the widget that fixes the landing pages issues\n WARNING: there is a new version of this patch upstream for PHP7.2 with some community validation. But since this version still applies cleanly, we wont update it yet." on the composer.json

There is a deprecated patch that is causing issues in the translation of content across sites at Cern. The used version is not working anymore, updated it with the new version.

What has been done:

  1. Deleted patches/experimental-widget-asymetric-translation-2904705-47.patch
  2. inserted new patch version patches/paragraphs_support_asym_translations-2904705-122.patch
  3. Updated composer.json
Edited by Lorenzo Del Pianta

Merge request reports
