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always check valid debug level is specified
debug level value is only checked when applied locally additionally, an invalid debug level still incorrectly displays a success message in the console (but will display the error in the log file)
EOS Console [root://localhost] |/> debug warn /eos/*/fst
success: switched to mgm.debuglevel=warn on nodes mgm.nodename=/eos/*/fst
EOS Console [root://localhost] |/> debug warn /eos/*/fst
success: switched to mgm.debuglevel=warn on nodes mgm.nodename=/eos/*/fst
success: switched to mgm.debuglevel=warn on nodes mgm.nodename=/eos/*/mgm
error: debug level warn is not known! (errc=22) (Invalid argument)
EOS Console [root://localhost] |/> debug warn
error: debug level warn is not known! (errc=22) (Invalid argument)
modified to always check before sending:
EOS Console [root://localhost] |/> debug cats
error: debug level cats is not known! (errc=22) (Invalid argument)
EOS Console [root://localhost] |/> debug cats *
error: debug level cats is not known! (errc=22) (Invalid argument)
EOS Console [root://localhost] |/> debug cats /eos/*/fst
error: debug level cats is not known! (errc=22) (Invalid argument)
Edited by Crystal Michelle Chua