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Add the option to apply medium photon ID WP

Sijing Zhang requested to merge sizhang/easyjet:general_PhotonID into main

The purpose of this MR is to make it general to apply both tight and medium photon ID (the current version only works for tight ID).

  • Tested code with both tight and medium ID, obtained the same number of events:

  • The way to apply medium ID (default is tight ID):

    • bbyyAnalysis/share/RunConfig-bbyy-base.yaml : move this line to the first in "extra_wps:" of 'Photon'

      • ["Medium", "FixedCutLoose"]
    • bbyyAnalysis/share/RunConfig-bbyy-skimming-loose.yaml (or anyone else): use the following lines:


      instead of the default:


@gdigrego @alwang @tpelzer @atishelm @fcurcio

Edited by Sijing Zhang

Merge request reports
