Initial mc23e and 2024 data input files
This is not a priority for bbyy
, but since we have a few mc23e derivations for SHbbyy, I was curious to see if they could be processed by easyjet. I started adding the grl, prw etc. files for mc23e and 2024 data, as I didn't see them in EasyjetHub, so I figured I would make this draft MR to put them there so others don't have to start looking for them or adding them.
It's a draft because I find when processing a new mc23e SHbbyy file, I get the following error:
CP::TPileupReweighting... ERROR overran integrated luminosity for RunNumber=472968 (0.000000 vs 0.000000)
corresponding to this portion of Athena: link.
I'm not expert enough to know off the top of my head why this error occurs, I guess the run number is not contained in one of the 2024/mc23e config files I added.
- Are the new input files I've added correct?
- Any suggestion for how to fix the error I'm getting?
cc bbyy: @gdigrego @alwang @tpelzer
For reference, this is the full command I run for an mc23e PHYSLITE file I downloaded to produce the above error:
bbyy-ntupler /eos/atlas/atlascerngroupdisk/phys-higp/higgs-pairs/Run3/SHbbyy/PHYSLITE/mc23_13p6TeV.802102.Py8EG_A14NNPDF23LO_XHS_X245_S60_HyySbb.deriv.DAOD_PHYSLITE.e8557_e8528_a934_s4370_r16083_r15970_p6522/DAOD_PHYSLITE.42850225._000001.pool.root.1 --run-config bbyyAnalysis/RunConfig-Resonant-Default-2btag.yaml --out-file analysis-variables-SHbbyy.root --e 1000
Also I found what I am guessing are the correct prw and grl files by searching around here: