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Lepton containers and cuts to bbyyAnalysis

Spyridon Merianos requested to merge atishelm/easyjet:yybb_dev into master

Addition of electron/muon containers and jets kinematics in preparation of a bbyy cutflow production.

Changes in the following files :

  1. bbyyAnalysis/src/BaselineVarsyybbAlg.h and .cxx
  2. bbyyAnalysis/python/
  3. bbyyAnalysis/bin/bbyy-ntupler
  4. bbyyAnalysis/share/yybb-base-config.yaml

The main idea is to use Accessors on the particle containers of BaselineVarssyybbAlg, through which we can form bool variables, representing various cuts. The cuts are later saved in the output TTree by the bbyy-ntupler. The lepton cuts are in an experimental stage. Waiting for your suggestions.

Tagging : @atishelm @gdigrego

Question :

You'll notice that a specific WP is hardcoded in our files : "ftag_select_DL1dv01_FixedCutBEff_77"

In the file :

there is a do_muons flag, which is necessary to be set to true if you want to run the muon algorithms. Under the do_muons condition, the same hardcoded WP is set. What is the reason for selecting this specific WP for muons?

If you set a different WP in the corresponding .config file, you get the following error :

BJetCalibAlg ERROR SG::ExcBadAuxVar: Attempt to retrieve nonexistent aux data item `::ftag_select_DL1dv01_FixedCutBEff_77' (1026).

Should we run the bbyy-ntupler under this condition solely (in case we want to include muons)?

Edited by Spyridon Merianos

Merge request reports
