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GetXSectionTool : Direct (better) path to Custom or PMG file

Spyridon Merianos requested to merge smeriano/easyjet:PmgBetterPathResolver into main

Replacing readInfosFromDir with readInfosFromFiles.

  1. The first method searches the DSID in all files of a given path.
path =  /cvmfs/ 
Dsid = 600021

The path contains 3 .txt files : PMGxsecDB_mc16.txt , PMGxsecDB_mc21.txt and PMGxsecDB_mc23.txt The dsid 600021 exists only in the PMGxsecDB_mc16.txt. Hence, readInfosFromDir will access values only from this txt file. (I don't know what happens if the dsid exists in more txt files or if this is possible).

  1. The second method searches for the DSID in a specific txt file.
path =  /cvmfs/
Dsid = 600021

I believe readInfosFromFiles will search only this file. In my opinion this is a better way to access directly a file.

Tagging : @gdigrego

Edited by Spyridon Merianos

Merge request reports
