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Updated SH(bbyy) config, datasets, CI

The purpose of this MR is to rename the Resonant bbyy config to something more general (not PNN specific) and to include the currently necessary force full sim flags for EGamma. My thinking is to make it very clear which config should be used for the resonant analysis.

I have also overridden the default b-tag WP to DL1d as we're still validating mc20 by comparing to mc16 which uses DL1r. One can always update this locally for different studies, but until we have validated easyjet+PHYSLITE for SH, I feel it makes sense to leave this as our default.

Also adding existing centrally produced PHYS datasets for the 5 mass points we have.

Also adding CI tests for this updated config file.

@lderamo @tstreble

Edited by Abraham Tishelman-Charny

Merge request reports
