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Added configuration for global trigger scale factor (#170)

Thomas Strebler requested to merge tstreble/easyjet:triggerSF_config into main

Built on top of @princke developments in atlas/athena!69978 (merged)

Will need for new release, hopefully 25.2.8

Schedules the computation of the global trigger scale factor based on TrigGlobalEfficiencyAlg.cxx

This raises the complication that not all trigger chains + object working points are supported by central trigger scale factors. The trigger flags are updated to account for this:

  • the existing trigger_chains is changed into trigger.selection.chains
  • an optional set of flag is introduced as trigger.scale_factor.chains, to be used for the trigger SF computation. If not present, trigger.selection.chains is used
  • sets of flags corresponding to the object ID to be used (might revisit this later, in case we can merge this with the main config, but for the configs investigated so far, the baseline working points are typically looser than the ones used for the final object selection anyway)

All of this will be presented in more details in the HHFramework meeting on May 7th.

Opening this already to potentially collect early comments, in particular from @lderamo @dguest @khoo + allow @mfujimot to have some baseline to test the update of TrigGlobalEfficiencyAlg including tau triggers.

Edited by Thomas Strebler

Merge request reports
