release/23.0.158f2f209a · ·
# Release notes for release/23.0.15 The release [release/23.0.15](https://gitlab.cern.ch/atlas/athena/tags/release/23.0.15) was built from the tag [nightly/master/2023-02-06T2101](https://gitlab.cern.ch/atlas/athena/tags/nightly/master/2023-02-06T2101) This is the list of merge requests that were included since the previous release [release/23.0.14](https://gitlab.cern.ch/atlas/athena/tags/release/23.0.14): * !60347 : More algorithm-reshuffling to allow serial running of CA-based reconstruction * !60348 : LAr temporary allocations * !60363 : Fix FlowAfterburner compilation in master--HepMC2 * !60364 : Fix McEventCollectionFilter compilation in master--HepMC2 nightlies * !60356 : DiTauMassTools: fix clang warnings * !60361 : SUSYTools: fix clang warnings * !60360 : AnalysisTop: fix clang warnings * !60358 : Core AnalysisBase: fix clang warnings * !60357 : FakeBkgTools+ElectronEfficiencyCorrection+JetTileCorrection: fix clang warnings * !60370 : 23.0-cleanup-TRT_SeededTrackFinderTool * !60368 : egammaConfig : rm seemingly unused fragment. Add an example 'jo' like script to run egamma in CA * !60372 : TileSimAlgs: Use conditions objects in TilePulseForTileMuonReceiver * !60375 : dqm_algorithms: Add possibility to ignore bins in MaskedBinRow algorithm * !60376 : Add Valkyrie/Callgrind config for ComponentAccumulator. Add profiledAlg flag for Valkyrie/Callgrind and Vtune * !60383 : Avoid unused reserve (pointed by heaptrack). In the actual path ,we use this, resize happens * !60384 : Step propagator . Just use value rather than new/delete * !60385 : Muon trigger CA migration for standalone muons * !60388 : TrigEgammaMonitoring+TriggerMenuMT: pass flags to GenericMonitoringTool * !60369 : Removed intermediate function in MM L1 Simulation * !60394 : 23.0-cppcheck-TileMonitoring * !60395 : add LRT parameters to FTF in CA config ATR-26732 * !60392 : AnalysisTop: Add option to choose more compelx systematic model or muon... * !60408 : Revert "Merge branch 'master-maszyman-ateam-882' into 'master'" * !60393 : processPostExec: Import CompFactory before executing post-exec commands * !60398 : AnalysisTop: Update MCP trigger configuration & enable Taus * !60396 : 23.0-cppcheck-MuonSelectorTools * !60391 : TriggerMenuMT: allow Hypo generators to take flags as first argument * !60322 : ATR-26410 new NN Photon + MET trigger chains * !60406 : Properly Schedule HGTD tracking geometry for TrackingGeometryCondAlg * !60304 : Read/Write/Decor handles for TruthDecayCollectionMaker * !60268 : Fix bug in VSI which led to irreproducibility in DAOD_PHYSVAL * !60349 : SleptonsConfig.py fix indentation bugs (ATLASSIM-6360) * !60389 : Further updates to ISF_ValidationMT ART scripts * !60367 : fix missing base-class initialization * !60359 : TRT_SegmentToTrackTool, egammaForwardAlg : Use isEnabled should avoid creating a tmp string when not needed * !60280 : Improved implementation of configurable pT filter for e.g. PHYSVAL * !60335 : 23.0-cleanup-TrkToolInterfaces * !60306 : Update ttbar_mu0 CampaignsARTTests to use central steering * !60036 : Create Valid SiHitIdentifiers in SQLite workflows * !60377 : TrigT1CaloMonitoring: Better fix for clang warning. * !60379 : VP1TrackSystems: Fix cppcheck warnings. * !60380 : VP1UtilitySystems+VP1RawDataSystems+VP1VertexSystems: Fix cppcheck warnings. * !60378 : VP1PRDSystems: Fix cppcheck warnings. * !60346 : Fix unit tests in AthAnalysis * !60321 : TruthSvc logic and debugging updates (ATLASSIM-6361) * !60386 : TrigCommon: update unit test reference * !60387 : Detect simulation flags when writing metadata more reliably * !60135 : Changes to energy-per-layer calculations for PFlow and UFO jets * !60096 : Fix sTGC pad staggering (fuzziness) * !60324 : reorganize and split the unit tests in AnalysisAlgorithmsConfig * !60301 : JetRec+MuonSegmentTrackMaker: pass flags to GenericMonitoringTool * !60328 : Updated extension for primary tracking pass in CA config * !60336 : LArConditionsTest: remove unused testing job options * !60334 : AthenaMonitoring: remove TriggerTranslatorTool from legacy DQ * !60326 : Add missing legacy MC23 CalibrationHit-writing Campaign preIncludes for Simulation jobs * !60342 : 23.0-cppcheck-DerivationFrameworkCalo * !60290 : remove spurious dynamic aux-variable * !60312 : Fix Express stream default * !60309 : CxxUtils: Add atomic_bounded_decrement. * !60299 : Remove unused lines of code * !60340 : 23.0-cppcheck-TrkExEngine * !60272 : TriggerMenuMT Jets: Fixing recording of TCEventInfo to only record for smallR pflow chains * !60339 : 23.0-cppcheck-TrkValAlgs * !60262 : Tracking CA config update EventCnvSuperTool / FullLinearizedTrackFactory / ParticleCaloExtensionTool * !60201 : TileMonitoring::Update monitoring of digits and rawchannels from FELIX read-out * !60169 : InDet tests: do not use global config flags * !60070 : Add CP algorithms test to the CI * !60025 : ExampleMonitoringConfig: cleanup config flags handling * !59119 : dummy implementation of ITk/Pixel radiation damage * !60302 : eflowRec: pass flags to GenericMonitoringTool * !60298 : InDetConfig: pass flags to GenericMonitoringTool * !60314 : Clean up duplicated SiDetectorElementCollection declaration in SiLayerBuilder * !60311 : Return NULL when reading non existing APR objects * !60315 : TileSimAlgs: Use TileBadChannels conditions object directly * !60295 : CaloRec+LArAthenaPool: delete unused job options * !60294 : LArCollisionTimeMonAlg: fix incorrect usage of config flags * !60297 : TrigOnlineMonitor: pass flags to ALFAROBMonitor * !60341 : Fix typos in new ISF_ValidationMT ART job scripts * !60344 : Fixes for CA with Serial * !60333 : AthenaMonitoring: thread-checker fixes for legacy DQ code * !60330 : MultiComponentStateAssembler : Simplify / clean up a bit the code * !60331 : 23.0-clang15-ActsInterop * !60303 : 23.0-cppcheck-xAODRootAccess * !60320 : VP1Gui: Fix cppcheck warnings. * !60323 : VP1AODSystems+VP1GeometrySystems: Fix cppcheck warnings. * !60316 : VP1Base: Fix cppcheck warnings. * !60305 : TrigInDetValidation : Remove some obsolete ART tests * !60317 : VP1UtilsBase: Fix cppcheck warning. * !60327 : 23.0-cppcheck-TrkVertexFitterUtils * !60300 : 23.0-cppcheck-suppress-SiSpacePointsSeedTool_xk * !60296 : 23.0-cppcheck-TrkVertexSeedFinderUtils * !58092 : Add new electron+LRTelectron merging strategy * !60278 : TrigServices: CA config for MessageSvc * !60318 : MuonConfig: Move main MuonSegmentCnvAlg to CombinedReco * !60238 : Passing configuration of itk and fast tracking flags to `SiTools` * !60313 : Solve compilation warnings from Acts Geometry * !59949 : RAWtoALL_Skeleton: write metadata to TagInfo for CA * !60265 : Updated frozen showers library for MC23 * !60261 : TBCaloConditions: mark tools as not thread-safe * !60263 : Reorganise AthenaConfiguration unit tests * !60277 : Turning off NSW simulation from tests used to dump SMK for reprocessing * !60271 : PathLengthUtils: avoid tmp allocations. Rm cout * !60293 : 23.0-cppcheck-MMRawDataMonitoring * !60292 : Update of the DeMo suite : new DeMoAtlasLoss script + minor improvements * !60276 : 23.0-cppcheck-suppress-HLTSeeding * !60269 : AthenaMPConfig: using single event dispatching if number of maxEvents is small. * !60284 : AthenaServices: remove usage of OldStyleConfig module * !60287 : 23.0-clang15-TrigT1CaloMonitoring * !60281 : CommissionUtils: delete unused package * !60291 : Pythia8B_i: allow the weights to be filled for HepMC2 running too * !60255 : DerivationFrameworkCore: Adding HLT event variables + HLT subjesgscIS PFlow jets for DAOD_JETM1 (ATLJETMET-1506) * !60285 : EvgenJobTransforms: make the ART tests run for master--HepMC2 nightly * !60274 : CxxUtils: enable unchecked call warnings in pedantic build * !60283 : CaloCalibHitRec: delete unused job options * !60275 : TrigEgammaMonitoring: delete obsolete TrigEgammaMonitCategory * !60260 : Update AOD test paths * !60286 : PyJobTransformsCore: cleanup setup of AthenaSummarySvc * !60289 : 23.0-cppcheck-suppress-LWHists * !60273 : AtlasHepMC: Add missing unordered_map include for gcc12 * !60266 : Optimize recurrent function in MM L1 Simulation * !60267 : Clean-up of conditions in InDetMonitoring tests CA config * !60270 : Residual Pull. Use std::array of size 5. Avoid resizing a vector * !60282 : MuonCombined reconstruction - Do not schedule inner detector selection algs on cosmics * !60253 : TriggerMenuMT: pass flags to MenuSequence[CA] * !60234 : TriggerAPI: explicitly pass ConfigFlags when needed * !59738 : Adding persistent representation of MuCTPIL1Topo, and fixing decoded muon pt * !60015 : bug-fix for DCS state (ATLASRECTS-7463) * !59596 : Bump Acts Tag to v22.0.1 * !60264 : KLGaussianMixtureReduction:Compress the padding code in one method * !60259 : StoreGate: generalize parent container in DecorHandleKey * !60257 : TrigT2BeamSpot: use functions to configure Beamspot algorithm * !60251 : MuonConfig/MuonCombinedConfig: standardise handling of arguments * !60237 : Update of tracking flags: vertexing * !60037 : Externals Update, master branch (2023.01.24.) * !60247 : StagedTrackingGeometryBuilder Cond/Svc. Further (almost final) factoring of common code * !60246 : Add ID art test with the clone removal disabled and the chi2max increased for the egamma slice * !60244 : add LargeD0 ParticlesAux. to ITkTrackRecoConfig.py * !60236 : TileRecUtils: Use TileBadChannels conditions object in raw channel correction * !60220 : cppcheck: identical inner condition * !60249 : AthenaPoolCnvSvc+OutputStreamAthenaPool: Configure PoolWriteCfg from within OutputStreamConfig * !60252 : TriggerMenuMT: pass flags to dictFromChainName * !60258 : BSRead_config.py: Don't hardcode the OutputLevel of LArRawDataReadingAlg * !60254 : Do not configure Tile muon receiver in Run1 (ATLASSIM-6353) * !60230 : Adding new asymmetric triggers for bbtautau studies (ATR-26852) * !60245 : Adding new L1 and HLT for BoostedDiTau trigger chain * !60241 : Introduced CampaignsARTTests quick test * !60239 : Update input EVNT dataset for ttbar CampaignsARTTest * !60250 : Tracking : Prefer member initializer list (clang-tidy) * !60229 : SuppressTrackFit in AmbiguityProcessorTool for actsValidateTracksFlags * !60248 : Remove hardcoded tau isolation from L1Topo * !60226 : Tracking CA config update BPHY10 and IDTR2 * !60235 : TrigDecisionTool+TrigNav[Tools+SlimmingMT]: remove usage of global ConfigFlags * !60224 : Update MergeMcEventCollTool for full pile-up truth config * !60222 : Use MagicNumbers.h in Reconstruction * !60192 : Fixes for the muon trigger configuration * !60203 : TrigMonitoring+AthenaMonitoring: delete obsolete MonitCategory modules * !60210 : TileRecUtils: Use TileBadChannels conditions object in DQ status tool * !60213 : TrigJetMonitoring: Adding monitoring of jet-level timing * !60033 : Implementing ComponentAccumulator-based configuration for Forward Detector Simulation * !60216 : Reduce the usage of barcodes * !59959 : Update trigger ART tests to specifiy they should run in 23.0 * !57185 : Update ISF_Validation and ISF_ValidationMT ART scripts * !59495 : Fix jet config for HL-LHC jobs * !60204 : TileConditions+TileSimAlgs: Convert TileSampleNoise into conditions object * !60243 : Avoid copy when classname is empty in AthContainers * !60221 : Use MagicNumbers.h instead of hardcoded constants in HighGranularityTimingDetector * !60223 : TrfTestsARTPlots: Add first version of ecube ART web plots in q449 test * !60196 : Fix reading of files with incomplete DataHeader even if events are skipped * !60193 : TRT_LocalOccupancy : name the Global / eventwise occupancy data * !60228 : TriggerMenuMT: pass flags explicitly for Egamma and UnconvTracking * !60208 : Explicitly set beamType to cosmics in MC cosmics ID trigger test * !60240 : Make sure DRAW_ZMUMU is written. Prefer to factor common code with EGZ * !59994 : Add profile for MC23a * !60225 : xAOD NTuple Maker Fix, master branch (2023.01.31.) * !60233 : Make IDE helpers off by default also for WorkDir * !60231 : FastChainSkeleton: do not use global config flags * !60217 : DerivationFrameworkBPhys: Suppress cppcheck warning. * !60206 : Update version.txt to 23.6.5 * !60194 : BeamBackgroundFiller: use the cache trick to refactor/make re-entrant * !60219 : cppcheck : Prefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types. * !60190 : Allow tag and probe analyses to have distinct legs * !60175 : DQConfigFlags: turn DQ.DataType into Enum * !60199 : TrackTruthOriginTool: Call unknown track origin otherSecondary * !60207 : Updates to eFEX monitoring histos to allow any (x)ToBs from configurable list * !60211 : TileRecUtils: Use TileBadChannels conditions object in Tile cell builder tool * !60214 : LArMonitoring: Fix cppcheck warning. * !60212 : TrigT1Interfaces: Fix cppcheck warnings. * !60215 : LArSamplesMon: Fix cppcheck warnings. * !60197 : Update InnerDetector/InDetConfig/CMakeLists.txt * !60198 : TriggerMenuMT: pass flags directly in menu building code * !60200 : MuonHoughEvent - use smart pointers * !60205 : Update preExec syntax for SimCoreTests single particle simulation jobs (ATLASSIM-6354) * !60189 : StagedTrackingGeometryBuilder svc/Cond factor more common code * !60187 : Minor update to STGC_Overlay configuration * !60185 : Avoid copying of shared pointers * !59089 : Add ATLAS_ENABLE_IDE_HELPERS flag to all projects, only enable it for WorkDir * !60191 : MultiComponentStateCombiner: rename method to make it a bit clearer what it does * !60184 : SiLayerBuilder Cond/svc: factor more common code * !60186 : METReconstruction: Make MT safe and migrate Alg to re-entrant. * !60172 : NewVrtSecInclusiveTool: Fix cppcheck warning. * !60170 : AthMonitorCfgHelper: remove deprecated 'inputFlags' alias * !60165 : SUSYTools - Update for MuonCalibration PreRec * !60131 : TrigT2CaloCommon: delete legacy TrigCaloDataAccessSvc configuration * !60159 : Improved speed of simulation * !60128 : Add a geometry configuration option to MuonLRTOverlapRemovalTool * !60127 : Acts+Athena JO: Tracking component configurer * !60073 : Introduce Tracking CA flags * !60179 : TrkExTools+ISF_FatrasServices+TrkConfig: Change from IAtRndmSvc to IAthRNGSvc. * !59935 : DataQualityInterfaces : HAN file production switched to V2 * !60176 : CscSegmentMakers: Fix typo in CscSegmentUtilTool::matchLikelihood * !60180 : MuonSpectrometer: do not use the global instance of config flags * !60182 : Fixing FastChain running PU digitization with Run 3 * !60174 : TileCalorimeter: do not use global instance of config flags * !60164 : meta-reader: Ignore more trigger content * !60139 : TrkVKalVrtCore: Fix cppcheck warnings. * !60160 : HelloWorldConfig: Using initConfigFlags and fillFromArgs * !60168 : LArCalibTest: Fix cppcheck warnings. * !59308 : eFEX offline simulation fixes * !60152 : Removed unused header and used std:: namespace where needed * !60167 : METUtilities: Fix cppcheck warnings. * !60098 : AthenaPoolCnvSvc: Make dataHeaderID file-aware to fix DHForm in multi-stream legacy SharedWriter jobs * !59777 : Add a flag to adapt tree auto flush * !60146 : Replace the n^2 complex comparison algorithm * !60188 : AthenaMPConfig.py: code cleanup * !60181 : NSW pad trigger decoding: add two more static functions for accessing channel maps * !60157 : Add cluster width as a function of eta plots to IDPVM * !60154 : [ATLASRECTS-7449] Added back PV histograms in PhysVal * !60082 : Updating the jFEX decorator with the masking and new variables * !60094 : Implement timing cut for HLT topoclusters * !60104 : Adding new histograms to MET Trigger Monitoring with LAr Noiseburst veto applied * !60116 : TileConditions+TileSimAlgs: Convert TilePulse into conditions object * !60149 : CA migration for muon trigger: segment finding + MS tracking * !60166 : LArCalibProcessing: Use initConfigFlags + fillFromArgs * !60156 : Update HitsTruthRelinkBase.cxx to simplify the logic * !60155 : Update version.txt to 23.6.4 * !60150 : Use id for breaking potenial loops instead of barcode * !60171 : MuonClusterSegmentMakerTools: Fix cppcheck warnings. * !60153 : Use particles for comparison, not barcodes * !60147 : PlaneSurface/Layer cleanup Bounds ctors * !60158 : Update MergeMcEventCollTool.cxx: remove the obsolete conditions * !60129 : TriggerJobOpts: remove usage of global ConfigFlags * !60075 : Make possible to read DataHeaderForm after SharedWriter mixed them up * !60110 : Less barcodes and switch to the HepMC::is_simulation_particle * !60163 : TriggerMenuMT: pass flags explicitly in chain building * !60145 : Reduce the usage of barcodes in simulation * !60042 : updating muon SF syst in AnalysisTop, updating default for run3 * !60142 : ATLHI-466 : Introduce electron tuning for UPC collisions * !60117 : Remove upstream trigger matching for Run 3 LLP1 * !60119 : xAOD::TrackParticle::time cleanup, master branch (2023.01.26.) * !60148 : Use statically allocated 3x3 matrix * !60108 : web display stgc * !60079 : Declare classes in LArSamplesMon explicitly thread-unsafe * !60121 : Removed SiSPSeededTracks from ESD content for CA config * !60123 : Fix LayerMaterialProvider name in AtlasTrackingGeometrySvc configuration * !60138 : Updating Pythia8_i components * !60105 : No longer build a component library for CaloUtils * !60126 : TrkExSTEP_Propagator: Change from IAtRndmSvc to IAthRNGSvc. * !60124 : ATLASRECTS-7466 : Avoid CA conflicts for service public tools between DRAW_EGZ and DRAW_ZMUMU * !60125 : Fix typo in LArHitEMapToDigitAlg name * !60095 : EFTRACK-133, optimized settings, adaptive phi sliding windows, removed un-used variables * !60133 : TrigBjetMonitoring: remove usage of global ConfigFlags * !60120 : TileRecUtils: Use TileDCSstate conditions directly * !60114 : TrigT1: remove usage of global ConfigFlags * !60130 : TrigT2CaloCommon: remove usage of global ConfigFlags * !60136 : Support both 'flags' and 'ConfigFlags' in pre/postExec * !60141 : PixelCalibAlgs: Fix cppcheck warnings. * !60122 : Fix typos in NSW Muon Digitization configuration * !60140 : DCMathSegmentMaker: Fix cppcheck warnings. * !60115 : MuonHoughPatternTools: Fix cppcheck warnings. * !60084 : SUSYTools - Use of static_cast * !60112 : TrkValHistUtils: Fix cppcheck warnings. * !60111 : Fix LLP PhysVal config for ITk * !60109 : Minor change in ReadFromCoolCompare.py * !60106 : drop DESDM_EGAMMA output in TCT tests * !60057 : TrfTestsART: Add back doRAWtoALL to some tests * !60078 : small fix for a warning in the MuonSelectionTool * !60088 : TileL2Algs: Use TileEMScale conditions in TileL2Builder * !60060 : Updated legacy L1Calo Rampmaker for new Run 3 FCAL LUT strategy + minor changes from py2 to py3 * !60107 : Update version.txt to 23.6.3 * !60102 : Bump ACTS tag to v21.1.1 * !60103 : Fix GenericMonitoringTool argument parsing * !60062 : HIGG1D1 Derivation : Add missing variables * !60083 : enable TCT ART tests in branch 23.0 * !57430 : CA-based ParticleGun configuration * !60081 : DerivationFrameworkTrainsART: Add lightweight athena reading checks to PHYS+PHYSLITE data18 and mc20 tests * !60066 : MadGraph PDFs for Run3 update * !60008 : Updating jFEX simulation to match the firmware * !60074 : TileMonitoring: Use TileBadChannels conditions object in TileDQFragMonitorAlgorithm * !60071 : declare classes in LArCafJobs explicitly thread-unsafe * !60027 : Signature specific HLTCalo monitoring * !59957 : Add basic MT pile-up tests * !60063 : Extend the setupLoggingLevels-method to allow setting the OutputLevel of converters * !60064 : BTagging: properly use config flags in fitters (and in config in general) * !60085 : TileRecUtils: Use TileEMScale conditions object directly * !60076 : SCT_ConditionsAlgorithms: do not use global instance of config flags * !60101 : TrigExamples: update unit test reference * !60099 : Forward detectors: do not use global instances of config flags * !60100 : Fix LayerMaterialProvider config for tracking geometry service * !60080 : Updated MistimedStreamMonitorAlgorithm for new JSON format in database. * !60092 : Update and cleanup LArNNChannelBuilder * !60055 : Superchic_i: Fixes to LheEVNTFiller * !60067 : TileSimAlgs+TriggerJobOpts: Use TileEMScale conditions object directly * !60093 : Generators: set correct units in Herwig7 interface * !60077 : TrigGepPerf: Fix clang warnings. * !60087 : DataQualityUtils: Fix thread-safety checker warnings. * !60089 : ForwardTracker+JetUtils: Fix cppcheck warnings. * !60090 : TrkDigEvent: Fix cppcheck warnings. * !60086 : MuidTrackBuilder: Fix clang warning. * !60091 : FastSiDigitization+FastTRT_Digitization: Fix cppcheck warnings. * !59928 : Adding z0RelativeToBeamspotUncertainty variable * !60072 : MuonsCommonCfg: fix config flag usage * !60069 : change handling of JVT in CP algorithms (ATLASG-2447) * !60068 : Fix path resolving in BTaggingEfficiencyTool * !59944 : Adding some fast barcodes * !59939 : Move (almost all) components out of CaloUtils * !59961 : Initial implementation of Tile Test Beam Geometry Configuration * !60049 : ZDC fixes for Run 2 reconstruction * !59978 : Add ART Test for ACTS CKF * !60065 : remove CaloCalTopoClusters from FTAG1 * !60040 : TrigServices: CA configuration for basic services * !60059 : Truth & derivations: cleanup config flag usage * !60061 : CaloTools+FastCaloSim+TrkVKalVrtFitter: update unit tests for changed in ROOT messaging * !60056 : TrigTauRec: propagate offline tau ConfigFlags update * !60058 : Pass flags to the TriggerListsHelper * !60031 : Sweeping !59749 from 21.0 to master. * !60048 : Fix side convention in ZdcRecChannelToolV2 * !60054 : TileSimAlgs: Fix cppcheck warnings. * !60051 : PyAnalysisUtils: More py3 fixes. * !60047 : RootStorageSvc: Add a basic script to read the DataHeader to be used in checks/tests * !60032 : Sweeping !59996 from 21.0-mc16d to master. * !60029 : Updating PileupAnalysisSequence to use plain logging * !60019 : Move core attributes needed for mini-EventInfo to be retained in DAOD smart slimming. * !60039 : TileRecUtils: Use TileEMScale conditions object in TileRawChannelNoiseFilter * !60043 : TileRecUtils: Use TileEMScale conditions object in TileCellBuilderFromHit * !60038 : CLIDComps: use OrderedSet for CLIDDBFiles property * !60034 : TrigConfIO: make JSON dumping robust against missing components * !60035 : TileRecUtils: Use TileEMScale conditions object in TileCellBuilder * !60053 : ISF_FastCaloSimParametrization: Fix/suppress cppcheck warnings. * !60052 : MDT_Digitization+CSC_Digitization+TGC_Digitization: Fix cppcheck warnings. * !60017 : decode the binary file - needed to calculate correctly the weights for LHE events * !60018 : TrfTestsARTPlots: move q442 test to CA for AODtoDAOD, remove doRAWtoALL * !60030 : TileMonitoring: Use TileEMScale conditions object directly * !60011 : Update of Tracking geometry CA config * !60013 : Introduced new package: AtlasGeometryCommon/CrackRegionGeoModel * !60014 : Less magic numbers in trigger * !60021 : Trigger: pass flags to GenericMonitoringTool * !59948 : xAODRootAccess: make TStore const-aware * !58339 : Remove the MuonSegmentMergerTool * !60023 : ACTS+AFP: pass config flags to GenericMonitoringTool * !60016 : WorkFlowTests - Swap AOD & ESD order * !60020 : TrigAFPHypo: delete unused TestTrigAFPDijetHypoAlgConfig * !60024 : MuonSpectrometer - Remove few depricated classes * !59995 : Remove doRAWtoALL steering in common ART tests * !60010 : Improved Random number Seeding for ParticleGun * !59991 : ACTS CI: RAWtoALL is now the default * !60009 : AthLinksSA: fix cmake package name * !60022 : Fix compilation error in xAODJetFilter * !60012 : tauRec: define ConfigFlags for tau output containers * !59851 : Add CA configuration for DESDM_MCP & DRAW_ZMUMU * !59965 : Adding support for TEfficiency in AnaAlgorithm * !60001 : SGTools: Time clearStore. * !60005 : LArG4HEC: Suppress cppcheck false positive. * !59992 : update Muon SF tool to use CaloScore * !60004 : MagFieldInterfaces: Suppress cppcheck warning. * !59999 : InDetConfig: Increase test timeout,. * !59997 : RootStorageSvc: Fix clang warning. * !60003 : MuonGeoModelTest: Fix cppcheck warnings. * !60006 : TileGeoG4SD: Fix cppcheck warnings. * !60002 : eflowEvent: Fix cppcheck warnings. * !59964 : allow track seed valiation in Run3 InDet AOD workflows * !58655 : add ActsTrkFinding to use ACTS CKF * !59902 : Simplify xAOD true particle * !60000 : Pythia8_i: add missing python module installation * !59993 : TrigGepPerf - GepPi0Alg.cxx remove unused variable * !59631 : Monitoring: avoid using global instance of ConfigFlags * !59989 : MuonCombinedTrackBuilder - Split up track building & fitting * !59810 : Fixing muon trigger SF tool * !59892 : New ttH topology for truth content in DAOD_PHYS * !59960 : add missing Aux to PHYSLITE * !58982 : AnalysisTop: Change default JetJvtEfficiency algorithm to NNJvt and implement respective configs * !59987 : Properly support presampled RDOs in RDOAnalysis * !59866 : add xAODJetFilter * !59986 : 23.0-cppcheck-L1CaloFEXSim * !59988 : 23.0-cppcheck-InDetPerformanceMonitoring * !59968 : Load more high-pt minbias if NumberOfHighPtMinBias is otherwise too low * !59847 : Add track observer tool to CA configs * !59958 : Add additional ITk specific endcap innermost layer hit summary plots * !59982 : Fix DQ HIST merge with RAWtoALL * !59971 : IExtrapolator: Rename methods as to be more obvious what they do * !59962 : Simplify Cavern Simulation Configuration in ComponentAccumulator * !59981 : AthenaMonitoring: fix for TrigDecTool_jobOptions * !59983 : EgammaCalibrationConfig: Do not hardwire output-level * !59980 : AsgTesting: Fix build problem after switch to ROOT v6-28-00-patches in dev4 nightlies * !59979 : Removed print statement missed in previous clean up * !59975 : MuonTrackingGeometry : SharedObject is a shared_ptr typedef , use make_shared * !59974 : StagedTrackingGeometryBuilder : rm un-needed/misleading ThreadSafe annotations/comments * !59972 : rm seemingly unused legacy EMShowerBuilder ToolFactory * !59970 : address ATR-26875 to modify obvious bugs in TrigMonitoring/TrigMuonMonitoring/L2MuonSAIOMon.cxx/.h * !59966 : remove code for legacy config from DFCalo (and packages using it) * !59679 : Add cell association for LRT tracks; Lower standard track pT threshold for cell association * !59954 : Add initial Run 4 overlay ART tests * !59956 : Enforce correct cascade space structure * !59888 : NSW pads: add static functions to trigger decoding for downstream clients, and add local/global functions for center and corners * !59955 : MM L1 Simulation - Private members instead of functions * !59946 : Fix getIndexByEta in InDetEtaDependentCutsSvc * !59953 : Track decisions IDs on LinkInfo, not Decision * !59951 : Remove no longer needed legacy config. * !59475 : migrate Control Flow code to use CA * !59889 : Fix nsw calib alg * !59920 : TrigInDetAnalysisExample: thread-checker fixes * !59257 : do not use /SCT/DCS conditions data for ITk * !59934 : BcmCollisionTimeAlg : Make re-entrant and tidy a bit the code * !59716 : add VrtSecInclusive vertices to DAOD_PHYSVAL and validation plots to NTUP_PHYSVAL * !58493 : Make RAWtoALL default * !59963 : Revert Acts MaterialSource flag back to None temporarily * !59942 : TrigCost: Use cached AMI interface * !59922 : fillBarcodesAttribute call in GenModule * !59950 : Add RDOAnalysis to Run 4 digi tests * !59952 : Rename Run 4 input file * !59923 : Avoid building detailed TRT Tracking Geometry for ATLFAST3 Simulation jobs * !59860 : IDPerfMonZmumu.cxx simplify extraction of track parameters * !59897 : Parameters of InDetTrackParticles can be with respect to the vertex * !59903 : Add LRT systematics alg; run it in IDTR2 * !59926 : Bugfix for JvtEfficiencyTool * !59943 : Fix master--HepMC2 nightly compilation * !59941 : Update ART tests to specifiy they should run in 23.0 (once it exists). * !59937 : TRTUncompressedHit add move ctor * !59856 : Add electron OR into SUSYTools * !59930 : TrigT1NSWSimTools: Fix cppcheck warnings. * !59801 : APR I/O code and AuxDyn code refactoring to prepare for RNTuple * !59932 : TrkAlignEvent+TrkAlignGenTools: Fix cppcheck warnings. * !59929 : StoreGate+ControlTest: Remove StoreGateSvc::readUniquePrivateCopy. * !59925 : TrigHLTMonitoring: use HLTMonTriggerList singleton * !59927 : Add MC23 Run Number Timestamp pairs to the dictionaries * !59878 : Remove code for legacy config of EGamma derivations * !59924 : STG YvsX on track plots * !59933 : TauTrig: access clusters directly from hlt tau and not from seed jet * !59936 : Layer: m_layerMaterialProperties can be a unique_ptr * !59931 : Navigation: Fix cppcheck warnings. * !59808 : Removal of legacy config in DerivationFrameworkCore, DerivationFrameworkPhys(icsValidation) * !59882 : Use cached AMI tag request in job transforms * !59919 : cppcheck: Update UtilFunctions.cxx in PhysicsAnalysis/MuonID/MuonIDAnalysis/MuonEfficiencyCorrections * !59894 : Susy tools trigger matching * !59891 : add configuration block for output n-tuple * !59917 : cppcheck: Update selectblock.cxx in TrigInDetValidation * !59726 : Update ACTS mapping and configuration * !59916 : Rename the muon selection tool in BTagMuonAugmenter * !59904 : 23.0-cppcheck-D3PDMakerRoot * !59616 : Remove override of ClusterSplitProbContainer for forward tracks if storeSeparateLargeD0Container * !59905 : ATLASRECTS-7451 JetSecVertexingAlg make Re-entrant * !59886 : TrigInDetAnalysisUser: fix naming conventions * !59907 : Dedicated flags for acts art test * !59896 : Trigger: migrate defineHistogram calls * !59906 : Changed the implementation of inefficiency plots to use the existing... * !59913 : Layer : m_surfaceArray make unique_ptr * !59899 : TrigSteer: pass ConfigFlags to monitoring configuration * !59898 : TrigT2BeamSpot: migrate defineHistogram calls * !59912 : GeoAdaptors: Fix cppcheck warning. * !59915 : BinnedArray rm deprecated comments from the time we had a custom no thread safe ref counted ptr * !59885 : Port BTagging systematics speedup from 21.2 * !59862 : Pass HepMC3::(Const)GenParticlePtr and HepMC3::(Const)GenVertexPtr by reference where possible * !59887 : HGTD/InDetOverlay: do not use global instance of config flags in tests * !59681 : gFEX trigger towers from simulation * !59784 : TrigGepPerf - pi0 algorithm support * !59910 : ActsGeometry+ActsTrkEvent: Fix cppcheck warnings. * !59893 : 23.0-cppcheck-SampleHandler * !59911 : SiClusterizationTool: Fix cppcheck warnings. * !59914 : SiSPSeededTrackFinderData: Fix cppcheck warnings. * !59735 : L1 Muon RoI reading * !59804 : NSW pad trigger decoder: use return instead of throw in 2 places * !59845 : Decorations for charged FlowElements * !59855 : Bug fix for neutral-only small-R UFO jets * !59868 : SiSpacePointsSeed: Suppress cppcheck warnings. * !59870 : TrigT1RPClogic: Fix cppcheck warnings. * !59879 : TrigHLTMonitoring: remove legacy IHLTMonTool * !59883 : TrigInDetAnalysisExample: fix naming convention violations * !59861 : Change default setting in muon SF top CP tool * !59864 : Update name of default track truth collections in CA config * !59873 : ATLASRECTS-7451: Make JetBTaggingAlg Reentrant * !59872 : TileByteStream: Fix cppcheck warning. * !59877 : MuonSegmentCnvAlg : Make re-entrant * !59876 : fix bug in trigger containers to be saved in EGAM derivations * !59880 : New (combined) ART test for LAr Electronic Calibration * !59881 : Update html directory for Upgrade CampaignsARTTests * !59875 : GeneratorObjects,InDetSimEvent add move assignment and default ctors * !59865 : Fix name of ITk TrackCollection stored in ESD * !59768 : DigitizationTestsMT: Drop obsolete mc16a_no_pileup tests * !59874 : Add barcode attribute in Epos_i for HepMC3 * !59764 : Share code between old and new TrackingGeometryBuilder Tools * !59867 : GeneratorObjectsTPCnv: Remove debugging hack left in by mistake. * !59869 : TBEvent: Fix cppheck warnings. * !59871 : MuonByteStreamCnvTest: Fix cppcheck warnings. * !59761 : Update of CA config for primary vertexing * !59667 : MdtCabling - Fix BIS78A12 Link to the full diff between [release/23.0.15](https://gitlab.cern.ch/atlas/athena/tags/release/23.0.15) and [release/23.0.14](https://gitlab.cern.ch/atlas/athena/tags/release/23.0.14) is available at https://gitlab.cern.ch/atlas/athena/compare/release/23.0.14...release/23.0.15