GBT sync FIFO updates | self trigger | X2O scripts | APEX updates for QC8 | CVP13 ME0 3 layers on single SLR
- GBT sync FIFO now only starts reading when it becomes not empty after reset, and also writing and reading are delayed until rst busy signals clear
- Self trigger option: triggers on any valid cluster from unmasked OHs when enabled. Individual VFAT mask can be controlled with the OH registers
- X2O refclk monitoring script
- X2O optics script
- APEX updates for QC8 (increased OH count, added TTC TX, 10GbE LDAQ
- CVP13 ME0 updated to have 3 layers (one full layer and two half-layers), this was done with a single SLR for software reasons, but this required pipelining MGT data path to cross SLRs, which should be undone asap
Edited by Evaldas Juska