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create individual services for MGMs

Ryan Taylor requested to merge 20240405-mgm-externalservice into master

Just like !45 (merged) , this creates individual services for each MGM member in the statefulset.

fixes #75 (closed) (at last!!!)

This also moves the default value of MGM replicaCount (1) to values.yaml to avoid specifying it redundantly in multiple places.


  • for #88 , it opens the way to the eventual possibility of having multiple MGM statefulset members and allows each one to be individually addressed from outside the cluster with Loadbalancer services
  • works around a very long-standing class of Helm bugs about values handling in sub-charts that are blocking !49 from addressing external access to MGM
    • details. Helm devs are trying to address this with some proposals/ideas for a new major version Helm 4
Edited by Ryan Taylor

Merge request reports