Please be advised that registry (Registry Service) will be unavailable next Monday, March 10th starting at 08:00h (Geneva time) for a short period of time. This may cause temporary disruptions to your workflows. Further information: OTG0154905
Add is_disabled, disabled_reason fields to physicalLibrary item
Added a label format field to the cta-admin tape ls message
Added new cta-admin options for recycle table ls
Change deprecated method for a more modern protobuf version. From ByteSize to ByteSizeLong.
Add physical_library for DriveLsItem, TapeLsItem and LogicalLibraryLsItem.
Adding is_repack_vo field to eos_cta protobuf definition
Add fields for physical library and tape purchase order
Remove bytes_per_second from ShowQueuesItem
Moves Version strings to AdminCmd protobuf
Moves version strings to AdminCmd protobuf