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Alexander Mazurov / LbNightlyTools
GNU General Public License v3.0 onlyTools and scripts for the LHCb Nightly Builds and Release System.
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Scripts that may or not be used to generate docker cmssw.
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Implementation-approach for different top reconstruction methods in the dilepton decaymode.
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Temporary project for the first prototypes of a script to download and parse rucio dumps.
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Technical white paper for AArch64 / ARMv8 64-bit WLCG site (Princeton University) for CMS
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Making pdf (graphs) with RooFit. Creating graphs from more than one functions in 3 dimensions and attempting to make a fit.
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Tracking efficiency correction a data set of weighted events, using the tables provided by the tracking group.
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Proof-of-Concept of High Level Transformations to increase performance of the SciFi Seeding algorithm
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