Explore projects
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The vectorized geometry library for particle-detector simulation (toolkits).
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dss / map-benchmarks
GNU General Public License v3.0 onlyUpdated -
The Gaudi project is a open project for providing the necessary interfaces and services for building HEP experiment frameworks in the domain of event data processing applications. The Gaudi framework is experiment independent.
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Making pdf (graphs) with RooFit. Creating graphs from more than one functions in 3 dimensions and attempting to make a fit.
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Proof-of-Concept of High Level Transformations to increase performance of the SciFi Seeding algorithm
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Threaded merger component for histograms obtained from the ALICE HLT
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The Gaudi project is a open project for providing the necessary interfaces and services for building HEP experiment frameworks in the domain of event data processing applications. The Gaudi framework is experiment independent.
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