Explore projects
Example code based on AnalysisBase and AnaAlgorithm from EventLoop that shows how one can access xAOD objects
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atlas-tdaq-software / ACE
Apache License 2.0This is ACE GUI utility from the COOL project (https://gitlab.cern.ch/lcgcool/cool). It has been extracted via 'git subtree' in preparation for inclusion into the TDAQ release.
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Shaun Roe / a-common-tracking-sw
Mozilla Public License 2.0Attempt to encapsulate the ATLAS Tracking software from ATLAS
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Nicolas Paul Loizeau / a-common-tracking-sw
Mozilla Public License 2.0Attempt to encapsulate the ATLAS Tracking software from ATLAS
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Niloufar Alipour Tehrani / a-common-tracking-sw
Mozilla Public License 2.0Attempt to encapsulate the ATLAS Tracking software from ATLAS
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Steven Andrew Farrell / a-common-tracking-sw
Mozilla Public License 2.0Attempt to encapsulate the ATLAS Tracking software from ATLAS
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Paolo Calafiura / a-common-tracking-sw
Mozilla Public License 2.0Attempt to encapsulate the ATLAS Tracking software from ATLAS
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Berkeley Lab / Muon Collider / ACTS
Mozilla Public License 2.0Fork of https://github.com/acts-project/acts geared towards Muon Colliders.
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acts / acts
Mozilla Public License 2.0Experiment-independent toolkit for (charged) particle track reconstruction in (high energy) physics experiments implemented in modern C++
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Lara Calic / acts
Mozilla Public License 2.0Experiment-independent toolkit for (charged) particle track reconstruction in (high energy) physics experiments implemented in modern C++
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Nils Braun / acts-core
Mozilla Public License 2.0Detector and framework independent Tools, geometry and event data classes for the ACTS track reconstruction toolkit. It is initially based on the ATLAS Tracking repository.
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Sharad Chitlangia / acts-core
Mozilla Public License 2.0Detector and framework independent Tools, geometry and event data classes for the ACTS track reconstruction toolkit. It is initially based on the ATLAS Tracking repository.
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