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Walter Lampl / athena
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The ATLAS Experiment's main offline software repository
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The ATLAS Experiment's main offline software repository
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LHCb / Gauss
GNU General Public License v3.0 or laterThis repository hosts the simulation software of the LHCb experiment.
Documentation can be found at https://lhcb-gauss.docs.cern.ch/master/ and for Sim10 at http://cern.ch/lhcbdoc/gauss/
A JIRA connected project is available at https://its.cern.ch/jira/projects/LHCBGAUSS
For general information on Simulation refer to https://lhcb-simulation.web.cern.ch/index.html
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The ATLAS Experiment's main offline software repository
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cms-sw / cmsdist
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The ATLAS Experiment's main offline software repository
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The ATLAS Experiment's main offline software repository
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cms-cactus / phase2 / pyswatch
Apache License 2.0Python library designed for controlling electronics in the phase-2 upgrade of CMS
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An AthAnalysis framework, focusing on physics analysis combining runs 2 and 3
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An AthAnalysis framework, focusing on physics analysis combining runs 2 and 3
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The ATLAS Experiment's main offline software repository
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LHCb Data Packages / AnalysisProductions
GNU General Public License v3.0 or laterData package containing the configuration for the Analysis Productions. You can find documentation here.
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Theo Maurin / athena
OtherThe ATLAS Experiment's main offline software repository that I need to fork because of very poor "software" decisions. (I need to comment one line of source code)