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Archived 0Updated
Legacy job option repository for MC job options created before ~summer of 2019.
This is synchronised from svn+ssh://svn.cern.ch/reps/atlasoff/Generators/MC15JobOptions/trunk on April 30th 2019.
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Archived 0Updated
Symplectic Tracking based on Generating Functions applied to Multipoles
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Legacy job option repository for MC job options created before ~summer of 2019.
This is synchronised from svn+ssh://svn.cern.ch/reps/atlasoff/Generators/MC15JobOptions/trunk on April 30th 2019.
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The ATLAS Experiment's main offline software repository
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The ATLAS Experiment's main offline software repository
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The ATLAS Experiment's main offline software repository
Archived 0Updated -
The ATLAS Experiment's main offline software repository
Archived 0Updated