Explore projects
ARCHIVED! Upstream repository moved to: https://github.com/acts-project/acts
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Old (frozen) version of PyTimber. The latest release 3.2.28 is now replaced with backward compatible PyTimber 4.x.x.x maintained in NXCALS project: https://gitlab.cern.ch/acc-logging-team/nxcals
For more information please refer to user's documentation: https://wikis.cern.ch/display/PYT/For+Users or contact acc logging support: acc-logging-support@cern.ch
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Retagging framework for flavour tagging
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The CERN Tape Archive (CTA) project is the tape backend to EOS.
THIS PROJECT HAS MOVED TO: https://gitlab.cern.ch/cta/CTA
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Repository archived.
This is an obsolete version of PyTimber. It has been replaced with backward compatible PyTimber 4.x.x.x maintained in NXCALS project: https://gitlab.cern.ch/acc-logging-team/nxcals
For more information please refer to user's documentation: https://wikis.cern.ch/display/PYT/For+Users or contact acc logging support: acc-logging-support@cern.ch
Archived 5UpdatedArchived 5Updated -
Go to https://gitlab.sauerburger.com/cern/fsauerbu/atlasify/
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C++ course given initially at ESIPAP but reused within LHCb and also in the context of HSF. Now moved to github : https://github.com/hsf-training/cpluspluscourse
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A project with applications of the LHC Signal Monitoring project.
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A standalone Geant4 based simulation of the full ATLAS detector
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Project to prepare all the Grid middleware needed in the LHCb environment on the Grid.
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Combine general likelihoods of arbitrary type, shape and complexity using the RooFit framework.
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Python package implementation the components of LHCb's Analysis Productions that are outside DIRAC
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Goto https://gitlab.sauerburger.com/cern/fsauerbu/FreeForestML
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